And that's why we have a Tutorial series that I can objectively say is the best tutorials out there. I don't know the guy, but I hear he is amazing. ;) ;) ;)
No but yea, I work hard on those tutorials for RA just for that reason. This Friday's tutorial will actually be on the SNES and it goes back to basics. I don't assume that the users have been watching the series the entire time. Not including LB Import times, and assuming they ditched the parts where I talked about Rom Patching, the tutorial was 36 min uncut, so it might be about 30ish, they can get up and running in 25 min easily. Then they can, or should, apply what they learn there to other systems in RA. Also, if you end up watching the Tutorial sorry ahead of time for talking a bit of crap on xbr. :P I personally don't like blended or rounded pixels. xD