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Nintendo Game Boy Color

12 files

  1. Mega Man World DX project

    To celebrate the Mega Man World DX project updates, here are the the custom covers and title logos  maded by MannyCa1avera   for the series. All credtis to him.
    Official thread on reddit:


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  2. GBC Marquess gifs @ Phenomenal-R-Cade

    Just thought I would share these GBC Marquees gifts. There are over 530 gif Marquees. Hope you like and enjoy


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  3. Nintendo GameBoy Color Fanart Pack by CORE Team

    Complete Nintendo GameBoy Color 1G1R Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team. 
    JPEG format
    No intro naming


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  4. Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Boxes

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy Color box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy Color logo on all the spines). I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. Most spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 669 games have been done here. This system was a big pain finding suitable source art. For some reason GBC (and also GBA) are a lot harder to find HQ scans than the original Game Boy games. I got lot of images off ebay and thecoverproject, but most of the covers were standard low res 500x500 that I had to enhance and clean up. Most came out great. There are some covers that look pretty awful like International Superstar Soccer 99 (USA). I could not find a decent source image for the north american release anywhere! I image enhanced a crappy 200x200 thumbnail image I found and replaced the logo and its doable for now. NHL Blades of Steel (USA) is another one that was tough to find. Big thanks to all the logo wizards in the forums who helped create some clear logos for some of these boxes. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. If anyone has better scans for some of these covers let me know, And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


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  5. Nintendo Game Boy Color 2D Front + Spines

    I was sick of seeing crappy Nintendo Game Boy Color box images in my collection (I made this set years ago in lower resolution with the annoying Game Boy Color logo on all the spines). I remade all boxes in high quality HD with accurate spines on most boxes. All USA games and Euro exclusives are included, along with many Japanese exclusives that can be played in English. Most spines and boxes on the USA and Euro games are all retail accurate, some spines may be custom made if I couldn't find proper source images. As always I included PSD templates for the 2D and 3D boxes if anyone wants to include their own games not included here. About 669 games have been done here. Also included are cropped fronts and spines. This system was a big pain finding suitable source art. For some reason GBC (and also GBA) are a lot harder to find HQ scans than the original Game Boy games. I got lot of images off ebay and thecoverproject, but most of the covers were standard low res 500x500 that I had to enhance and clean up. Most came out great. There are some covers that look pretty awful like International Superstar Soccer 99 (USA). I could not find a decent source image for the north american release anywhere! I image enhanced a crappy 200x200 thumbnail image I found and replaced the logo and its doable for now. NHL Blades of Steel (USA) is another one that was tough to find. Big thanks to all the logo wizards in the forums who helped create some clear logos for some of these boxes. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. If anyone has better scans for some of these covers let me know, And if anyone wants to upload some of these to the Games DB, by all means do so. Enjoy this collection!


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  6. Nintendo Game Boy Colour Spines

    Game boy Colour Spines converted from 3D boxes


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  7. ABeezy's Nintendo Game Boy Color Carts

    Yoooo its April fools day, one of the stupid day's!!! However instead of attempting a lame joke I am dropping the next set of carts hot of the press!
    Here are all 444 official released NTSC Nintendo Game Boy Color front carts. These are all high-res and much better and more accurate then what is currently out there (The current sets actually use both fake carts and inaccurate carts). Also unique to this set compared to what's out there is actual accuracy of the several different GBC cart variants and their PCB's as well as all the DMG numbers .I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build. There are a few boxes that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox using the alternate naming.
    There are a few carts that have very very very limited/scare images online so if anyone finds any improvements down the line, drop me a DM with a link and I can update. Also, If anyone notices any issues or anything let me know (Especially doing 444 carts... there potentially could be an error with a DMG number or even a half vs full PCB on the clear carts but they SHOULD be good.) Enjoy!!!!
    Also, you may download my matching Nintendo Game Boy Color box fronts [coming soon].


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  8. Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Carts Pack HD

    Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Carts Pack HD
    I used 2D Boxes as labels.


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  9. Nintendo Game Boy Color 2D Carts HD

    Nintendo Game Boy Color 2D Carts HD
    Done with Box Covers.


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  10. Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Carts Pack

    Nintendo Game Boy Color 3D Carts Pack


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  11. Pokemon Prism 2016 Final Launch Trailer

    This is a personal backup of that pokemon fan-game trailer that was shut down last year. Media like this is very susceptible to being lost to time. I enjoy having it on my arcade.


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  12. GBC Silver Ring Clear Game Logo Set

    You have more coming you way

    As always viking  is the original creator of the silver ring set i just put the games in it.
    more coming soon! 


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