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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. calle81 said Videos work great for me but it would be nice if it was possible increase size of the video in the sidebar. Awesome work btw :) Right now you increase the size of the sidebar, click to another game and go back the game with the video and it will be bigger. He notes this as known problems. Increasing the video bigger than the sidebar doesn't make sense.
  2. Lmagnus87 said SentaiBrad said That would be really cool, but don't we have to create one for each game? That would take a huge amount of time. Also, how do you sort that stuff? I personally have a huge library, my system would grind to a halt if suddenly all of my games (or even half) were live tiles. Live Titles doesn't work in that way, they are for Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 so it could show the last games added or favorites or takes any metadata from our collection @Jason Carr Thanks for the update I know what Live Tiles are I use Windows 10... but someone was showing tiles for games not for LaunchBox, and having a Live Tile just cycle through your last 4 or 5 games seems... pointless. The live tile can show certain stats, like Library Size, System Count etc.
  3. Under the DOSBox tab when you edit a game it asks if you want to load a custom conf file, you can point to a game specific one here. Also, steam just had an update and when I reading the beta notes they were talking about controller fixes for the Steam Link in relation to programs and emulators (they specifically mentioned this) so updating to beta might be worth it to see if it works better now.
  4. The Beta thread here on the forums, we talk about what we're doing for Beta's. We've looked at putting up a changelog before, but I'll let him know that more users are wanting it.
  5. Attach it and when Jason has time (he's currently unavailable) and go back to 5.7 for the time being. :P
  6. DOS76 said This off topic but what's this weeks video going to be about Brad. NES & Famicom Disk System
  7. I wish Charter offered much more past what we have, but just shy of getting business service I can't, which they also apparently wont do at residential addresses. I will wonder if I could write off a portion of my internet bill and call it a work expense. :P
  8. Actually, they must have upped it since I last checked, but not by much. http://www.speedtest.net/result/5009093974.png
  9. Or rather a choice to have the video at the top or bottom? And at the top but below the name. Also for the record I have mp4, avi, mov and mpg video files working. Some of the mov files aren't having sound play but they aren't playing sound in Media Player Classic either and have an error because of it, so I assume these are broken. So I think I found a loophole to finally post my favorite site. ;) But remember, "only" get the commercials. ;) ;) http://www.emuparadise.me/Commercials/ Edit: Also im using YouTube and they're the mp4's. I'm using a program called 4k Video Downloader for that, but that does cost money for the full program. Otherwise the Video DownloadHelper FireFox addon is what I use for YouTube. But don't download peoples video's if they are content that the channel makes. So don't download LaunchBox's or my video's please. :P Especially mine, I have ad revenue enabled. xD
  10. Working great right now, tested it with an MP4 commercial from YouTube. Plays and sounds fine, but clicking away to another game entry doesn't stop the video from playing. Edit: I also assume that in the official release a Video tab in the options menu will be available? Stuff like video's not auto playing.
  11. SentaiBrad


    Oh... I misunderstood you then! I'm sorry. I thought you were just posting the software! I didn't read in there that you made it. This is pretty cool regardless though, and I am impressed even more so that you made it!
  12. SentaiBrad


    If it's a product code to make the program work or to give pro features then we're going to have to remove it. Editing isn't available to everyone if I recall...
  13. SentaiBrad


    Is that a product key in the spoiler?
  14. SentaiBrad


    That's a question best answered by Jason, but I've got about 10k games, a 20mb XML and I haven't seen too many issues with performance. The issues we were having (which was opening the edit window for games was taking forever) has been resolved for several versions now.
  15. Tends to get away from us. ;) Thankfully my ISP is actually really cool. The DL speeds are great for the price, but UL lacks severely. I'm debating if I can get the faster upload package and write it off each year as an expense. ;)
  16. SentaiBrad


    No I get that there are a ton of features, and all valid to someone; But of the list, Sequential Controller ID's and compression support seem like two of the biggest and the compression is a feature that doesn't appeal to me. Though I also have like 14 or 15TB of space. It might seem like I am stuck on it but when users who use RL come over to either change over completely they're constantly asking if we have .rar or .7zip support. Not being there is what prompted the users to figure out how to make RL work with LaunchBox instead. Based on just that I think that it is silly to add more layers for 1 feature. For users who love and want all or most of the RL features it still makes sense that they should keep using if they are comfortable there.
  17. If it isn't in English though it would import Metadata in that language though. Between what we have + MobyGames and GiantBomb coming in the future I think we would be really covered.
  18. I switched over to using the MAME cores in RetroArch personally. Since I already know RA well, I moved over from MAMEUI to RA.
  19. Nah, you're doing fine. It is all a learning process, even we don't know everything.
  20. IS FB Alpha an Arcade emulator or a specific set of arcade machine emulators? I've always just used MAME for everything Arcade related. Standalone works, the RetroArch cores work (the 2014 one has been working for me).
  21. SentaiBrad


    fromlostdays said "To me that is performance loss though. If the game takes 2 to 10 min to load (depending on size and drive speed) isn't that considered a loss? Not to mention decompression takes drive writes each time too. So why not eat the slightly extra space (can also depend on the game) and cut out the middle man? If you are super super pressed on space I could get that though. This is ignoring the pause and bezels which I personally know I can do without. The only compression I do is .cso's for PSP and PS2 games but they don't require decompression." Sure. This is the kind of hobby where you make you own rules, haha. It's all about what you want, and I'm just thankful that there are people building these programs that give me the options, and sharing the love. Personally, I've been on my xbox one a lot recently, and I dig the full screen static image it displays when I launch a game. As soon as I feel like I have a handle on BigBox, I'm going to go back to RL and see about making all my PC games launch like that, doing away with the progress bar. I might try to set the Fade In to a solid 5-10 seconds, for no other reason than an aesthetic one. By the way, even my PS2 games don't take much longer than that to decompress, but 2 minutes is absolutely too much haha. I'd say you're making a more than fair conceptual point about decompression. Certainly hard drives are getting very cheap, and space isn't as much an issue anymore. And most people that get this far are probably invested in their computers anyway. If you wanted to fit as many games as possible on an SSD though, compression might be useful, and it's a good option to have. Again, its all about personal preference. Look in to using CSO's then. Not all games should be put in to them because some don't like it and can break, but most of my games are. All but 3 of my PSP games are. https://github.com/unknownbrackets/maxcso/releases This is the CSO utility for PS2 games, a PCSX2 dev made it. http://softadvice.informer.com/Yacc_Download_Psp.html That one is for PSP Games.
  22. That would be really cool, but don't we have to create one for each game? That would take a huge amount of time. Also, how do you sort that stuff? I personally have a huge library, my system would grind to a halt if suddenly all of my games (or even half) were live tiles. This does look cool though... what if we created one for LaunchBox and BigBox in general?
  23. I never used the individual cores for arcade games, always just used MAME or Standalone MAME and it's worked well enough for me when I wanted it to. RetroArch can get tricky, If you need more help with it and LB there are tutorials that Jason and myself have made in our YouTube channel. The link is in my signature.
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