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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Browsing the download section I found this: This might help too:
  2. Does the program have any extra command line requirements? That's usually the first place I would look.
  3. SentaiBrad


    That's why I ended up modding my Xbox. Now I need to find an afordable IDE drive or a good IDE to SATA Bridge that wont cause issues.
  4. Yea, right after the -L command should be that command, but I don't know why it's not working. It's more straight forward, Ironically, with MESS.
  5. Yep, it's an issue on EmuMovies end unfortunately.
  6. SentaiBrad


    Yea, OG Xbox emulation has lagged really really far behind, and I theorize because the OG Xbox is super easy to mod, mine is.
  7. I think that is it, but I am unsure. Also, I think I got turned around here, but wasn't the op asking for Colecovision? Apply the same steps as above, but replace the folder name with coleco, and the command line should be coleco -cart.
  8. SentaiBrad


    None unfortunately. OG Xbox Emulation pretty much doesn't exist. There is sort of an emulator or two, but they don't work like you would want them to, if at all.
  9. Yea, Demul is supposed to be really great for Naomi games, and several other platforms, except for games that are Windows CE based, which I don't think Naomi is. It might be hard to find the right BIOS, but that website I linked to has tons of good info for emulators, including demul specifically. The Dreamcast section could have more info too with your issue. You will need to add Demul multiple times in LB for each platform (I don't remember why, but there was a reason), and they need to have the proper command line arguments. So for Dreamcast with Demul for example, you'd use the command "-run=dc -image=", but for Naomi I believe it is "-run=naomi -image=". You also need to have some check boxes set up properly in the edit emulator screen as well: Like I said though, just replace the command with the one you need.
  10. Blast those little miscreants! If you happen to know, are the games you are trying to load Windows CE based games? Because otherwise actually, DEmul would have to be the suggested emulator for Naomi. I don't remember the command lines off the top of my head, but if I recall @DOS76 or @lordmonkus know them and could help you out with Demul. Unless there is another reason why you prefer Makaron?
  11. Sweet, I am glad I could shine some light on these pieces of software. Do be careful with Advanced System Care's RAM cleaner and the "Booster", as these are active portions of the software and can actually degrade performance more than it helps. I found this out with LaunchBox actually. I always used the automatic RAM cleaner, and turning it off made LaunchBox perform a lot, lot better.
  12. This might sound dumb, but being on Windows 7 may also be causing it. Big Box specifically takes in to consideration some enhancements Microsoft has made in the OS. Each OS they make changes, and in Windows 10 a certain part of code was optimized more so (I am probably butchering the explanation, it's been a while since Jason explained it to me, so please forgive me a bit). Basically, they offer something in a way that each operating system going backwards can't, because it's written in at such a low level. This does effect inherent Big Box performance, and it's the worst on Windows Vista, and best on Windows 10. Even Windows 8 performs slightly less. Even with top notch hardware, my understanding is that there is little that can be done to get around this. I may be off, or remembering this a bit wrongly, so I do apologize, and it may seem like an unlikely culprit but it's possible.
  13. Unfortunately no. I do want to create one, but I've been asked to wait on creating it so Jason can add some ScummVM features to LaunchBox to make things easier. Like when DOSBox and MAME got overhauls within LaunchBox functionality.
  14. I see the -L and -C commands, but do you have the proper Intellivision MESS/MAME commands after that? Also, do you have a custom config in the config path? If not, then the -C command will also cause more issues as well, unless you have the custom config you are trying to load. Should be "intv -cart" after the whole -C command, without the quotes. You can also try intv2. It also looks like Intellivision has BIOS. For the MAE / MESS Core, you need to put the BIOS in a more specific place. Depending on the command you use, create a "intv" or "intv2" folder inside of your ../RetroArch/System/ folder. Then drop the "intv.zip" BIOS in that folder. If you have a MAME Rom set from at least .174 onward, most (if not all) Software list BIOS are in the full MAME Rom pack.
  15. The main issue is still Big Box, but if your library is small and you optimize Windows you may be able to work with some older hardware. Cache and load times may not be the greatest, but once you're in it might surprise you. Also, being on Windows 10 actually makes a difference for Big Box as well, compared to 7 or even 8.Microsoft made Inherent OS advances on that Jason took advantage of, so do keep that in mind. Make sure you have enough over head for Windows (preferably 10) and LaunchBox / Big Box.
  16. Ordering through Monster Arcades is a really good pre-built service, that we've used (we had the cab at Retropalooza) and we're working with them more and more. They even have some DIY kits, where it looks like you can mostly order the wood pre-cut, and the electronics, minus the PC. If you want LaunchBox to power it (which is why I assume you are here), then yea, only Windows based machines will do that, and even if you can find a SoC based solution that runs Windows, it probably wont work correctly when all is said and done. If you go the Monster Arcade route, you'll be spending more money, but it depends on how much you want to put in to it. If you want something completely built for you, or certain levels of DIY they seem to accommodate that, with a few different cab styles.
  17. I'm confused, you mention "MAME 2014", which is a very out dated MAME Core in RetroArch, but talk like it's regular MAME? I am ... lost. It's worth noting that on MAME now, at least that I've noticed within the last few versions, certain controller types (like In RetroArch) will get automatically assigned keys, for the most part. So what version / flavor of MAME are you on...?
  18. That's probably the best idea @FoxyMonty. If it's straight gameplay, then it's probably from EmuMovies and is downloaded from within LaunchBox with LB Premium and EmuMovies Premium. You can access the video from their site or ftp with premium as well. In this case though, these would be YouTube links, so there might not be any crossover. I've long since asked Jason if straight YouTube streaming inside of LB could be possible too. The only reason why I say that two categories might not be a great idea is because of EM crossing over. The video is already downloaded within LB assuming a user is set up for that, and this can undermine that. That's partly why I am leaning way more towards the videos being trailers.
  19. Sweet, glad it was there. I honestly didn't know if it was, but Jason must have added it at some point.
  20. Well, video links haven't been a problem. I actually think a trailer is perfectly fine too by the way. If you want game play, there's Emu Movies for that. So actually, If you want me to change it I will have the guidelines reflect that trailers are perfectly acceptable.
  21. Check the Bulk Edit Wizard (Click a game, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, right click edit) and if it's not there you can request that field be added to LB at the BitBucket page. Click issues / requests at the top of the forum page and make a quick search to see if it hasn't been requested already. If it has, please vote on that ticket instead of creating a second ticket. If it doesn't exist, you are more than welcome to request it yourself.
  22. You can re-add your games if you'd like. This will remove favorites, stats or anything you've set up for the games, but re-import and unchecking all of the image boxes will have it import really fast, and all of the old artwork will re-attach automatically. Otherwise, if the option is not in the bulk edit wizard (Click a game, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, right click edit) then it's not there. You are more than welcome to request this field on the BitBucket. You can make a quick search to see if it has been requested, and if it has please thumbs up that one instead of creating another ticket. If it doesn't exist, create it and thumbs it up. Edit: The BitBucket is at the issues / requests link at the top of the forums.
  23. If all of your images are already cached, there's no pop-in going on, then it could be other software, or hard ware. The CPU is the most important piece of hardware to LaunchBox. The larger a library is, the more performance can start to go down, and we figured out that it's somewhere in the ballpark of 8k library items (unless it's changed recently). Do you happen to have other software running? Anti-Virus software? Anything that does active scanning? RAM Cleaners? An active firewall can do it too, but if it's the built in Windows Firewall, then it will probably be ok.
  24. Are you still caching all of your images? Caching is very CPU intensive and can take some time. The larger your library, the longer caching can take and performance will inherently take a hit. How long have you given it? Try scrolling through your library in the main view you want to use and see if that helps. Every time you reset something like image quality, etc, it will also reset the cache.
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