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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. emko, there is a Ticket for this on the BitBucket, so it will come in time.
  2. Have you restarted LaunchBox since you've added them? Are the names of the video right? I also assume you have the game details view open, and if you do check Tools -> Options -> Game Details on the left and make sure video is checked here too so it will display the video.
  3. Are the video's in the right location? They go in ../LaunchBox/Video/[System name]/. Do the names of the video match the names of the game or the rom file?
  4. I completely understand no harm was intended, you just want to make it look like we do in the video's and that's completely understandable. We integrated EmuMovies to begin with because a lot of people were asking for it actually, so for a long time people either already knew about EmuMovies and had an account or had gotten video from somewhere else. All of the video from EmuMovies or Hyperspin already do exist elsewhere, but the point of paying is for the conveience and for it to be integrated with LaunchBox for EmuMovies. I've already let Jason know about this so if you do want that refund just let one of us know and we'll get that ready for you. We do apoligize for any confusion though.
  5. thadoughboy15 I removed your e-mail and twitter. EmuMovies though is the only integrated option, and if you are willing to pay someone to give them to you, why not just buy a premium level at EmuMovies? Even if you don't, there are easy readily available video packs out there that are free of charge. We also don't endorse stealing from EmuMovies, hence why I removed your contact information. There are plenty of ways to get the video, and as long as the video name matches the file name or the game name in LaunchBox all you need to do is put that video in the correct System folder inside the Video folder. I also understand why you feel like you got ripped off too, and if you'd rather have a refund Jason will be happy to oblige you, but the two main sources for these video charge access because of Server cost and the time it takes for them to put it together. You're paying for conveience. If you want to find the video on your own, that is also a completely viable option.
  6. That is looking sexy @rmilyard! I don't have the space or the money for it, but I would like to use one of these cab's at some point: http://www.re-arcade.com.sg/#!playcade/qcnlb
  7. There's not really a manual unfortunetly, we haven't done much in the way of documentation like that. Hopefully the Tutorials end up being like that. I am starting to do feature specific tutorials fpr LaunchBox and RetroArch and things like that. Wanting to get through the bulk of systems that work great in LaunchBox.
  8. Do you have different installs of RetroArch? As long as you are using the same version of RetroArch it should still be using the same settings that it uses regardless of how you launched it. The only way that might be different is if you are also launching RetroArch in LaunchBox from a system that is using a custom config and the settings in that config are different from the default RA config. If you right click a game, open RetroArch, then load a core manually and save a config does this work? If so then it might be the config you have for the system you are launching in LB has settings off potentially. This is the most logical thing I can think of because LaunchBox doesn't change the way RetroArch works, it just uses command lines to launch games or use config files.
  9. Yea that certainly shouldn't disapear. Where is RetroArch saving your configs or is it denying the save all together? if it's denying the save, try updating LaunchBox to a new version or change it's folder location. You can also go to the RA settings and change the config path your self to point to the folder you want. If it is saving them in a different folder, you can also just change the config folder to where ever they are at. I apoligize if this seems basic and / or if you've stated, but just to make sure, you are on 6.2 and before closing out the Associated Platform you are pressing Ok rather than Cancel? It's also worth asking where you have your LaunchBox install located. If it's in the default location then it may have some permission issues when it comes to saving settings. Do you remember exactly how you added then closed LaunchBox so that we can try and test it on our end's?
  10. Of course, no problem. This week we should be trying to make LaunchBox Games Database and LaunchBox talk to each other better as well, at least that was the word from Jason last, so we will try to make that an easier thing for users to deal with. If you have any more questions then please feel free to ask!
  11. Well the HD 2500 is an older architecture than HD 4000, so then potentially the change in the Intel Control Panel can help, or the performance issues come from elsehwere. Otherhard or over zealous active scanning software? AV Software? The list can get to be pretty long with PC's
  12. Open your LaunchBox/Images folder, and rename the PC folder to Windows. Restart LaunchBox or refresh the images in the tools menu for it to take effect and you should be good to go. Do this for the other media folders as well, music, video etc.
  13. Ah, thanks for the extra points of tweaking Autumn. I haven't ever really played around with that stuff before, so I am glad someone could bring in some insight. It could be beneficial to know @LeftoverNoodles's CPU model as well.
  14. Sorry Jason, read your post after I made mine. We can make a seperate thread for anyone who wants to discuss this though if you'd like.
  15. We're not controlling anyones opinions, or what they have to say about the product at all, but when we get personally attacked or someones claims are unfounded, or they become belidgerant (all happens more than you might think), then at a certain point we can choose to not deal with it. All business at some point have a line that they will stop a customer at, regardless of the job type. If someone has critical opinions, we love to hear them, but they can tell us their opnions in a less destrucive way. We want the criticisms, competition, people to ask questions, people to suggest things that can make LaunchBox better or when we take a step in the wrong direction. When Jason was working on the My Collection Social features, people told him (polietly) that what he was working on was not at all what they wanted and we listened. There is a fine line between passion and being a jerk (which has happened in the past, and even I have had to try and fix in myself). I can't speak for Jason, but at least we're not getting death threats, and that is SADDLY very common in the gaming industry. I feel horrible for Hello Games (they're making No Man's Sky) and the threats they've received because they delayed a game by 6 weeks. The internet, especially in annonimity can get toxic fast, we just want a place where people can enjoy coming to. If you think we're going to far about it Drybonz, then please tell us like you just did, I didn't get mad at it nor will Jason.
  16. Personally I think they shouldn't be added until they are released. All the promise and Beta's in the world don't stop games from coming out. Games have been finished and then canceled before, so in this case I think it's similar to counting your eggs before they hatch sort of thing.
  17. The Integrated Graphics portion is taking away from the CPU as well. You are having the CPU do two jobs, and neither of them well unfortunetly. The Integrated graphics are great for super tiny systems that don't need that power (which is not really for gaming), and Intel has made it better with each CPU, but it's unfortunetly not condusive to getting good performance out of anything really. If you have PC (not a laptop), I know that GTX 950's and 960's are half size cards and will give you performance comperable to a GTX 780Ti form what I've read (maybe as low as a 770 or as high as an 880, I don't exactly remember), and they are affordable. These are obviously not the best cards out there, but their power draw is rather low and their size is rather small if either of these things are a concern for you. If you have a laptop, or a netbook, then I am of less help here. I don't really play around with Laptops and I know Netbooks won't have a GPU option at all.
  18. Not right now no. Anyting displayed between ( ) and [ ] is ignored by the importer for scraping reasons. It's hard to search Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) vs just SMB3 if that makes any sense. We've also talked about adding more logic in to the importer to parse that kind of info for users who want it, but it would slow down the importer signifigantly. The best option for LaunchBox would be to enable File Names in the Game Details bar under Tools -> Options -> Game Details. On the left you can then see the full file path and name. This is currently what I do when I need that information.
  19. There are two ways, manually and with Emu Movies. With EmuMovies, you need a LaunchBox Premium Key and an EmuMovies Premium Account. You log in to LaunchBox with your EM account, and when you go to scan a game for Metadata, either when importing, if you edit a single game or if you use the Tools -> Download Images and Metadata option, there will be video check boxes at the bottom of the EmuMovies screen. Otherwise, if you find game commercials on YouTube you've downloaded, torrents or websites with freely available video packs then all you need to do is drop the video in to your ../LaunchBox/Video/[Platform] folder. Drop the NES video for example in your NES folder. The video, as well as images, music and manuals for example, need to be named after the Game Name or the Rom's File Name so that LaunchBox will automatically associate the file with the game inside of LaunchBox or BigBox. Restart LaunchBox for anything you've manually added to take effect. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!
  20. You can already filter our the excess file extension. If you add files instead of folder and use the windows search box in the top right hand corner it works great. If you are importing smc and sfc Super Nintendo files, just type ".sfc" or ".smc" and it will filter just those file extension. Click a game then Ctrl + A to highlight all of them, then click add. There are some systems where I had to run the Add Files more than a few times to add all the proper file extensions.
  21. I don't think we've banned anyone yet, but we're certianly not against it! :P
  22. If Dreamcast is all you have, you can even delete your LaunchBox.xml, after backing it up, and it will start you completely over like you just downloaded LaunchBox. Jason is right though, it sounds like you deleted the platforms without the games, and they are still inside of LaunchBox in limbo so to speak. You can manually re-add the System in Edit Platforms under tools, and they might show back up so you can delete them... but I am unsure if they will. If you need help adding your systems and games we'd also be more than happy to help. We also have tutorials on our YouTube channel at the link in my description below all of my posts.
  23. Well there are a few things you can do depending on your set up. Sorry if you mentioned any of this already, but, if your games are on an External (even USB3), try and internal HDD at either 6GB/s or 3GB/s (depending on your mother board) or more commonly refered to as SATA3 and SATA2. If your using a HDD, what RPM is it? If it's an external, chances are it's a 5200RPM Drive. If it's a case you supplied to the drive to, try buying a 7200RPM drive, or even potentially a 10k RPM Drive, but they can degrade faster than 7200RPM's and you're not getting much much more speed. You can also try Hybrid HDD's, and over time it will learn what you launch the most and read it faster. Of course, all of these drives do best inside of the PC where the connection is more direct. Externals are handy, but are certainly more for storage than speed (though I love USB3 now that I can finally use it). Then of course there are the SSD's, which I picked up a 500GB (what my OS is on), for $110. That's really cheap now, and 1TB SSD's are starting to pop up if money is less of a thing for you. There is also the M.2's, which are signifigantly more expensive for the space, I am looking at a 240GB for.. I think it was just shy of $200? However, these go directly on to your motherboard (natively on mine If I recall, or they potentially have an adapter), but M.2's don't work in all Motherboards, the BIOS needs to support it. It is essentailly a Hard Drive on the same connection as your GPU or Sound Cards, meaning it's blazing fast, even more so than the SSD. I am looking to get the 240GB to throw Fallout 4 and all the other heavy loading games on there when I get one. Hope any of this info helps.
  24. Of course, glad it is working!
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