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Everything posted by zetec-s-joe

  1. Not a bad idea for an alternative great job
  2. I also use Don's Rom Renamer in conjuction with HyperList XML files, you do not need HyperSpin or anything else to use the program or selected XML.
  3. As if you read my mind! just finished that set up with the official HyperList XML Costs nothing to say thank you (Y)
  4. No problem Excited to see your older work get a refresh
  5. Could always use this, the Wii got a US release, the logo is US but the cover is the same, could just throw the Wii U banner on top, ONly trying to be helpful, don't want to come across demanding haha
  6. These couldn't come at a better time!!! Thank you, What is the missing cover out of intrest?
  7. I'm currently running a WD My Book Duo 16TB (8TB Mirrored), I do use this for my Plex server also though. I used to want a complete set of every game ever, I have now got to the point where I think Just the main sets trimmed down slightly on a 2TB would be more than enough, I will probaby slowly get a 2TB drive filled then use the spare 6TB on the NAS purely for Plex Back in the old days when Kodi was more popular I used to like the fact I could run Live TV/Movies/TV Shows/Music/Radio/Games/etc all from one app and it look very smart on a 60 inch 4k screen... LaunchBox Media Centre Jason? haha
  8. This is a great idea, and one hell of a job you are taking on!
  9. These look amazing! thankyou I guess the majority of this system came in jewel cases instead of the boxes???
  10. Have you updated Emulator Option within LaunchBox for Dreamcast to now use Flycast instead? the WinCE version will not load regular games, so make sure to use the non WinCE version by default. Flycast will play cdi,gdi, chd v4/v5 so game dumps likely wont be an issue
  11. A 2D version would be awesome, they look really good. If either yourself or Lusty could make a cardboard box with end sticker 3D box set to match this would be a complete set with his marquees too ?
  12. Seriously gonna end up buying a marquee screen just for these haha
  13. Flycast WinCE core plays the WinCE games pretty well, just wish they'd combine it into one core. For a Stand-alone I'd go with Redream, the licence is worth the money for 1080p imo
  14. Dedicated marquees? As in a unique marqee wthout the red boarder? This will be great to use in my arcade set to seperate from MVS
  15. Yeah sorry, missed that the "out" was missing - Like Kondorito and Neil said, just praising your work
  16. Looks great, been tempted doing one myself for awhile now
  17. Nice job, pumping a few videos out lately (Y)
  18. Also the Logos you have made look great
  19. these are awesome, must of taken forever
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