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OKTrashPanda last won the day on November 30 2022

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    Actually I like this a lot. Short, simple, gets right to the point, isn't blaring dubstep at me but still gives a flashy look.
  1. For some reason I'm having an unspecified error when trying to install this theme. A bunch of the files aren't extracting properly. Perhaps the zip got corrupted somehow? You did an amazing job with this theme and I hope that I can get it running.
  2. This isn't something I personally have use for but I'm still glad that someone did it. Seems like this is an area of emulation that's pretty neglected. I'm very impressed at how thorough it all is including the ambience and startup video. Good work!
  3. It's precisely for things like this that I wish we had firmer guidelines. Hoping we get something a little clearer to base decisions off of.
  4. It's higher resolution than the KoF 02 scan I included. I don't really know how to use the warp feature of Photoshop to make it look right but others who are more talented than I are more than welcome to give it a go. I appreciate it but MVS isn't what I'm try to cover. Besides, MVS doesn't really have box art. The games came in brown cardboard boxes with no real art. Any MVS shockboxes you've seen are fan art. I have no problem with that, of course, but it does mean there's no such thing as "official" box art for MVS games. Unfortunately, the KoF 96 art you've sent here is also fan art. The box pictured below is what the English AES KoF 96 box looks like.
  5. Thanks for asking! I didn't really do much editing. That's kind of the point. Some of the files of the "classic style" inserts on neostore.com needed to be cropped but that's really it. I unfortunately couldn't allow myself to have a minimum standard of quality or there would be far, far fewer files. I think the smallest one is probably KoF 02 and you can't even read the back text on that. I'm struggling to get the covers to look right on the clamshell models because the settings for spine width on a full scan don't seem to change anything, but the crappiness of some of the files ironically makes it look a little more like it's on a real box and reflecting ambient light. eBay isn't a great source because people don't scan the inserts there so the best I'd be able to do is use photoshop to try to warp certain images back into rectangular shape but I lack the knowledge of how to do that and I doubt it would look right anyway. I haven't emailed collectors because the Neo Geo collecting community reacts with suspicion and hostility to people who ask about box scans for the reasons I've given. I honestly can't blame them. I've even seen forum members react with hostility to people asking for the proper measurements of an insert printout. Basically the most common response I've seen is you should just use fan art from southtown homebrew if you just want your shelf to look pretty, and it's usually said in a much less friendly tone than that. It is what it is and hopefully one day a compromise can be reached.
  6. Great work on this. I love how clean it all looks. It's great to see the new feature showcased in such an elegant way that lets the 3D boxes shine.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a collection of full scans for the inserts to AES games for both English and Japanese releases. Admittedly, most of these images are low res and low quality, but they ARE official. If you've ever spent any time trying to find official AES art you know it can be a real headache and full scans are even worse. Since LaunchBox is now using 3D models I wanted to get ahead of anyone carelessly using the first images they can find for a collection. You see, Neo Geo games are notoriously expensive, so there are a few bootleggers out there who try to rip off collectors by making repros and selling them at full price as authentic AES games. As a reaction to this, the Neo Geo community has made it very hard to find high quality official scans. You can find PLENTY of fan art for people who just want shelf candy, but as a result of this, a lot of fan art winds up being used instead of official art including here on the LBDB as well as the art on EmuMovies (virtually all of the spines on there are fan art). Sometimes it looks convincing at first but comparing it to photos of the real boxes will reveal tiny differences. Most of these come from Southtown Homebrew. Unfortunately for those of us who want virtual shelf candy in LaunchBox, this means we can either use fan art boxes or go crazy searching for the official scans. I chose the latter, and this is the result. Unfortunately, some games are extremely hard to find. Whether it's due to the community circling the wagons to fend off scammers or just the severe rarity of the game in question, certain boxes do not seem to have full scans available online. Believe me, I looked. This means this collection is incomplete. Some of the games that are missing are very popular titles which is frustrating but I don't know of a way to solve that problem right now. Here is a list of missing scans: US: Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior Bang Bang Busters (this game was released in 2010 so whether or not it's official is debatable) Baseball Stars 2 Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors The King of Fighters '95 The King of Fighters '96 The King of Fighters 2003 (I found the "classic" variant and included it, but the original art was not available when I searched) Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 4 (I found the "classic" variant and included it, but the original art was not available) Metal Slug 5 (I found the "classic" variant and included it, but the original art was not available) Mutation Nation Ninja Master's: Haoh Ninpo Cho Rage of the Dragons (I found the "classic" variant and included it, but the original art was not available) Samurai Shodown III Sengoku Soccer Brawl Spinmaster Stakes Winner Street Slam Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory The Super Spy Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy Japan: ASO II Bang Bang Busters (this game was released in 2010 so whether or not it's official is debatable) Fighter's History Dynamite Ghost Pilots The King of Fighters 2000 (you will also notice this game is missing from the US releases. This game came out during that awkward bankruptcy phase for SNK and never got a US AES release ) The King of Fighters 2003 King of the Monsters Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 5 Rage of the Dragons Raguy Samurai Spirits Zero Sengoku Denshou Sengoku Denshou 2001 Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Toukon Matrimelee Top Player's Golf At some point in the future I might revisit this collection but right now I don't see much use in driving myself up the wall just to find one or two more results. I do, however, hope that others might find this useful and maybe someone else will feel motivated to find the other official scans. These scans are from neogeosoft, neostore and videogameobsessions. There are a few more that I don't remember finding, nor do I remember the source of, but no claim is intended.
  8. Great job here and thank you very much. I would still point out that some of the spines are fan art but at this point that can't be helped. This is way better than the Emu Movies collection which is 100% fan art. Thank you again for this great contribution. It really makes my 3D models look fantastic.
  9. You can set region priorities under Tools -> Options -> Date -> Region Priorities. If you have specific games that you want specific regions for, make sure to set the region in the metadata BEFORE downloading images. Otherwise you'll have to remove all images, set the region, then try again.
  10. For the moment you can sign up for EmuMovies for free to get access to their spine and full cover images. It's going to take a long time to get those image categories populated on here since not even Moby Games and GameFAQs tend to have spine images for all platforms.
  11. Mutant Rampage Bodyslam requires the digital video cartridge which AFAIK isn't emulated correctly yet.
  12. Other than Halo there is also Sega's output, the FromSoft games, and the Tecmo games. DOA3 music? JSRF?
  13. Did you set up the platform correctly? It won't scrape the images if you didn't.
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