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Everything posted by nikeymikey

  1. The layout that the new torrent expects. Download the torrent and check the layout in your client.
  2. My process was this: 1. Make sure I had the ExoDos/ExoDos folder layout. 2. Point the v3 torrent to that folder. 3. Download v3, I was able to join at around 92% complete. 4. Run the setup batch file. 5. Sit and wait a while, the setup does a lot of creating etc 6. Copy ExoDos folder over to existing LB install folder. 7. Profit
  3. Copy the whole eXoDOS folder, the one that contains the games folder. There is only one drawback with this as far as i can tell. That is if you plan on seeding this and importing to an existing LB install you will need to copy the eXoDOS folder and not move it, as the torrent wont work unless it is in the double eXoDOS folder layout. I will just leave it where it is until all 5 vols are released and ive seeded plenty and then import it all in one go. That way i wont need to copies wasting space on my hdd.
  4. @eXo I’m on PD! I’ll be grabbing these new versions straight away, any idea when will they be released?? I’ll be dumping all my old eXoDos setup and starting fresh ?
  5. +1 from me as well. Id love to take part in this.
  6. I just discovered this Gzip PS2 iso theory, just ran a few tests and the gzip files seem to be bigger than the 7z files i already have. I dont mind waiting a min for a game to decompress so i guess ill stay as i am
  7. Im on approx 41k games in my LB setup. I do have exo's dos and 3.x win collections but im waiting for official support before i import them. Also have around 600 xbox games ON DISC for my modded xbox, around 400 ps3 titles and 1k xbox 360 but there is no reliable emus for those yet
  8. I know mate, im not holding a grudge Ive deleted my post and moved it to the correct place
  9. I have had this a couple of times tonight after updating to 7.8 official @Jason Carr
  10. Lol ok neil, is there a thread for the latest official release??? Hows the moderating going??
  11. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    @eXo Thanks for the info, I'll wait patiently ? I do realise there's a shit ton of work involved in creating these collections and I for one am grateful to you for doing it. I did mess about with dosbox in the past but it always got too fiddly and I ended up giving up. Thanks to you I can enjoy all the old classics with a minimum of fuss. Thanks again for all your hard work
  12. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    Does that mean that the Win 95 collection is on hold until this happens as well??
  13. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    I believe @Jason Carr knows that it's just the bat files that are needed to run the games. I think what is really needed is a way for LB to import these along with all the correct metadata and images automatically. Also I believe that @eXo is considering making LB the default launcher for his collections if it is made fully compatible. (I might be wrong about this tho ?)
  14. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    @eXo As your here, whats the latest on the next collection? Win95/98 is it?
  15. This also would fix the problem of the 2nd, 3rd and so on discs of multidisc games not showing up in Rocketlauncher, which makes them unable to launch. RL does not know they are there because they are additional apps in LB.
  16. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    Lets hope @Jason Carr see the above post from @eXo, as there is obviously quite a few people waiting on a proper solution for this I had a bit of a play around with importing a game from Win3xO last night but every method i tried was unsuccessful Its a shame because eX0 has already included all the media available for every DOS and Win 3.1 game in the collections, it just need launchbox's presentation and it will look amazing!!! Meagre does the job and does it well but it does look a bit outdated by todays standards
  17. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    Im gonna attempt to import a game from Win3Xo into Launchbox, see what happens
  18. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    Im also looking forward to eXo's win 95/98 collection
  19. nikeymikey

    Win 3x0

    Personally i have Win3xO setup outside LB for now as when the time come that @Jason Carr and eXo get things working in harmony i dont fancy importing it all over again.
  20. I use RocketLauncher with the latest RetroArch and i havent noticed any problems with my setup. Maybe RL handles the launching differently to Launchbox itself.
  21. Cheers @Jason Carr ill pop over to discord in a mo see whats what over there
  22. Denied..... I understand your reasons tho guys, cant say im not a tiny bit disappointed tho
  23. Excellent!! Cheers Jason i know i havent been here for long but i do have a fully working version of LB and have a good few years experience with Hyperspin/Emulators etc so will do my best to help out as many peeps as i can and try to be the best mod i can be
  24. Id like to nominate myself Am normally online from 5pm till gone midnight UK time everyday, so can do my bit if required
  25. The main difference between TDC and eXoDOS is that TDC has every version of each game, which is only useful if you do not understand english. eXoDOS has the latest english version of every game, which for the majority of peeps is enough. I myself don't want 8 versions of (INSERT GAME HERE), when im only going to play the latest english version anyway. Plus eXoDOS has all the artwork etc included already, so when LB is made compatible theres no extra downloading to do.
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