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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Close Launchbox and go to Launchbox/Data/Platforms and delete the .xml file.
  2. I set my emus that allow you to set the save location to save to my one drive. You get 5GB free and i dont use it for anything else.
  3. Games dont just delete themselves from Launchbox by themselves, so something else is happening here. First i would go to Launchbox/Data/Platforms and open the Windows.xml with notepad++ and see if the missing games are in there. If they are in Launchbox click the "View" dropdown at the top of the screen and make sure none of the "Hide games missing ....." are not checked.
  4. As i said, Launchbox only checks for a new metadata package once every 24 hours, if you have already updated it within the last 24 hours it will not look for the new data.
  5. You will need to update your local metadata first, and Launchbox only checks for that once every 24 hours.
  6. Move retroarch where you want it, then double click retroarch in your image and browse to the new location. As for roms, highlite all the games in a platform with CTRL A, and go to Tools/Change rom path.
  7. Yes, unless you moved the roms as well.
  8. Yes, either through Tools/Manage emulators, or Tools/Manage Platforms.
  9. neil9000


    What did you call the platform, is it Sony PSP like my image in your other thread, or is it something different like just PSP? Do your game files have the correct name of the game, if the name isnt correct then Launchbox wont know what game to get images for. For example if God Of War was just called GOW.iso or something you wont get any matches.
  10. neil9000


    What did you scrape the platform as, and how are the games named?
  11. I just tested here on 9.9 and i am not getting any errors. However i am also not getting any tags. I tested on Assassins Creed Origins.
  12. Go to Tools/Options/Image Priorities/Box Front. Check the images you would like and use the "move up" and "move down" buttons to set them in the order you would like if the main image is not available.
  13. neil9000


  14. neil9000


    Click the "Associated Platform" tab in that screen and put in the platform the emulator is for. This must match EXACTLY what you are calling the platform in launchbox. Essentially Launchbox needs to know which platform it is to use the emulator with.
  15. Please do not confuse your personal preference with ignorance. I myself have been using these emulators for years now, and i always just use the default save state slot. I save when i want to, to the same slot, i do not save if i am in a difficult spot/encounter. I also tell the emulators to save these states to my onedrive folder, so i never lose them.
  16. I sort of understand that mentality as you are coming from RocketLauncher yourself, but i feel fo a lot of people its a bit of a non issue. Im not dismissing it outright, but you are comparing it to another program rather than what it is on its own terms, which is a way for users to save/load states into slot 0 that havent had a way to do that without using a keyboard previously.
  17. 1) No. Random startup videos are possible. Just put all the videos you want randomised in the Launchbox/Videos/startup folder. 2) Those are MAME software list roms, not standard MAME arcade roms. They are not currently supported, but may be coming.
  18. Anything you can do to a single rom you can do in bulk, either with a CTRL A to highlite all, or just a few by holding shift while clicking on multiple games. then when you right click and go to edit you get the bulk edit wizard instead of the single game edit window.
  19. Yeah, as i said there is no indication of that in the UI. Surely you would know if you have saved in a game or not anyway? It will either load your state or wont when you try, depending on if you have one or not.
  20. You dont actually need to re-import, that is what i was saying in my first reply, you can just tell the games in a platform to use a different emulator via the bulk edit wizard.
  21. You said that you already had your games imported but made a new emulator entry for them. When you did that did you re-import all your arcade games to use that new emulator entry you made?
  22. If you added a new emulator called Retroarch Arcade which is set to not unzip games, then you need to tell the games that. The "Default" checkbox in the manage emulator screen is for imports only, it wont change it after they are imported, you need to bulk edit your roms to use the other retroarch emulator. Click your arcade platform then a game in it, use CTRL A to highlite all the games in that platform and right click one and choose edit. This will open the bulk edit wizard, click next, in the first dropdown choose emulator and in the second dropdown that appears select your Retroarch Arcade emulator, finish out the wizard.
  23. There isnt in the Launchbox/Bigbox UI, but the emulator itself may. Retroarch for example pops a message when you save/load states.
  24. https://discord.gg/chXH75
  25. Settings/Drivers/Menu, change it to ozone.
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