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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. You can already split them, there is just a scraping issue. Let me again say that the Alternate naming will fix this entire problem. The database will be combined, because these systems are the same thing, but if you keep them separate in LB the Alternate naming serves to fix that. Also, Jason has thought about implemented the "Scrape As" function as well, so both of these together should solve the problem in the end. Systems that are not going to be combined? Famicom Disk System for example, that would stay completely separate from Famicom / NES.
  2. Cropping and Color Correction isn't really Fan Art either, however those corrections can be made to Fan Art, but the act of making those changes doesn't make it Fan Art. No one is also saying you're not providing your free time, hard work and effort. Like I said in my first reply, I totally get how you are feeling and furthermore I appreciate you for helping. We still need to have Fan Art be Fan Art however. If that means some games don't have Fan Art, then that is fine. I don't expect sports games to have any nor do I except some more obscure Japanese games to have them either. Sadly, Fan Art is going to be made for what people like the most and we have to accept that. We can't force people to create what they want to create. If it exists then lets use it (also assuming the artists is ok with that), but the Guidelines are clear about no real photography.
  3. The first time it synced my 18k games within a few min, the second time it took almost a half hour. Just give it some time.
  4. Huh... I don't remember that option changing the use of needing an emulator... but I guess so. Yea we know there needs to be an options for Drag and Drop that says Windows Executable's or something like that.
  5. They should all be the default Super Nintendo, TurboGrafx and Genesis. We are working on combining them on the Database so Famicom and SNES games will go in to the same pool, and the console name will be SNES, with an alternate for Famicom, so even if you create a Famicom system (even thought you don't need to) it will find the SNES category either way. There are a few consoles like this that will be getting combined with alternate naming.
  6. Yea pretty much. I'm just a pixel art kind of person. I make it Minecraft (recorded time lapses of them too) and make them in Perler. I just love me some pixel art. :P
  7. I haven't bothered with CRT or Scanline shaders, but from the screenshots I saw 6 months ago they looked pretty good compared to others.
  8. Check your firewall, give LaunchBox elevated permissions, give the folder permissions, make sure that the system is called MS-DOS or try a clean install of LB (make a copy of the XML file and delete the original) or try a new PC? I have 4.5k games for DOS myself, and while a lot of the games aren't being scraped (because the information doesn't exist yet), as you can see from the screenshot a lot of it does. I also just recently re-imported my DOS games too.
  9. There's a fine line that we need to ride unfortunately. I understand the anger about contributing but Fan Art is also a bit self explanatory. Art created by a fan based on something, and a general blue sphere, or a picture from a basketball game aren't that, no matter how much they may resemble the game. Now if someone adapted those two things and created actual fan art with them, then sure. Them by them selves is not however, there needs to be a level of action taken by us to at least try. If a game ends up not having fan art, then it ends up not having fan art. There are also a lot of ways someone can contribute to the Database or otherwise.
  10. Yea, there's lots and lots and lots of presets. You'll find something you like eventually. :P
  11. Yes, only certain cores play certain games. With LaunchBox you're not meant to keep opening games from inside RetroArch, open them in LaunchBox. The associated platforms list when you edit RetroArch in LaunchBox has system names and command line parameters. The commands in there are how we tell RetroArch to load a certain core when you try loading a game. I would suggest you to watch the tutorials on our channel, most deal with RA. That link is in my signature right below all of my posts.
  12. You can either add the folder as roms or DOS games and use the Bulk Edit wizard to remove the need to use an Emulator or DOSBox. If you add them this way you can also remove the emulator or DOSBox check box when you edit a single game. Conversely, in the bottom right hand corner is an add button where you can manually add anything you want.
  13. Yea I knew about the re-mapping, but I haven't heard of someone doing this for PC so I was holding out hope. :( I wouldn't be surprised if someone hacks it eventually if they haven't already.
  14. Have you used the Trigger Lock functions yet for anything? If I recall correctly, I know they now lock so you don't have to press the button down as far to shoot for games like Call of Duty, but I remember you can map a function to it if you split it. You can essentially have two functions on one trigger... or am I remembering that wrong?
  15. Go to a games page, either by manually searching it or clicking the blue link in LaunchBox when you edit the game in the upper right corner. On the games page click images. If a game's front and back box art exists click the image then edit. Replace the image and edit the proper fields here. If a game doesn't have images in a certain category or no box art, click the big + and add them here. Make sure to fill out the proper fields when you edit or add an image. The image like any other edit will go in to a queue where the mods will approve or reject the image. You can see submission guidelines here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/games-database-news-and-updates/moderator-guidelines#p15363
  16. Yea let's hold off for now please. If our solution doesn't work for everyone then we can change it up.
  17. I can't say exactly, but it will be worth it.
  18. Thanks for the suggestion Monkus, and yea we have looked at a lot of solutions but we do have something being worked on that will solve this.
  19. DOS76 said Wow that thing looks insane very pricey though. Damn you I want one now. I'm not a big Xbox Fan anymore now days, but that controller is supposed to be amazing. You've got paddles underneath, configurable triggers, swap-able sticks and a whole lot of other stuff.
  20. Yea there should be scraped games, granted not everything, but you should have something. https://i.imgur.com/lNPiEdy.png If you want to re-run the Metadata and Images feature, click a game then hit Ctrl + A to highlight them all. Then go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Images (at the bottom) and that process will run again. If the platform is the same as the database (MS-DOS) you should be getting something, unless you have games that are the less scrapeable kind. I even have a bunch of games with no box art but screenshots and video (from EmuMovies) too.
  21. Actually, I wrote out an entire reply for this, but never mind. I'm just going to bow out of this one.
  22. I'm told Hylian's Scanlines are the best.
  23. And that's why we have a Tutorial series that I can objectively say is the best tutorials out there. I don't know the guy, but I hear he is amazing. ;) ;) ;) No but yea, I work hard on those tutorials for RA just for that reason. This Friday's tutorial will actually be on the SNES and it goes back to basics. I don't assume that the users have been watching the series the entire time. Not including LB Import times, and assuming they ditched the parts where I talked about Rom Patching, the tutorial was 36 min uncut, so it might be about 30ish, they can get up and running in 25 min easily. Then they can, or should, apply what they learn there to other systems in RA. Also, if you end up watching the Tutorial sorry ahead of time for talking a bit of crap on xbr. :P I personally don't like blended or rounded pixels. xD
  24. So it's an over zealous toggle? Have you thought about upgrading and grabbing a PS4 controller?
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