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Everything posted by faeran

  1. This is all planned. While we may take time to get there, we will eventually make it.
  2. You shouldn't lose anything. You can simply place the images within their respective image type folders, then refresh the images in LaunchBox and they will show up. Since LaunchBox allows you to have multiple images per game, if you scrap again, it will probably try and add additional images on top of the ones you already have. I would use the Audit tool, or Games Missing Media area to help fill in the gaps. While it's all personal preference, I like to scrap using the LaunchBox DB, and then have Emumovies fill in the gaps.
  3. Hi @GiSWiG. The issue stems from the api that is provided by EmuMovies, there are certain situations where it cannot handle the amount of media thrown at it. While we continue to improve the implementation of their api, we unfortunately have reached a point where a change would have to come from their end to improve the situation. Luckily, they are in the process of creating a more robust api that will hopefully solve the slow down and disconnection errors caused by their api. While that doesn't help in the meantime, you can always use their own syncing program, like you mentioned. You do not need to rename the files as LaunchBox will read them natively, just make sure you place them in the correct LaunchBox folders.
  4. Hi @tazboi. While there's definitely a lot more people here more familiar with MAME, you could start by checking your mame.ini file and seeing if you have set up MAME to dispay on multiple monitors. Check a section called # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS It's also possible that MAME could be changing your monitors resolution, and potentially causing Windows to mirror both monitors.
  5. Hi @DeadVoivod, sorry to hear about your missing media. @sevenalive is right, normally media would not just disappear, so definitely make sure that there's nothing wrong with your disk. Another thing to check would be to make sure you don't have any extra files within your Data\Platforms folder. Sometimes when using external scrapers, extra files that conflict with LaunchBox may be added there without a user's knowledge. You should only have 1 file per platform.
  6. While I won't be solving this for the current version of Colorful, I've worked out a solution for the CTC version that's currently in beta. It will be able to differentiate between category and platform names. I'll try and release a new beta in the next day. I just have one more thing to work out.
  7. faeran

    Boxed In

    Looks great, thanks for sharing!
  8. Since it's not officially out yet, the COMMUNITY Theme Creator files aren't quite live. If you have any particular color codes that need to be added, let me know and I'll add them directly into the creator. Then when I get the next test version out, it will be in there.
  9. Hi @soqueroeu. Depending on the version of Colorful you are using, will change how you would go about adding color codes. The current version uses Themes\COLORFUL - Light\Views\Styles\COLORFUL_Styles.xaml You can add as many extra lines as you want, it does adhere to scrape as, you can also just add your own custom names. However, this version of the theme will be replaced with the COMMUNITY Theme Creator version. That one will have a user interface for the colors, with the added benefit of you being able to publish your own version of the theme to take advantage of any new plugin and coding improvements that new versions of the creator provides (without needing to know any code). the interface will look like this, and will allow you to add colors with exact titles or partial titles. I'll do a tutorial closer to the time of that version's release. In saying all of this, if you do have any colors that need to be added, let me know and I'll add them to the theme creator.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. A simple change in the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, should be forced to 16:9 for the next release.
  11. Hi @Albatross. This is only possible using the new FlowControl that was introduced in version 11.10. You can read up on it in the Documentation.pdf (located in LaunchBox\Themes folder), and see examples of it in the default theme, like you mentioned. The COMMUNITY Theme Creator doesn't yet support the new FlowControl, which is why you don't see the option in there. It's definitely planned, and I know @y2guru is hard at work trying to integrate the new FlowControl into it. For now, you'll have to manually add the code to any theme that you create.
  12. Beta 2 is out now with the following changes: Improvement: Added Complete, Favorite, and Installed fields to the new filter button Fixed: The filter button's "Save to Playlist" feature should now work with all sidebar drop-down filters Fixed: Added the new filter button to the "Old Default" theme
  13. Hi @HopelessArcader. Right-click Arcade (the one without the arrow) and choose Edit. Go into the Parents tab and make your changes in there. You have control on where you want to see your Arcade platform show up in your hierarchy. The Arcade with the arrow, is your Arcade Category, where you can add different arcade platforms/playlists to it.
  14. Changing colors will be fairly easy once it's out, as you will be able to do it in the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. In the meantime, if there's a color missing and if you know what it is, post it here and I'll add it.
  15. The 11.18 beta thread is now out and can be found here:
  16. Hi everyone. The 11.18 Beta 1 is now out with the following changes: New Feature: Filtering games in LaunchBox is now much more flexible; you can filter to pretty much anything on the fly with the new filter button in the left-hand sidebar, next to the search box New Feature: Anything you filter on the fly with the above new feature can be easily saved to a dynamic playlist Improvement: Performance while selecting games in LaunchBox is now faster due to improvements in populating the game details sidebar Fixed: Login screen would immediately close when checking "Force New Login" in the XBOX import wizard if you had previously logged in Fixed: The ROM import wizard wasn't always importing all games when using MAME metadata (the full-set importer was unaffected) Fixed: The keyboard focus border wasn't being drawn correctly in LaunchBox's Grid View with the default theme (recently introduced) Fixed: Big Box CoverFlow views can once again use "Box" as image type in addition to "Boxes" (recently introduced theme compatibility issue that was affecting some older themes) Thanks for the help with beta testing LaunchBox.
  17. faeran


    Thanks @Nizer. The way this theme is built doesn't really lend itself well to a wall-type view. But never say never.
  18. Hi @Retrofrogg. I haven't been able to duplicate this on my end. Does this happen every time you are scrolling through LaunchBox, or is it more random? Also: Do you have videos set to auto-play? Are your options set to use VLC or WMP?
  19. Hi @pocket. While I've never used MAME 2003 core, you made me curious to do some research on it. Looks like it requires the 0.78 MAME ROM set. So, I got one and went through the process of importing it all and getting it ready. I didn't run into any "Audio sample not found" warnings though. Which process did you use to import your ROMs into LaunchBox and which games are you seeing that warning?
  20. I see. It's quite possible it's a webm videos compatibility issue with the new flowvideo control, although I don't have any videos to test with. LaunchBox has it's own bundled VLC player, and therefore it doesn't use any VLC players you have installed on your computer. So, that would be why updating your VLC player wouldn't have worked.
  21. Hi @soqueroeu, the real goal is to spread the power around, so anyone can load up the COMMUNITY Theme Creator and make any changes they would want. However, if you are wanting a change to any of the themes, let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate, either in an update, or a specific version for you.
  22. Hi @mavisbeacon. First, thanks for teaching me typing. I've tried to reproduce the issue you've been having but have been unable to. Whether I'm using VLC or WMP, the theme seems to act normally on my system. Definitely wondering what's happening with your system. I did do a fresh publish of the theme out of the COMMUNITY Theme Creator and posted it just now, just in case it may have some fixes since the last time I did that. I doubt it will fix your issue, but worth a shot.
  23. Looks great, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
  24. Hi @Tanooki_Style. LaunchBox does need that version of .NET core. Are you able to confirm whether you downloaded and installed the .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.18 (middle one on the right, x64 version more than likely). https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/3.1
  25. Hi @cheguewara. There's currently no way to exclude directories or only tell it to look for a particular set of names. This is because LaunchBox allows you to basically add anything you want into it. You do have the option to select only the files you want to import and then drag and drop them into LaunchBox. I'd definitely recommend to keep your files and folders all organized, it definitely goes a long way. If you end up with more than 1 image per image type, LaunchBox will keep all of them and append a number to the end of each file [game-name]-01, [game-name]-02.. etc.
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