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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Good news, guys; I have a solution in place for translations. Had some time tonight, and was curious, so we have a plan. I have most of the error messages into the translation system, but I still have a long ways to go to work in the forms and such. That said, Clive, I have what you'd need in order to get started translating things. Send me an email (anything@launchbox-app.com) and I'll get you hooked up. Thanks again, Clive.
  2. That's awesome, Clive. Thanks for helping to get the word out. There are a number of things I still need to do in order to make translations possible for the app, but it should be on my short list, especially now that you're willing to translate. I'll see if I can get support for translations in soon. I basically have to pull out all of the language into a separate file and then provide a way to insert different files, so it's not an easy endeavor, but would definitely be worthwhile.
  3. Okay, great. Yeah, that's what I figured. I'm hoping my latest change fixed it; do let me know if you ever see it happen again. From what I can tell, it is extremely sporadic, and happens at random because of random failures with the Windows API.
  4. I see, cool. That could definitely be a cool feature to add. Probably wouldn't want to completely replace the current view, but still, does make a lot of sense. Added to my list, thanks scree.
  5. Thanks guys, hopefully I can get to this soon.
  6. Thanks for the purchase, DOS76; hope everything else has been smooth for you.
  7. Yup, you got it. Also, just to note if anyone else stumbles on this page, you can batch edit a series of games to change their platform just by selecting all the games, right-clicking, and selecting Edit.
  8. Hi Clive, I do need to get that implemented, one way or another. Right now for Steam I use the Steam configuration files, but that only works for installed games. I know that there is a way to use the Steam API to do it, though, so I have it on my list to get that working with Steam. Per Origin and GOG, I'm not sure if it's even possible. I'll do some more research at some point to see if there's any kind of an API (or file system file) I can use. Thanks, Jason
  9. Ha, nice, thanks for the solution donarumo. I do have this on my list to allow greater customization of what images to use as box art; I'll try and move it up higher on the list. Thanks, Jason
  10. Diving into the code, this one *might* be a tough one to solve. I believe (my guess is) it's happening when trying to parse the icons for the additional applications (and DOSBox, etc.). It's using a low-level Windows API call in order to do this, which is the reason why it's such a challenge. I did fix the signature of the method, though, so I'm hoping, with luck, that the issue might be resolved. I'm putting out a new beta in a few minutes; Paladin, can you test and see if the issue is fixed? Let me know if you need help downloading the beta. Thanks, Jason
  11. Hi paladin, thanks for this tip; I was not aware that was happening. I'm curious if this might be related to another issue I'm seeing, any chance you can screenshot me the error message? When it happens, do you get the error dialog with the "Report Error" button or do you see a different dialog? Are you able to keep using LaunchBox after it happens? Hopefully I can get this issue fixed quickly. Thanks, Jason
  12. Thanks for clearing all that up, sage (and devo). It sounds like I need to separately add default emulator settings and platforms for MAME, so I've added that to my list. It does sound like an unfortunately complicated process, so it also seems like I need to come up with a better process inside of LaunchBox for MAME.
  13. Hi rooee, welcome! If you edit the emulator settings, for Kega Fusion, you'll notice that there are "Default Command-Line Parameters" both for the entire emulator (on top) and also for each particular platform (on the bottom). You'll need to remove "-fullscreen" from the platforms as well. I'm guessing that that will solve your problem; do let us know. Thanks!
  14. The post is live! Thanks again Donarumo. https://www.launchbox-app.com/
  15. Ah, I see. The new post will be up shortly.
  16. Actually, I'm not clear on the differences between MAME and MESS. Can someone clue me in? Do we need default entries for both MAME and MESS?
  17. Ah, I see. MAME is in LaunchBox with default settings under "MESS". That's probably confusing; I should change that (think I used the proper name but MAME's naming strategy is confusing).
  18. Hi donarumo, I was able to get the export to work properly when I chose an existing LaunchBox.xml file (duh). The only issue I see now is that DOS games are not set to "Use DOSBox" in the XML file, so they don't work when you run them after the import (you just have to Edit the game and check the Use DOSBox box).
  19. Hi Stimpy, I know I already responded via email, but wanted to respond here as well in case anyone else found this thread. By default, LaunchBox will use the desktop backgrounds when it doesn't have background art for the selected game. You can disable/customize this in the Options under Images > Backgrounds. Thanks, Jason
  20. Thanks much, scree...good find. I just fixed this issue and put out version 4.6.
  21. Hi Martin, I do have that feature planned. I assume you'd want to keep the images with the games themselves?
  22. I just emailed sincro, so hopefully he responds. I don't think I have the source code to the tool, so not sure I can do anything to fix the tool at this point.
  23. Have you guys tried importing the ROMs via the standard ROM import process inside of LaunchBox? It doesn't look like Sincro has been around in a long while; I'll try emailing him to see if he can help out.
  24. Hi sage, welcome. We gotta get a hold of sincro for this one, unfortunately, as this was his work. Maybe try private messaging him?
  25. Oic...I was trying to create a new file, not load an existing one. I'm guessing that's the issue. Maybe would be good to check that the file exists, just in case someone tries what I tried. I wasn't sure if it would create an entirely new file, or modify your existing LaunchBox.xml file.
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