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Everything posted by bd00

  1. I am sorry too, if I made you feel I was attacking you, I wasn't. I just had a different opinion and I shared it, I am not saying you are wrong and I am right. Also, thank you for clearing that up and I agree with a lot of what you just said. @retro pimpz You are in the exact same boat I was in when I first started using LB and what you said is exactly my point.
  2. First off, I wasn't attacking you, I was airing my opinion for both you and Jason. You just called me a jerk. Secondly, you and Jason work together on LB so we all take what you say as how it is going to be, so why give us the impression of something you haven't yet decided or don't even know? It is confusing. You are a spokesperson for LB, that is how we see you, you have to remember that. Thirdly, I was not flaming the LBDB and I was not insinuating that it was dumb or that there was no need for it. On the contrary, I think it is an excellent idea and I back it 100%. However, I don't believe that it should be the only option. I was saddened by the fact that a local scraper may never come to LB and wanted to give my opinion on the subject. In my opinion, the lack of local scraper is LB's biggest "con" period. You can say I am telling people how dumb LB is if you want, but that is just absurd, if anything it is just a personal attack on me. If I felt like that, I wouldn't have put in all the hours I have, helping you and Jason. Maybe if you take into consideration what I saying about the benefits of a local scraper, rather that assuming I am attacking you and going on the defensive, you might see some logic to my points.
  3. I don't believe the need for a local scraper will ever be pointless. Even if you and Jason add all the artwork that you need to a DB, your never going to be able to cover everyone's preferences. The lack of a local scraper has always being LB's biggest "con". It is a shame because it is a fundamental feature in the majority of similar applications. Every app I have used previously had this feature and it made migrating between then much less painful, until LB. I would never do it again if I had too, I would just stick with what I was using or find something else that required less effort. It has probably put quite a few people off LB already and will continue to until the feature is available. Saying the only reason people would need a local scraper is if they have "bandwidth concerns" is short sighted in my opinion. I have fast unlimited broadband and I would still kill for a local scraper, even more so back when I first started using LB. It was one of the first features I requested and have brought up again several times. Also, does everyone just have to use the artwork you choose to put in this new DB, or spend countless hours/days/weeks adding all there own artwork that they have collected/created/scanned/etc. over the years, manually, one-by-one? What about people from different countries where artwork differs from the US? Are you going to cater for all those? SentaiBrad said Personally, I just fill in the gaps that Wikipedia and GamesDB can't fill in. Once I have images and a Genre filled in, I am generally at peace. Is everyone else just expected to be at peace? Are you working off the assumption that everyone will be happy if you are? I'm sorry Brad, I truly am, but the lack of a local scraper has been a major thorn in my side since the start and I was under the impression that a local scraper was finally coming with the LBDB, to help you source all the content you will need. To find out that is not the case is saddening after being patient for so long and I felt I needed to pipe up.
  4. bd00

    Play time?

    Great work @ps4isthefuture Unfortunately, the difficult part is getting that data into the LB XML in the correct place. It is very difficult to do this externally from a script and I don't even think it is possible from a batch. You would need something more powerful. I have had success using Powershell in the past (see my separate platforms sript) however, this would need to be more complex in order to get the data in the exact place. Not to mention pulling the data first so we can add to it. This will be much easier for Jason to do in house. If we were going to do something externally, we would be better creating an app that could properly manage the XML file. If we did it that way we could extend it's usage beyond tracking game time.
  5. Awesome, Thanks! You are not overdoing it at all. Please keep up the great work.
  6. No problem Martin, quit apologising Clear Logo: Platform Banners:
  7. This has been brought up before HERE
  8. bd00

    Play time?

    Yeah, I knew that ROMS are never processes that Gameplay Time Tracker could monitor, without emulator integration that is. I thought there might be something else I was missing. With ROMs, the game loaded would have to be identified first, then the emulators .exe monitored. After the emulator was closed, the session time would need to be added to the games current time in the LB xml. I could probably create something in Powershell that would pull the data from GPTT and import it into a custom field in LB, but it would be tricky and to be honest would probably be just a waste of my time if Jason ends up implementing something natively when he gets back. ... Thinking about a script, we wouldn't even need to use GPTT. We could monitor the time a process is running pretty easily. It is getting that data into the correct place in the LB xml that poses the biggest obstacle. Again, something that would be a whole lot easier for Jason to do inside LB. Using a script would also mean that it would need running first, prior to the emulator/game and that would involve adding it as an "additional app" for every game. Very time consuming especially for large libraries unless another script was created to add the additional apps automatically and that has the same obstacle of getting the data into the correct place in the XML. It would be tricky to do from a script but possible.
  9. bd00

    Play time?

    I have a feeling I am missing something obvious here, but what circumstances would require anything other than an .exe?
  10. It is fine to post them here, that is what this thread is for Thanks again, I added them to the repository.
  11. Maddoc1007 said Apologies bd000 for some strange reason when i downloaded the whole folder of images from repository those ones didnt download. Again apologies (i should have checked the repository) No need to apologise and thanks for the new images, I will add them to the repository.
  12. Yeah, it's not easy going cold turkey!
  13. You had it almost right, you just needed to move the "del" out of the quotes. But it looks you have it sorted now. Welcome to the forum btw
  14. Hi @keops, Welcome to the forum. Jason (the dev) is on holiday at present, but I know both of these have been requested before and are on his list.
  15. LOL Love those! I have to agree, it is getting pretty ridiculous these days. But it is what it is and not something that can be tackled easily.
  16. Sorry, there is no local scraper so no way to import your current artwork. @optimus0 may be working on a work-around. See HERE. It would involve setting up the correct directory structure and naming convention.
  17. Then I guess like Jason said, it is not a problem with LB. You might be better seeking help from Kaspersky. http://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showforum=8
  18. OK @Maddoc1007 I created the Media Center images you wanted. I was unsure which media center you use or if you just wanted a generic "fit for all" solution, so I threw together a few from the big players and also a generic one. Clear Logos: Platform Images:
  19. Great news! Yeah GDB is not great, we just have to make do for the time being. No, unfortunately not.
  20. The aspect ratio of the fanart will need to be the same as your display, otherwise it will zoom till it coves the screen.
  21. Whooaa! That looks painful pretty boy. Glad your OK though (within reason) and I find it disgraceful that someone left you for dead and stole your bike, not to mention the other hitting you with their car and driving away. The world can be a dark place. Also... I hope you don't mind me asking... But, you don't owe "people" money do you? All the best in your recovery.
  22. Check out the repository, all those images are there. Note: Don't right click and "save as" use Dropbox's download button to get the full size image. Or zoom in first (to view full size image) then right click "save as". I would be happy to create the images for you Martin. I will get them done tonight.
  23. Have a great time @jason and try to relax. LB can wait for a week. Also, while I second what @scree said, sort of, I can't make any promises! J/k Have a good time.
  24. These are awesome @scree. I've added them to the repository. @Maddoc1007 I added your latest fanart. @MonarKay I linked to your repository in the opening post. Great work guys.
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