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Everything posted by Shad8

  1. No, thanks to you for your work and for being so quick! I confirm that everything is working great now.
  2. When i try to launch MS-DOS games, the log file write this and nothing more: ***************** 28/07/2024 01:47:50 It seems that the plugin does not recognize the platform as associated and not write logs. After refreshing platforms from plugin setup, the SetupLog report this: Platform 'MS-DOS' does not have an associated emulator, but a Bezel folder for it exists I don't know if this can help. Here is a log with more info, i launched a few working platforms/games, the lines 8-9 and 11-12 are related when i launched an MS-DOS game. log 2024-07-28 01-41-44.txt
  3. Sure, here it is. log 2024-07-28 00-24-13.txt
  4. @JoeViking245 Hey, first of all thanks for this amazing plugin. I have problems using it with MS-DOS games, i've setup everything based on your instruction, with some modifications to adapt with my monitor and images. Bezels is not showing, the game starts at resolution i need but no image at all, maybe i'm doing something wrong. This is my settings:
  5. I can confirm that everything is working as it should now. Problem solved, you are the best guys. Thanks
  6. Sorry, but i don't see the option you talking about in LB settings 😓 This is what i see in a working game ('88 Games in this example): And this is a non-working one (Metal Slug 5): Anyway, i have all the video files I need, i just wanted to report that there's probably some bugs that should be investigated @C-Beats @Jason Carr Thanks for your help and feedback, really appreciated 🫡
  7. Hey thanks for reply. The problem is that i can't select anything for some games, as you can see from screenshot i posted above, the only option that i have is music. I redid the whole import procedure in a fresh LB setup and only 122 of 240 were successfully scraped from EmuMovies (except the music). I have this problem only on Arcade games, other platforms works as expected so my account is working fine i guess, also if i use EmuMovies Sync app, i can find all the media of my MAME library. JoeViking245 seems to have the same problem as mine, Outrun was only an example, a lot of other games have the same issue (at least for me). I'm just guessing, could there be a problem between LaunchBox and EmuMovies regarding arcade games? It would be helpful if someone else confirms if they have the same problem or not.
  8. So, after few days the issue still persist. Anybody's looking in to this? @circo
  9. I'm pretty sure that's not the case, if i use EmuMovies Sync app, i can find all the media of my library (about 255 games). Never happened before, everything has always worked properly. The strange thing is that the problem is limited only for some MAME games, not all..the majority i would say. Thanks for your help
  10. Hello, i'm having trouble with some arcade games, not all games but the majority. The platform is MAME, scraping as Arcade and as you can see, only the music file is found. I have a EmuMovies premium account and all others platform is working well. Does anyone else have this problem?
  11. Makes sense, in fact if i rename the game folders to match ScummVM IDs, almost all games are recognized. Not ideal for me, i prefer downloading media manually and keep the folder structure clean. Thanks
  12. Almost all the ScummVM games i try to scrape with EmuMovies gives this error and the few it detects, are without video (which is what I'm looking for). The games are linked properly to the LB game database IDs and named according to that (Platform associated ScummVM). I have a lifetime license for EmuMovies and I'm logged in LB Integration settings. Am i missing something?
  13. Hello, I decided to fix the whole scummvm library after the launchbox update. Most of the games works fine but some do not start via launchbox, however they work fine if I start them directly via the emulator. Some of the games in question are fm towns titles in Italian language (patched), the same games in English version works without problems. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure = ERROR: Bad ID 0000 found in index file directory! Loom = ERROR: Cannot find file: '90.LFL' ! Maniac Mansion Deluxe = Starts in english even if i set the italian language in the emulator game settings. Does launchbox have its own configuration, independent of the standalone emulator? I ask because it seems to be a problem of IDs or checksums not being recognized/matches, but if it were a problem with the emulator, they wouldn't even start through the emulator itself. Thanks EDIT: Ok i fixed it using custom command line parameters in the emulation section of the games that had issues. Ex. for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure (FM-TOWNS version): -p %romfile% -q it -f indy3-fm Where -p is path to file, -q is the language, -f is for full screen and indy3-fm is the game ID.
  14. Will you include the updated hit2txt.zip and hi2txt_defaults.zip files in the next LB releases? Semi OT: And will you include the updated version of scummvm in the next LB releases too?
  15. @Jason Carr Hi Jason, i'm updating the built in hi2txt.zip with the latest xml containing new games added https://github.com/GreatStoneEx/hi2txt-xml/tree/master/src/main I have to do that everytime LB gets updated or the hi2txt.zip will automatically update in the next LB releases? And.. @GreatStone I have problems saving scores with Neo Turf Master: As you can see, i set a new score but the log says "No new scores found to upload!" Thanks
  16. @alec100_94 I can't get PCSX2.Configurator.Next.Beta.2.Hotfix.2 works with the latest beta of LB. I've unlocked the zip and the dll, extracted the folder in the root of the Plugins folder of LB but when i right click in to a PS2 game, the "PCSX2 Configurator" does not shows up. LB creates the "Settings.ini" file in \LaunchBox\Plugins\PCSX2 Configurator Next so i think is not LB related issue. Any tips? Thanks
  17. @Zombeaver I can't get PCSX2.Configurator.Next.Beta.2.Hotfix.2 works with the latest beta of LB. I've unlocked the zip and the dll, extracted the folder in the root of the Plugins folder of LB but when i right click in to a PS2 game, the "PCSX2 Configurator" does not shows up. LB creates the "Settings.ini" file in \LaunchBox\Plugins\PCSX2 Configurator Next so i think is not LB related issue. Any tips? Thanks
  18. @Jason Carr I have problems adding per game command line parameters in LB 11.3-beta-5. I'm tryng to add specific PS2 games cfg's under Emulation > Command Line Parameters (PCSX2 1.6.0) but it's not saving, resets itself everytime. This is exatly what i'm trying to do: Than i press OK and launch the game but it doesn't load properly. Back to the config tab this is the result: Log file attached. Thanks EDIT: Nevermind, solved by deleting PCSX2.Configurator.Next plugin that seems doesn't work anymore with latest LB beta build. Thanks Debug 2020-08-02 09-12-25 PM.log
  19. You right guys, i meant with the Mame default settings.
  20. @NotHere If you use the MAME standalone emulator, you have to put your roms files in the \MAME\roms folder too
  21. Got it, i hope will be fixed in the future releases. Thanks neil
  22. Hello guys. When i try to modify a game, with a new rom file for example, i get this error: An error occurred while copying or moving images: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. No other processes uses image files in LaunchBox folder. This error appear when i launch a game and, after closing it, immediately change something in the "Edit Game" section.
  23. Oh yes, you right..fixed ?
  24. @Jason Carr@GreatStone After 10.14 update, Power Spikes have issues with names again. Already reported on google sheet. Thanks
  25. @GreatStone@Jason Carr Do we have a section for games requests? Sorry for the OT
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