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The_Keeper86 last won the day on February 7 2020

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  1. I haven't used SL in forever! But decided to give it another shot and it crashes LB here as well when loading a game.
  2. Glad to see you back! I can't wait to see the new version! This was by far my favorite theme(s)!
  3. I have one for 360. Coverbox Fragment - XBox 360.7z
  4. Thank you! I feel dumb. I should've known that!
  5. Is there a way to turn off the auto import feature? I have some non rom files in some of my folders that automatically get imported now.
  6. Weird I have NONE of these issues! Never had an issue when upgrading to any new version.
  7. I love your 2.5D covers! Any chance of a GameCube set?
  8. Amazing work! Seems to work great. However dumb question, what is the command line I'd need to add to auto launch this when launching a game via LB?
  9. Sorry about that. Yeah, I don't see anything like that. It might be an LB update like you said. I'm on the latest LB.
  10. Oh my bad 🤣How do I check for the db id? I do have TeknoParrot setup as a platform and one game added that I added manually.
  11. I have the Descriptions and Metadata folders inside the plugin folder but the plugin doesn't do anything when licking on update.
  12. I was really looking forward to more systems added. Oh well I hope all is well with him.
  13. I already have a lifetime license, but just wanted to say Happy 10-Year Anniversary!
  14. Sweet thanks! @JoeViking245 worked perfectly! Great help and community as always :)
  15. I didn't, I added it now but it doesn't exit. I have this in the exit script ; PCSX2 has an ugly exit process; this cleans it up visually Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
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