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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. Thank you. I'll be sure to post how it goes/runs. ?
  2. You might want to also post a request for this help in the Troubleshooting section so it's more visible.
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm not trying to brag here, but I'll be acquiring one of these nice NAS's soon; I want to seriously expand my current 8TB LaunchBox collection to something even more jaw-dropping. (among other storage needs). I realize there is a performance hit with NAS vs. running on a local machine, but I'm hoping I can still make it perform well enough... Does anyone use this specific NAS with growing their Retro gaming collection? The ultimate goal is to have the biggest, most ridiculously complete collection running LB/BB as humanely known in all 9 planets, but I'm curious what the performance on this specific NAS is and perhaps some steps to set it up and optimize it, if you would be so kind. Thank you!
  4. The plugin has been broken and was reported as thus for a long time now. I haven't had it working for several versions back (options are simply grayed out), and it's certainly NOT my computer...everything else works fine. a reinstall of LB entirely didn't fix it either, so something is going on...it happened a few versions back when LB was updated and it only seems to affect this plugin.
  5. I appreciate that approach, but I'm just trying to get 1 rom only, I mean on all platforms though obviously, no betas, alt versions, and English only, unless Japanese only systems (EX: PCFX), or translated to English roms (over 350), and I'm at around 42k roms, can probably had a few thousand more total...not sure if there IS more than that though...
  6. Does your collection include betas, duplicate versions of roms, like a1, a2, beta) and non-English titles (all languages, etc..?)
  7. I checked out your massive LB file you sent - very impressive, but you DO have a lot of duplicate roms....I saw "revision1, revision2 of the same games, etc...", but still..if you are trying to be the ultimate rom completionist, you are on your way...
  8. Haha, good luck getting that! Sounds cool though.
  9. Thanks... I would be so nervous dealing with drive failures that I would lose so much of that...do you have it backed up somewhere? I'm considering a nice sized mirrored NAS
  10. Damn man...I have a full 8TB, and I pride myself on it being 99.5% playable, no dupes, not beta, only english and translations to english.... BUT WOW....you running this on a NAS or the CLOUD?
  11. Also ps4 and xbox one, and many switch, xbox 360 and xbox games do not play yet with emulators...curious what the playable total roms are if you have that worked out.
  12. Not only English? Dupes versions? Betas, etc..? 30k steam? Wtf, do you own the company? What is the total drive size holding all this?
  13. I just wish mine has worked for the last 10 versions. Still doesn't, even though I'm told it does. I just ended up having to remove it.
  14. Does anyone know how to force Yuzu to use openGL (vs Vulkan) when running a specific game only? I have one game that crashes with Vulkan but works fine with OpenGL....something through the command line option maybe?
  15. Same Wikipedia issue here too.
  16. Sadly that doesn't help me, but I'm glad it's working for you. Mine has always been named Sony Playstation 2, and I still have the greyed out problem. Everything else works, so it's for sure some conflict with the plugin and my collection/update/system-build
  17. This happens while loading contents of the image folder.....it tells me to check the permissions. The OWNER of this folder is listed as "account unknown" - I need to change this, but I have a couple computers, and don't want to limit this collection to my desktop. What IS the correct default owner of the Launchbox folder? Is it Administrator, trusted installer, or something else?
  18. I agree with you, mine also stopped working and I have gotten no solution for it.
  19. Logically maybe somebody hates a specific platform and never wants to see it listed again in their installation; hence "permanent". I think that's more than reasonable of an assumption given the language used. Anyways, I have my answer.
  20. Logically would be to accept permanent as not permanent? That depends on the definitions of words, doesn't it? Thank you for clarifying Jason.
  21. I don't want to permanently delete it, I just want to re-do it with no games...add my games again from the correct phone folder.... If I delete the NES platform for example, it warns me this is permanent...will I lose that category on my LaunchBox Android phone and not be able to get it again?
  22. @Jason Carr - sorry to tag you on this, just wondering if you get a chance, if you could let me know if this is possible somehow in the current latest version of the Android app. Thanks!
  23. Due to moving the folder my roms are in and re-importing some of them, I have some dupes, some work, some don't...it's a mess...rather than delete from phone individually in Launchbox via press down menu, is there another way to just start over and have LB scan a folder to add only 1 instance of a game? (in this case NES)?
  24. It doesn't for me. It doesn't come up when I right-click a game and choose it. It basically ignores the click. No error. It used to work fine a couple versions ago. I reinstall it, and it doesn't fix it.
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