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4-Bit Adder

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  1. I realize you are probably feeling the burn out after making all these but if you ever get to making more would it be possible to make one for Mystery Dungeons DX please? Currently feeling the burn out myself as I have been working on making and converting themes from hyperpsin for a little over 200 titles.
    Simply amazing themes! I am really looking forward to the next batch and hope it will contain silent hill 2-4. I loved your older themes you made for them and would love to see wat they would look like updated. Cheers mate wishing you well ❤️
      • 1
      • Thanks
  2. I realize this is an old post but ehat did you use to record the Hyperspin themes? Also how does one avoid the choppy lag that some theme animations display when multiple elements move at once? I'm in the process of making themes and upgrading themes to then record to use for launchbox.
  3. This so amazing as a mega man fan! I see it has not been updated since 2017 but would have loved getting themes for all versions of battle network such as cybeast gragar and team colonel.
    Thank you for all you do for the community, your entire video theme collection incredible <3. I would like to humbly request Fire Emblem Warriors (2017), Hyrule Warrios Def edition and Pokken Tournament DX if you are still creating themes.
  4. Hello, I have an issue where very first rom I launch through lunchbox using project 64 ends up in a backscreen. The second attempt always works and this error reoccurs every time the computer is restarted and the first rom is launched. I have start rom in Fullscreen selected.
    I know it's not part of the. mainline series but any chance there will be one for Hyrule Warriors definitive edition? Your themes are extremely clean and well made 👌
    These are fantastic! Only error I've noticed is the donkey kong land series has extra white space that isn't cropped out entirely. Also would you ever consider doing ds games?
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