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Everything posted by NJDave71

  1. I know LB has gone through multiple version changes. Haven't had a chance to address
  2. Sorry, at this time I do not have any plans of updating this plugin. I have removed this from the forum as it is no longer supported in the current LB
  3. NJDave71


    Hello everyone: Does anyone know of a Single Board Computer that can run Bigbox and emulated up to PlayStation 1. I know ETA Prime has been hard at work reviewing and give Launchbox Updates. I have ran an alternative front end on PI and Really like to the look and feel of Bigbox. I had been toying with the idea of doing an out of the case Computer and retro fitting it into an bar-top with a small PC fan in the rear for air flow. if you have built something or have a suggestion, please share, I am sure there are others that would be interested. Happy Gaming
  4. you can download this theme directly from within Bigbox. or below
  5. Thank you for your feedback....due to my schedule I am unable to maintain this theme. I have given other user's authorization to incorporate my theme into theirs. Their are so many great themes in the forum. That take advantage of big boxes latest version.
  6. There is a configuration line "override_artwork" in each of the files Simply Uncomment the line by removing the # next to it. Replace genhorizont with horizontal (default artwork file name for your horizontal games) Replace genvertical with vertical (default artwork file name for your vertical games) horizont.ini # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # fallback_artwork horizontal # Uncomment next line to use this for all games # override_artwork genhorizont vertical.ini # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # fallback_artwork vertical # Uncomment next line to use this for all games # override_artwork genvertical ______________________________________________________________ Happy Gaming
  7. glass thing??? are you referring to the default artwork located in the artwork folder?
  8. The initialization screen is part of the MAME rendering and meant to handle changes in screen resolutions. I have reviewed lots of programming notes on ways to suppress it but i have been unsuccessful on my end. Let me see what changes in the new year.
  9. I am keeping up with the latest builds.
  10. Once bigbox launches press ctrl alt del and to bring up your task manager from the menu choose File then run In the run type explorer.exe This will bring up your desktop You can exit bigbox to now return to your desktop. I think bigbox can now run a program on exit.
  11. Change bigbox.exe back to explore.exe
  12. .0214 is now posted. Enjoy
  13. Version .0214 should be posted soon.
  14. You welcome to read https://docs.mamedev.org/initialsetup/compilingmame.html This is where i started. It does require to know some C++
  15. I don't believe I have this version anymore. I will have to see if I have it backed up.
  16. MAME .0211 No Nag has been uploaded.
  17. The No Nag turns off all warnings and all messages that appear prior to the launching of the game. I am on my 2nd recompile attempt on version .0211. It seems everyone wants it so I am going to see i can do.
  18. I will look further into this thanks
  19. Yes Yes, if you use the .210 Version it will be a true No Nag version
  20. The File has been re-uploaded and now MAME64.exe is half the size.
  21. MAME .210 will be available Monday.
  22. This is my Controller. It works fantastic as an 8 way controller (I also will use it with 4 way games without any issues). https://www.ultimarc.com/rotary.html Great space saver
  23. I am happy to hear your on your way.... We try our best to help one another. Good Luck with your theme and please share your results.
  24. Did you try Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.CommunityOrLocalStarRating, StringFormat=N2}
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