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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. djweevil, if you could keep the requests to one thread I would appreciate it. Spamming new threads isn't going to help.
  2. Look at your LaunchBox.xml, that is where all the information is stored that you downloaded to your library.
  3. There are save state convertors for Zsnes and Snes9x, but both emulators have long been outclassed and it's a lot harder than even I had assumed at first. Some exist, but if something existed for every console that would be awesome. Especially considering there are a lot of NES, SNES, GB, GBC, and GBA emulators / cores out there.
  4. You can also create and load save states from your controller in RetroArch too if anyone is curious (along with most of it's other features).
  5. .srm files are almost a constant in most rom based emulators, but save states are not. Sometimes they're simply using a different file extension, sometimes they're using a completely different internal format. So the short answer is, sort of. If you let RetroArch take control of save states (which is why I believe it's using .state), then you will have a better time going between the same systems cores, but it's not certain or probably even supported. If you want to take the save state outside of RetroArch, chances are it probably wont work. The .srm file has a better chance of working though. Once you get to Disc based emulators, everything gets more specific.
  6. Yea that's actually a really good idea. Between Windows Search and Custom Filters that could be two good tutorials. I've covered using Windows Search previously in other tutorials, but yea that's actually a super super awesome idea! Thank's @m3TTwUrsT
  7. Yea, something must have corrupted or got screwy in your config file, (hence resetting to defalt).
  8. keltoigael said Scrape as feature is a god send for all my wonky Japanese systems. Thanks so much for this. I can finally start building a decent Famicom and Super Famicom wheel and further expand my NEC wheels. That's the exact reason why we did it, now users can compartmentalize all the systems they want to! xD
  9. You've pretty much got it right @dukeemu. Jason provides the files and then you do the work that you would like to do and upload them back to us through a site like Google Drive or Mediafire. However, there will be slight issues if both of you are working on the file at the same exact time though so you'll have to coordinate with Jason.
  10. Yea we should certainly add controllers to their systems, we just never had any requests nor could find consistent images to use. We have had requests to utilize users second screen in BigBox and show game art, game information, and we could probably include the controller image, etc.
  11. I used to drag and drop an image from the web and it would put it in LaunchBox. Sometimes it would give an error though, so it's not really ideal. There does need to be better manual image controls for LaunchBox though, that's for sure.
  12. We don't use the Games DB at all anymore, we've since created our own LaunchBox Games Database almost completely. Wikipedia support was left over from before we created out own and EmuMovies is mostly for video with some extra media to fill in holes. In terms of using your CSV file, no we currently have no way to do this. It would be nice if we could convert that info in to the .xml files, but this is a lot harder than people would think. Not just formatting differences, but different names and what not. In the end though, yea this is probably most certainly a good idea. If the ticket doesn't exist on our BitBucket you're more than welcome to request it from the link at the top of the forums. Otherwise I ask, if you haven't already created LaunchBox Games Database, to look in to it and read out guideline thread in it's subforum. If you're willing to share that info I would appreciate it if you uploaded it to our Database so that every user can take advantage of it. We were a copy of GamesDB several months ago, and since then we've had thousands and thousands of changes made by users, but we know for a fact we're not anywhere near perfect (and we still have a few features to implement too), so we could really benefit to having that information.
  13. Yea I said nothing negative about it. Don't get me wrong, I really don't think it's a requirement for LaunchBox. Everything works fine otherwise, but that doesn't mean that some people don't want to use it or I have any room to tell them they can't use it. It's fact that it takes a long time for people to set it up, they've told us as much. If someone thinks the features they get from it are worth it, then by all means should they use it.
  14. They mean in BigBox Cid. BigBox and LaunchBox are different code bases. What goes in to LaunchBox wont necessarily make it in to LaunchBox, and since LaunchBox was made first well before BigBox there may be some things that are missing.
  15. Use No-Intro sets instead of Good Sets and there will be significantly less games. Everything should still be dearchived when you download them, but it will be smaller and have less versions of games. You will still need to parse out some of the other regions you don't want. Personally I keep all European and Japanese exclusives and everything else is English. If all you want is the US roms Windows Search can very easily filter out just the games you want, then you can move them. Starting from the No-Intro sets instead will be a lot cleaner though.
  16. It's also worth noting that Flashier is great when that's the entire focal point of the screen you're looking at, aka a YouTube video, a Trailer or even the HyperSpin theme. However, when it's the entire background and you're also intended to read something on top of it, flashier will make things more difficult. As someone who designs things you generally don't want to make something someone is trying to read super busy.
  17. Chances are it's not the software, but you never know. I'm sorry you're having issues with it though. :( So, I wasn't going to do exactly what EmuMovies did, but it was the same basic premise but in a neater / higher resolution package. It wasn't going to be straight fade, video, fade, video, but I wasn't thinking something super flashy. I can certainly give flashier a try and / or try and incorporate some more complicated elements in to it as well. If anyone is curious I use Adobe Premiere for main video editing and was gonna use Adobe After Effects for this project where I need it.
  18. There are some features or idea's from other FE's too that we're inspired by and think would great additions too. Of course we'll do it our way and not try and blatantly rip off another FE, but for example, displaying game / console controls on a second screen is something that has been requested and is something we would love to tackle. @Drybonz is right though, RL may take quite a bit of time setting up, but you may want some of these things so you'll have to find out if it's something you want to take the time to do.
  19. There isn't in BigBox, but this has been requested a lot and there is a ticket for it on the BitBucket. You can search and vote on that ticket if you'd like!
  20. Well I haven't seen the EmuMovies ones, so I was honestly just going to do what I wanted to do with them. I've seen this before though when I did the story of the Classics Hub for RSS a few months ago. I generally tend to just kind of do what I think looks and sounds good. What you linked to though is pretty awesome @IlhanK, so thank you very much for sharing them! @CriticalCid no matter what I do someone will not like them. Either it'll be too flashy or too simple, so that's why I generally tend to do what I think ends up looking good. I do know that it will take me a long time to get all the video together, and then I'm gonna settle on an editing style for all of them. I'm not gonna say that what I make wont be as awesome as what @IlhanK created, because I will try and make it great, but I just haven't completely settled on what I want to do yet.
  21. Updated the main post with a new set of sound packs that come from an anonymous artist just for the LaunchBox community! Check these out when you get a chance.
  22. The fact he just wants to help is admirable and amazing. These are pretty awesome. I'll update the master post with these.
  23. Custom Filters could be made to be more powerful, totally, but a lot can still be realized here that some users don't realize.
  24. I thought I read they were not interested in doing that for some time if ever. I hate touch screen controls really, but I guess it defeats the purpose of going to mobile if you require a controller. xD
  25. Custom Filters is still my go to answer, but a ticket very similar does exist: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/534/option-to-create-custom-submenus-and
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