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  1. The beauty of it all is that depending on how it is implemented, people could just make and download Icon packs to fit their theme or style Just wanted to show how they can have different styles
  2. Just wanted to post some Icon Ideas I found on Deviant Art
  3. Automated would be nice, but I still want to be able to edit/change it myself. Also it should be able to show more than 1 icon if more input types are supoported
  4. I was wondering if there is a way to add a place for controls/controller icons. Purpose/example: In my DOS collection there are some games i am able to play with a controller/joystick and others I am able to play with Keyboard and Mouse. It would be cool to see an Icon of say a controller (allow different controller icons to be selected such as PS4 or XBOX360/ONE Controller) or a Keyboard/Keyboard Mouse. This would also be beneficial for Wii Games since they use various controllers and controller addons this would help to quickly see what controller would need/supported to be used (such as the wiimote, nunchuck, pro controller...) Icon Ideas: Xbox 360/one, PS4, Wiimote, wii nunchuck, Wii pro controller, arcade stick, nes, snes, keyboard, mouse, KB/Mouse, joystick What do you think? REQUEST Link: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2603/controls-icons
    Love IT. I Integrates perfectly with kodi, feels like a seamless experience.
  5. Pretty sure I did that. I will try again.
  6. I must have made a mistake somewhere. When I start the game from Launchbox it opens the FS-UAE Launcher and not the game... hmm...
  7. It Works! Though there is a big(ish) delay/transition from kodi to big box, But it does work! Great Job!
  8. Here is a log file Kodi Log.rtf
  9. Still will not load bigbox from within the windows kodi app
  10. I will try this tonight! Thanks
  11. I know this may be another can of worms, But I am unable to get this to work with the Windows APP Version of Kodi...Any Ideas or are you able to get it to work and it's just me...
  12. When a submission is rejected, is there a way to search for only those that were rejected?
  13. Cebion said FistyDollars said Jason Carr said How could I forget!? Sorry guys. And the winners are... 1. @Cebion 2. @FistyDollars 3. @HardcoreHubz @Ruester, you were number 4, but you put in such a great effort, I'll go ahead and give all four of you a forever license. Please send an email to me at jasondavidcarr@gmail.com with info on who you want the license to go out to (name and email). Thanks! :) Phew! I need a break... Indeed! Someone started to upload 3-D Boxes of every snes game! Took me forever! Kudos for the work though. And now we're all strategy game specialists xD You're welcome for the 3D snes covers! Not finished yet but getting there. Nes is next ?
  14. Cebion said FistyDollars said Freestate said Well, i have to point an issue attached to this conquest madness, i understand the point on the contest is to manage the bunch of contributions of this days BUTTTT!! i see obviously that acording to seeking the prize the moderation is been a disaster and a next-next-next-clicking madness only to achieve the prize. By mistake i upload a widescreen fanart as disc image and SURPRISE ! 3 moderators aprove it. Without a system to audit good moderation the result of this contest is auto-accept entries like a robot. I agree that there should be a way to delete a change you've submitted without having to wait for it to be moderated. HOWEVER; as for the claims that the top moderators are auto-clicking robots seeking the prize? First off, I already have a forever license, and have had one since before Jason raised the price - if I win, I'm giving it to a friend of mine who's been jealous of my frontend setup for a while, but it's hardly a motivator. Secondly, and Brad/Jason can back me up on this, I've been trying to stay on top of the queue since moderation launched, well before the contest, and honestly the whole reason I've become more active on the forums was because of the feeling of belonging here that being a moderator gave me. Third, I do this because I genuinely enjoy it. I LOVE finding out (and then researching for confirmation) things about games I didn't know existed, or were released on platforms I never saw as a child. Sure, sometimes it gets a little grindy, but the interesting stuff you can find in the queue is totally worth it to me. Obviously I can't speak for anyone else, but as the guy currently in 1st, I just wanted you to know where I'm coming from. I totally agree. Since moderating my backlog of games is huge. Thanks guy with the million of strategy titles I have never heard of xD Also the Japanese stuff is really challenging and interesting. About my motivations: I currently have a private database in use with about 3000 games in it (mostly adventures) and I love lists and oldgames. I've contributed many databases but never had the feeling of being a real part of a team. This is different and I really enjoy spending 2-3 hours a day for this cause. (I'm more of a dos guy but never stop learning about new platforms) I'm not the heavy user of launchbox, but the database mixed with collections and goals to play games is my way to go. And I hope in the future I can look for games, add them to my backlog, find games based on my interesent by comparing ratings to other users and more. There are so many possibilities. Hope this gets big! You're Welcome on the Strategy Titles, I've always been a fan of Strategy Games!
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