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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. For MAME I personally think Standalone is fine. The FBA Core in RetroArch is fairly decent, but there is also the standalone. The MAME core isn't based on .174, but I think .170, so it's still recent enough. If you watch the MAME tutorial I cover both Standalone and RetroArch a bit with some of the key differences.
  2. I missed the stream, but that was my guess.
  3. Yea... nothing on your machine should stop you from that. I also forget that the mirrored mode thing in Windows exists! xD Do you happen to have any AV software running in the back or any active scanning operations going on like RAM monitoring by any chance?
  4. No it shouldn't require it. MESS Standalone or integrated doesn't, so the core shouldn't either. Though you'd be using the MAME core now. The BIOS is also a tricky situation, if you use MAME where does it go perse? It'd be hard to drop a MAME rom set in to a MESS folder in your system folder, so that I'd need to figure out. If you use standalone mess (which might be based on an older build and not .170+) and you have .161 BIOS or even the MESS BIOS of .174 pulled out of the package, then you should be good to go.
  5. They should be .a26 files or in a zip / 7zip, but zipping these will not save you any decent amount of space, so unless you find them pre-zipped and don't feel like taking them all out (which is easy anyways), you don't need to make them zipped. .log is not a propre file extension for any emulator.
  6. So certainly we probably could do a bit more optimization for over the network systems, but LaunchBox desires more power in all respects than you would think. Your server is over Gigabit, but what is the port like on your systems? Are they even Ethernet at all or Wireless? What is your average speed to your server and is your LaunchBox still trying to cache? My guess, if you've just set everything up, is that LaunchBox is still trying to cache but doesn't have the HDD speed and so it's taking a bit longer and this will certainly give you performance issues. The other thing to note is that once you get a library of over at least 8k items, performance will start to go down a bit because if the large library and the way LaunchBox handles everything. Performance is not bad though locally, I have a 33k library with a really good computer and it perfoms well when not caching. Over a network though may be a differnt story.
  7. What is "duplicate" mode? I am not versed in AMD as much as I am for Intel and Nvidia. Also, what are the age of your part? On what type of Hard Drive is LaunchBox located on? Where is it located? What version of Windows are you on? How much RAM do you have?
  8. Well on our channel we have tutorials for pretty much every single major system now, that link is in the signature of all my posts. Check those out to help you out, and if you need more help setting them up please ask! If you want an easy way to set up controllers, RetroArch is probably the best out there. I haven't used it with the Wiimote and Nunchuck w/ the Dolphin bar though, so I don't know how that would work. Any Xinput devices get automatically mapped though, so my PS4 controller works out of the box for everything. I had to set up my "Generic USB" N64 controller, and it was a bit annoying, but after saving a custom config for N64 and having LaunchBox load that, it just automiatically loads my controller now. I wouldn't recommend RA for everything, PSP, DS, DOS, and even MAME may not be the best emulators for it.
  9. I haven't had a RetroArch save to test multi-disc switching, however every game I've put in the PBP container has been fantasitc in space saving and the loading doesn't seem to be any different.
  10. So the games them selves do not need to be named a specific way, unless you want to use the UI. The command line normally needs to know what game to load along with the BIOS, and since we already do this the command is just the short code for the system and the short code for the type of media. The benefit with using what I shown is that you can change the Roms location in the UI to your regular MAME Roms location. The reason there is a benefit to that is because if you get a MAME Split Set, MESS BIOS are included since they were merged and that's the reason you can only find MESS 161 BIOS. That said, there is a RetroArch MESS BIOS set out there, there needs to be a MESS folder with them in it and then the proper command line. I will try and figure out that command line for you guys today. I agree that the benefits of RetroArch are better than standalone MESS. The automatic controller being probably the best.
  11. Thank you for the kind words @bundangdon! Yea, MESS can emulate certain systems that nothing else can, and in those cases it has to win because it's pretty much the only one. I remember not liking RetroArch much at first either, just like MESS, but I also remember the difference very clearly. When I searched for help, posts and wiki's, RA information was much more readily available and the process once learned was really straight forward. Once I've learned MESS now, it is a fairly straight forward process but getting there was much much much more of a harder task. They're similar beats trying to go for the same goal with different paths. Very reminiscent of LaunchBox and HyperSpin actually in that regard. I will say this, and I always gave MESS this credit, but they do emulate those odd and wierd niche systems that nothing else even wants to.
  12. No problem! Don't worry about it, everyone has to learn something new at some point. :P
  13. Yea, early on I wasn't too fantastic in making sure I mentioned everything. Those are unscripted, and there's a lot to remember! The most reent SNES one is more back to basics actually for this reason, it's the starting point I like to share with everyone for that reason. So in the Associated Platforms, there is the -L command to load a core. Right after the the last quotation, add the -c command. So a full command would be -c "config/desmume_libretro.cfg" for you. Also, the DS core in RetroArch works, but the regular desmume core is superior I believe. The DS and PSP core in RA aren't that great compared to the standalones which get updated a lot.
  14. Use the option in BigBox to clear the Wheel Cache and that should do it.
  15. Your more than welcome to add anything if it doesn't already exist! :P Don't forget to vote on your own tickets or vote on other tickets you like. The vote button is on the right hand side when you open a ticket up.
  16. If you keep your roms in the LaunchBox folder they do have relative pathing, but there are two ways to go about changing a systems roms folder or a drive letter. You can either delete the games in LB and re-import them and turn off all media downloading. This will import within a few min depending on size, and all of the media will still be associated as long as rom names or game names don't change. The other more power user way is to use Notepad++ and to use the Find and Replace feature on your LaunchBox.xml. Close LaunchBox first before making any changes and create a manual backup incase your backup folder is not caught up for any reason. Say your folder was "D:\Emulators\Nintendo 64\" and it's now "D:\Emulators\N64\", then find the first path and replace all with the second path. I've done this several times with the Drive letter, found "F:\", Replaced it with "H:\" in the past. If you just have 1 system though, re-importing without downloading is also super easy. In terms of making that kind of transition easier, there is no really easy way once you've set the path unless we build a function that is something along the lines of "Move Roms" when you edit a Platform. The old path is already set, you press the button and it asks you for the new path and it moves everything for you and re-associats it within LaunchBox. The two methods above are the easiest workarounds though.
  17. Of course, no problem!
  18. By Play Store do you mean Google Play? No, why would it be though? You can download the rom from the people who ripped it, and it's probably on rom sites by now.
  19. We do have this with EmuMovies, but it is paid. You need EmuMovies Premium and LaunchBox Premium. There are also places where you can download video packs, like that, and as long as the names of the video's match it's easy to insert. Also, if they don't have an API integration, it would be near impossible to maintain. We would love to do a free service with video, but we have bandwidth concerns on our Server and the possibility of users stealing EmuMovies video and uploading it to us. We would, in the long run, love to do this. However, right now is probably not that time. I would be more than happy to help walk you through if you downloaded a snap pack for MAME like the one Progretto has on their site and to insert that in to LaunchBox though.
  20. Nice! I always love forks of software.
  21. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/ive-conquered-mess-mess-default-command-line-compendium#p18972
  22. Thank you Derek! I was about to get in here and do that. I've finally conquered MESS so I've been a bit busy.
  23. I posted in another thread about my recent Conquering, but here is a dedicated sticky. I'VE ACTUALLY CONQUERED MESS!!!! So it started with me finding EmuCR, a site that posts up-to-date in development builds of a lot of systems in one place, and some of them are hard to find. One such hard to find one was a MESS build still seperated from MAME. MAME .174 still works (just put BIOS in "../roms/MESS/"), but I liked standalone MESS a bit more for some freedom in mobility within LaunchBox. http://www.emucr.com/2016/06/mess-git-20160605.html Setting Up MESS Here is the build of MESS I used, and I downloaded the 64bit versions. It has a decent UI, and in the settings I changed it to not start fullscreen, start maximized, turned GLSL shading on, and to skip game info automatically. Some of these settings eliminate the need for extra command lines. System Specific Default Command Line Parameters for LB The PasteBin link WITH EVERY COMMAND FOR EVERY SYSTEM MESS EMULATES. Note: not all need BIOS files. http://pastebin.com/18W3EbD0 An image with the commands in action (similar to RetroArch): I still think MESS is an utter MESS, so I am sorry if you disagree. RetroArch and MESS share a lot of DNA too actually, but what sets it apart from RetroArch is that RetroArch has gone a long way to improve their UX in recent months and years. Not to mention their documentation is a hell of a lot better in terms of obviousness and explination. The MESS Wiki was a huge huge help in figuring out the -listall command, but for about 45 min I had no clue and was still trying to find a compiled list of what I found in the pastebin link. I am also having, personally, a hard time finding MESS BIOS (please no one link them) past .161. I assume because this is when it was merged with MAME and the MESS BIOS now reside in MAME. However, the MESS build I posted is of MESS .174, and the MESS BIOS for .161 seem to work. I also found a slightly newer post on Archive.org for MESS BIOS that was dated 2016, but a few seem to be missing. So that is a quick overview of what I went through for a few hours. This does mean I will be doing MESS BIOS for systems that need it, even some systems that have emulators already. If you have any questions like always feel free to ask. Edit: So I've since figured out that a MAME Rom Pack has all of the MESS BIOS located in it's pack, and there are several systems with Tutorials now if you want to see it in action. Click tutorials at the top, and search MESS on our channel.
  24. I've conquered MESS!!!!!! MESS can still be compiled seperate from MAME (for the time being according to the MAME site), so that is what I chose to get. http://www.emucr.com/2016/06/mess-git-20160605.html Dropped the BIOS in the "roms" folder which I had to create. I then messed around with the -listall function and got it to display EVERY SINGLE command for every single system MESS emulates. http://pastebin.com/18W3EbD0 https://i.imgur.com/hmwJCtN.png So this week I will finally start on MESS related tutorials. I am also going to post that Pastebin link in a new thread detailing some of my adventure. I still think MESS is an utter MESS, and what sets it apart from RetroArch (because they are very very similar actually), is that RetroArch has gone a long way to improve their UX in recent months and years. Not to mention their documentation is a hell of a lot better in terms of obviousness and explination. The MESS Wiki was a huge huge help in figuring out the -listall command, but for about 45 min I had no clue and was still trying to find a compiled list of what I found in the pastebin link. I am also having, personally, having a hard time finding MESS BIOS (please no one link them) past .161. I assume because this is when it was merged with MAME and the MESS BIOS now reside in MAME. However, the MESS build I posted is of MESS .174, and the MESS BIOS for .161 seem to work. I also found a slightly newer post on Archive.org for MESS BIOS that was dated 2016, but a few seem to be missing.
  25. If you log in to your EmuMovies account it will download what it finds, if they have them, automatically. Otherwise, and ironically, the Hyperspin website has art available for free to download, and they have a Clear Logo section. Just drop these in your "../LaunchBox/Images/Game Boy/Clear Logo" folder. Same for the GBC folder too. As long as the file names match the rom name or the name of the game in LaunchBox you should be good to go. Restart LaunchBox for it to take effect. Otherwise, I honestly don't know where to download them.
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