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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Update to the Beta, there have been some importing issues with based around EmuMovies and the latest should have fixed this.
  2. If it's still down just give it time.
  3. No problem, there are a lot of awesome games not in a lot of peoples native language.
  4. Also, I am launching SNES games without DSP rom files, this isn't your issue with that. I don't have Mario Kart to test though.
  5. https://i.imgur.com/kplOM5G.png Change the line I have highlighted to which ever ratio you want. I do suggest changing this after a core is loaded for custom config's because it might need to be slightly different for most consoles.
  6. I'm honestly not sure, I play all my games in windowed mode. These games aren't designed to be in 16:9, they're designed at 4:3 and 4:5. I can check though, this is usually a stretching option in settings.
  7. Why can't you play TurboGrafx CD games? They're totally playable.
  8. Where is LaunchBox installed? Is it on your OS C:\ Drive or an external?
  9. Yea, we suggest mGBA in RetroArch.
  10. The Gameboy support is still really bad right now apparently. I don't have anything against Higan except for the file format requirements that it seems to be changing. That was my biggest gripe with it and if it is gone I'm gonna want to play around with it. However RetroArch is still amazing. Bsnes and Higan are the same thing, It's just that he dropped the Bsnes name and continued forward with Higan. Bsnes Balanced still has damn near perfect emulation record with all games too. So Higan is a choice if you prefer the bells and whistles.
  11. I do video editing with 12GB of ram on board and I power through it, I almost never hit my ram limit now and 16GB will be a little more than that. Personally, I prefer i7's but i5's are good too. i7's can and do perform better in area's though so that could be worth looking at as well. I love anything Cooler Master. I personally have a 612 Evo v2 cooler and it is a beast. I had to take out my top case fan to fit it in (it didn't work anyways). That's a pretty good motherboard actually, but it doesn't have support for multiple Geforce GPU's (not that you are doing this). For a little more oomph there is a few steps up from that Gigabyte mobo you chose: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128835 It has better audio drivers, USB 3.1 and fully supports all GPU's. You didn't mention a GPU though, and honestly you should probably get one as well. My EVGA Geforce 970 4GB is a really good GPU, I love it. As with the other two here, I do also suggest you grab a 2 x 8GB kit as well. The board you chose and the board I linked to are both Dual Channel DIMM boards meaning You need at least 2 RAM Sticks for full speed. Multiples of two works as well but there is only 4 DIMM Slots. If you did need to up it from 16GB you could always purchase the same kit twice and fill the other two DIMM's. Mine is triple channel with 6 DIMM's so I have to have at least 3 sticks for full speeds. Remember too, they're color coded the DIMM's. When you put two in they need to go either in one color or the other. They're usually linked and your mobo manual will tell you which to use. I also agree about the SSD for your OS drive. Your OS drive is constantly being read and written to by the OS, so I never keep any games on that drive for performance reasons too. So there is no reason not to have an SSD as your OS and programs drive and the other drive just hold everything else. If you do pick the slightly more upgraded parts and grab a GPU, it might also be worth it to calculate the Watts you need with plenty of room for upgrade. USB devices also require power and if you add more HDD's or GPU's later. A Silver or Gold rated around 600-750w can also be sufficient. The more modular the better too.
  12. It looks like I do have the dsp bios files in my System folder. I knew that some games did need something, like Super Game Boy for example, but I missed this. I just got the pack at EmuGen so. Otherwise if your other systems are launching, honestly, try not worry about PC-FX for a while. All of the games are in Japanese anyways with no fan translations really to speak of. I've tried really hard to get it to work too, I just don't think it's worth it anymore.
  13. Then yea, if no mounting software is required, and it loads image files directly then there must be a command line argument to tell WinUAE to load CD32 games instead of Amiga games.
  14. http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Using_RetroArch#BIOS Those are the BIOS files you need, you can find two of them, but the 3rd one doesn't exist. You need to rename a 1000 series BIOS to match the numbers. Also, make sure RetroArch's File Path settings are correct, RA doesn't always ship with the correct file path for the system folder, so pointing it to that path then saving the settings might help too.
  15. Yea, they are sadly not immune to downtime. I am hardly sure anyone pay's that much attention over there anyways. We've tried contacting them in the past several times to no avail.
  16. Importing your rom's is a LaunchBox thing and not dependent on the emulator at all. You can import all the roms you want, then change the emulator, add it as your importing or setup all of your emulators before hand then import. If your Saturn game's are already imported then add RA as an emulator. The tutorial goes over a few of the things that need to be there for it to work, like having the core downloaded, that you have the BIOS file, making sure the -L command is there for it in the Associated Platforms and that the name here and in LB are the same. Otherwise RetroArch might not be looking in the correct location for the required BIOS file, so changing your System directory under File Path is a good idea too.
  17. SNES doesn't need BIOS files nor is the problem he is having. They only exist for certain situations. All but 1 game works with bsnes balanced as well, BIOS doesn't fix that. Yes, it is worth checking to make sure LaunchBox is looking in the correct directory for BIOS files, but this doesn't help PC-FX from being difficult. It could also be that the BIOS file got corrupted from somewhere. The Emulation General website can help you a lot with RA if you need more help: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Using_RetroArch http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulator_Files Those two links are as far as I can help with BIOS very specifically. I don't want to just show you or give you, we need to legally cover our butts, but it is pretty obvious if you quickly browse the two links...
  18. I am a bit confused... does WinUAE want the image mounted or can WinUAE mount the games? If you are asking similar to dosbox I assume you mean to install the game. LaunchBox doesn't mount any images, it just facilitates the mounting process by telling DOSBox where the disc image is and the command line parameters. So if you need to install the game there really isn't a method that is easy like DOSBox to install the game. If you just need files you can mount the image file with a program like Daemon Tools or Virtual CloneDrive (which is what I use). I am not totally familiar though with this. If you don't need to install the game but need the disc mounted, you can still use one of the two programs I mentioned. You can have LaunchBox use the Additional Apps feature to auto mount the image that you need when you launch the game. If WinUAE can read ISO files directly, you import the games in to LB like normal and if it isn't launching then there must be a command line argument that LaunchBox needs to tell WinUAE to use. Since it can load Amiga and Amiga 32 CD games there might be a command line that needs to be set so that WinUAE knows what it is trying to load. Those are just 3 sets of general instructions though, a little more information can help us help you.
  19. If you're gonna build a new one then just get USB3 external drives for now, future proof. They're completely backwards compatible with 2.0 ports. (My pc is 7 years old too. My motherboard and cpu are the only original parts left).
  20. The best speeds will be USB3. Class 10 SDHC (or SDXC for a lot of storage) can work, but SD card's don't like to be queried like that for bigger files consistently. Class 10's can handle the massive reading and writing (depends on the size of the game) but they're still not long term solutions. An internal Hard Drive over SATA3 or a USB3.0 or 3.1 drive will be preferable.
  21. Thank you Zombeaver, I am not as knowledgeable on the specifics. What I said what the extent of my knowledge which is that they're essentially the same thing.
  22. PC-FX emulation just sucks. I've spent hours working on it in the past, it's just... annoyingly bad.
  23. LB only installs those when LB can't find them. Since RA works otherwise though, this might not be the problem? Did you happen to follow our tutorial on PS1? There are other PS1 cores in RA, but the mednafen one is really good.
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