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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I want all of that... now. And see Zelda for us is skewed, clearly. But the sad truth is it's not a system seller. The attach rate and numbers for Wii U games is astounding considering (like the Vita) but it's dead... I do hope the NX does it, the changes they are making to Zelda sound exciting.
  2. If Zelda is supposed to be a system seller then you look at all of them, not just the first 3. Twilight Princess is the best comparison to now because the new Zelda is multi-console as well, NX and Wii U. So it's actually the only analog. Also @weltall There are only 2 distinct versions of the 3DS and I've got both of them. The regular 3DS and the New 3DS. There is the 3DS XL but it is just a bigger 3DS. I have the 3DS XL and the New 3DS XL, the new one has a better everything. It operates so much better and it was only like $20 more expensive? It was a worthwhile upgrade. The speed alone is fantastic.
  3. Zelda historically doesn't sell great actually, it doesn't move the needle in that way. Zelda sold great on Wii (Twilight Princess), but on Gamecube it was low. Granted 1m isn't low, but for a series like this where everyone assumes it sells consoles... that's low. 2014 was the year of kick ass games on the Wii U, Smash always being called a System seller, and none of those games helped sell more Wii U's sadly. I love my Wii U, the games on it are great, but it was a shit storm coming from the Blue Ocean strategy that killed the Wii U, and the fact that it was outdated a year later. Nintendo's unwillingness to go towards Internet based stuff also has not helped. Wii U eShop sales of games only accounts for 8% of their sales, and it's not because people don't want to, it's because it sucks. I have an external drive plugged in to my 32GB Wii U because 32GB is a joke. Xenoblade Chronicles X, assuming the Wii U had nothing else on it, would fill the entire system. Nintendo lost 3rd party at Gamecube, only had some 3rd party support in Wii because of the gigantic install base but NO ONE talks about the Wii ports of anything and we obviously ignore all the shovel ware, so they didn't retain them for the Wii U.
  4. It's already been half confirmed they went with AMD again, I think it's a giant mistake, but they went with AMD again.
  5. It could be, but very basic. Generally Additional Apps doesn't always go that easily for some systems, sometimes it needs to be very specific in which case Additional Apps wont work, which is why I believe it hasn't been done yet.
  6. A lot of those FMV games got ported to Windows too. Eventually they stopped coming out for those consoles quickly in favor of PC. Granted, not all got ported but there are quite a few more FMV games. I LPed Harvester on my personal channel... holy crap that game was... well you should go watch it. :P
  7. That reminds me when burning and ripping discs were new, my cousin had Roller Coaster Tycoon, and I asked him If I could copy and burn the disc and he looked at me like "Are you insane, NO YOU CAN'T BURN MY GAME!"
  8. In our case, we profit from this, so we can not offer them. Albeit we profit in a secondary, cursory way. Which country you are in does depend on the law, but our servers are located in the United States so users (even if you are from another country) have to obey that. Jason and I don't like being hard asses about it, but we love what we do too much.
  9. Ah you wanted to pay, I am sorry I misread that. Glad you found it, sorry about that.
  10. Yea $1,000 is insane for a GPU (Titan *cough cough*)
  11. You just go to their site and sign up. Non paying members are automatically Free Users.
  12. No don't publicly post where to get games. It is a common misconception, Roms are NOT legal if you own the game either. It also needs to be dumped by you as well technically speaking. Granted, they are less stringent and it is up to the publisher or developer to go after someone, but the guys who sell their old games (Nintendo, Sony, Sega), make DMCA claims ALL THE TIME. Some sites you may see will have an entry for the game, but no link because it was DMCA'd. Someone on one of our video's was trying to fight me on this. It is illegal, 100% as it stands right now and is certainly extremely grey (hence all the misconception like Abondonware is NOT a thing) and no matter how much other people do it (which was his argument). Chances are you wont get targeted by a company that is long gone, but you never know who owns the rights to what and had someone pee in their breakfast that morning. I agree that Abondonware should be legal with proper checks and balances in place for companies who are no longer around so someone could for example, offer an alternative server to a game that doesn't have one anymore. Blue Burst is a server for Phantasy Star Online and it is extremely popular, Sega doesn't go after them. Blue Burst is technically illegal (unless they got permission, I have no clue) but Sega doesn't operate with Phantasy Star Online 1 anymore, they make no money off of it (except maybe merch) and thus they don't go after it. Just because there is no reason a company shouldn't go after you, doesn't mean they can't or won't.
  13. Honestly my testing wasn't all that comprehensive, I mostly just use Pico for the system GXP doesn't emulate.
  14. http://www.techspot.com/news/64736-nvidia-announces-geforce-gtx-1080.html Damn...
  15. weltall I haven't ran in to any issues with Pico actually but I use Genesis Plus GX.
  16. Yea I'm sorry, but at least you found proper BIOS files! Since they're optional in RA though we know that the black screen (or quick close) doesn't mean the BIOS are wrong, it's probably meaning that the rips are bad or the cue sheets are wrong. Edit: PicoDrive also does CD if you wanna try that out. Just swap the line in Associated platforms and if you have a custom config line after that for Gens Plus GX remove the line or it might crash.
  17. Ah, I didn't realize they had a database so that FS-UAE knew how to RUN the game, I just thought it was basic images and metadata! Well well well, I'll need to try that soon then.
  18. If you would like, sure. When making image searches you can add on the words "png" or "transparent" to your searches. Should turn up mostly PNG's, it's what I do when I need an image for production.
  19. I honestly don't know the version because it was a RetroArch pack (it included everything), that said the latest versions should work just fine. The BIOS are optional for features in games or system features that may need them. BIOS may improve compatibility or may not, they're optional for GBA on PC but not for Android or on PSP probably because they include instructions that only the BIOS has in this situation. It means they re-wrote some functions, but if they're not working increase compatibility with these optional BIOS. Some games don't come with audio files, if they do the cue sheet says where and what to load. If you are still getting blank screens it could be the BIOS files, so either find the RA pack or try the latest BIOS versions you can find, the games could have been ripped poorly and you will need to re-rip or find a different download, and the last thing that could be wrong is the cue sheet is pointing to the wrong name or has a full path name inside of it that doesn't exist on your machine. You can open cue sheets with Notepad++ to edit them, at the top of most of them should be the exact name of the bin file (including .bin) and if it has audio files, should follow that with audio file names and some extra info.
  20. Well they're not specific to the Genesis Plus GX, but I assume since you are using that you're on RetroArch because that doesn't exist for PC standalone otherwise, so your issue isn't with that but rather RetroArch. I covered All of the Sega consoles up to CD in a tutorial on our channel. I would give that a watch to see if that helps. You can get there by clicking the link in my signature below all of my posts.
  21. Yea cue sheets are preferred, I don't know if he set it for ccd's but there was a bug where cue sheets would sometimes not get loaded.
  22. Well we were already planning other video's but for now it will stay RSS (Patch Notes Showcase when we do a major update) and the Tutorials. That's the line up for now, with Jason doing an AMA and Update type video on Thursday's.
  23. What is your definition of Soon? Is it on our Road Map? Yea certainly, but we have a lot of work to do still before we feel like we could adequately port LaunchBox to Mac, Linux and potentially Android. Will it be here in the next month or two? Certainly not. Jason is just one developer who has to balance all of the other requests against everything else. As far as I know too, he doesn't have a Mac for development purposes (maybe he does but if he does he never mentioned it). So while we want to be there, and we will one day, we're not ready to tackle that avenue. When we're ready for those platforms it will be a big announcement though.
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