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Everything posted by faeran

  1. Hi @Daniel Andrade. I'm not too familiar with the theme, but if you've cycled through all the available platform views that the author provided and you don't see a horizontal view, then you may be out of luck. The creator of the theme makes those decisions when they create the theme. This doesn't mean you are out of luck, if you knew what you were doing, you could simply modify the code and make that custom view yourself. Alternatively, if this theme doesn't have the platform view you like, just switch to another one. Big Box does have the ability to use different themes for platform and game views.
  2. Check out our documentation.pdf file within the \\LaunchBox\Themes folder. Check the section called: FlowControl (Heavily Updated in 11.10) should explain the new flow control where you have the ability to control all those things. Then make a copy of the Default theme and dive into some of the wall views where you can view the code in action.
  3. Hi @BlockOut. Not fully understanding your question. Maybe you can try and clarify it a bit more for us here.
  4. Hi @Qbertzelious. The wall view within the Community Theme Creator is still a work in progress. After @y2guru gets his next release out in a few weeks, he will look at tackling all the new wall view stuff so that it works as intended. Until then, the only way to create your own wall view views would be within the xaml itself.
  5. Sure. Open up the Wall2GamesView.xaml, and change this line: <DoubleAnimation BeginTime="0:0:4" Duration="0:0:0.5" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="0"/> To this: <DoubleAnimation BeginTime="0:0:2" Duration="0:0:0.5" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" To="0"/> That should do it. Let me know if it doesn't.
  6. You can try to clear your Big Box Image Cache, located in Big Box's Options > Image Cache. Try to Refresh All Image and see if that helps you out.
  7. You basically got it with your first 2 sentences. bannerbox 1.2 used custom images that could be created or modded in theme creator, one solid image with the box art and the clear logo on it bannerbox 2.0 doesn’t need the custom images, it pulls the boxart and the clear logo from the images folder and places them in preset spot? On the forums, when you click the download button, there should see both versions that you can download, and you can choose which one you would rather use. Within the Theme Manager in Big Box, I believe there's only 1.2 available at the moment, although I'll probably replace that version for 2.0 in the next few weeks. The only thing you may be confused about, is that if you install 2.0, and go into the theme manager, it won't recognize that version, and will ask you to "update" it, but it's really just trying to "update" to 1.2, so definitely don't do that.
  8. Can you please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue in the latest beta
  9. Beta 2 is now live with the following changes: Improvement - ScummVM has been upgraded to version 2.2.0 and updated the ScummVM game drop down list to include the new titles it now supports Improvement - NavigationDirection binding was moved from FlowControl to the actual Game/Platform view to allow more views to use it Improvement - Adjusted Big Box FlowControl rendering to help with visual artifacts and performance on lower end machines Improvement - Added a "IsNotEmpty" playlist field to Auto-Populate playlist Fixed - Auto-Populate fields "Doesn't Contain" and "Has At Least One of" should now function as intended (introduced in 11.13 beta 1) Fixed - Can now Download Platform Videos from EmuMovies again (introduced in 11.11) Fixed - In Big Box when platforms would play fallback game videos, it would only use VideoSnaps, it now respects your Video Type Priority settings Fixed - Playlists wouldn't always fallback to images of games inside of the playlist Fixed - Adding logic to help with the EmuMovies 404 error while downloading media
  10. Hi @rmetzger. If I'm understanding what you are looking for, then in LaunchBox you need to right click one of your playlists (like Ball and Paddle games) and choose Edit. A window will open with an image area. You will need to add either a Banner or Device image for something to appear on the marquee. These types of images are not automatically provided.
  11. I started using a utility called x360ce recently. Might be worth checking out. My use case was different than yours, I wanted to have many different types of controllers all register as player 1, and have all the buttons on each controller reampped to work in the same way (like an xbox controller). It worked out pretty well.
  12. I've been playing around with x360ce. I haven't used it enough to know whether it will be good for your use case, but may be worth checking out.
  13. Every theme, including the one you downloaded will have multiple different "Views" for both platform (main wheel) and games (game wheel). To cycle through the different views you can: Go into Options > Views, you will find "Platforms List View" and "Games List View". Go to Options > Keyboard Mappings (or Controller Mappings), find the "Switch View" mapping and map it to a key. Then go to either your Platform view or Games view and click that key, which will cycle through your options.
  14. if I'm interpreting your question correctly, I think there's a few different ways you can go about this. Here are a couple: When importing your games, LaunchBox will ask if you would like to automatically create certain playlists that will categorize your games just the way you are suggesting. You can manually create playlists that will auto-populate based on a set of criteria you choose. You would Right click your Arcade platform and choose Add > Playlist. Provide any details you would like, then click on the Auto-Populate tab and put in as many filters in there that give you the desired outcome. You can try either of these out, and other may have different suggestions as well.
  15. @Chris - Are you able to upgrade to the latest beta and see if this solves the issue for you?
  16. Tilt - [Theme Workshop] View File Tilt was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. Tilt A simple text based theme that is loosely based off of the ES theme Angular by lilbud. The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eGobjpzoXs Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA Angular ES Theme by lilbud: https://github.com/lilbud/es-theme-angular Submitter faeran Submitted 06/25/2021 Category Big Box Custom Themes  
  17. Version 1.1


    Tilt was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. Tilt A simple text based theme that is loosely based off of the ES theme Angular by lilbud. The theme and the COMMUNITY Theme Creator project files can be downloaded here. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eGobjpzoXs Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA Angular ES Theme by lilbud: https://github.com/lilbud/es-theme-angular
  18. I don't have any history with that system, but thought I'd write out some ideas of what you might be seeing. LaunchBox also will try not to import duplicate games. LaunchBox does try and combine roms it thinks is the same game but different version. You can change those settings during the import process. You can see if either of those help.
  19. Hi @Random420. Have you checked your pause screen settings for PCSX2? Potentially something isn't right in there. If it helps, here is what my window looks like:
  20. Oh, yes, you can definitely do this. Find all these lines, and change every instance of "Binding Path=ActiveGame" to "Binding Path=SelectedGame". Changing them to SelectedGame will make the fields update immediately as you change your selected game. <TextBlock x:Name="Text1text" Opacity="0.9" Foreground="White" FontFamily="LAUNCHBOX_ROOT_FOLDER/Themes/The POC/Fonts/Oswald-Medium.ttf#Oswald Medium" FontStyle="Normal" FontWeight="Normal" TextAlignment="Left" TextWrapping="NoWrap" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.Title, Converter={StaticResource UseValueOrFallbackWithFormat},ConverterParameter=';All uppercase;No'}" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" FontSize="{Binding ElementName=Canvas,Path=ActualHeight, Converter={StaticResource ScalePropertyValueD}, ConverterParameter=FontSize;45;1080}" > <TextBlock x:Name="Text4text" Opacity="1.0" Foreground="White" FontFamily="LAUNCHBOX_ROOT_FOLDER/Themes/The POC/Fonts/BebasNeue.otf#Bebas Neue Bold" FontStyle="Normal" FontWeight="Normal" TextAlignment="Left" TextWrapping="NoWrap" TextTrimming="None" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.Developer, Converter={StaticResource UseValueOrFallbackWithFormat},ConverterParameter=';None;No'}" RenderTransformOrigin=".5,.5" FontSize="{Binding ElementName=Canvas,Path=ActualHeight, Converter={StaticResource ScalePropertyValueD}, ConverterParameter=FontSize;20;1080}" > <TextBlock x:Name="variableReleaseDate2" Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.ReleaseDate}" Visibility="Collapsed"/> <TextBlock x:Name="ActiveGame_Genre1" Visibility="Collapsed" Text="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.Platform}" /> On another note: what program you use to make the gif?
  21. While I'm not entirely sure why they aren't triggering for you. I have confirmed that they do work on my setup. Here's my MAME Startup Screen settings if can help:
  22. New beta, new thread. 11.13 Beta thread can be found here:
  23. 11.13 Beta 1 is now out with the following changes: Improvement: Added more ROM priority logic to help better prioritize demo ROMs and region-specific ROMs with de-prioritized attributes Improvement: You can now perform more actions while your image download queue is being processed Improvement: Setting a game's Broken, Completed, Favorite, or Hidden flag in Big Box's Game Details view now immediately updates auto-populated playlists Improvement: A restart of Big Box is no longer required to see games in a playlist after adding them to the playlist inside of Big Box Improvement: Added more comparison types to string fields to be used with auto-populate playlists Fixed: Changing image types in the Edit Game screen could potentially delete the image (introduced in 11.12) Fixed: Scan for Added Roms wasn't always canceling when told to Fixed: Dragging a folder to LaunchBox wasn't working in some cases (introduced in 11.12) Fixed: Left and right triggers swapped in Add/Edit Fixed: FlowVideo wasn't always respecting video type priorities when a VideoType wasn't set on the control Fixed: MAME light gun support not scraping correctly for controller management Fixed: Media wasn't migrating to the new title when Download Metadata and Media changed a game's title
  24. faeran

    Input issues.

    Do you know what version of Mesen you are using? I've never used the program, but from a post I'm reading, if you are using Mesen-S it's possible there's no command line argument that allows to automatically full screen the program when launched. If this is still the case, you would have to use an AHK script which can be applied in LaunchBox by going into Tools > Manage Emulators. Find Mesen and Edit, then go to the "Running AutoHotKey Script" tab and paste this in: Sleep, 3000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send {F11} Return
  25. Hi @Johnny T. Not entirely sure why it would be doing that. I'd be interested to know exactly how your monitor configuration changes as you go through the process of opening and closing these types of games. Maybe you can open up windows display settings and keep an eye on it while it's happening. Is this something that is happening randomly with games or you can trigger it, every time, with specific games in your collection? Also, would be nice to know if the Big Box primary screen changes, or remains the same:
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