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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi Stimpy, with 5.0 the images were reorganized. The proper image folder paths should be something like this by default: LaunchBox\Images\[Platform]\[Type]\[Game Name].jpg For example: LaunchBox\Images\Nintendo Wii\Front\Sonic Colors.jpg Do they show up there?
  2. Hi @Xlembros, have you tried the latest beta?
  3. Thanks @orac31. @firecraft, the easiest thing to do is to use the EmuMovies downloader to download them all against your list of ROMs. Then all you have to do is put them in the right folder (LaunchBox\Videos\[Platform]) and they'll show up in Big Box.
  4. Cool, @shinra358. Per resembling the PSP, I do plan to add multiple views, styles, themes, etc., but we'll probably need to wait until we get to that point before we make all those changes. Some good points with the left/right; I'm not really happy with that piece of the navigation either. The only hesitation I have there is how should you get to the recent and favorite games? Secondary category selection I can see being useful as well, and the delay before showing images and/or videos is probably a good idea too, as is the time/date/battery. I'll add those items to my list. :)
  5. So apparently my fix for the custom filters was incomplete...whoops. ;) Martin, hopefully I can get a fix for that recent and favorites issue in tonight as well, thanks for detailing that out for me. @DOS76, must've just had another instance of LB stuck or hung for a bit, I guess. It happens; glad the setup told you about it at least. :) @raven_rvz01, you mean to just remove the Big Box splash? Should be able to run Big Box from Steam without issues already.
  6. Hi @samfisher5986, welcome. The videos from my example video are from the EmuMovies collection (emumovies.com). It's not free, but EmuMovies makes it really easy to automatically download videos for your all your games. I'm in the process of working with EmuMovies to see if we can get the videos freely accessible for LaunchBox users, or if we should look into other options. Right now, LaunchBox in itself does not automatically grab videos for you.
  7. Lol, very cool. Very surprised about the Intel thing though...do they have any self respect? Lol.
  8. Hi @orac31, the last beta had an issue with custom filters not working. I've fixed this and put out a new beta tonight. :)
  9. I suspect that date was maybe date modified instead of date created, but not sure. Honestly, I'd be very surprised if that extra folder was created by LaunchBox, because I haven't coded anything like that. But I've seen weirder things happen, so I could be wrong. I guess we'll just have to keep a watch out for it and see if it ever happens again.
  10. Yeah, apparently this affects more people than I expected, so I'm bumping it higher up on my priority list.
  11. Hmm, do you have the auto-play music options enabled?
  12. Sure, probably isn't documented anywhere, but I believe LaunchBox will randomly select from any available images that have been selected to show as backgrounds.
  13. Ah, okay. Thanks Martin. Nathan, I mentioned a few posts back that custom filters were broken. I do have them fixed now though; a new beta should be out shortly. :)
  14. Hi @ayuno, thanks for the feedback. I can see sub-filters being beneficial, but probably can't boost it too high up on the priority list for the moment, as unfortunately I don't expect that to be a common request. Still, I'll make sure it gets on the list. :) Per #2, the All filter can already be hidden in Options. Long term I do expect to add proper support for other types of media, so hopefully that will also help to streamline this stuff.
  15. Thanks much, @ianrace. Sorting options are definitely on the short list for Big Box. :)
  16. Thanks many times over, @eric. :)
  17. :) Personally, I tend to frown on piracy. That said, I'm not going to let some developer or publisher's poor decisions mandate whether or not I can play a game. I always make an honest effort to purchase a game, but if it's not available for sale anymore directly from the developer/publisher, I see nothing wrong with acquiring via "alternative" means. ;) I'm certainly not going to go hunt for old games on eBay; those purchases don't benefit the developer or the publisher one bit. So that's my rule of thumb. If I can purchase it directly from the developer/publisher, I most definitely will. Otherwise, it's fair game, and it's the developer's/publisher's fault for no longer selling the game. A lot of people on here will download, for example, every game that ever existed for SNES, or whatever other emulated platform, which is why their numbers are so high. This is surprisingly easy to do, though honestly I don't really see the benefit of having thousands of crappy games. I go for the best games on each platform, and usually stick to that.
  18. Odd. I don't know of any reason why LaunchBox would create those folders. I'm guess maybe it was an accidental copy paste? Either that or another program created them. Are the images the same or are they different?
  19. Hi @eric, good to know. Does MAME name them correctly and everything? Also, why use the Front folder?
  20. Weird, but glad it's working. Chime in if you have any more issues. :)
  21. Well, unfortunately mounts are typically a lot more complicated than that. We already do "auto-mount" the game folder to run the EXE. However, some games need to mount ISOs and such.
  22. EscalatorBoy said Enjoying Big Box so far, just a couple minor annoyances to point out #1 - When setting options in the options menu, I'm forced to push left on the control stick in order to save the settings made; hitting the B button to go back reverts the options I've just set back to their previous setting. Minor issue, but maybe an "apply changes" button could be the way to go in order to clear that up. #2 - When exiting a game out of UPlay, the UPlay window pops up, taking focus off of Big Box, requiring me to Alt-Tab back in or reselect it with the mouse, making it a hassle for couch use. I tried using the autohotkey setting to 'Show Launchbox' in order to get around the issue, but that command opens up the program in desktop mode, not BigBox mode. a 'Show Bigbox' AHK command would skirt around this problem, but it would be nice if the UPlay window would just auto-minimize so I wouldn't have to use a workaround. Otherwise, it's looking great so far; I'll add more feedback as it comes. Hi @EscalatorBoy, per #1, maybe that's because of your controller configuration? It seems to work fine for me to press B on my 360 controller to go back after making changes. #2 - really good point. AHK should really show Big Box if it's open instead of LaunchBox. It's hard to deal with focus issues in Windows, but I'll see if there's anything I can do from that front too.
  23. CoX said ok, minor update on the MAME issue, figured that you just need to specify the ROM path in the mame.ini file. This file is not, by default, compiled, you need to run the commandline version of mame with the parameter -cc this creates the mame.ini file, where you can specify your rom folder. This could either, maybe, be done by default as a range of operations that LaunchBox executes (i dont know if mame supports only specific paths in mame.ini), or maybe just make a small notice pop up to the user, where they are noticed on how to do it (like the genius pop up you created for each emulator when bulk importing games). Not a bad idea. That'd be really nice if we could automate the mame.ini changes; I'll add that to my list.
  24. Ah, good to know, Martin, thanks. @DOS76 and @Maddoc1007, glad it's fixed for you guys, but if it's still messed up for some configurations, I need to know so I can fix it. What did you guys change to fix it and what causes it to be messed up for beta 5?
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