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Very nice, Kris. I've fixed some of the MAME issues we had built-in to LaunchBox, because I felt like we still needed an overly simple solution. So this is what I have: Untitled.png I think we'll probably stick with this approach going forward, though we may choose to further integrate it at some point. For the LaunchBox importer I basically fixed all the gaps in the MAME metadata and added some likely important filtering options. At least users won't get files that aren't recognized anymore with the built-in MAME import. I also took the MAME metadata and cross-referenced it to the LaunchBox Games Database, and added any missing games. There are some duplicates that will need to be cleaned up but there should be metadata now in the database for pretty much the whole set. Finally, I used the Progretto flyers images database to populate front images for as many games as possible, so things are looking a lot better in that department. Does anyone know where to get more of those flyers?
Just ran a test with a complete set of 0.172 roms into my main LaunchBox setup. No issues at all! I love the ini file that keeps settings, makes it soooo much easier. Imported a great subset of my roms and everything works exactly as expected, many thanks Kris.
CADScott said ...everything works exactly as expected
So glad to hear! Thanks for testing :)
Jason Carr said Very nice, Kris. I've fixed some of the MAME issues we had built-in to LaunchBox, because I felt like we still needed an overly simple solution. So this is what I have...
Very cool, Jason! Those are very helpful to have indeed. It saves a ton of time of manually filtering things. And thanks for the link and the shout!!!! :) I got my flyer collection from the EXTRAs pack, downloaded from a certain "dome" ;) Here are some screenshots of my wizard in progress. Didn't work much on it for the past 2 days of adding features/fixes to Lightspeed core, but hopefully I will get back to it soon: wizardwip1.pngwizardwip2.pngwizardwip3.png -Kris
Very nice! The wizard looks really great. I think LaunchBox is well on its way to having the best available support for MAME (if it doesn't already). I just put out 5.10-beta-2, with the above changes. I plan to put out the 5.10 official tomorrow assuming no one runs into any nasty bugs. Pushing this one out quickly because of some missing translations in 5.9. Brad is going to put out a video on MAME very soon to cover both options (was planning on this week but we could put it off until next week). Do you think we should wait a week @Antropus so the wizard is available?
I wish I could have the wizard ready, but I cannot promise anything with the crazy busy family life + full time job I have :) I need to be careful during the migration so things don't break and I only had 3 days working on and off the wizard. It will happen, just possibly not in this time frame, I'm afraid.
Antropus said I wish I could have the wizard ready, but I cannot promise anything with the crazy busy family life + full time job I have :) I need to be careful during the migration so things don't break and I only had 3 days working on and off the wizard. It will happen, just possibly not in this time frame, I'm afraid.
Well I forgot I have a Dentist appointment tomorrow, when I am supposed to be testing things, and I will be loopy all day after that. MAME is going to require some serious time for testing and I want both MAME importers to be in the best shape they can be, so chances are I will go with something less demanding this week.
Maybe it's for the best then! I'll put an extra effort on it this week and see in what shape we are by next Monday. I will hold on adding anything new to the current importer so I can concentrate on the wizard instead. That might just work out!
I have a little suggestion that came up from my testing of your latest importer last night. I would love to be able to give the imported platforms a custom name at import time. For example, I prefer my arcade games to be under the default Arcade platform name, rather than MAME and CPS1 to be Capcom CPS1, which is definitely something that can be altered after import but it would be great if the importer had an option to create custom names for the standard platforms. Lightspeed02d.png Perhaps the platform names in the importer could be a customisable field name as well, with the default name already filled in?
That would be a cool feature to be able to give the platforms a custom name before importing as I like mine to be called Arcade as well. I actually would like if all the Capcom CPS 1,2 and 3 where all together in one platform called Capcom Classics or maybe Capcom Arcade Classics. The main reason why I like it this way is I have BigBox on an arcade cabinet and when people come over to play it they don't know what MAME or CPS is. BTW: The wizard GUI is looking awesome!
CADScott said Perhaps the platform names in the importer could be a customisable field name as well, with the default name already filled in?
This will be available in the new wizard I have in progress. You will be able to click any platform name and change the name in the popup window.
kmoney2315 said I actually would like if all the Capcom CPS 1,2 and 3 where all together in one platform called Capcom Classics or maybe Capcom Arcade Classics.
I'm afraid that would be too specific. There is an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to personal taste :) Some people would like to combine Cave and PGM for example. Or split naomi1 and naomi2. Or combine just the vertical games of CPS and Cave and call it "Supa dupa Shmups!" ;) You can very easily do this by combining things using Launchbox's own edit wizard.
BTW: The wizard GUI is looking awesome!
It's coming along. Thanks! -Kris
As I get closer to release the wizard version (still ways to go...), I'm adding more things to it. With the new ability to custom name platforms, you will indeed have the ability to rename CPS1, CPS2 and CPS3 to the same name, like "Capcom Arcade Classics" as you mentioned and they will all be contained within a single platform of that name. I added many more filters as well. You will be able to create custom platforms by genre if you wish. For example, you can uncheck everything but "Driving", name the main Mame platform "Driving - Arcade" and a new platform populated solely with driving games will be created. You can do the same for Shmups, fighting games, platform games, breakout games, etc. So, instead of only filtering junk out, you will be able to create specific working lists by genre. -Kris
Antropus said I added many more filters as well. You will be able to create custom platforms by genre if you wish. For example, you can uncheck everything but "Driving", name the main Mame platform "Driving - Arcade" and a new platform populated solely with driving games will be created. You can do the same for Shmups, fighting games, platform games, breakout games, etc. So, instead of only filtering junk out, you will be able to create specific working lists by genre.
This is really awesome... there is no other MAME tool (that I know of) that allows you do this type of stuff. Very cool.
Very nice work indeed, and I agree, this has got to be the best mame tool out there that does all that it does and is very easy to use also and it just keeps getting better and better!! Sounds awesome!!Smile
Drybonz said Bump n' Jump may be another game that isn't imported correctly, but not 100% sure. I can't find it in my LaunchBox set.
Because it is a clone of Burnin'Rubber. You should have this one in there. Here are some good news. I added two listviews at the very end of the wizard. They will work like this: 1) Press a button and all games and all metadata (other than the notes) will be loaded into the main listview, where you will be able to delete stuff and rename the descriptions. 2) If you have the Clones checkbox checked, all clones will be loaded into this main listview 3) Now the fun part: if you have the Clones checkbox unchecked, only the main sets will be loaded into the main listview, but all clones will be loaded and available at the Clones Manager Listview, which will list all clones available based on the other filters. Once there, you will be able to select and add ANY number of specific clones into your main listview with a single click. 4) The main listview will behave like a preview of what will be added to Launchbox, so at anytime you can re-parse data with different filters, delete things, add clones and what you see in there is exactly what you will get in launchbox. 5) Once the preview window looks like you want, press a button to bake everything into your Launchbox.xml. I noticed that problem that we were talking about in the past about only one game having duplicated metadata from time to time and I'm now 95% convinced that this is a Launchbox bug. I exported new stuff many times and a bunch of times I noticed the duplicated metadata and it ALWAYS happens with the very first game you click and none of the other games. I have a feeling that it's something related to the way the launchbox loads the xml file, like, if you don't wait until it's completely done and click in something, it glitches the import and repeats the metadata. Since it only happens with the first game you click, ANY game, there's no way that lightspeed is causing the problem. Could you take a look at this @Jason? Thanks! -Kris
Antropus said 3) Now the fun part: if you have the Clones checkbox unchecked, only the main sets will be loaded into the main listview, but all clones will be loaded and available at the Clones Manager Listview, which will list all clones available based on the other filters. Once there, you will be able to select and add ANY number of specific clones into your main listview with a single click.
Clones manager! Sweet! That is going to be very helpful. Yeah... Bump n' Jump is a clone... good call.
Wow! Just when I thought your tool couldn’t be any better you come up with a bunch of new features that I didn’t know that I want those really bad. Can’t wait to test it Smile But I also hope you will look into the problem with the notes for the export releases when you have finished the wizard.Wink

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