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Everything posted by jophran

  1. I see that in phoenix.config Attack of the Mutant Penguins has a diferent path than the rest, "f:/Launchbox/Games" instead of "f:/Launcbhox/emulators/ph28jag-win64/Jaguar/CARTRIDGE" although I saw that first path matches with the one in LB in one of your earlier screenshots, the question is where actually is the romy. As for the virus message and the one indicating that the emulator couldn't be found maybe your antivirus deleted RomLauncherPhoenix.exe.
  2. Hi @RandyMackDaddy, I tested all my games and all of them launch, I was hoping some of them won't and I could find a clue of what could be wrong but no. What paths do you have in the phoenix.config for the roms? To find the right spot in the file first search for "<Library>" then "<Platform-Jaguar>" and you should have some lines like this: What do you have in yours for the games that don't work?
  3. Hi Everyone, sorry for my absence here,had many problems lately and didn't had time to check the forum, as soon as I can I'll check the script and try to find out why sometimes it doesn'n work, and @Wally, I have this in my setup and it does work for me: $Esc:: { Send ^{q} }
  4. Hi, I just posted this, It's a launcher for Phoenix, It's not a direct integration but I think it's easier than RocketLauncher.
  5. It's well known that the emulator Phoenix doesn't take command line options so it's integration with Launchbox it's quite difficult, I've read there's a RocketLauncher module that does that but I really don't want to use RL, so I made this little script that will act as a Phoenix loader. It works pretty well for me and just decided to share it because I think it might be useful for some people. It doesn't have a gui and works just by calling the exe with 2 parameters, first the platform to use and second the full path to the game rom or cd image. I just made it to recognize 3DO and Jaguar because it's in those plataforms that Phoenix excels, the other platforms can be emulated just as good or better with less complications with another emulator. The script will edit the emulator .xml and change just 2 lines, one that indicates the current selected platform and the other is the one that tells wich image or rom is currently selected, then it will execute Phoenix and simulate the keystrokes to launch the game and F11 to put it on full screen, after that the script will close. These are two examples of how to run a game: ROMLauncherPhoenix.exe platform=Jaguar file=K:\EMU\Atari Jaguar\Space War 2000 (World).j64 ROMLauncherPhoenix.exe platform=3DO file=K:\EMU\Panasonic 3DO\Incredible Machine, The (USA).img In the download I will include the source of the script, the script compiled and a .ini file that, for now, just include the option to turn de logging on or off. The compiled script and the .ini must be located in the Phoenix emulator folder because the script will only try to find the .ini and the emulator executable in the same folder where it is located. Instructions: 1 - Make sure Phoenix works and have loaded in the frontend all the images you are going to use, Phoenix won't recognize a file that the script loads in the .xml if that file isn't in its "database" 2- copy ROMLauncherPhoenix.exe and RomLauncherPhoenix.ini in your Phoenix install folder 3 - Make a backup of phoenix.config.xml just in case. 4 - In Launchbox go to Tools -> Manage Emulators -> Add, and select ROMLauncherPhoenix.exe as the "Emulator Aplication Path", then tick the option "No space before ROM (Primarily for NullDC)". 5 - In the same Window go to "Associated Platforms" and add the two we are going to use: "3DO Interactive Multiplayer" with the Command-Line Parameters "platform=3DO file=" and "Atari Jaguar" with "platform=Jaguar file=". Click OK to save everything 6 - Assign the new emulator to your 3DO or Jaguar games. That should do it but just consider some things. - In case that something doesn't work, the log file (ROMLauncherPhoenix.log) can be helpful. - The script it's made with Autoit because it's what I know how to use better, one big problem with AutoIt it's that antivirus programs tend to mark as thread anything made with it, so if you download the compiled script and your antivirus warns you about the file, you can trust me and add an exception or even better compile the script yourself, it's easy, just download Autoit and install it, after that just right click in the .au3 file in the explorer and a there should be a "Compile Script" option. - I really don't know how well all this will work with relative paths, I have my launchBox and all the emulators and rom in a virtual drive k: that is created every time I execute LB, I made it that way since day one so I never had to consider anything relative paths. - The script it's definitely not a good example of good programming, in fact could cause laughs on some people ? . I know there must be better and more elegant ways of doing this, but It's what I could do and what I had time to do. If you have any advice about that I will welcome an appreciate it. ROMLauncherPhoenix Compiled.zip ROMLauncherPhoenix Source.zip
  6. Exactly, LB would require more power to run smoothly. Changing the hardrive for an SSD one would speed up things a bit if you can't afford a better PC right now. I have a C2D E8400 (3ghz) with an SSD and it's quite slow, but usable. Of course I don't expect to emulate anything beyond PS1 with it.
  7. Great! Thank you Zombeaver!.
  8. No problem! I'll check those games and try to adjust them.
  9. Hi Zombeaver. I've been testing this collection and it's great, thank you for the great job and for sharing it! I had a little problema at first, I have a 1600x900 monitor and I had to make another generic vice config file for that resolution based in yours from the other resolutions, tested it with some games and adjust perfectly. I attach the file in case you want to use it. Greetings VICE x64.cfg
  10. jophran


    Wonderful. Thank you!
  11. Great job. Than you!!
  12. I agree with this, for me would ve better if the images get copied. Of course this is a chosen behavior more than a problem and maybe more people prefer that the images get renamed.
  13. Hi, as a personal experience I noticed some improvement in performance when I switched to a SSD hard drive, no need to put everything there, just the program and the media.
  14. I agree with both, would be really handy.
  15. This happens to me also, my collection Is smaller (15k games), for now I just avoid using the list and just write the text but would be nice if it could be fixed.
  16. In Commodore 64 are a lot of them (I mean games of the platform that share titles, don't know which ones are in LB database or not), I'm having the same problem with that, sometimes even 3 or more games share title . For now I would be happy if when manually scrapping all of them are shown, as you said adding the publisher and maybe the year to the result text.
  17. I would also like yo know what to do in this cases, sometimes a game has the same name but have different graphics, sometimes the game Is completely different (un the Commodore 64 are quite a few examples), what I do Is to create a new game with different name, for example I add the releaser between parenthesis, so I can put the corresponding media. For me it's fine and works perfectly,but those are games not Linked to a game in LB database, and sometimes I would like to share that media by uploading to the database, and don't know the right way to do it, maybe someone can tell how. But, taking that off, my answer to your question would be,as I said, adding those games and manually rename them so each one has a different name. Another aproach would be to keep the same name for all of them and use the rom name in the media files, but you would have to manually put those media files in the corresponding folders of LB.
  18. If the images are.jpg you could try deleting the Exif info in them, this happened to me and that was the solution I found, didn't found out why exactly happened.Xnview for example will Let you do that, even massively if it's necessary, just try first with a couple of images to check if that's your problem in this case.
  19. In bluemsx i think there's an option to rewind the tape automatically when "insertes", just when inserted, that means that if you execute vía LB the same game twice,the second Time the emulator starts it won't rewind it because that tape it's already there, if you execute another cas game it Will rewind it because the tape changed. Don't know right now if there's a command línea option to force the rewind.
  20. Great. Thanks!
  21. This ones are also used in real flight training in those academies where they can't afford a real professional flight sims. But some of them are just toys like you said hehe
  22. With the one in the first picture but wireless I would be happy,which Brand Is that one? Even the dpad looks better than the one in the xbox controller. Xbox controllers are good, but the dpad tends to fail (you press up and it sends left ir right also) and with the design they have i don't know how to fix it, with psx ones I used to disasemble them and cut the dpad in four pieces to make the buttons independents.
  23. Well, sometimes it's better to start from scratch, just keep those videos away from the roms when you import them hehe. Sorry I couldn't be More helpful.
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