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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. Also is there a way to PRELOAD the "flip disk to side B" requirement on Apple II games that require that?
  2. You had posted: I couldn't get that working, I got THIS working though: apple2ee -ui_active -skip_gameinfo -gamma 0.50 -flop1 I had to remove -gameio joy Not sure what -gamma .50 really does for this platform...can you explain?
  3. For Apple II with MAME apple2ee -ui_active -skip_gameinfo -flop1 seems to work for the few games I've tried so far...
  4. Yup that was it...odd... I changed it to pressing (clicking) both joysticks down, I think that's better....
  5. What files specifically do I need to copy over to a new drive, to replicate my recent Apple IIGS MAME (made a variation of my main mame folder/emulator settings) and command line settings for all the games I've done on my first drive, to my second one, without having to re-do it all on the next one? These settings ^^ Thanks...
  6. Weird...I never changed that, I would have noticed it exiting long before now....oh well, as long as I can find it and fix it, haha
  7. Looks like I have those in the MAME roms path already, but older versions, I have 0.271 MAME I believe...should I keep the older ones, or overwrite these two files there?
  8. I didn't even know there WAS a setting in BigBox...it must have been added with later versions as I never had this combo-issue happen in BigBox previously...I'll check that, thanks.
  9. I just discovered the apple2gs -ui_active -flop4 "L:\LaunchBox\Games\Apple IIGS\Black Cauldron, The (USA) (Disk 2).2mg" -flop3 Which allowed the second disk to load on The Black Cauldron, so awesome...I didn't have ui_active before so no tab/UI features were coming up, now I can exit with ESC like I usually can in MAME so that's great! Thanks for the Scroll Lock trick. None of this works for the Regular Apple II eh?
  10. Lastly, I tried it with ANCIENT GLORY, and it told me after showing the Title to insert Disk 2, but I'm not sure how to do that in MAME...thanks for your help!
  11. You are awesome! apple2gs -skip_gameinfo -flop3 worked for the first Apple IIGS game I tried. (Airball) it let me press TAB to select KEYBOARD or JOYSTICK, but neither seemed to control after that....maybe it's just that game.. Ancient Land of Ys would not work with either command though. ? One thing though, I noticed I could only exit with ALT+TAB plus + mouse to right-click program on taskbar to close it...how do you YOU exit it better?
  12. Awesome, I will try this...how do you know if a game requires the OS to boot?
  13. I couldn't get any of the commands to work with MAME, flashes command prompt then goes away... ? I'm stuck using the crappy ActiveGS I guess.
  14. For some reason, this only happens only in BigBox and I don't want it to...I tested so far: NES games (using Retroarch) and N64 (using standalone Mupen64). ...both will instantly exit a game if I press the Y and B button together (buttons 4, and 2 on my Xbox 360 wired controller), and I don't have this combo mapped in Launchbox, Retroarch OR Mupern64 anywhere I can fin...again it only happens in BigBox, Not Launchbox...where the only exit button I have mapped in Launchbox is pressing L and R joysticks down....that works too, and I want that, but not the Y+B exit in BigBox... What could be causing this? Makes it hard to play games as those buttons are often pressed together...even by accident...
  15. I should probably mention that my game files for the Apple II and IIGS were not from MAME, they are .DSK files....can MAME still be used as the emulator, or must I have the MAME versions?
  16. Anyone know if this still works with the latest builds of Launchbox? It's been awhile, so figured I'd ask...
  17. Sadly it didn't work, I get a flash of a COMMAND PROMPT window and then it goes away...what does your emulator settings window look like? What do you have checked and where are your games located for these titles?
  18. Cool! I'm using somewhat of an older version of MAME, I think 0.271 because of how I have it configured and bezels set up, so hopefully it still works...
  19. Never-mind, my VIDEO MODE was not set to AUTO for some reason in the menu under Config > Video Mode...changing that to Auto fixed it.
  20. Hey everyone, I updated Demul from 0.58 which was working fine with it for Sammy Atomiswave, but with version 0.7 it broke...I noticed it was no longer -atomiswave but -awave now for the command line, after doing updating that, it now it launches games, but they look like this: Any ideas?
  21. This is my DeSmuME "Running Hotkey Script" to go full screen and exit with ESC or by pressing L3: WinWaitActive , DeSmuME ; Send !{Enter} $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } $joy9:: ; my L3 button { keywait, joy9, t2 if errorlevel <> 0 { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} ;closes emulator } } Note if nothing is going full screen with it, you just need to set it full screen once in a game and exit and I think it remembers is the next time, the script above may just be for ways to exit it.
  22. The trojans are false positives... it has to do with how the crack works; modifies stuff in real-time. This is a known issue with the emulator, so you just have to adjust your anti virus exclusions... this is well known... check Google.
  23. Good points...I guess I will just have to try it. ?
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