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Everything posted by faeran

  1. If someone still had the older theme files you could use them, as long as you note that all platform view colors are broken in that version. I've ported the theme over to the COMMUNITY Theme Creator, which is currently in beta. That version will eventually replace this one. So if you, or others, have time to test the colors, I can make any adjustments before the release.
  2. faeran

    LB Galaxy

    Love seeing new LaunchBox Themes. Looks great! I was also in the middle of building one, I may borrow a couple of ideas if that's okay.
  3. Since this version is a complete rewrite, with a different codebase, I'm just looking for confirmation that nothing looks out of place. Thanks for your reports. @soqueroeu I'll have the video stretching fixed. This version will eventually be replacing the current Colorful theme, as that one uses unoptimized code with a legacy plugin.
  4. Potentially a theme related XAML code error from your hybrid theme.
  5. Hi @Kimjongilist. Do you remember what you were doing when you ran into this error?
  6. You don't have to separate by country, you can leave it in the root image folder (eg. Images\Box - Front).
  7. Hi @TheRiceKing. Emumovies uses ROM file names for their naming convention. LaunchBox can read images that are named after the ROM file, even though it's not the default. You would simply copy the downloaded images from their sync tool to the appropriate LaunchBox image folder.
  8. Hi @rom116. Sounds like you have a unique issue that's not related to this thread, What the process you are seeing is trying to do is download any new metadata from the LaunchBox GamesDB, which is then saved in a file called Metadata.xml, located in the LaunchBox\Metadata folder. It may be possible that the file is somehow locked by another process, stopping LaunchBox from updating the file and therefore making LaunchBox hang. Make sure LaunchBox isn't trying to be sync'd by a cloud storage program (like dropbox). These programs will lock files that LaunchBox needs to write to.
  9. Hi @thewhite. The short answer is yes. You'll also find your answer here in this thread:
  10. Hi @Soulchip. You are right, LaunchBox is definitely not suited for a 640x480 screen. I'll mention it to the guys and see what the process would be to support a screen that tiny.
  11. Sounds like you may have figured out your issue. To confirm, turn off Goodsync and see if you are getting the same errors as before. If it is goodsync causing your issues, you could try and optimize your process. Some ideas could be to make Goodsync stop syncing certain folders, or making it only sync at certain times. You'll have to figure out how flexible goodsync is. You definitely don't want to have 2 different programs trying to access the same files at the same time. This could potentially lead to more than just theme loading errors, but missing or corrupt LaunchBox data.
  12. Yeah, like what @neil9000 is saying, it looks like it's a simple fix for you. Remember that LaunchBox will only associate images and videos if the name matches either: The Name of the game in LaunchBox (eg. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.mp4) The name of the ROM file you are launching (Found in the Launching tab in the Edit Game window)
  13. Hi @Hi-Res. Are you able to post a screenshot of your file explorer with the location and file name of the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs video snap, along with the Game edit window from LaunchBox?
  14. Hi @Jdzspace. Usually when you see this error, it's because 2 different games on steam utilize the same key (eg. like a demo of a game vs the actual game). At the moment, it looks like you figured out a good workaround. Another one is to drag and drop your game shortcuts or game exe's directly into LaunchBox.
  15. Hi @gpani82. This usually means that something is interfering with the shutdown process of LaunchBox. A few common reason why this would happen: You have LaunchBox in a location where it's being sync'd to the cloud (like DropBox) and the cloud software is locking your files while LaunchBox is trying to save on exit. Something is force shutting down the LaunchBox process while it's trying to finish its exit saving process. A permission issue stopping LaunchBox from being able to access the necessary files while saving on exit. A hard drive beginning to fail that stops the required write to happen.
  16. Hi @kal9000. The error message does seem to indicate that the symlinks are failing to connect. A few thoughts: Make sure you aren't running LaunchBox or Big Box as an admin. Make sure you don't have any kind of permission issue that could cause LaunchBox to not be able to load those files (like having a syncing program like DropBox locking the files down while Big Box is trying to use them). A potential workaround could be for you to make a copy of the city hunter and place it into your LaunchBox\Core\Themes folder. Then right click the folder, go into properties and make it read-only.
  17. Hi @razormania, I'm not too familiar with the Atari Fight Stick. Do you know how WIndows sees it? As a controller or as a keyboard? If it's a controller and the buttons are being registered by Windows, are you having trouble then mapping those buttons to a hotkey in Big Box?
  18. The results are now live in the OP. Thank you everyone for participating.
  19. Hi @zugswang. This theme should already use background art through the use of the background transition presenter. Make sure to set your background media priorities in the LaunchBox options. You also have the option of downloading the theme creator project files and changing anything you would like with it.
  20. RetroFresh Detailed - [Theme Workshop] View File RetroFresh Detailed was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. RetroFresh Detailed This is a recreation of one of the first themes I ever created for Big Box. It was recreated within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gSvaa-EaU8 Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA Submitter faeran Submitted 08/10/2021 Category Big Box Custom Themes  
  21. Version 1.0


    RetroFresh Detailed was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. RetroFresh Detailed This is a recreation of one of the first themes I ever created for Big Box. It was recreated within the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gSvaa-EaU8 Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
  22. This issue is on the list of items to take a look at to find the cause. Once we are able to get to it, we may reach out if we have any specific questions.
  23. I'm in need of anyone willing to test this new version of the Colorful theme and report back any findings. This version of Colorful - Light is a complete port into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. It's about 95% complete. Once complete and tested, it will replace the versions on the forum and within Big Box. One of the most notable things missing is the styling on the alpha-numeric index. The theme has a different name and won't conflict with the current version of Colorful. Colorful - Light Theme New - v1.1.zip -- v1.1 has been released and now contains a ton of changes: Text Games View has been overhauled with viking's new design Platform Wheel 1 and 2 have been overhauled with viking's new designs Updated colors throughout the theme to include new systems and playlists Tons of small bug fixes The overhauls are big changes, and now include device images that need to work in tandem with the Colorful video set.
  24. Tbh, I don't know where the colours come from. I'm guessing it comes from the videos that were created either by viking or someone in the community. You could always try an eye dropper program to capture the colour from the video.
  25. Hi @warney23. This looks a lot like some kind of graphical glitch, maybe caused by video drivers or some software on your Oneexplayer? I'm not sure if someone else has that particular handheld and has figured out the cause and a solution for ya. Does this happen with every theme? I have seen a video on YouTube of someone running Big Box on the same device and it seemed to work surprisingly good. If you do find a solution, I'd be interested to know what it is.
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