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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. False. Please don't be silly. I work on computers for a living, and have worked with Launchbox (and plugins without an issue) since the early days, so I highly doubt it is "user error". It's likely a config or some other core update requires which is not matching up between machines that work still with the plugin, and ones that do not.
  2. PCSX2.Configurator.Next.Beta.2.Hotfix.3 is not working my LB 11.15 build either. It never launches...I DID delete the settings.ini and let it rebuild (it created one), but nadda.
  3. I would love development on this again, that would be great... Even if the file organization has to be messy, as long as I can get it on there, and Launchbox can make it look good...
  4. It's merging the files fine into one game in Launchbox, and prioritizing the US release, which is great, but then when I right-click many of my Game Boy games I get a TON of repeated/duplicated "Duplicate Apps" in the right-click menu... HOW CAN I CLEAN THIS UP EASIEST? I obviously only want one option for each. There is physically only the x1 euro and x1 Japanese rom in the folder, as per this example, so I have no idea why it's creating so many duplicate entries...and it's going it for MANY games... Thanks for any help....
  5. Awesome. What batch file did you use?
  6. Fantastic, any chance of a Hacked Wii and Hacked GameCube Clear Logo too to round out the Nintendo hack stuff I have? Thank you!
  7. My understanding when I converted my PS2 ISO library to.GZ (using max compression setting of 9) that it was completely reversible/lossless too, but Is there a utility out there to go from .GZ to .CHD?...I would want to consider this in order to simply test which one results in better space-saving...
  8. I can't find anything there, but it's an ocean of technical documentation; who knows....I'm just glad that LB works on the actual Desktop; just wish I could figure it out. I guess I'll gave to try a new remote software and see if it does the same thing; for example, with TeamViewer.
  9. This only occurs when remotely connected to my PC at home from work to manage my collection (yes I'm THAT dedicated to Launchbox). At home it works fine and displays as expected. I'm using Connectwise Control to remote connect (fabulous program BTW) (Windows 10 both directions) - any way to fix this so I can do this stuff while I'm slacking at work? Would be so nice....thanks.
  10. Did you ever figure out how to exit? Thanks...will be trying to set up what you wrote here shortly...
  11. …that I can buy for $500 or less that will allow him to enjoy it; obviously he won't be able to play PS3 on such a system, but something that handles PS2 and below really good would be awesome. I can build my own if it comes down to it; but looking for an easy buy before I go that route. Thanks. Any advice...needs to be an actual PC running Windows 10. Thanks.
  12. Thanks for this. I just ended up just going with MAME to emulate it and it loads them up full screen, ready to go...should I be using Wataroo? Does it provide a superior emulation experience with this platform in your experience?
  13. Thank you so much!
  14. Would also like to know what script to use to CLOSE CLOSE duckstation and avoid the exit UI and prompt to close....
  15. That sounds amazing, but I can't imagine keeping that all running in a JBOG configuration. What if you suffer a hard drive failure? Are you backing this collection somewhere? That cannot be cheap!
  16. Ahhh the flashpoint I have is v9.0 of Flashpoint Ultimate which I will add later to my larger NAS build I'm creating, but not this 8TB one, that makes up most of the "computer" games I think...I have just over 20k in that category, so I'm still short of a supposed 30k...hmmm... I only have 1k hacks. Not sure where to get more. To create a list of what you have, you can go to VIEW up top, choose LIST VIEW, then right click columns and remove ones in the view you don't want on the spread sheet....then ctrl+A (will take awhile) and press CTRL+C to copy it (this will lock up LaunchBox for awhile with such a giant library, but eventually when things are not locked up anymore, open EXCEL (or whatever spreadsheet) and CTRL+V There may be a better way, but this is how I've done it time and time again.
  17. I don't know what computer systems would add that many games (if not dupes, demos, betas, etc..) as I believe I have all the actual games for old stuff (commodore, Amiga, Coleco, MSX, etc..), I may be missing a few hundred oddball weird ones, but not THAT many...I guess I need to check out the MAME software list to see what they are providing support for....
  18. Good job. How are you loading this all in one interface? Are all these drives seperate, JBOD prepared, in a NAS, etc?
  19. Yes I noticed after I posted that, you have a lot of PS3 in your LB collection than I do (I'm building a second set for that alone), and you have a few hundred more WII and x4-x5 times as many WII-U as well, while I have double your PS2 games (almost), so it's good you are using compression...I also use CHD when I can, forgot to mention that.
  20. I see. I've manually set it up all my stuff mostly, using MAME just for Arcade and the occasional oddball platform that is works well/better on well, such as Philips-CDI, etc...95% of my collection has Box art, etc...thanks for the details; that makes sense.
  21. cleverest

    Yuzu Issues

    Having this same issue. Yuzu used to work fine...no command line stuff is set, disabled start screen settings and same issue. Any other ideas?
  22. I'm over 42,000 with under 8TB so you must not be compressing your games? I recommend GZ compression for PS2. WBFS for Wii GC for GameCube (right from Dolphin) CSO for PSP Just doing those alone will make a huge difference...
  23. Wii-U set you mean? No way Wii is at 6TB...is it?? I'm only importing a handful of Xbox and Xbox 360 games, until the emulation gets better.
  24. Would you be willing to share your platform list and total game counts for them? (Not specific games if you don't want, just counts per platform)? I'm wondering what I'm missing.... I ask cause I have just over 42,500 game titles the full ExodDOS collection as well as an assortment of about 50 PC games and I know I'm missing about 300 PS2 games total but short of that (and more Switch games... I only have about 25) I know that my collection is almost complete as far as a 1G1R
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