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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Ok, I will take a look at the emulator and see what I can figure out but is there any reason you wouldn't use Mame, Retroarch FBA or even the stand alone FBA emulator ?
  2. What is the standalone emulator ? I have used Mame and Retroarchs FBA core for CPS3 without issues so I have not had reason to use anything else.
  3. Yeah there is a lot of effort that goes into this type of thing. I have not updated my rom set since 178 but maybe if I get energetic enough I will get a new 182 set and see about updating the No Filler bat file for the all in one, no way in hell I am going to try and do the "genre" ones as well.
  4. Yeah definitely not even close to a Retroarch shader.
  5. Cool, let me know how it is cause if it is good enough I would consider using it over RA.
  6. Have you tried it to check out the shader ?
  7. Even though I have already stated in the description that this was built around the 170 romset I will update the description to make it more clear. If you want to send me a list of roms needed for a 182 romset I can make and upload an updated 182 bat file or you can upload a 182 bat file if you prefer.
  8. Honestly you shouldn't even be looking at Cemu with that system. If you have Cemu running fine on those specs im shocked. Edit: Nevermind, didn't read closely, doing too much multitasking at the moment.
  9. For that spec of a system stick to the stock theme with text list and single box view (not coverflow view). Turn off all the animations and set image quality to medium. As you can see in my 2nd system listed above it's lower spec than yours and BigBox runs fine.
  10. Then you would really love the enhancements that have come since 122. In recent versions there have been new and better shaders to replicate a CRT and with the latest 182 build there is Port Audio which gives extremely low latency audio, 0.0033 ms which is practically 0 delay. Feel free to check out my guide I did on Mame for beginners to start out with here: If you aren't on a bad internet connection and got bandwidth I would highly recommend updating to a new rom set and Mame version. So much has improved since 122.
  11. What Mame are you using ? Command line or UI based version ? I am using the command line version with Launchbox 7.6 and don't have this issue at all.
  12. Try updating to 7.6 since that is the new official build.
  13. I have been pushing Jason for this feature as well. You can vote on what the next feature to be worked on here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/launchboxfeatures Nested Filters and Playlists should allow this functionality.
  14. In the Emulator Details window uncheck "Don't use quotes" and "Use file name only"
  15. Stand alone Mame with BGFX shaders and now with 182s Port Audio is superior anyways.
  16. Well the cores with dates are built off of older versions of Mame so they may be totally incompatible with your rom set. I believe the one core with no year is based off of 174 version and is soon to be renamed to Mame2016 and the next Mame with no year will be based off of 181 or 182. I'd still recommend sticking to the stand alone for Mame anyways. I'm a huge fan of Retroarch but for Mame I don't think I will ever use RA for it unless something drastic happens.
  17. Retroarch Mame is not bad if using a new git build of the core that is not available through the updater, you can find them on the forums though. Even though it isn't bad the stand alone versions of Mame are still better overall. If you do want to use RA Mame though there is nothing special with bios, just leave them in the folder with the roms like with stand alone Mame. And as far as using it though LB is concerned just use it like any other core. Set your emulator to Retroarch with the command parameter to use the mame core dll.
  18. Yeah I have used various versions of bSnes with varying degrees of success but I have all of my MSU games working with the RA bSnes core after some fiddling around with them.
  19. If you have the cue + bins for a game all in the same folder a very simple m3u should work just fine. For example I keep my PS games in their own folders for organizational reasons and here is my m3u file for Final Fantasy IX: Final Fantasy IX (USA) (Disc 1) (v1.0).cue Final Fantasy IX (USA) (Disc 2) (v1.0).cue Final Fantasy IX (USA) (Disc 3) (v1.0).cue Final Fantasy IX (USA) (Disc 4) (v1.0).cue
  20. It should work, can you post some screen shots of your Mame setup in Launchbox.
  21. I like this idea a lot. This along with better custom sub categories within platforms would be awesome to have. Edit: If you can submit a bitbucket feature request for this and post a link to that ticket here so we can vote for it that would be awesome. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/new
  22. Yeah Retroarch isn't super intuitive but it's not bad once you get used to it and once you do get it setup the pay off is well worth it in the end.
  23. Are you using stable 1.3.6 build or a nightly 1.4.0 beta build ? If you are using stable 1.3.6 you may want to turn on "per core configs". I do recommend trying a nightly 1.4.0 beta build though if you have not tried it out. They have made some changes in controller setup. Gone is the "per core config" and now it is in the "core options" where you can save a "core config" or even a "game config".
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