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Posts posted by Maddoc1007

  1. 1 hour ago, CriticalCid said:

    Hi @Maddoc1007, you see that wrong because it was the other way around. You could only use 2D Boxes for the CoverFlow element in these views in Beta-15 because CoverFlow ignored any other image type you have set in the properties. You now can/have to set the CoverFlow to any image type you want. If you want 2D boxes you have to change the image type to ImageType="Boxes"

    @CriticalCid That's not the case the command was Box, coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Row="7" Grid.RowSpan="4" CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}" ImageType="Box" This then would use what ever image you had set for that particular platform in LaunchBox see screenshots of beta 15 with both my own 3d boxes and Boxes that beta 16 then broke, but thank you and @Jason Carr for letting me know that it is now hardcoded to the image type ie Boxes, 3D Boxes etc. which works out equally as well.



  2. @Jason Carr I see the changes that you made to the last Beta now make it impossible to use any coverflow image in the newly added Game Views Horizontal Wheel 1, Horizontal Wheel 2 and Horizontal Wheel 3 will now only use Clear Logo's a change that was made for one theme is this going to be the case that we can not now use the Box's in these views? i would really like an answer because i have put a lot of hard work and time and had it set up before you brought about the change that only clear logo's work now, into my new theme SciDoc and thought i would have uploaded days ago,so a final answer would be appreciated as to whether this is indeed the fact and if it is then i can make the change and finally upload my theme.

  3. Here is a video of the 11 GameViews in my New theme SciDocwhich take account for the new views added, i apologise for the bad quality as my computer doesn't like recording software.  Also sorry for the delay in uploading the theme as i am awaiting @Jason Carr to fix Wheelsgameview1, 2, 3 which broke the coverflow in the last beta however it works perfectly fine in beta 15 as you can see from the video i am also awaiting further folder support in the theme images/platform for user designated folders so i can add a folder there called marquee if Jason that is possible.  My theme is completed in both flavours for all and will upload as separate 4.3 and 16.9 when Jason lets me know when fixes are done (as after all he is only one man who works his socks off).  I will start the Vertical Default theme immediately these items are fixed.


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  4. Have done changes in the 4.3 version it will play both 16.9 and 4.3 platform videos so hopefully will be uploading new theme in a few days and a version for 16.9 videos both fully completed from top to bottom.

  5. @andi massey My Glass theme works on 4.3 Monitors and i will be uploading a new theme in a few days am just waiting on a computer accessory to finish it off fully it will come in a 4.3 version as well but the platform videos must be in 16.9 format, You will be able to use 4.3 format platform videos on it as well just they will be a bit smaller and left aligned but i have created the theme to take full account of this fact.  Link to video of my new theme.


  6. Here is a video of my new theme it will be a few days before i upload it as am waiting on a computer accessory to finish it all platform and game views have been finished as well as BigBox screen and options screen skinned as well as music popup.  Sorry for the poor quality and the bad lag as my computer does not like recording software, i hope you like what you see.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:


    @Maddoc1007 Yeah, the music stuff does need a tutorial and also a bit of cleanup on ease-of-use. Another thing that would help is folder support so that the m3u playlist isn't required. We'll have Brad do a tutorial after 7.0 is live.

    @Jason Carr Thanks Jason looking forward to when you add folder support to such a fantastic addition KUDOS and to a @SentaiBrad tutorial after 7.0 is live.

  8. @Jason Carr Apologies figured it out some more single music tracks will play one by one or by button press once set up for in Music/Background folder for platforms in BigBox.  In BigBox i had view set in Games to Coverflow no music per game in this view but in the other game views music once named after game or .m3u named after game will play after each other or by button press once set up definitely needs a tutorial of the music features, Kudos a wonderful feature once you get your head around it.

  9. @Jason Carr Figured it out was expecting the music to play per platform but it had to be named per game instead so it is working ok both indivudual tracks and .m3u.  But while music will play per platform in BigBox, Bigbox still refuses to play .m3u even if named after game scroll to game nothing same also for platforms or has .m3u to be named as platform?  I think a better explanation of the music or a tutorial for the music should be done.

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