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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @Orbi, welcome. I do actually already have both of those items on my to-do list as customizable options. I'll see if I can bump them up a bit on the list. :)
  2. Also @Wattoo, if you can, these lines from the setup still need translated as well: WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the [name] Portable Setup Wizard This wizard will install [name/ver] on your computer.%n%nPlease note that LaunchBox is a portable application; the installer will not touch any files outside of the destination folder.%n%nStart menu icons will be created if not deselected in the wizard. ClickNext=Please click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit the wizard. ExitSetupMessage=The setup process has not completed; LaunchBox has not been installed.%n%nYou may run the setup again at another time to complete the installation. Do you wish to exit the setup? LicenseLabel=Please read the following license agreement. LicenseLabel3=You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation. SelectDirLabel3=Please do not install LaunchBox into your Program Files folder; it will not function properly. SelectDirBrowseLabel=%nLaunchBox is a portable application and must be installed to a location with full write permissions for your user account.%n%nIf you use Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, we would suggest installing LaunchBox there.%n%nOtherwise, your user folder (default) or your Documents folder are good options.%n Website=%1 Website Forums=%1 Forums Wiki=%1 Wiki CreateDesktopIcon=Create &desktop icons Thanks!
  3. @CliveBarker @cyanjiang @AFaustini @Wattoo Thanks for bearing with me this week guys. I'm planning to launch 5.0 a week from today, and we need to catch up on some setup translations, and we'll need to translate the release notes as well, if possible. @AFaustini, after this beta I'm putting out tonight, there should be no more language changes before 5.0 (at least I'm gonna do my best to make it that way), so now is the time to add the new stuff. @cyanjiang @CliveBarker @Wattoo There have been some minor language additions to LaunchBox since your latest translations. I believe the only additions were to the Strings.resx file, however, so that should hopefully make it easier to catch up, if you can, before the 5.0 release. If not, those features will just show in English until we can get the translation into the next release. Thanks again guys. :)
  4. @CliveBarker @cyanjiang @AFaustini @Wattoo Can you guys translate the following text for the setup? Ignore what's to the left of the = sign. InstallingDirectX=Installing/updating Microsoft DirectX... english.depdownload_msg=The following applications are required before setup can continue:%n%n%1%nDownload and install now? english.depdownload_memo_title=Download dependencies english.depinstall_memo_title=Install dependencies english.depinstall_title=Installing dependencies english.depinstall_description=Please wait while Setup installs dependencies on your computer. english.depinstall_status=Installing %1... english.depinstall_missing=%1 must be installed before setup can continue. Please install %1 and run Setup again. english.depinstall_error=An error occured while installing the dependencies. Please restart the computer and run the setup again or install the following dependencies manually:%n
  5. If everything else is working properly (I assume it is), then no, it doesn't really make sense for any of that to cause that particular problem. Can you try disabling both the mouse and game controller? You can do that by opening up LaunchBox.xml in Notepad and looking for the following lines: <EnableGamepad>false</EnableGamepad> <EnableMouse>false</EnableMouse> There are two EnableGamepad lines. For now, set them both to false, and make sure EnableMouse is false as well. See if that helps; you should be able to use the Enter key to change values in the options. If that doesn't help, try enabling the mouse to see if that works. By chance, is your keyboard configured for a different language than English?
  6. Sounds great @CliveBarker. I'm going to be finalizing the translations very soon, and coming up with the release notes so we can get them all translated for release day on the 13th.
  7. Thanks @alobar. I got your file, but still can't replicate it. What version of Windows are you running? The only thing I can immediately suggest would be to try re-installing the .NET framework 4.5.2. Other than that, I don't understand what could be wrong. If there's anything unique or special about your system that isn't typical, let me know, as that might be a clue to solving the issue.
  8. Killer. Maybe in 5 years LaunchBox will be able to stream all your games. ;)
  9. Eek, you're right; looks like there's a glitch there in populating the folder the first time. Thanks for point that out! :)
  10. Hi @alobar, so weird. Can you email me your LaunchBox.xml file? Email it to jasondavidcarr at gmail dot com.
  11. Interesting @orac31. I wonder why the folder wasn't automatically populated...did you erase it by chance?
  12. That's strange. Can you screenshot me what the settings pages look like? Are you able to focus on the settings at all? I don't think any of us have run into that before.
  13. Not a bad idea, @bookw. Side bar customization options are definitely in order. I can probably add an option for that when I tackle those customization options.
  14. Hi @scree, yeah; I've noticed this recently too. Apparently the rotate transitions for some reason don't work well with the text. I'll work on getting this fixed.
  15. Thank you @alobar...good idea. I'll add this to my list.
  16. Hehehehe. Okay, @garbanzo, added it to my list.
  17. Thanks @bookw. You're right, can't hurt to get more details on things. All noted. :)
  18. Another new beta is out with some more transitions and transition options (sliding horizontally and vertically). Game details, platform details, and platform game boxes now slide by default. This beta also has an updated setup; let me know if anyone has issues with it. The installer now checks for the .NET framework 4.5 and will download and install it if necessary. Also, Big Box (and actually LaunchBox too for a while now) require DirectX, so the installer will install any necessary missing DirectX libraries as well. However, DirectX is only installed on initial install, not on upgrades (due to the system admin requirements for the DirectX installer).
  19. Thanks guys, just put out a series of betas while fixing a bunch of bugs. @CliveBarker, hopefully I've fixed those bugs you just reported; let me know if not. @scree, I've fixed the issue with saving the sound settings as well. The sound stuttering should be pretty rare, but it's driving me nuts as well. I've already put a ton of time into fixing it, but haven't gotten anywhere. I'll have to keep researching that one.
  20. Hehehehe. @Klamp and @Wattoo, we'll need to coordinate updates on the French translation so that we're not all updating the files at the same time. I'll hold off on fixing anything until I hear back from you guys. @Klamp, if you want, you can download the latest French translation files here to fix things: http://api.launchbox-app.com/DownloadLanguage.ashx?l=fr-FR Just let us know if you're working on it so we can hold off while you do.
  21. Hi @LJKO, you can customize the sorting by using the "Sort Title" field on games. It might take some tinkering, but you should be able to get the games to sort how you want.
  22. Hi @Angelwork, I just re-sent your license file. @ferroman, thanks for the purchase. I just re-sent your license both with the automated system and my personal email; hopefully you receive it. Let me know.
  23. Either way works. If you can just send me a list of issues I can get them fixed. :)
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