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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I would suspect it to be in the same area if it was. If you'd like to request this then go ahead and click Issues/Requests at the top. I would say to search for it first normally, but I do believe this is unique. There has been a request to also make it so the images don't repeat like that on wheels, so you might want to also vote on that, but both requests are different enough to warrant both being included. Don't forget to vote on any tickets you find, or any of your own tickets.
  2. Yea, I think that was intended. Consider each Platform Category as it's own type of view. So originally, there was the platform view (where they were all listed), then all games, then genre's, etc. You had different area's where you could show your games. The attract mode isn't set up to move between these, that wouldn't make sense. So it goes from your list of consoles, to another view that just shows Genre's and bounces between there? At least that's what I theorize is happening, they're treated like those special library filter views. Sorry if the wording is off, i don't know what to call them. They're not specific Theme views or even filters, but I hope you get the idea. If you want to make a ticket so that Jason can add an option to move between Platform Categories in the future, that'd be awesome. Click Issues/Requests at the top and request it. Don't forget to vote on your own ticket. I would say search first, but this is a new request I believe.
  3. So the entries need to be approved on the Database first, then it should (though sometimes not) be pushed to LB that night at around midnight PST (again, sometimes it's the following day), then you need to update your Metadata XML in LB. To do this, edit a game and click the search box to have it ping the database (If a game is attached to an ID, it'll be a blue link, and if it's not the blue link will be the search button). It will then ask you to update the package, and if your update was approved for that nights update, it should be in there. All in all, it should take about 24-48 hours after approval.
  4. Sweet, you're welcome! For CD-i did you grab the CHD's or did you use bin / cues?
  5. Not until it's been fully rejected. Then an icon will appear for it, and when you hover over it it tells you.
  6. If you name the artwork after the rom file name and not the name of the game, that will still work too. Media will attach to the name of the game in LB or the rom file name as well.
  7. You can use anything with LaunchBox. Some stuff might have a harder time, where you'd need to use Command Line parameters, but that's actually common.
  8. Yea, if that setting is not in their options menu, or in a config file, then I don't know what to tell you. You could try and look up a list of their command line parameters, but I don't know if they even have any.
  9. So every major update will be treated like a new OS? Windows 8 to 8.1 wasn't that big of a jump I guess? That makes 2 major W10 updates that have no broken a lot of things. I was wondering if they would truly consider this their platform OS instead of an OS that was around for a few years while waiting for the new one. I guess we have our answer.
  10. For the Database, head on over to the Database site (Games DB at the top), create an account and follow the guidelines. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wB80CH3zecXccfQ4Et8NxYa-G1bQuo7eo1YHvkYQ728/edit
  11. Yea, I'm still leaning towards some sort of software corruption. .Net, Direct X, or drivers. It's hard to tell.
  12. There is a Controller Automation tutorial, but for your set up specifically, no. It's a bit older, but it still applies:
  13. I think @Jason Carr made a change to the bottom bar, mine was gone too. Go to View -> Button Bar, and it will return.
  14. AHK works without Premium. What I was getting at was Controller Automation only, which is built in with LB Premium. I honestly don't know why the script wont work in LaunchBox. I don't recall this ever happening often. It could be the way LB launches AHK, or the script doesn't like being ran from LB. @Jason Carr or another AHK person might know.
  15. Changing the drive letter back, making sure it's relative to begin with so drive letters don't get added in the first place, using Notepad++ or reimporting and unchecking all of the media boxes are the 4 easiest ways to quickly deal with that issue. As for the request, I am sure it's been requested many many times, and I know there is a ticket for it on the BitBucket. Click Issues/Requests at the top, and make your search. If you can find it, vote on that ticket. If it doesn't exist then you can create a ticket if you'd like. Don't forget to vote on those tickets. The ticket system is the best way to keep track of requests and bugs, as well as the poll @Jason Carr puts out before each major update.
  16. There is software that could do this, but I know mGBA and RetroArch both have these basic features. Not to disparage the emulator choice, but I would honestly think upgrading might be more beneficial in the long run. However, I do use Display Fusion for window manipulation (it's software primarily for dual screen setups, but it has tons of other features). I'm sure there are also AHK scripts that can do this, I just don't know what or where. When you edit the emulator in LB there will be an AHK tab you can put scripts.
  17. If you do re-import, make sure to only uncheck the media boxes. If you uncheck the check box for the LBGDB, it wont use it at all. I've done that when re-importing. All my games had their media, but weren't attached to any LBGDB ID's.
  18. If you go back in to the Big Box settings, you can choose to just "View All Games", and Big Box should boot in to that automatically as the last thing you used. As for different views, play around with the Switch View key (you can set it in the Controller and Keyboard options). Play around with the different views till you find one you like. Past that, change themes and try their views. Critical Zone, an amazing theme, comes with LB now. Otherwise, you can get themes from our download section. If you need more help, check out the video below. Some things may have changed slightly, menu's and design can change, but it's the same concept.
  19. I'm jealous. I got Jason on to the GPD Win, then he goes and gets one. I can't afford it.
  20. I know Controller automation does some stuff for the game to LaunchBox / Big Box, but not back to Big Picture. The best way I could see to do this with a controller is Xpadder or AHK.
  21. You can download them from within LB. I don't remember Manuals being a Premium feature, but as long as you log in to your EM account then that option is certainly there. If it's EM Premium only, then you need to have EM Premium on the account you use to log in with. There are also websites that have even more. EM doesn't have everything: http://replacementdocs.com/news.php
  22. Controller Automation (a Premium feature) is what you're looking for, at least when using a controller. As for pressing 1 button to close the active window, AHK comes with LaunchBox and you can use that to do that. I would make it Shift + Esc or something though, as lots of games use Esc for completely normal operations. As for what script to use, I have no clue, I don't use AHK. There are plenty of threads on the forums about AHK scripts though. For Windows games, you'd need to launch AHK by it's self though as there is no AHK tab for games. There is a tab when you edit an emulator where you can paste scripts, but that doesn't work for Windows games.
  23. Once you buy LaunchBox Premium then you have access to the Controller Automation stuff, which has the ability to exit stuff from your controller. As for why the AHK script isn't working, im not sure, AHK isn't my area.
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