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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @JCSRT05, it should automatically change it back after it moves the images. Did it not move them?
  2. JCSRT05, you can press the Delete key to remove games from the list before you import.
  3. Whoops, indeed I did @DOS76, sorry for that. Wish I would have seen it earlier, thanks for repeating it here. Just put out a new beta that should hopefully fix this issue.
  4. Alright, new beta is out that should fix most of the video issues. There still may be an issue or two, but I wanted to get this out due to the issues. Should fix the issue with the video still playing after switching filters as well as the crashes. And the resizing issues.
  5. Thanks guys. @DOS76, that clears up what the issue is with that error, thanks. I'm gonna hop on this tonight and hopefully fix that error only to just get a beta out that fixes it. I'm aware of the other usability issues that I need to fix as well, but I won't necessarily get those in tonight.
  6. Lol, of course, as soon as we set it up and announce it, Spreadshirt goes down. :P They seem to be down, my guess is from DDOS attacks or similar. Sigh.
  7. Thanks everyone, apologies for the delay on the fixes for the videos issues. Got plenty of feedback so it should be easy enough to resolve the issues. So Brad and I created a merch store through Spreadshirt. I'll give you guys the link early just for a test run if you're interested. We may be opening it up tomorrow, but I'm not sure. Please don't share it quite yet, but feel free to order something if you like. https://www.launchbox-app.com/merch There's an extra shirt that shows up (the first one in the list) that we can't seem to get rid of, which is quite irritating. Spreadshirt seems like they're having some issues with updating the products so it's been more trouble than it should have been. We're hoping to add more products eventually. The duffle bag is more of an experiment right now as well (the logo isn't quite right).
  8. Thank you everyone. Glad to hear that it's mostly working for people. I will look into the errors and put out a new version shortly. @CADScott, if you could copy paste or screenshot me the whole error message notification, that'd be helpful. Thanks!
  9. Yeah, there's a daily limit of 1 GB at EmuMovies if you don't have a paid membership. But does the importer just disappear in that scenario? Obviously that's not ideal if it does.
  10. Yeah, I haven't been able to reproduce it myself.
  11. Jason Carr


    shinra358 @DOS76 Just added you both to a trusted members group that should give you permissions to edit your posts.
  12. Re-uploaded, so hopefully it works this time. ;)
  13. Jason Carr


    Yeah, the XML performance thing is mostly a misnomer. Dividing up the XML would not increase performance, it would only slow it down, at least in this case. We store it all in memory anyways so that navigation, searches, etc. are as quick as possible (and it takes up a minimal amount of memory). When stored in memory it is not parsing through XML, so the size of it doesn't matter much. If it was divided up, saving could be faster because there would be less to save, but it currently does not take long to save the file anyways, so that's almost a non-issue (not to mention we do it in a separate thread so it doesn't slow down the UI). Initial load times could also be improved if we divided it up, but truthfully you can't really predict what the user wants to see first, so ultimately you're going to need the entire collection soon enough anyways. I've put a lot of effort into optimizations and at this point I'm pretty certain that the only way to significantly improve performance in useful ways would be to use a proper database instead of XML. But of course that has its own annoyances.
  14. Bah, thanks guys. Re-uploading. Give me 15 minutes.
  15. Unfortunately there's no way to disable that one extra click. Feel free to add a ticket for it and we'll get that in eventually.
  16. Sigh, let me know if you end up being able to replicate it @Mute64, thanks.
  17. FastFeet Do you have a lifetime membership? Or a paid membership at all?
  18. Yeah, thankfully it will run in the background and you can throttle it, but yes, of course it does require a decent upload speed especially for the initial backup. I remember my initial backup took months and months. It keeps up fairly well to changes though once you've done the initial uploads.
  19. I just put out a new beta with the sidebar videos support. Keep in mind that there are many, many known issues with the videos in this release. Resizing the sidebar doesn't resize the videos until you click on a different game, the videos in the hover popups don't work, etc. The primary reason I'm putting this beta out early is that I have one machine that I can't for the life of me get the sidebar videos to work on, and it seems to be just that one machine. I haven't been able to figure it out, so I'm curious if the videos are working for everyone. If they are, I'll just ignore the problem and stop wasting my time on it. Either way I should figure out what it is because someone is bound to run into the same issue eventually, but if it's working for everyone then I'll consider that a low priority. Thanks and let me know if the videos in the sidebar are working for you.
  20. Good ideas @Lmagnus87, jump lists are on my to-do list somewhere; feel free to add them to Bitbucket if they're not already there. Live tiles are also a good point; I thought of that a while back but nothing ever came of it, so go ahead and add that to Bitbucket as well. No big deal (really no big deal at all), but it would be better to keep this beta testing thread free of feature suggestions and put them either in Bitbucket directly or in a separate thread.
  21. Jason Carr


    Yes, we are among royalty. ;)
  22. Hi @djcarnage, the important thing about integrating with any site is whether or not they have an API. Sites without an API (or at least that are unwilling to build one or let us help them build one) are unfortunately completely out of the question. Our policy is: 1. There must be an API. We won't do "scrapers" because they're error-prone and if anything with the site structure changes, then it all has to be re-built, which just ends up to be a huge waste of development time. 2. We must have direct permissions from the owner(s) of the site. So if we can research those things and it works out, then we can add it to the to-do list. :)
  23. Jason Carr


    Well, for what it's worth, I'm very glad Rocket Launcher exists, because it solves many problems that people would otherwise be on top of me for, of course. I do plan on integrating everything eventually, but for people who are overly particular about the various features that Rocket Launcher gives you, it really helps to have it available, because this way I can focus more on the frontend for now and less on the nitty gritty elements of launching the games. Also, if anyone has what they consider to be a "perfect" Rocket Launcher setup, I'd love to see it all working as ideally as it gets. Sadly I don't have time to get Rocket Launcher all configured myself (would take too much time away from development), but I'd love to have a good setup to play with to see just how much is possible with Rocket Launcher.
  24. Hehehehehe, yes, we do plan on selling merch at some point here. I do have them in vector format, @DOS76. Here you go. :) You should hopefully just be able to remove the blue overlay to get to the standard LaunchBox logo.
  25. Keep in mind that it *should* match absolutely everything, assuming the file names of the ROMs haven't changed. LaunchBox will look both at the title of the game and the ROM file name to determine a match.
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