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Everything posted by rexryan

  1. Try this.. Hope it helps FolderTemplate.psd
  2. How many do ya need..lol
  3. Supposedly this new update is going to answer all our answers...Let's wait test.. Proof is in the pudding...
  4. Know Fact HS runs faster.. Tons of post topics on it.. Still staying positive it come's around..
  5. Why even respond the stuff you put out is amazing.....
  6. That's too bad...i searched to see on regular LB themes doesn't exist for creation with out having to edit xmal ...Theme creation is about money not the hobby..
  7. The website now says it's coming.. Interesting
  8. Controller option is where im going..If you come up with something would be awesome
  9. Worked like a champ..Thanks have you ever tried to get it to work in BB?
  10. Is this still the way to do links or is there an updated way?
  11. Yes that is it.. Same here...
  12. I also got this error once...Waited about 5 min.. Tried again and it worked...Added another game 4hrs later popped up again..
  13. Don't be thinking that's not true thread started on Saturday we are in Tuesday. .You saw the the log and hit the Vulcan part and it's solved...
  14. Nice...The Log helped Lordmonkus who is a pro nail it down with the Vulkan part....
  15. Replace YourExecutableName.exe with the actual executable name of the application you want to close.
  16. i never was good at programing, but 8 months ago i stared using chat gp and have never turned back making scripts for all my needs...Took your question got a bunch of help both bats and ahk help..just an fyi
  17. Along time ago Sentai brad who i thought was on hear made this.. It's fool proof though it's old and another updated may exist.. Tells ya what bios o run and the command line you need. example ti99_4a -cart which goes into your default command line like joe viling said. I think the files have to be rpk for that command line. https://pastebin.com/18W3EbD0
  18. Funny that TeknoParrot who always had Patreon on the games now say's Subscription....
  19. Shut them both down and gave 2.4million,
  20. From what i read latest Zelda got released early and yuzu subscription (Patreon) soared making money and worked from day 1.. Also i didnt know that Yuzu tracks what game you play without you knowing so they can fix the most popular games..Sneaky..
  21. Agree there the lawsuit is brining up Atmosphere as we now a switch console hack and Hekate...So it's pretty serious Git hub stuff show DmCA shutdown.
  22. interesting read... https://www.scribd.com/document/709016504/Nintendo-of-America-Inc-v-Tropic-Haze-LLC-1-24-Cv-00082-No-1-D-R-I-Feb-26-2024
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