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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. If the games don't have artwork on our Database or EmuMovies, LaunchBox wont download it. Check some as they may not have downloaded on accident, or they were automatically attached to an ID and should have. Sometimes a game may not be attached properly when it does have an entry on the Database. Otherwise, the only other automatic way to fill in art is if you already have art packs downloaded. If you drop art, music, videos or manuals in the proper folder locations inside of the LB folder, and the assets are named after the rom file or the name of the game in LB, the media will automatically attach it's self to the games in LB.
  2. I actually don't think it's a bug, as far as I can tell. It looks like you have 3 entries of 1 game, and since the game name entry is the same, the images on the back end think it should be attached to all 3, adding the same image 2 extra times. The image was downloaded once for the 1 entry, then again for another entry, and again for the last entry, then all 3 were automatically attached to each entry all together. On the most recent poll image duplication and better image handling was there, and is the second most voted request behind Database improvements, so Jason will be trying to make this better real soon.
  3. It's also significantly unfair to compare Big Box to... any other front end? It's probably the most advanced front end in terms of it's back end, and has a single developer. Performance wasn't on the poll because it's always a concern, and something that is worked on little by little in almost every single beta.
  4. Actually, I don't think Audit tells you what you're missing compared to the Database at all. I don't recall that being a feature. That does make some sense, but as a toggle. Audit is more to put information at your finger tips in an easy way to understand and read. Like what games don't have any artwork, which games aren't attached to the Database, which games are considered duplicates (they show up red), etc.
  5. Using the folder name option should choose the main folder with the games name on it. I recall that being the case, and that was certainly the case when I imported all my DOS games; they were in shorthand labeled sub folders, which were in folders with the proper names. Importing and choosing the Folder Name option gave all of the games the proper full name. Windows searching the RPX files then using the folder name should work.
  6. Adding them as a separate system is technically correct (I think...?), but I've seen the ST games in SNES rom packs before, so I guess it's up to personal preference. The Bsnes Balanced RA core should run them just fine. Any SNES emulator or RA core should for the most part.
  7. Yea, the workarounds are why I just created two platforms, it was the fastest and easiest to understand.
  8. .184 should work just fine. By, "Under the default rom directory", does that mean you imported your games then let LB move them to it's games folder? If so, LB only moved the files it was importing and not the rest of the split or non-merged rom set. You'll need to move the rest of the rom sets files to the game folder location and tell MAME where to look in it's settings. If not, sticking the roms in the mame/rom folder is totally sufficient. Otherwise, with your emulator path the same, and the check boxes set properly it should be just fine.
  9. When you converted them, there are options in the program to not have them split up. WBFS files can be any size, the 4GB file size limit comes in with FAT32 drives, which is what drives needed to be in for some USB Wii game loaders, which isn't the case anymore and isn't the case for Dolphin. If you followed my compression tutorial, the application I brought up certainly has that option somewhere in the options, but check the program you did use and disable that. It might even let you combine them, but you will more than likely have to reconvert the game.
  10. I have a feeling that the Associated Platforms page for RA is not configured properly, if you have the right cores downloaded from within RA.
  11. View -> Autoplay Music or Ctrl + U.
  12. It doesn't need to be in the LB Games folder, but your install wont be portable. As long as your games, emulators and LB are all on the same drive (which by proxy means the ../LaunchBox/Games folder), it's a portable install. If your roms and emulators are on a different drive, it's not a portable set up and moving things around will take a few extra steps. However, LaunchBox doesn't care where your games are if you're just worried about playing them.
  13. It's not really a hacky way, or I wouldn't consider it that at all honestly. That's how (as far as I know) it used to be done years ago. For RetroArch, I'd be willing to bet the discs aren't all in the same location or the names are different than what it's expecting. I was gonna say too, that it could be because everything was loaded through LB, but so were the other examples that worked.
  14. The controller automation options don't need to be assigned to just a single key. The workaround for controls with a smaller amount of buttons is to assign a Hold or Modifier key. So in Controller Automations case, you set the hold button, then you set the keys for the other functions. To perform one of these functions, you press the hold key then the appropriate key for the function you want. I believe this is what you were getting at, but I can't really tell, so if you're asking about something different then please let me know.
  15. That might be a really hard, obscure, console to cover for. I'll do some looking around, but otherwise thank you for sharing!
  16. Some may have been ignored as duplicate, or may have already been imported (if you imported previously). However, if it said for Commodore 64 that 7k games were imported when you scanned for 8k, that doesn't mean the games were not imported, see below. In terms of what Hyperspin does, we're very different and are hard to compare. If a game has the same name, like Legend of Zelda, but has different brackets, like (USA), (Japan), etc, that is used to identify the game further but will also tell LaunchBox to combine them in to one entry. When you right click a game, all the alternate versions are still there, they're just counted as 1, since it's still, mostly the same game. Version 1.0 and 1.1, Rev A and Rev B, Rev 1 and Rev 2, Disc 1 and Disc 2, Disk 1 and Disk 2, would all normally be combined. You can tell LB not to and you can combine or uncombine games manually as you see fit. You can launch the other versions by right clicking a game in LB and selecting that entry. You can also select the alt verisons or other discs in Big Box as well.
  17. You should actually e-mail support@unbrokensoftware.com, that's the best way.
  18. Yea, roms with the same name but alternate phrases in brackets (like multiple discs, disks or regions) get merged in to one. You can expand all the roms after the fact if you'd like, or not have it combine during import.
  19. There is a disc swap button for these things. It should be similar to that of the Famicom, but it's probably most similar to the PS1. I don't know if it's the same across everything. A really easy alternative though, when it asks for disc 2, make a save state, load up the new disc and load that save state. Should continue on like normal.
  20. LOL They can want scanlines all they want, so can you. I just commented after solutions were made of what I liked, sue me.
  21. I prefer no scanlines myself, and instead prefer as clean of upscaling as I can get. On 3D systems, generally no shaders if it can scale internal resolution or scale up and have it look good. On 2D systems I generally prefer the Pixellate shader in the Retro folder. I like things to not be rounded or blurry.
  22. So when you launch a game, and press F1, this will load the RA menu and should put you in the Quick Menu by default. If not, the Quick Menu only shows up on the first tab when a game is loaded. From here, go down to Shaders, then go to "Load preset". Choose a category of presets (CG, GLSL and Slang). I normally choose CG or GLSL. I believe one is for DirectX and the other is for OpenGL, which I believe is GLSL, so it depends on the driver you're using and the system. For the most part, those two work though. Then, from there, it will list category folders. Go in to them and search around for something you like. Load the preset and then you'll see the Shaders menu change and list all the shader passes. The more shader passes there are, the more power it may require. That's not always the case, but the more layers it adds it certainly requires more power. Once you've selected it, choose Apply Changes. If you use custom configs, the shader settings will be made for that config, or you can save it as a core or game preset, which should automatically load for that game / core. If you don't like a shader, reduce the shader passes to 0, then apply changes. Choose another shader to test them out. When you select something you like finally, don't forget to save the core or game preset, or make sure you're loading the right custom config.
  23. Ok! I updated the Guidelines to add rule #12. Everyone please check it out, and if you have any questions or would like the rule clarified or think it needs a change in wording, let me know! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wB80CH3zecXccfQ4Et8NxYa-G1bQuo7eo1YHvkYQ728/edit
  24. Pinball stuff needs to be overhauled, but there hasn't been too much demand for it, so it just hasn't happened. Jason does want to get back in to the Database though, so things like some Pinball stuff can make it's way to better help that category. As for the images, I think in this instance it would make sense to relax that rule for Pinball, especially because Pinball tables are most often than not based on real machines, or recreations of machines. So in this instance, I do believe that to be a good change. I'll go ahead and amend the rules for Pinball, and make it more clear for Arcade as well.
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