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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. With Ninite they are all silent installs, meaning you don't touch anything. So the only program there that I don't use through Ninite is Steam because I don't want that in my C directory.
  2. This is cool, but does it integrate where the Search bar goes? That would be my only question. I use W10, I hit start and just start typing. :P So I love this idea as well, I use a lot of stuff. When reinstalling fresh on a new machine I love to use https://ninite.com/ . It makes everything go so much faster. I also use FileHippo File Manager to help keep things updated including the codec pack that I suggest to people on the forums. It doesn't update everything, just stuff it has in its own repository, but for me it's actually quite a lot of stuff. The codec pack for the record (free): http://www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_standard.htm http://www.filehippo.com/download_app_manager I use a program called Greenshot to take easy screenshots and it auto uploads them to imgur for me (you can download it through Ninite actually, it is how I found it). I use a program called Foxit (again I think in Ninite ironically) for a PDF reader and it is vastly superior. I actually use Foxit Phantom which is their tool for also creating PDF's. Another program I love is IOBit Advanced System Care http://www.iobit.com/en/advancedsystemcarefree.php So it's actually only got a free section, and some features are behind the pro license, but I think it is very much well worth it. https://i.imgur.com/yFo7vhn.png This is the scan I have it run ever other day. Every once in a while (especially on first scan) I will tell it to do a System Optimization, Security Defense and Vulnerability Fix Scan. The main draw for me though is it's Tool Box. https://i.imgur.com/8JDFOFe.png I use IOBit Uninstaller constantly. It uninstalls things better than the built in uninstaller does as it also scans and removes left over files from the system. Though, do not delete Steam games this way. If you have it scan and delete the remaining stuff, It will delete your entire Steam library as it thinks the other games are left over files. xD I've had that happen once... I use the other programs in the Toolbox consistently too, like Driver Booster. Really handy to keep drivers up-to-date.
  3. I personally haven't done this with Mapper files because.... DOS games... but I have appended command line arguments to singular games in the past. https://i.imgur.com/Rmla4fq.png If you know the mapper command line load argument use the command (for example) -m then the path to the mapper file. So for me, assuming the command would be -m (which I have no clue if it is), the full path would be something like -m E:\LaunchBox\5.2\DOSBox\mapper\testfile.mapper (I also don't know what the mapper file extension is... whoops. xD) Use a full path instead of a relative path because a relative path assumes some information, like if the mapper is with the root folder which in this case is the game. So you can use a relative path if you keep the mapper files in the game folders they belong to, that would look like something like -m "testfile.mapper" I don't use the mapper files, but assuming you can load them through the command line this should work.
  4. Usually a major point of failure is BIOS, but if you are playing NES and not Famicom Diskk System then... there are no BIOS. Personally I use the Nestopia core in RA and have no problems. https://i.imgur.com/Vvi03uW.png All my Roms are .nes roms in a giant list. If you have been changing emulators you need to make sure all the roms are loading the correct emulator. Ctrl + A, right click and edit your NES games. Choose emulator and choose RetroArch. If you do want to try the Nestopia core, open RA (right click a game and select open RA), go to the online updater, core updater and select NES / Famicom (Nestopia). Wait for it to finish download and unpacking its self. So we made sure the core has the right command under Associated platforms, made sure all the roms have RA selected for the games, and made sure the core was downloaded. What is the game you are trying to play that keeps crashing? All of them? Edit: Oh I didn't see your edit...
  5. We literally just responded to this in another thread, and had the same conversation in two others. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/troubleshooting/duplicate-games-and-video-snap-location#p9387
  6. Always delete the games first. I almost never even remove systems unless im also deleting the emulator.
  7. I don't think most cores will load from archived files. I can't imagine performance would be great though... If you load a core and go to Information on the first tab, it should tell you what file extensions the core will use.
  8. I remember that recent thread... sometimes people wont listen and the dumbest solution is the best solution. xD
  9. My suggestion as always is RetroArch of course. We have tutorials up on our YouTube channel regarding RetroArch.
  10. Oh I missed that. Yea, ini's in documents and PCSX2 folder. "ini 1.4.0" should only be in the documents folder. It looks like they are switching to this, at least in the PCSX2 settings there is no option to change where ini's are stored.
  11. You've always been able to have your files in your documents folder or your PCSX2 folder. However, only savestates, memory cards, BIOS and logs can be in your PCSX2 install. It looks like ini's need to be in the ini 1.4.0 folder for the new 1.4.0 version. You might not have file permission so PCSX2 can't access it, otherwise try removing all installs of PCSX2 (keep your memory cards and save states if you have any) and install PCSX2 fresh. See if it boots after this.
  12. LMFAO! That one reminds of Leisure Suit Larry Shipwrecked. And yes I went with those, we gotta make the Sexy Men of LaunchBox calendar! Cmon, you know you'll buy one with me on the cover Derek. :P Edit: Sorry, Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! :P
  13. AGDQ and SGDQ, I've watched for several years now. It depends on the game or run, any% OoT lasts like 13 min? I fell asleep during Majoras Mask but the OoT run right before Majoras Mask was an all dungeon run, but you don't do it in order. https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule It's almost over though, gotta wait till SGDQ next year. So for TheYetee and SomethingArtistic, they're regular shops and you can buy what ever you want when you want unless they are limited designs for AGDQ and SGDQ. TheYetee also has daily deals and those designs might show up again later, but maybe on another Daily Deal type thing. I bought several daily shirts (which the GDQ shirts are), discontinued shirts (they just try to get rid of the stock for cheaper than daily) and some regular full priced shirts. I am happy with all of them. I don't know about SA, but on Yetee you can submit your own designs for shirts, if they like it and think it can go up on the site they'll even profit share with you. This would be different if Jason and I were to get in to business with them, but they have deals with YouTuber's and other organizations where they sell their themed shirts. The shirt quality is nice and tagless too. My other favorite place is http://www.fangamer.com/ as well. Edit: Oh, for the calendar I can always get in to a banana hammock and get in to... positions... surrounded by consoles.
  14. That could just mean your internet is freaking out or the GamesDB is not working. When the scan is done it will say there were errors, but do you still want to add the games? Hit yes. At any time you can Ctrl + A one of your systems games and scan for metadata and images from the menu.
  15. Google is VERY powerful when it comes to algorithms. They LOVE them. So much so that sometimes after updates, for brief periods, content creators (like myself) get annoyed or upset when they break how much we get paid or other things. The most major one was when videos started getting weighted very differently when it came to search results. Several years ago, though I wasn't mad at this, they made it to where videos with the most views weren't automatically the best in search results. Boobs on a thumbnail would attract people in and gain them tons of views but the video was crap. They changed it to be a multitude of factors like thumbs up, down, comments, retention and then views. Sorry...... I know A LOT about YouTube. Edit: Oh, in my last post I did also mean to say too that YouTube knows what images and audio you are playing. So if the SMB theme pops up and their system knows what it is, they may even know exactly how long the song is. The other by product of this is the DMCA / Copyright "features" in YouTube.
  16. YouTube is really smart about how it handles those things. YouTube takes cues from Titles, descriptions, tags, even comments to drive relevance up. So say there are 200 videos of the Super Mario Bros theme (there are actually tons more than that) it will look at thumbs up and down, description, title and tags (if any tags) to then figure out relevance. How many views and how well its retained viewership will also factor in to it. The more obscure stuff might have a harder time, but generally when I type in something specific it can usually find it within the first 5 searches.
  17. CliveBarker said Could the YouTube API data brings privacy issues? I don't want to sound paranoid tho. I mean, are you going to need to log in to your account in order to use the API inside LB? However, I do like what you suggest, that way I can also save storage space. No, think of it like when you go to a webpage and see an embedded YouTube video. You don't even need to be logged in for YouTube to work, let alone play an embedded video. You can even have it autoplay and hide so only the audio is playing. You just have LB make the search for you, you click on a video based on titles sorted by relevance or something and it starts playing in the background. OCRemix would be the same way except there is no video, just the audio player.
  18. DOS76 said It always put metadata right in my video folders when it was XBMC (but the last version before they switched) It's never done this for me, and I've been using it since XBMC11. I wonder if its a setting.
  19. DOS76 said Both are top notch I do prefer Plex though because they don't clutter up your video folders with metadata files which Kodi does I do support full media support just because the other guys don't have a gaming section on their front ends and i would love to see the comic, ebook feature that Plex doesn't support. Kodi does have comics but the reader is terrible with no way to configure any changes. Kodi doesn't put any metadata in my folders? It has its own metadata folder in my users folder. Edit: Oh, ComicRack and Calibre are awesome for comics, manga and ebooks respectively.
  20. Soundtrack integration and Trailer integration does work in BB, but it would be nice for it to be widespread. Granted I think implementing the YouTube API and searching up videos based on specific tags would also work wonderful for those with smaller hard drives; though this would require decent internet and if you have bandwidth caps you'd want this turned off. :P My theory is though, how often would you realistically listen or watch stuff like this outside of LB? So an internet based solution makes more sense. If it is a soundtrack you already love you probably already have that with the rest of your music in your music player of choice. On the talk of cloud based solutions, I do think OCRemix music implementation (like YT) would be awesome too.
  21. Sorry kids, the parent's are fighting. ;)
  22. I've been telling him this LITERALLY for over 8 months. He magically forgets a lot of the stuff I tell him (I do tend to talk a lot) then someone else says it in the forums and "OH THATS A GOOD IDEA!" :P Love you Jason. But yea if we could get something going through http://somethingartistic.net/ or http://www.theyetee.com/ (these I learned from GDQ years ago) it would be awesome. http://www.fangamer.com/ would be awesome too. Also, I bought shirts from TheYetee (I love them all!) and I am waiting on Decals from SA (they don't mail out till AGDQ is over).
  23. The Steam of Retro Gaming. Linux and Mac support would be awesome. Personally the thought of media integration doesn't sound appealing to me at all in LB, and I've held my tongue on that long enough. There are enough programs doing that well enough (Kodi and Plex).
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