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Everything posted by faeran

  1. You are on the right track. The wheel is placed in a grid and the grid determines its placement. If I remember correctly, the grid is created in a way that may make it hard to adjust without affecting other objects on the screen. You could try to add margins to the wheel and see if you can nudge it over to the place that you want. You would need to add this property to the wheel (if not already there): Margin="-15,0,15,0" The first number would adjust the left side, and the third number would adjust the right side. Play with the numbers until you have it in a place you like.
  2. While LaunchBox is portable, where the parent folder is your "LaunchBox" folder, you need to also transfer any associated programs or files you added to your LaunchBox library. Depending on where you located them, this could be a simple task or could get tricky. You are on such an old version of LaunchBox, it might be worth the effort of starting out fresh.
  3. Hi @Jacksaur. Greyscaling would not be considered a colour change, but an effect that you would have to apply onto an image. This is possible, however, would require a plugin to accomplish. The COMMUNITY Theme Creator does have that feature already within one of its plugins. While the creator doesn't allow you to use it within a wheel template (that is something that's planned), you could potentially dive into the code and utilize it. I would consider that more of an advanced thing to learn, so you would have to judge your own skill level vs ambition. So, short answer is yes, it would be possible.
  4. That sounds positive. You figured out that it's not a hardware issue, but some kind of driver issue that you could potentially solve. The way you are describing your issue makes it seem like you have the "Use All Controllers" button checked within Big Box. This setting makes all your connected controllers work at the same time. You did say you don't have it checked, but I'd double check that. There's not really other controller related settings that would take inputs for more than one logical controller. However, it does sound like the longer term fix would be to vet out your driver issue and try and solve that.
  5. Beta 5 is out with the following changes: Fixed - Corrected sound playback issues after long periods of use We are nearing the end of our beta cycle. If no other big issues crop up with this beta, expect the release within the week.
  6. One possible solution is to set up a second retroarch emulator in LaunchBox that points to same retroarch exe. Then you can set a different core and switch over the games you want to it.
  7. Yes, that part would require a converter, which is one of the reason viking chose to go with the themer plugin at the time.
  8. Yup, you can have 2 instances of BB on different PCs that you own.
  9. Hi @DebugFlo. This should only be an issue if you are on the most recent beta. The theme should work fine on the latest official version of LaunchBox (currently 11.12). If you are more worried about the Colorful theme than testing the new beta features, you can always revert back to the official release by going into your LaunchBox\Updates folder and running the 11.12 installer overtop your LaunchBox files. Unfortunately, the themer plugin that Colorful uses for some of its features is no longer being worked on by the author anymore. There are ways to accomplish what the themer plugin does for Colorful, but the theme would have to go through some major migration efforst to achieve them.
  10. That other controller xml has other info in it not related to bindings. At least now you have a bit more info than you did before. It's not related to any specific Big Box setting, and potentially could be something from outside of Big Box. I don't actually have the same type of controllers as you, I do have XBOX 360 controllers and they appear to be fine, and can bind to 3 and 6 based on that picture. I'm assuming that you have standard XBox One controllers with a microsoft wireless adaptor. I haven't heard of any reports of anyone else having these same issues with the same type of controller before. Another idea: If you have the ability to do so, setting up a fresh Big Box instance on another computer and seeing how your controllers react there. This will a least tell you some more info about whether it's PC or controller related.
  11. The image you showed above was for LaunchBox controller options. Make sure you also check the Big Box specific controller options as well. Also, you may want to check your Controller Mappings inside of Big Box and make sure there's nothing strange going on in there. As a test, you could also reset your Big Box settings by exiting Big Box and removing the following file: \LaunchBox\Data\BigBoxSettings.xml It will redownload with default settings the next time your launch Big Box.
  12. Hi @Moleburt. While it seems like this should be easy, the complication really comes with the addons of the Unified Refried theme. The way it works, you would have to potentially edit hundreds of files in order to successfully change over the wheel from all the custom views that are in the theme. However, if we ignore that for now and we just concentrate on 1 games view, that will give you an idea of how to do this. I'm going to assume you have both themes installed, which will make things a bit easier. Here's an example of how you would migrate the Unified wheel and pointer to the WheelGamesView.xaml file. Go into the Unified Games View xaml file Open: \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Views\WheelGamesView.xaml Grab the following code snippets The Wheel Code <!-- WHEEL --> <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="4" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="8" CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}" ImageType="Clear Logos" CurveAmount="-3.5" CameraZPosition="2.8" VisibleCount="16" PageSize="6" Spacing="0.95" ItemZPosition="0.5" SelectedItemZPosition="1.4" Panel.ZIndex="2" RotationAmount="12"> <coverFlow:FlowControl.Opacity>100</coverFlow:FlowControl.Opacity> <coverFlow:FlowControl.Effect> <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="10" Direction="-90" RenderingBias="Quality" ShadowDepth="1" /> </coverFlow:FlowControl.Effect> </coverFlow:FlowControl> The Pointer Code <!-- POINTER --> <TextBlock x:Name="PointerFileName" Visibility="Collapsed"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Unified/Images/Theme/Pointer/{0}.png"> <Binding Path="KnownPlatformOrPlaylistTitle" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Viewbox Grid.Column="4" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="2" Grid.RowSpan="2" Panel.ZIndex="1" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center" > <Image x:Name="Pointer" Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=PointerFileName, FallbackValue='pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/Unified/Images/Theme/Pointer/_Default.png'}" Opacity="100" RenderTransformOrigin="1,0.5" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" > <Image.RenderTransform> <ScaleTransform x:Name="PointerSize" ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> </Image.RenderTransform> </Image> </Viewbox> The Pointer Animation Code <!-- POINTER --> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="PointerSize" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(ScaleTransform.ScaleX)" > <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.0" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.15" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.3" Value="0.75"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="PointerSize" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(ScaleTransform.ScaleY)" > <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.0" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.15" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.3" Value="0.75"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="Pointer" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Image.Opacity)" > <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.0" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.8" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1.6" Value="0.15"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> Now go into the Unified Refresh Games View xaml file Open: \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\WheelGamesView.xaml Find the Wheel code and replace it with the Unified one Paste the pointer code just underneath the Wheel code Find the following code <Storyboard x:Key="ChangeGame"> (appears closer to the top) and paste the pointer animation code underneath it Save the file and load up Unified Refried to see the results. Just note, to see the results you'll have to temporarily rename or delete the following folder, as it will get in the way of you seeing the actual games view (it tries to load the view files inside of there): \LaunchBox\Themes\UnifiedRefresh\Views\WheelGamesView Now you just need to do this for all the Game views you want to migrate the wheel over for, including any the platform specific views that are inside any of the following folders that you would want to use: \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\TextGamesView \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\Wheel2GamesView \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\Wheel3GamesView \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\Wheel4GamesView \LaunchBox\Themes\Unified Refried\Views\WheelGamesView You'll do something similar for platform views, just remember to grab the same kind of code from PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml and transfer it over to the Unified Refried version of the file.
  13. Hi @Qbertzelious. Saved screenshots are put in the following location: \LaunchBox\Images\[platform name]\Screenshot - GamePlay In LaunchBox, you can also right click your Secret of Monkey Island game and go into Edit. Click on Images and cycle through until you see your screenshots.
  14. Hi @williambroad. From the screenshot it looks like you are just viewing one of the wall views, instead of one of the colorful views. If you bind a keyboard or controller key to "Switch View" (found in Options > Keyboard or Controller Mappings), you can cycle through the different view options until you reach one that you like.
  15. Definitely a strange one. Are you able to take a screenshot of what you are seeing and post it here?
  16. Beta 4 is out with the following changes: Fixed: Playlists were not prioritizing videos for games in the playlist Fixed: Controller metadata scraping wasn't properly using a platform's Scrape As to assign metadata Fixed: Corrected Amazon library import logic to get entire Amazon Games library (introduced in 11.13 beta 3) Fixed: Corrected threading error (introduced in 11.13 beta 3) Fixed: Pressing cancel on media downloads wasn't always respecting the cancel request Fixed: Horizontal platform wheels weren't correctly setting the Navigation Binding (introduced in 11.13 beta 2) Fixed: Rare error when searching games via the Add/Edit Games screen Fixed: Error when pressing "Select Random Game" inside of a filter with no games Fixed: Corrected error that would cause Game Details in Big Box to freeze showing only a black screen Fixed: Trying to open a second instance of LaunchBox while another instance is in the system tray will now restore the system tray instance Fixed: Sounds weren't playing from the correct theme if using view specific themes (introduced in 11.13 beta 3) Please continue to report any issues you find with this latest beta. Your help us much appreciated.
  17. This could be because of the file system you have the external hard drive formatted in. If you have the ability, try to format it to NTFS and see if that helps.
  18. History of Games - Game Awards - Remix View File This video was originally aired as the intro to the 2009 MTV Game Awards. I took the best quality source I could find, replaced the music to one that was used in an old hyperspin version of this video, and then heavily edited the video to match the sound effects in the music. I then added topderob's great Big Box startup video to the end. Enjoy! History of Gaming - Remix.mp4 ________________________ The source copy of the 2009 MTV Game Awards video I used: https://vimeo.com/23598828 The Big Box startup video I tacked onto the end by topderob: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1600-bigbox-explosion-logo-reveal/ Submitter faeran Submitted 07/13/2021 Category Big Box Startup Videos
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This video was originally aired as the intro to the 2009 MTV Game Awards. I took the best quality source I could find, replaced the music to one that was used in an old hyperspin version of this video, and then heavily edited the video to match the sound effects in the music. I then added topderob's great Big Box startup video to the end. Enjoy! History of Gaming - Remix.mp4 ________________________ The source copy of the 2009 MTV Game Awards video I used: https://vimeo.com/23598828 The Big Box startup video I tacked onto the end by topderob: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1600-bigbox-explosion-logo-reveal/
  20. I'm no expert, but this 404 issue is a known problem that was solved in our current beta. We'd want to make sure this is the same issue that was already solved vs. a new issue.
  21. Are you able to upgrade to the latest beta release and see if that helps with your issue. You can opt into the beta from the Options in LaunchBox.
  22. Beta 3 is now out with the following changes: New Premium Feature: LaunchBox can now be closed or minimized to the system tray New Premium Feature: LaunchBox can now display an icon in the system tray that can be used to show/quit LaunchBox as well as quick launch recently played or added games New Feature: Big Box sound packs can now support multiple sounds for each sound type New Feature: Big Box Themes can now support their own sound packs packaged with the theme New Feature: Big Box now has an option to require holding back to navigate to the system menu New Feature: Added Big Box keyboard and controller mappings to View System Menu Improvement: Some Amazon media was being downloaded as an unsupported file type. These are now changed to JPG automatically. Fixed: Corrected rare null ref error while importing Amazon Games Fixed: Amazon games importer was not discovering all games in the user's library Fixed: TextFiltersView will now prioritize background videos over images Fixed: Navigation error using the MS-DOS and ROM import wizards Please continue to report any issues you find with this latest beta. Your help us much appreciated.
  23. Hi @pjrezai. This seems to be a general windows error. Some general things you can try to resolve your issue: Make sure your drivers/dependencies are updated and installed properly Make sure you don't have any virus/security programs potentially blocking LaunchBox from running. Try to re-install LaunchBox overtop your current build
  24. Hi @serial1983. Unfortunately, no way to stretch your images in this mode. If you feel like this is something you wish to have, you can always put in a feature request. On the top menu you can choose Help & Support > Request a Feature.
  25. Are you able to try to uninstall .net core, then re-run the LaunchBox installer over your current LaunchBox files.
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