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Everything posted by tallpr24

  1. i removed the. rom from the bios files, now it shows the bios as valid but still when i try to load the .zip file i get error "content could not be loaded"
  2. according to the core's website you only need those 4. https://github.com/libretro/libretro-uae/blob/master/README.md
  3. they all match see below.
  4. yup, i checked md5, they match.
  5. i refreshed the folders and now it sees the bios files, but it still wont launch the roms
  6. i have everything setup but it still wont run. retroarch says i dont have bios files , but they are there in the correct folders.
  7. that sounds better. any idea where to get these roms from?
  8. there is a new retroarch core for this. freechaf.7z
  9. how did you get this to work? I loaded the mame core and loaded my .zip file and it wont load..
  10. but how would it know what to scrape?
  11. nintendo sufami turbo" how to you add this system? when i go to add roms for this system, launchbox does have this console as an option.
  12. also when importing the roms, i dont see the option for the system name"nintendo sufami turbo" how to you add this system?
  13. hi, I am also trying to get this to work. My roms are also .sfc. how can i get this to work? find another rom set?
  14. Any way to run Casio Loopy and Casio pv-1000 on retroarch ?
  15. thank you , i just watched the video , very helpful
  16. looks like there 2 .exe files for this emulator. an arcade.exe and a launcher.exe. which one should i use for launchbox?
  17. downloading fs-uae now, is there any special settings for launchbox? switches?
  18. ahh, got it, is there a core that is supported, or should i not bother since like you said, its a pain in the @#$ to setup?
  19. mine are .ipf files.
  20. Hello, trying to setup commodore amiga in launchbox using retroarch using vice64 core. when i load the game i get a command line screen. I think im suppose to type in a command to run the game. if so, what is that command and is there a way to automate this?
  21. I gave up, since i only need the neo geo cd exclusives , I ended up only using the following games and just pointing launchbox to mame. every single neo geo cd rom i thew at it played. My roms were also zipped and mame played them from launchbox with no issues, and with sound. I really wanted it with retroarch but for the 8 games i needed it for is not worth the trouble for me at least. ADK World / ADK Special. Crossed Swords 2. Ironclad / Chotetsu Bri'kinger. King of Fighters '96 Collection. Mahjong Final Romance 2. Neo Geo CD Special. Samurai Shodown RPG. Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix.
  22. damn, it says im shitlisted. not sure why. i think i only downloaded 1 torrent and seeded the crap out of it for days. trying to figure out how get my self removed.
  23. ok, will try one from pleasuredome and report back.
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