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Everything posted by Kriven

  1. Oh man, I had started working on a Netflix theme a few weeks ago. Now I gotta figure out something else I've got some mock-ups of what I was planning on doing, if they interest you.... For your current theme can I make a little suggestion? Instead of "BigFlix Original" can you put the logo for the game's platform?
  2. I definitely like the idea of cross-checking ROM compatibility against some kind of officially supported list (more so for emulators which strive to work without plugin support).
  3. These are very cool. I can see myself definitely using them if I go back to a theme which heavily relies on clear logos to keep things neat and orderly. Does anyone know of any clear logos for genres, like the SHMUPS one that was posted earlier? Looking for as many genres as possible, but I guess Platformer and Action-Adventure are the most important right now. (I'm specifically looking for the logo itself, not a silver ring made out of it). Also, here's something for people who use GamersGate (I don't think one existed for GG yet... correct me if I'm wrong...)
  4. For anybody else out there who might own a game on Amazon's services.
  5. I've got about 4500 tracks in my Background folder because I like the experience of having music I haven't heard in a while/at all (but still own, for whatever reason) played to me. Admittedly, the number of tracks in the folder might have contributed to the problem, but it was working properly right up until the update. Since I just picked up my Music folder and dumped it into the Background folder, that also included my .m3u playlists and a whole lot of folders-within-folders, which I thought may have been confusing Big Box somehow. I'm almost about done restructuring all of that content to simply be in the one folder with no .m3u files present, but it hasn't really changed much (Big Box now seems to favor the Assassins Creed Complete Soundtrack over Savant's Alchemist album, though).
  6. Oh, thank god somebody else has this issue. I've spent the last few days completely reorganizing my music folders hoping it was just a problem filename. x.x;
  7. This update seems to have broken my Big Box's ability to shuffle its background music in a really weird way... The first song is random, but after that it keeps leaping to the exact same song and playing the rest of that song's album. I took that album out of the "Background" folder, and Big Box started playing another album by that artist (again starting with a song in the middle of the album). I've checked file names, folder name, all of the playlists... Big Box isn't loading a playlist file, I don't think, because it isn't playing the songs in the order that they appear on a playlist. It's just playing the same artist as #2 and then going right on through all of their stuff. I can't figure it out, and it wasn't happening before the update.
  8. Hey, I seem to be having some trouble with playlists. I want to use playlists to better sort things by genre (this is generally easier and cleaner for me than going through the trouble of filtering by genre). For my Comedy Movies playlist I have the setting Genre Is Equal To Comedy. That works. But I decided I wanted to exclude movies which were Comedy/Horror, so I added a new line: Is Not Equal To Horror. What I expected to happen was for it to filter in all of the movies with the genre "Comedy" and then filter out all of the movies with the genre "Horror." Instead it's just not filtering anything and loading everything within the "Movies" platform, regardless of genre ):
  9. I've noticed with the current generation of consoles, games will often fill the screen with a full image of some kind to hide the booting process, but I thought it was a nice way of setting the mood for a particular game. I attempted to emulate that experience by having a short video launch before the game itself, but I can't seem to figure out a way of doing this. The game and the video always launch simultaneously. is there any way to delay the main game from launching until after the video plays?
  10. I do it with Movie Maker in Windows 8.1. I just split the video at the right moment (you can drag the slider around or type in a specific time) and then copy/paste that last portion repeatedly.
  11. I just copy the last frame and paste it until the video is about five minutes long, just to be sure it won't loop. Ever.
  12. I imagine it should be a pretty simple matter of altering the column variable. Telling the list background to stretch further down the screen.
  13. Right now I just edited it in GIMP to get a proof of concept so we could know if that's what you had in mind. I'll try to figure out if this is something within my abilities to edit when I have a little free time.
  14. Are you asking for something like this?
  15. Everything within the folder should be portable. So moving the whole "LaunchBox" folder shouldn't be an issue.
  16. I meant your games. Just put LaunchBox at the external drive. Or, in my case, I make a folder somewhere within LaunchBox's folder system and have my drive mount at that location. That way I never have to change what directories LaunchBox is looking at. But you say all your ROMs are on different drives already? What is it that's filling up your main drive?
  17. It makes more sense to move your media to another drive, to be honest.
  18. I hope you don't mind me sharing this here... I've made some modifications to your theme for my own uses, but I thought maybe other people would like some of it. If you (or any of the other people whose resources/code might have been used here) want me to remove the download, I will. If anybody decides to use this, just keep in mind that I'm not actually knowledgeable about XAML or any other coding language, really, and I just monkey with things until they were in a state that I liked. Favorite and Complete icons can now be seen in the games list, as well as Star Ratings. Additionally, if you have movies in your collection, I've included some coding for the specific resolutions (SD, HD720, HD1080, UHD) which are linked to their Status metadata (although that can be easily changed to suit anybody's particular needs). The icons are also more colored in than before to help them stand out. Additionally, the "BigBox" logo is now a permanent fixture, to add a more consistent feel to the theme. The new clock feature is also shared by every view. Here we get a look at some games. Where movies have their resolutions, video games have their content ratings (NR, RP, EC, E, E10+, T, M, and AO all work. Just make sure your ratings are all "E - Everyone" format). You can also see that Favorite and Complete icons are present but not filled in. The outlines are ever-present, and are filled in when appropriate. Again, this is for the sake of consistency. You'll see the same thing with the Star Ratings. Here you can also see the the games' clear logos are replaced with a platform silver ring. This is because clear logos are kind of superfluous given the clean title just above the box art. This also better facilitates browsing through playlists with games from multiple platforms. I've only gone to the trouble of adding the platforms I personally use. It shouldn't be any trouble for somebody to go in and add their own if they want to, but I will also add them upon request if people are interested. I would prefer if a silver ring already exists, however. (Also, whatever silver rings are needed for the theme are included in the core images folder). You can see I've made similar changes to the Game Menu here. The most notable and unexpected change would be the replacement of the File Directory with the games' Series metadata, which I use to track which operating systems that particular .iso or .exe will be compatible with. I've also changed the margins for the box art a bit, to better center it. This theme is being worked on specifically with my tile style box fronts in mind, but it still works nicely with other image types. TimeSize.zip
  19. Is there no way to reference the currently selected Playlist the way there is for Platforms and Games? (ActivePlatform) (ActivePlaylist)?
  20. I usually use the "Region" metadata option to get around this sort of thing, because it's the only method which has reliably worked for me. In your case I would set the region to "Angus Press", for example, and move all of the appropriate pictures into the automatically generated folder.
  21. Hey guys. Recently I decided it would be more fun if the background music in Big Box would just cycle through all of my music on a shuffle instead of the same song or few songs. That way I could experience something I don't listen to all the time--kind of like when you turn on the radio and get something you forgot existed and you're like "Aw yeah dude, I love this song!" So I made up a nice .m3u playlist in the Music folder that points to all of the music tracks I own. Then I copied that and pasted a shortcut in the Background folder. Just to be sure it worked, I played it in a few different media players (VLC, MediaMonkey, Foobar). It worked fine there, but for some reason Big Box wouldn't play it. So I tried making shortcuts to the music files directly and putting those in the Background folder, but Big Box doesn't like that either. Is there no way to get Big Box to play shortcuts?
  22. Yeah man, basically everything he does is gold. He really was the best choice for a live action Tick. Edit: Nightly update for April 12, 2017. I'll be adding all of the nightly updates to the master .zip files every Saturday night. Vanilla Marmalade and POISON go with specific YouTube videos: Edit: Nightly update for April 13, 2017.
  23. I tried, but for some reason it would only let me modify the attached images at that time. It's letting me edit the text now, though. I wonder what happened.
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