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  1. Xeno-Crisis Lights Out Bezel (MAME)

    I was inspired when I came across the Lights Out Bezel series for MAME.  I thought I would share my custom Xeno Crisis bezel.


       (1 review)



  2. Flycast Arcade Standalone | All In One Config | Atomiswave, Naomi 1 & 2 | Controls Pre Mapped, LightGun Games Calibrated & Light Gun Ready, All content pre unlocked & sooo much more

    Watch the video. There's a lot to explain with bulk renaming.

    -Current list of controller specific XINPUT PRE MAPS:
    PDP Rock Candy XBOX Controller
    Xbox 360 Controller
    Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver (XBOX)
    Xbox One Controller
    Xbox One Elite Controller
    Xbox One S Controller
    Xbox Series X Controller
    Xbox Series X Elite Controller
    Last time, I configured this for RetroArch as it has a better and more mailable control configuration. But....now Standalone supports more games and it's an overall better experience for the end user. Not for the person configuring mind you.
    My main issue with Standalone is that you can't stack inputs like you can in RetroArch. So you can't have the same input in multiple locations or map multiple inputs to the same button. This prohibited mapping the D-Pad and the Left Stick so you have the choice for those relevant games.
    However, I "found" a work around.
    By adding the directional analog inputs directly to the mapping file, with the d-pad inputs already mapped (stacking them...kinda), it'll force Flycast to use both the D-pad and Left Stick. This presented a bit of an issue as it didn't seem to like having any other analog inputs mapped at the same time as the left stick and d-pad. So LT&RT and any other anaolg inputs needed to be avoided when mapping these games with the left stick in addition to the D-Pad. Not a big deal at all. Still can't stack other inputs but that is just fine also.
    Trackball Games / DJ Games / Pool Games = Mouse Usage
    All the trackball games now play great and are included. They are hardcoded to the mouse, so consider these games to be keyboard/controller AND mouse games. Some of these can be controlled just with the mouse and others will require you use the keyboard or controller in conjunction with the mouse. Shootout Pool's 'Cue Tip' input (for spin) can ONLY be controlled with the left stick controller.
    The DJ games are actually playable and enjoyable when you figure out the controls. Shootout Pool works amazingly, which I thought I'd never see. It plays great and the 'Prize' version is super addictive, new fav game on Naomi unironically. 
    As a side note, OutTrigger now plays like an Arena shooter PC FPS with movement on WSAD....it's AWESOME.
    Cards and VMUs
    We also have card scanning functionality with Mushiking that is easy to use. Card saving for Virtua Fighter network character progression, with the possibility to don funny hats, different outfits and network exclusive moves. Inital D card saving is awesome, overall the whole card saving system is absolutely awesome tbh and works with all games that use them.
    VMU functionality is something I have just discovered with Naomi and I need to do some more investigating as to what the VMU actually does for each game. I have setup the VMU per game (ones that have VMU functionality) to future proof this if I end up providing some saves or you want to take a look yourself.
    Light Gun Stuff
    Light gun games now all reload correctly while retaining accuracy. Some games have off screen reload in addition to a reload button. Check the documentation for more info on this. As per usual RawInput for 2 Player Light gun usage had been done in addition to SDL. If you are only using 1 player mouse or just controllers, turn RawInput OFF. If you are using 2 mice or Lightgun(s) turn RawInput ON. You can turn it on and off easily mid gameplay with no restart required and the buttons will be the same, with no adverse effects. RawInput setting is NOT saveable per game with Standalone. Unlike RetroArch, controllers can be used in conjunction with mice/lightguns, as long as a controller is plugged in you can use it at any point during gameplay. No excuse not to play 2 player. 
    You know what to expect by now. Obsessive configuration
    You will want to use another instance of Flycast specifically for Arcade. Download Flycast Pre Config Files from this page. Place .cfg file & data folder into Flycast file system. Replace anything already there. Find out what your controller ID is. It will be in the controller settings, plain as day at the top. Select the correct remaps FOR YOUR SPECIFIC CONTROLLER in the Pre Configured Remaps Folder. Place the mappings folder contained into Flycast file system. If your specific controller isn't included you will have to bulk rename the mappings files to your controller name/ID. As long as you have an XINPUT controller these should work. Set ROMS/bios/Content path. PLAY!! Platform XML INSTRUCTIONS
    Download the platform XMLs from this page. Backup your old xmls just in case (if you have them) Make sure LaunchBox is not running Place the platform XMLs into Data->Platforms folder in LaunchBox Start LaunchBox. The Sega Naomi 1 & 2 and Atomiswave platforms should be showing in the Platforms list. DO THE FOLLOWING FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PLATFORM Select all games in the new platform (Ctrl+A), then go to Tools->File Management->Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games Find your ROMs folder and select it. Don't forget to set your emulator path, and set it as the default for Atomiswave/Naomi/Naomi 2 platforms. Below will be the test menu & config documentation for this project. It will be split up into platforms. Naomi Will be split into some subsections as there are 128 games. Cheats and other info is also included here.
    18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker
    18wheelr -Analog Volume calibration is present in Test Menu but it just sets the centre, which is correct by default.
    -All settings fine on default Airlin Pilots
    alpilot -The controls do not translate well to a controller.
    -Analog Volume calibrated. Alien Front
    alienfnt -Analog Volume calibrated.
    -A compramise had to be made with the menu navigation, name input etc...it's using the right stick. Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse
    ausfache -Unlocked extra characters: Adler, Blitztank, and Murakumo. This is done by beating the game twice
    -VS character select is on. This allows to swap characters per VS game.
    -Practice mode time set too 600 as per netplay standards.
    -Language is Japanese but isn't a problem at all unless you are interested in the story. Personally, I just want to punch people with a tank. Asian Dynamite
    asndynmt -All settings fine on default

    VMU screen appears but not sure if it actually has any function. Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble
    azumanga -All settings fine on default
    -Test/service menu is in Japanese.
    -Japanese Language Only Border Down
    bdrdown -All settings fine on default Canon Spike
    cspike -This game appears to have macro inputs or something like that hard coded to the core itself. L2 and R2 individually are special attacks, which are button combinations usually. These do not appear in the control options in RA. Also, these to not register in the test menu either, but they sure as shit work. Always leave these inputs alone (L2 & R2) as you'll get clashing. An unexpected bonus.
    -Hidden macro controls mapped on images.
    -Mega Man and Baby Bonnie Hood Unlocked
    -Cammy Shadaloo outfit from Street Alpha 2 Gold Unlocked

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    81700 - Unlock B.B. Hood
    16817 - Unlock B.B. Hood & Mega Man
    51264 - Unlock Cammys' 2nd Outfit
    44444 - Disables all hidden features

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Capcom Vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000
    capsnk -Every hidden character unlocked:

    Evil Ryu
    Evil Lori

    -All hidden stages and bosses unlocked

    To set all character ratios to set to 2:
    Hold A + B, then hold Start at the title screen. Keep all three buttons held until the character selection screen appears.

    EX mode:
    Hold Start when selecting a fighter at the character selection screen. If done correctly "EX" will appear above your character's name. Note: Not all fighters have an EX mode.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    SNIBD6IO Disables all EX character modes
    0H2DK0EI Disables all hidden stages and bosses; disables all Ratio-4 playable characters
    OIASHCBR Enables all EX character modes; enables Evil Ryu & Evil Iori; enables hidden stages (Morrigan after stg. 3 w/ >70gps; Akuma after stg.4 w/ >85gps)
    OGSDOROG Enables Ratio-4 playable character Akuma (must have Ratio-4 characters enabled)
    KNOIRGON Enables some EX character modes
    MTOMHMNA Enables some EX character modes (different characters)
    ASTUERUP Enables some EX character modes (different characters) Capcom Vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro
    cvsgd -Every hidden character unlocked:

    Evil Ryu
    Evil Lori

    -All hidden stages and bosses unlocked

    To set all character ratios to set to 2:
    Hold A + B, then hold Start at the title screen. Keep all three buttons held until the character selection screen appears.

    EX mode:
    Hold Start when selecting a fighter at the character selection screen. If done correctly "EX" will appear above your character's name. Note: Not all fighters have an EX mode.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    SNIBD6IO Disables all EX character modes
    0H2DK0EI Disables all hidden stages and bosses; disables all Ratio-4 playable characters
    OIASHCBR Enables all EX character modes; enables Evil Ryu & Evil Iori; enables hidden stages (Morrigan after stg. 3 w/ >70gps; Akuma after stg.4 w/ >85gps)
    OGSDOROG Enables Ratio-4 playable character Akuma (must have Ratio-4 characters enabled)
    KNOIRGON Enables some EX character modes
    MTOMHMNA Enables some EX character modes (different characters)
    ASTUERUP Enables some EX character modes (different characters)

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millennium 2001
    cvs2 -New Game Modes Unlocked (Ratio Match, 3on3 Match or Single Match). Accessible via Test Menu
    -Boss Mode Unlocked (Fight all Bosses)

    To enable boss mode, press "Start" button while holding MP + MK on title screen.
    You will then fight all the bosses only.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    YAMAOOUT only unlocks New Game Modes.
    MORIKAWA unlocks Boss Mode and New Game Modes

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Castle of Shikigami II, The
    shikgam2 -Young Fukimo Unlocked
    -Third "Turbo Button" Unlocked in the Test Menu and mapped. Your thumb will thank me.

    To Select Young Fumiko (the one with the purple hat) hold start and press 2 x right

    Remix Tune:
    Hold A+B then START at the title screen

    Extreme Mode:
    at the title screen input

    -Japanese Language Only Chaos Field
    cfield -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only

    VMU screen appears but not sure if it actually has any function. Cleopatra Fortune Plus
    cleoftp -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Cosmic Smash
    csmash -Announce SE (voices) set to Engligh. The Default is Japanese Crazy Tazi
    crzytaxi -This game seems to have a hidden view change button. Like the hidden inputs in Cannon Spike these do not appear in the RA control options, and clash if you set anything to it.
    -Analog Volume calibrated for 1:1 analog range for the steering and pedals on a controller. Dead or Alive 2

    Dead or Alive 2: Millennium
    doa2m -Costumes unlocked. Achieved by completing the game with those characters.

    School uniforms:
    Insert your coin(s), then hold Punch + Kick and press Start. The high school uniforms for Kasumi and Ayane will now be available.

    Reverse replay:
    Press Free + Kick during the "KO", then press Punch during the replay.

    Select winning pose:
    Hold Punch + Kick, Free + Punch, or Free + Kick during the replay to select a new winning pose.

    Control poses view:
    By winning a match in time attack or single mode. Then, hold Punch after the replay. Keep holding Punch and use the Joystick to move the camera. Press Free to zoom in and Kick to zoom out. Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker
    starseek -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Dynamite Baseball '99
    dybb99 -Analog Volume calibrated (both players) for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -Japanese Language Only Dynamite Baseball NAOMI
    dybbnao -Analog Volume calibrated (both players) for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -Japanese Language Only Giant Gram 2000
    gram2000 -Japanese Language Only
    -VMU set to ON

    VMU is usable with this game. Giant Gram: All Japan Pro Wrestling 2
    ggram2 -Japanese Language Only
    -VMU set to ON

    VMU is usable with this game. Giga Wing 2
    gwing2 -All settings fine on default Guilty Gear X
    ggx -Unlocked hidden characters Testament & Dizzy

    Hi-Score Mode:
    Hit all four buttons when you press Start at the title screen and medals will appear when you hit your opponent.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    ROMANTI = Unlock Testament
    MISOSOUP = Unlock Testament & Dizzy Ferrari F355 Challenge
    f355twin -This game can only be played with Standalone version.
    -Due to being a multi screen link game (even with the single player version) it requires network linking 2/3 individual (emulated) screens. This is something RetroArch can't do for the moment.
    -You can play this game with 1 or 3 screens. When using one screen, the second screen is used for the twin version or just the test menu if set to single cab.
    -There's way too many inputs to map the 6 Speed gear stick and you would also need to use the clutch on the right stick. Soooo, DONT PLAY SIMULATOR MODE.

    No view change. Only 1st Person. It's a simulator racing game so be very gentle with the steering.

    VMU is usable with the 'twin' version of this game, but only when cabinet board is set to deluxe (triple screen). Ferrari F355 Challenge 2: International Course Edition
    f355twn2 -This game can only be played with Standalone version.
    -Due to being a multi screen link game (even with the single player version) it requires network linking 2/3 individual screens. This is something RetroArch can't do for the moment. Standalone does this seamlessly.
    -You can play this game with 1 or 3 screens.
    -There's way too many inputs to map the 6 Speed gear stick and you would also need to use the clutch on the right stick. Soooo, DONT PLAY SIMULATOR MODE.
    -When set to twin there is no option for simulator mode, as the clutch and 6 speed gear lever are only on the deluxe cabs.

    No view change. Only 1st Person. It's a simulator racing game so be very gentle with the steering.

    VMU is usable with this game. Guilty Gear XX
    ggxx Medal Of Millionaire mode:
    Hold Punch + Kick + Slash + Hard Slash + Dust, then press Start at the title screen.

    Alternate winning pose:
    Immediately hold Punch, Kick, or Slash when the "Slash" or "Destroyed" message appears. Note: Note all fighters have alternate poses.

    Alternate quotes:
    Hold Punch, Kick, or Slash immediately before a match starts to choose between three sets of quotes spoken by your fighter during the match. Guilty Gear XX: #Reload
    ggxxrl Medal Of Millionaire mode:
    Hold all five Attack buttons then press Start.

    Alternate winning poses:
    Hold P, K, or S after the "Slash" or "Destroyed" message appears. Note: Not all fighters have alternate winning poses.

    Alternate character quotes:
    Hold P, K, or S after the vs. screen disappears and before the match begins. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
    ggxxac -All settings fine on default Guilty Gear XX Slash
    ggxxsla -All settings fine on default Gun Survivor 2 Biohazzard Code: Veronica
    gunsur2j -You can switch between Claire and Steve in the Test Menu options.
    -In the true spirit of ResiEvil I have setup the parent 'gunsur2' as Claire and 'gunsur2j' as Steve so you have the choice without having to switch between them in the test menu. Only downside is Steves campaign is in Japanese, but isn't really a barrier at all. There is some hilarious writing tho, no voices but the subtitles are amazing cringeworthy gloriousness. Heavy Metal Geomatrix
    hmgeo -All settings fine on default
    -VMU Set to Capcom (ON)

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Ikaruga
    ikaruga -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Illvelo
    illvelo -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Jambo! Safari
    jambo -Analog Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range for the steering and pedals on a controller. Jingi Storm: The Arcade
    jingystm -Unlocked extra characters. Boss Selectable in test/service menu set to Yes. Input these codes on the title screen to unlock the mid-bosses.
    Each character costs a credit to unlock, and will be freely selectable until a hard reset.
    Asuka - ↑, ↓, ←, →, Start
    Fenrir - G, G, P, P, K, K, G, P, K, Start
    Noel - Hold G + P + ↑, Start
    -Difficulty set to Normal.Hard is the default
    -Language is English. No other language options Karous
    karous -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Kurukuru Chameleon
    kurucham -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Lupin The Third: The Typing
    luptype -Setup to be used with a Keyboard.
    -DON'T FORGET...Flycast will implement the emulated keyboard on startup. To be able to access the normal keyboard functions like ESC, you need to hold 'Left Shift' to bypass the emulated keyboard. Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta!
    mamonoro -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Mars TV
    marstv -Game hangs on stage select screen for about 5 seconds then resumes. Still playable as this only happens in the stage select screen. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes
    mvsc2 -Unlocked all 56 characters available from the beginning, machine registered on Level 84 (USA) after using the 4 USA passwords.

    This was an absolute mission to do. The documentation is too long to put here. If you want it just ask. Melty Blood Actress Again Version A
    mbaa -Unlocked hidden character NECO-ARC using secret code.

    Press start on ARCUEID (Just left of random character select) to toggle on NECO-ARC.

    Secret Code for Test Menu:
    CKFY - Unlocks NECO-ARC Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver.A
    meltybld -All settings fine on default Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver.B2
    meltyb -All settings fine on default Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs.Zeon
    gundmgd -There is a GD Rom version and a cart version. Both are here.
    -Deluxe version of this game 'gundmxgd' has a cheat so both sets of characters can be used on either team. This has of course been setup in addition.
    -All settings fine on default Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs.Zeon DX
    gundmxgd -Setup so both sets of characters can be used on either team.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    MYWC7ZKI - Allows for both sets of characters to be played on either side.
    Q3TIU6M5 - Unknown as to what this actually does. If you know or find out let me know. Monkey Ball
    monkeyba -Analog Joystick calibrated in the Test Menu. The difference is night and day. Mushiking The King of Beetles (All Versions)
    mushik4e -An odd game where you would scan collectable cards, like Top Trumps for beetles, and use the beetle from the card in game. Along with a power up card of your choice.
    -You then battle in Rock, Paper, Scissors battles against enemy beetles.
    -This can be played in RetroArch but due to how the card scanning mechanic works it can't be facilitated. Without the cards you will always default to the Japanese beetle, unable to select another character or power up.
    -The card system for this game does work in Standalone, all you need is the codes from the cards and manually enter it into the card section of the pause/quick menu of the standalone version and insert card when prompted.
    -To play 2 players, when prompted to select 1 or 2 players you need to press any button on the second controller.

    chocomk -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Noukone Puzzle Takoron
    takoron -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Power Stone
    pstone -All settings fine on default Power Stone 2
    pstone2 -Unlocked all time-release items and secret character, Pride.

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Project Justice
    pjustic -Unlocked all secret characters via password.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    All secret characters - J2ACRC4U
    B-Batsu - 1B6GIMWN
    D-Hyo - MGNG8U92
    Hyo - C83LKN59
    Kurow - KROYV4EZ
    P-Akira - 5RC52J3M
    Vatsu - YDWVNBTU
    W-Daigo - RG026E1B

    VMU is usable with this game. Not sure what it does ATM. Psyvariar 2: The Will To Fabricate
    psyvar2 -All settings fine on default Puyo Pop Fever
    puyofev -All settings fine on default Puyo Puyo Da!
    puyoda -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only

    VMU screen appears but not sure if it actually has any function. Radirgy
    radirgy -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Radirgy Noa
    radirgyn -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Rhythm Tengoku
    rhytngk -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Ring Out 4x4
    ringout -All settings fine on default Samba de Amigo
    samba -Not really working properly at this time. Almost there, just needs a little more work on the controls. Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000
    samba2k -2 Players needed setting in System Assignments
    -Calibrated Sega Marine Fishing
    smarinef -Changed cabinet type to STD. The DLX version (which is the default setting) had an actual fishing line, which had an analogue "tension" input. The STD version does not have this. The STD version was the version ported to the Dreamcast, so it's perfect for a controller.
    -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Sega Strike Fighter
    sstrkfgt -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Sega Tetris
    sgtetris -All settings fine on default Senko No Ronde
    senko -All settings fine on default
    -Press all 3 buttons for OverDrive Mode. Senko No Ronde Special
    senkosp An updated version. This has a dedicated overdrive and special button, unlike the original that requires simultaneous button inputs for those moves.
    -All settings fine on default Shakatto Tambourine
    shaktam -2 Players needed setting in System Assignments
    -Tambourines calibrated in test menu.
    -Continue set to ON. Shakatto Tambourine Cho Powerup Chu
    shaktamb -2 Players needed setting in System Assignments
    -Tambourines calibrated in test menu.
    -Continue set to ON. Shakatto Tambourine Motto Norinori Shinkyoku Tsuika
    shaktmsp -2 Players needed setting in System Assignments
    -Tambourines calibrated in test menu.
    -Continue set to ON. Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden 4 Arcade Edition
    toukon4 -2 Players needed setting in System Assignments
    -Japanese Language Only
    -VMU set to ON.

    VMU is usable with this game. Shooting Love 2007
    sl2007 -All settings fine on default Slashout
    slasho -There is a GDRom version 'slashout' and a cart version 'slasho'. Both are here

    New skins: Hold the start button, then press any of the 4 buttons when selecting a character. Spawn In the Demons Hand
    spawn -Violence set to MAX
    -VMU set to SEGA
    -Game seems to try and network on first boot. This will 'timeout loop' with no access to the test menu. Accessing the test menu during bootup (Naomi logo) is the only way to access the test menu and save an nvram. This seems to fix the issue and the network off setting seems to stick.

    More characters : On a machine that has had multiple games completed, a screen will appear stating that there is an extended story line available. Hold all buttons and Start in insert your coin(s). Release Start while keeping the other buttons held, then press Start again. Additional characters will appear at the selection screen.

    VMU will work with this game not sure what it does ATM. Spikers Battle
    spkrbtl -All settings fine on default Sports Jam
    sprtjam Select all events right off the bat, instead of in round 2. When the metal gate is closing right before the sport selection, input Up, Down, Right, Left, Buttons 1 + 2. If done right, the ?'s will be available. Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper
    sfz3ugd -Secret Character set to ON. Shin Gokui Unlocked
    -VMU set to SEGA
    -Japanese Language Only

    To use Shin Gokui hold start when selecting Gokui. There wont be a name or colour change or anything visual to signify that he is in use, but he gains double air fireballs, faster recovery in some of his special moves, no dizziness, stun timer, etc.

    Play Modes:
    Classical (no ISM) : hold HP+HK at the title screen then START
    Mazi (mega damage) : hold MP+MK at the title scren then START
    Saiko (low guard) : hold LP+LK at the title screen then START

    Battle modes:
    Dramatic battle : hold LK+MK+HK at the title screen then START
    Survival : hold LP+MP+HP at the title screen then START

    Sari (Dhalsim's wife) in every stage:
    When playing as Dhalsim, hold LP+HP between rounds

    VMU will work with this game. Super Shanghai 2005
    ss2005 -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Tetris Kiwamemichi
    tetkiwam -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Tokyo Bus Guide
    tokyobus -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -Japanese Language Only Toy Fighter
    toyfight -Bonus Bomber is ON
    -Reselect at VS is ON Trigger Heart Exelica Ver.A
    trgheart -All settings fine on default
    -Japanese Language Only Trizeal
    trizeal -All settings fine on default Typing of the Dead, The
    totd -Setup to be used with a Keyboard.
    -DON'T FORGET...Flycast will implement the emulated keyboard on startup. To be able to access the normal keyboard functions like ESC, you need to hold 'Left Shift' to bypass the emulated keyboard. Under Defeat
    undefeat -All settings fine on default Virtua Athletics
    vathlete -All settings fine on default Virtua NBA
    virnba -All settings fine on default Virtua Tennis
    vtennisg -There is a GD Rom version 'vtennisg' and a cart version 'vtennis. Both are here.
    -All settings fine on default Virtua Tennis 2
    vtennis2c -There is a GD Rom version 'vtennis2' and a cart version 'vtennis2c'. Both are here.
    -All settings fine on default Virtua Striker 2 Ver. 2000
    vs2_2k -All settings fine on default Virtual On Oratario Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition
    vonot -Different Skins and characters. Depending on which seat you have set (GOOD or EVIL) you will get different skins and characters. Also the hud colour will change.
    -As there is only 1 version of this I can't setup an additional version using the alternative characters. If there's a way around this let me know.

    VMU can be used with this game. Wave Runner GP
    wrungp -All settings fine on default World Kicks
    wldkicks -This game will not work until calibrated. Which has been done of course.
    -This game used a football at the base of the cabinet which is an analog input. The harder you kicked it the faster/further the ball would travel.
    -The Right Trigger has been used for the shoot / pass input. The speed and distance of the the ball depends on how far and fast you pull the trigger.

    Secret Teams:
    Kick ball device in team selection screen the number of specified times.
    Namco Stars '80: Kick 8 times
    Namco Stars '90: Kick 9 times World Series '99 / Super Major League 99
    smlg99 -Analog Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -Japanese Language Only World Series Baseball / Super Major League
    wsbbgd -Analog Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -Japanese Language Only WWF Royal Rumble
    wwfroyal -All settings fine on default Zero Gunner 2
    zerogu2 -All settings fine on default Zombie Revenge
    zombrvn -This game has an analogue input alternative that can be activated and calibrated.
    -Analogue input used and calibrated. The difference is night and day, soooooo much better.
    -Violence mode set to ON. Red blood.

    Alternate costume:
    Pick a character at the selection screen. Hold Start and press Punch or Kick. Release Start after your character can be moved. NAOMI LIGHT GUN GAMES
    Confidential Mission
    confmiss -Calibrated for both players.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game depicts an off screen reload system but it doesn't implement it in the traditional sense. It's essentially a switch in the gun that detected if it was pointed down (off screen). Although, I could have just made that up.
    -As a result this game can ONLY be reloaded via an offscreen button.
    -There is no off screen reloading with this game. Death Crimson OX
    deathcox -Calibrated for both players.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game has both off screen and button reloading.
    -This game is set to 'auto reload' when an off screen is detected, removing the need to fire a shot when pointing off screen.
    -Flick the cursor/light gun off screen in any direction to reload...... or press the reload button....it's up to you how feed your addiction to bullets. Lupin the Third: The Shooting
    lupinsho -Calibrated for both players

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game has both off screen and button reloading.
    -This game is set to 'auto reload' when an off screen is detected, removing the need to fire a shot when pointing off screen.
    -Flick the cursor/light gun off screen in any direction to reload...... or press the reload button....it's up to you how feed your addiction to bullets. Manic Panic Ghosts!
    manicpnc -Calibrated for both players.
    -A touchscreen game that can be played as a lightgun game in emulation.
    PLAY THE GOD DAMN TUTORIAL PEOPLE! Mazan: Flash of the Blade
    mazan -This isn't really a light gun game. You used a foam sword inside a sensor gate that was interpreted on screen.
    -You can't tilt the sword in emulation but this game is still very playable.
    -Off screen reload registers as stab attack. Set to trigger/left click. Ninja Assult
    ninjaslt -Calibrated for both players.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game has both off screen and button reloading.
    -Flick the cursor/light gun off screen in any direction to reload...... or press the reload button....it's up to you how feed your addiction to bullets.
    -For off screen reloading you will need to fire a shot. The House of the Dead 2
    hotd2 -Calibrated for both players.
    -Blood set to RED
    -Keeping this thing accurate and retaining the off screen reload system was looooong.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game has BOTH off screen reload & a button reload.
    -This game is set to 'auto reload' when an off screen is detected, removing the need to fire a shot when pointing off screen.
    -Flick the cursor/light gun off screen in any direction to reload...... or press the reload button....it's up to you how feed your addiction to bullets. The Maze of Kings
    mok -Calibrated for both players.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game depicts an off screen reload system but it doesn't implement it in the traditional sense. It's essentially a switch in the gun that detected if it was pointed down (off screen). Although, I could have just made that up.
    -As a result this game can ONLY be reloaded via an offscreen button.
    -There is no off screen reloading with this game. Touch de Uno!
    tduno -Calibrated
    -Japanese Language Only
    -Name entry set to Alphabet
    -A touchscreen game that can be played as a lightgun game in emulation. Touch de Uno! 2
    tduno2 -Calibrated
    -Japanese Language Only
    -Name entry set to Alphabet
    -A touchscreen game that can be played as a lightgun game in emulation. Touch de Zunou
    zunou -Calibrated for both players.
    -Japanese Language Only
    -A touchscreen game that can be played as a lightgun game in emulation.  
    Crackin' DJ
    crackndj -Turntable is hardcoded to the mouse. It's super confusing as there were 2 turntables on the og cab, both of which are mapped to the mouse. It looks like up and down on the mouse is the right turntable with left and right being the left turntable. It may have to stay as one of those slightly awkward ones due to the turntables being hardcoded to the mouse. It would be awesome to have 2 turntables mapped to mice individually, you could easily make your own simple turntables out of cardboard lol.
    -Crossfader is hardcoded to the controller in RetroArch but not in Standalone.
    -I'm a genius, I don't proclaim it often, but man I have outdone myself on this one. The crossfader is pretty much the most used input. I have mapped this to the controller and keyboard for choice....but....by simply mapping the cross fader left/right to the left and right click, it has made this game actually playable. Like I have actually been having fun with this one. Once you figure out the Up Down Left Right / left turntable right turntable thing, you're set.

    -Despite this the fader is still mapped to A,D on keyboard or the LEFT stick on a controller. The usual menu functions/coins/start are also bound to keyboard and controller for extra ease of use.
    -The control layout image will depict the best way to play. Crackin' DJ Part 2
    crakndj2 -Turntable is hardcoded to the mouse. It's super confusing as there were 2 turntables on the og cab, both of which are mapped to the mouse. It looks like up and down on the mouse is the right turntable with left and right being the left turntable. It may have to stay as one of those slightly awkward ones due to the turntables being hardcoded to the mouse. It would be awesome to have 2 turntables mapped to mice individually, you could easily make your own simple turntables out of cardboard lol.
    -Crossfader is hardcoded to the controller in RetroArch but not in Standalone.
    -I'm a genius, I don't proclaim it often, but man I have outdone myself on this one. The crossfader is pretty much the most used input. I have mapped this to the controller and keyboard for choice....but....by simply mapping the cross fader left/right to the left and right click, it has made this game actually playable. Like I have actually been having fun with this one. Once you figure out the Up Down Left Right / left turntable right turntable thing, you're set.

    -Despite this the fader is still mapped to A,D on keyboard or the LEFT stick on a controller. The usual menu functions/coins/start are also bound to keyboard and controller for extra ease of use.
    -The control layout image will depict the best way to play. Kick '4' Cash
    kick4csh -Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse.
    -All other inputs are hardcoded to the controller and crap positions on the keyboard in RetroArch, but not in Standalone.
    -Mouse sensitivity dropped to 65 for much easier control.

    otrigger -Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse.
    -All other inputs are hardcoded to the controller in RetroArch but not in Standalone.
    -Play this exactly like a PC First Person Shooter.

    Very Important:
    -Hold start when selecting control type invert UN invert the Y axis (unless you like it inverted). It'll tell you in the bottom left corner when you need to press and hold start at the same time as the trigger.
    -Mouse sensitivity dropped to 40 for much easier control. Way too sensitive at 100 Shootout Pool
    shootopl -Not a trackball game but similar. You used a small cue on a sensor and stroke the cue like you would in real life. Ooo err.
    -This is still hardcoded to the mouse like a trackball game.
    -All other inputs including shoot are hardcoded to the controller and crap positions on the keyboard in RetroArch, but not in Standalone.
    -Mouse sensitivity dropped to 65 for much easier control.
    -You have the option to use the keyboard or controller for the Start/Change Mode, Zoom/View and Bet inputs. The mouse will always be the cue. Hold left click to strike the ball.
    -The Cue Tip input is an analog input, and cannot be used with a keyboard/digital input at the moment. If you want to use Side/Top spin you MUST use the left stick on the controller at the same time as striking the ball with the mouse. Personally, I can get on with this game without using top/side spin. It's there if you want it. Shootout Pool Prize
    shootplm -A stripped down version made as a gambling game of sorts. You pay a credit, and get money per ball you pot with the option to pay out or continue after every shot. Actually plays better than the 'normal' version due to less inputs.
    -A super addictive game. Even though it's not real money I still get bummed out after getting to £15 and losing it all. I will one day get the full £40, you gotta have a perfect game.
    -Not a trackball game but similar. You used a small cue on a sensor and stroke the cue like you would in real life. Ooo err.
    -This is still hardcoded to the mouse like a trackball game.
    -All other inputs including shoot are hardcoded to the controller and crap positions on the keyboard in RetroArch, but not in Standalone.
    -Mouse sensitivity dropped to 65 for much easier control.
    -The Cue Tip input is an analog input, and cannot be used with a keyboard/digital input at the moment. If you want to use Side/Top spin you MUST use the left stick on the controller at the same time as striking the ball with the mouse. Personally, I can get on with this game without using top/side spin. It's there if you want it. Virtua Golf / Dynamic Golf
    dygolf -Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse.
    -All other inputs are hardcoded to the controller and crap positions on the keyboard in RetroArch, but not in Standalone.
    -Mouse sensitivity dropped to 65 for much easier control. WaiWai Drive
    waidrive -Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse.
    -All other inputs are hardcoded to the controller and crap positions on the keyboard in RetroArch, but not in Standalone.
    Animal Basket
    anmlbskt -Area set to Other, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio set to Stereo. Default is Mono
    -Audio Volume set to 5. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Difficulty set to Normal. Default is Easy
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Block Pong-Pong
    blokpong -Area set to Other, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio set to Stereo. Default is Mono
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Location set to Normal
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Demolish Fist
    demofist -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio set to Stereo. Default is Mono
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Dirty Pigskin Football
    dirtypig -Audio set to Stereo. Default is Mono
    -Audio Volume set to 11. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Game set to 4 Players. 2 is the Default.
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Dolphin Blue
    dolphin -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Extreme Hunting
    xtrmhunt -Calibrated for both players
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game only has a button reloading system. Extreme Hunting 2
    xtrmhnt2 -Calibrated for both players
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game only has a button reloading system. Faster Than Speed
    ftspeed -All cars unlocked. Type IX, X, XI and XII are selectable without having to unlock them
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Game Mode set to Single Race. Default is Pre-Set
    -Analogue input calibrated in I/O Test. This ensures the 'analogue volume' covers the entire controller input range. (Makes driving games steering less twitchy)
    -Speedometer set to MPH. Default is KPH
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Fist Of The North Star

    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio set to Stereo. Default is Mono
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Guilty Gear Isuka
    ggisuka -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Unaware of any unlocks. Please let me know if there is Guilty Gear X ver. 1.5
    ggx15 -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Unaware of any unlocks. Please let me know if there is King of Fighters Neowave, The
    kofnw -All 7 extra characters unlocked via Password.
    -You need to hold start then select the character on the following characters -

    K' = Young Geese
    Juhn = Kim
    Maxima = Ramon
    Whip = Vanessa
    Chris = Orochi Chris
    Shermie = Orochi Shermie
    Yashiro = Orochi Yashiro

    -Blood is On
    -Area set to Other. This allows Blood to be enabled in the Game Settings. Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 11. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    ASF4 A4DQ F35S L568 - Unlocks all characters and Geese
    CM09 VIWM 1AHC 56ZL - Unlocks all characters except for Young Geese King of Fighters XI, The
    kofxi -All 5 extra characters unlocked. Normally takes multiple days of power on to unlock as its on a time release

    Scroll all the way to the left or the right of the character select screen to find extra characters:

    -Area set to Other, Language set to English. This allows Blood to be enabled in the Game Settings
    -Blood is on
    -Audio set to 3. This game is ridiculously loud, stupid loud even. So 3 believe it or not is the best setting. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Knights of Valour: The Seven Spirits
    kov7sprt -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 9. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Maximum Speed
    maxspeed -Analogue input calibrated in I/O Test. This ensures the 'analogue volume' covers the entire controller input range. (Makes driving games steering less twitchy)
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Metal Slug 6
    mslug6 -Red Blood enabled
    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
    ngbc -All 5 extra characters unlocked, which required the machine to be active for at least 74 days since power-on:

    Scroll all the way to the left or the right of the character select screen to find extra characters:
    King Lion
    Mars People

    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 9. Despite the volume being reduced this is still a loud game. This is due to the balance of the audio, music is really loud but if I bring it down to a tolerable level you can't hear the sound effects. A compromise had to be made. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Ranger Mission
    rangrmsn -Calibrated for both players.
    -Audio Volume set to 6. Another offensively loud game. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game supports both off screen reloading and button reloading. Needed to be set to 'Shotgun & Handgun' in test menu to retain both methods.
    -You will need to pull the trigger if using off screen reload. No auto offscreen detect/reload. Rumble Fish 2, The
    rumblef2 -All 3 extra characters unlocked.


    To play as Beatrice, move the cursor to Hazama, then press Upx4, Rightx2, Downx4, Leftx2, and finally Down.

    -Time Attack and Survival Mode unlocked

    To play Time Attack mode, hold both punch buttons and then press Start at the Title Screen.
    To play Survival mode, do the same but holding both kick buttons instead.

    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 2, yes 2. My ears are bleeding, what's with these games being savagely loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Rumble Fish, The
    rumblef -Greed character unlocked via password SINKORSWIM. You need to do the following on the character select screen:

    Highlight Orville, then press Rightx2
    Highlight Typhon then press Left
    Highlight Boyd then press Leftx3
    Highlight Zen and press Rightx2
    Press Up
    Greed should appear

    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 3. Oww my freeekin ears. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play Salaryman Kintaro
    salmankt -Only Japanese Language
    -You control a small cursor on screen. Start toggles this on and off. Not sure why you would want it off.
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Card Saving Support. Insert card input mapped to L1 Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden / Samurai Showdown VI
    samsptk -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Voice changed to English
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15 Sega Bass Fishing Challenge Version A
    basschal -Somewhat playable. Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse.
    -I tried my hardest to get this to control with relative ease. The trackball seems to be using some kinda pulse input system.
    -It works but you really gotta wrestle with the mouse to catch a fish, even with the sensitivity set to 200. Like catching a real fish I suppose. "It's not crap controls...it's immersion". Sounds like a Ubisoft statement.
    -Feel free to get this one working better people. Sega Clay Challenge
    claychal -Calibrated for both players.
    -Aspect Ratio set to Wide.
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments are unavailable. Requires coins to be input
    -MENU NAVIGATION. Because of complicated (possibly mercury switch related) reasons, the menu items are only shootable if the cursor is moving. If the cursor is at rest you won't be able to fire a shot. This used to be an issue in game also, but that is now thankfully fixed. However, the menus are still a dick.

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game only has a button reloading system. Sports Shooting USA
    sprtshot -Calibrated for both players
    -Auto Reload is On
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play

    Reload Behaviour:
    -This game has off screen reloading and auto reloading.
    -No button reloading. Sushi Bar
    sushibar -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play WaiWai Drive
    waidrive -Trackball game.
    -Trackball is hardcoded to the mouse. It's the only input in the entire game, simply use the mouse to steer the little car.
    -Area set to North America, Language set to English. Default is Japan/Japanese
    -Audio Volume set to 10. Anything above that is way too loud. Default is 15
    -Coin Assignments set to Free Play  
    NAOMI 2
    Beach Spikers
    beachspi -4 Players is setup for one cab use. Club Kart Prize Version B
    clubkpzb -A strange version designed as a gambling game of sorts. You pay for a play and collect as much money as you can on the track for a payout.
    -Double Down is on. This is an additional game mode where you can double your money before you collect.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Club Kart: European Session (No Save Card Ver.)
    clubk2k3 -This version already has everything unlocked, compared to other version where the save card system is required to progress.
    -Driveboard Error on startup. Just press start to skip, it has no adverse effects.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Club Kart: European Session (Save Card Ver.)
    clubkrt -Save Card System works. ONLY 3 saves per card.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Driving Simulator
    -This is a driving simulator using the Naomi hardware. You wouldn't have seen this in the arcades. This game is supported but not sure to what degree. There are like 15+ inputs, more than what's available on a controller. Gimme a bit of time to get this one figured out and controlling well with a mix of controller and keyboard inputs. Initial D Arcade Stage
    initdexp -initdexp is the English Version
    -Save Card System works. ONLY 3 saves per card.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2
    initdv2e -initdv2e is the English Version
    -Save Card System works. ONLY 3 saves per card.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3
    initdv3e -initdv3e is the English Version
    -Save Card System works. ONLY 3 saves per card.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted at default values Soul Surfer
    soulsurf -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.
    -To ollie, play it like EA's Skate. The King of Route 66
    kingrt66 -Motor Power in the Test Menu needed turning off (NO-USE) for this game to boot.
    -CB-MIC has been disabled (NO-USE) in the Test Menu as this isn't emulated.
    -Auto-Acceleration has been turned off. This was for kids who couldn't reach the pedals in the OG cabinet.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Virtua Fighter 4 (Network Ver.)
    vf4 -CHD Version WITH Card Saving and network functionality. Virtua Fighter 4 (Non Network Ver.)
    vf4cart -Non CHD version with no card saving or network functionality. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Network Ver.)
    vf4evo -CHD Version WITH Card Saving and network functionality. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Non Network Ver.)
    vf4evoct -Non CHD version with no card saving or network functionality. Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned
    vf4tuned -CHD Version WITH Card Saving and network functionality.

    VF2 Music Cheats:
    Both players have to hold P&G after choosing a stage, and then a corresponding direction to get different music, U, D, L, or R, I think there's 4 0r 5 as neutral may be a direction too, they are slightly quieter than the normal bgm though.

    Different Costumes:
    Hold Start when selecting a character. Virtua Striker 3
    vstrik3c -CHD Version is vstrik3
    -Game time set to MAX. Golden Goal set to 1m and PK set to Real PK

    Ranking mode:
    Insert your coin(s) then hold Down and press Start.

    Play against FC Sonic team:
    Win the final match of the game, and wait until the team photo appears at the congratulations screen. Then, press Short Pass three times, Shoot, Short Pass. If done correctly, the FC Sonic team will replace the FC Sega team.

    Unlock FC Sonic team:
    Highlight "Sweden" at the team selection team, then press Start. Highlight "Morocco", and then press Start. Highlight "Denmark", then press Start. Highlight "Spain", then press Start. Highlight "France", then press Start. If done correctly, the "FC Sonic" option will appear at the top right of the screen. Note: You may first need to play against the FC Sonic team before they can be selected as playable.

    Unlock FC Sega team:
    Highlight "France" at the team selection team, then press Start. Highlight "Cameroon", then press Start. Highlight "Spain", then press Start. Highlight "England", then press Start. Highlight "Germany", then press Start. Highlight "Argentina", then press Start. If done correctly, the "FC Sonic" option will appear at the top middle of the screen. Wild Riders

    -I managed to get this game to play properly without the rear brake being a dick. It took some lateral thinking but I done it without losing the use of the rear brake. Achieved by fanagaling the analogue volume.
    -Analogue Volume correctly adjusted for 1:1 analogue range with a controller.  
    Derby Owners Club (All) -NOT SUPPORTED ATM. It's one of those Japanese horse management/racing games with at least 6 different screens all network linked up. It's heavy on the Japanese also. Dog Walking -NOT SUPPORTED ATM. This game used a tredmill as an input device which is currently mapped to the mouse. This one may actually work with some more effort. Need to experiment more with mouse sensitivity and the tredmill. Dragon Treasure 1-3 -NOT SUPPORTED ATM, NOT REALLY A GAME. This was the display part of a coin pusher with a mini game. Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Kojou 2 -NOT SUPPORTED ATM, NOT REALLY A GAME. This was the display part of a popcorn dispenser with a mini game attached. Star Horse (All) -NOT SUPPORTED ATM. It's one of those Japanese horse management/racing games with at least 6 different screens all network linked up. It's heavy on the Japanese also. World Champion Football Serie/Clubs (All) -NOT SUPPORTED ATM. Another huge multiscreen setup like the horse games, but with scannable trading cards.  
    Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la LA Keyboards Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3 Moeru Casinyo Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ Quiz Katai Q mode Quiz Ah! Megami-sama Oinori-daimyoujin Matsuri


       (3 reviews)



  3. ChainZaw's Arcade Bezel Project

    Wanted to share some bezels i created that i couldnt find or that i thought i could do better. Hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome!
    All images are 1080p in resolution. More to come soon!


       (1 review)



  4. Virtua Cop 3

    Sorry it's been a while, all the usual goodies box art etc enjoy 😀 


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. The Walking Dead

    Sorry it's been a while, all the usual goodies box art etc enjoy 😀 


       (0 reviews)



  6. Police Trainer 2

    Sorry it's been a while, all the usual goodies box art etc enjoy 😀 


       (0 reviews)



       (0 reviews)



  7. Akuma Mortis Immortal

    New Teknoparrot Shooter all the usual goodies 😁



       (0 reviews)



  8. SNK ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    SNK 8080
    Ozma Wars (SNK) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Safari Rally (SNK (Taito license)) (1979) [Maze / Driving; ]
    SNK 68000
     Datsugoku: Prisoners of War (SNK) (1988) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
     Ikari III: The Rescue (SNK) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
     P.O.W.: Prisoners of War (SNK) (1988) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
     SAR: Search And Rescue (SNK) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
     Street Smart (SNK) (1989) [Fighter / Versus Co-op; ]
    SNK Alpha 68000
     Battle Field (Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK license)) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
     Gang Wars (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
     Gold Medalist (SNK) (1988) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
     Mahjong Block Jongbou (SNK) (1987) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout * Mature *; ]
     Paddle Mania (SNK) (1988) [Sports / Misc.; ]
     Sky Adventure (Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America license)) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
     Sky Soldiers (Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America/Romstar license)) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
     Super Champion Baseball (Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK of America license)) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
     The Next Space (SNK) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
     Time Soldiers (Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK/Romstar license)) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    SNK HAL 21 System
    Alpha Mission (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Arian Mission (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    ASO: Armored Scrum Object (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    HAL21 (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64
     Beast Busters: Second Nightmare (SNK / ADK) (1998) [Shooter / Gun; ]
     Buriki One: World Grapple Tournament '99 in Tokyo (SNK) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
     Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition (SNK) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
     Roads Edge / Round Trip RV (SNK) (1997) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
     Samurai Shodown 64 / Samurai Spirits 64 (SNK) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
     Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage / Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden (SNK) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
     Xtreme Rally / Off Beat Racer! (SNK) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    SNK Main Event System
    Canvas Croquis (SNK) (1985) [Puzzle / Reconstruction * Mature *; ]
    Main Event (SNK) (1984) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    SNK Neo Geo MVS
    2020 Super Baseball (SNK / Pallas) (1991) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (SNK) (1993) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Aero Fighters (Tecmo) (1992) [Shooter; ]
    Aero Fighters 2 (Video System Co.) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 (Video System Co.) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADK / SNK) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Alpha Mission II / ASO II: Last Guardian (SNK) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Andro Dunos (Visco) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (SNK) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (SNK) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting: Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden (SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (Monolith Corp.) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Bang Bang Busters (Visco) (2000) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bang Bead (Visco) (2000) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Baseball Stars 2 (SNK) (1992) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Baseball Stars Professional (SNK) (1990) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Battle Flip Shot (Visco) (1998) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Blazing Star (Yumekobo) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Blue's Journey / Raguy (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Breakers (Visco) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Breakers Revenge (Visco) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Burning Fight (SNK) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Captain Tomaday (Visco) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz (Takara) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz (Takara) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (SNK) (1996) [Shooter; ]
    Crossed Swords (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1991) [Fighter / Misc.; ]
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (bootleg) (2003) [Fighting; ]
    Cyber-Lip (SNK) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Double Dragon (Technos Japan) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Eight Man (SNK / Pallas) (1991) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou: Shin Den (Hudson) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2: Arata-naru Tatakai (SNK) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3: Haruka-naru Tatakai (SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (SNK) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fatal Fury: King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu: Shukumei no Tatakai (SNK) (1991) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (Viccom) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Football Frenzy (SNK) (1992) [Sports / Football; ]
    Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (Sunsoft) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki (Visco) (1999) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Garou: Mark of the Wolves (SNK) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ghost Pilots (SNK) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ghostlop (Data East Corporation) (1996) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Goal! Goal! Goal! (Visco) (1995) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Gururin (Face) (1994) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Jockey Grand Prix (Sun Amusement / BrezzaSoft) (2001) [Casino / Racing; ]
    Jyanshin Densetsu: Quest of Jongmaster (Unreleased Prototype) (1994) [Puzzle; ]
    Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite (Data East Corporation) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    King of the Monsters (SNK) (1991) [Fighter / Multiplay; ]
    King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing (SNK) (1992) [Fighter / Multiplay; ]
    Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle (SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Last Resort (SNK) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    League Bowling (SNK) (1990) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu (SNK / Wave) (1991) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Magical Drop II (Data East Corporation) (1996) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Magical Drop III (Data East Corporation) (1997) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Magician Lord (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (SNK) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (Noise Factory / Atlus) (2002) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II (SNK) (1998) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Metal Slug 3 (SNK) (2000) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg) (2002) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Metal Slug 5 (SNK Playmore) (2003) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 (SNK) (1999) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai (Monolith Corp.) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger (Face) (1997) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Mutation Nation (SNK) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    NAM-1975 (SNK) (1990) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Neo Bomberman (Hudson) (1997) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Neo Drift Out: New Technology (Visco) (1996) [Driving / Race; ]
    Neo Mr. Do! (Visco) (1996) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf (Nazca) (1996) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Neo-Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory (SNK) (1998) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Nightmare in the Dark (bootleg) (2001) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Ninja Combat (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Ninja Commando (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1992) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Ninja Master's: Haoh-ninpo-cho (ADK / SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Over Top (ADK) (1996) [Driving / Race; ]
    Panic Bomber (Eighting / Hudson) (1994) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Pleasure Goal / Futsal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (Saurus) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Pochi and Nyaa (Aiky / Taito) (2003) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin (Video System Co.) (1997) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Power Instinct (Atlus) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Power Spikes II (Video System Co.) (1994) [Sports / Volleyball; ]
    Prehistoric Isle 2 (Yumekobo / Saurus) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Pulstar (Aicom) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Taito) (1994) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Puzzle De Pon! (Visco) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (SNK) (1990) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Quiz Daisousa Sen: The Last Count Down (SNK) (1991) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz King of Fighters (Saurus (SNK license)) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo: Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (SNK) (1992) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Rage of the Dragons (Evoga / Playmore) (2002) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken (Saurus) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2: The Newcomers (SNK) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special (SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Riding Hero (SNK) (1990) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Robo Army (SNK) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (SNK) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits: Haohmaru Jigokuhen (SNK) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musouken (SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits: Amakusa Kourin (SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore) (2003) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Yuki Enterprise / SNK Playmore) (2004) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku: Kakutou Sousei (SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (SNK) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 (SNK) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Noise Factory / SNK) (2001) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Shock Troopers (Saurus) (1997) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad (Saurus) (1998) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos (bootleg) (2003) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Soccer Brawl (SNK) (1991) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Sonic Wings (Tecmo) (1992) [Shooter; ]
    Spin Master / Miracle Adventure (Data East Corporation) (1993) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner: GI Kinzen  Seiha e no Michi (Saurus) (1995) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Stakes Winner 2 (Saurus) (1996) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (Data East Corporation) (1994) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Strikers 1945 Plus (Psikyo) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Super Dodge Ball (Technos Japan) (1987) [Sports / Dodgeball; ]
    Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou (SNK) (1992) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2: Real Fight Football (SNK) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3: Eikou e no Michi (SNK) (1995) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Tecmo World Soccer '96 (Tecmo) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou (SNK / Saurus) (1997) [Maze / Ball Guide; ]
    The King of Fighters '94 (SNK) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters '95 (SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters '96 (SNK) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters '97 (SNK) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends (SNK) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle (SNK) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (bootleg) (2005) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters 2000 (SNK) (2000) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters 2001 (Eolith / SNK) (2001) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters 2002 (Eolith / Playmore) (2002) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg) (2003) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi (SNK) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman: Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (SNK) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Super Spy (SNK) (1990) [Fighter / Misc.; ]
    The Ultimate 11: The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou: Honoo no Libero (SNK) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Thrash Rally (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1991) [Driving / Race; ]
    Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy (SNK) (1994) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Top Player's Golf (SNK) (1990) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Twinkle Star Sprites (ADK / SNK) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    V-Liner (Dyna / BrezzaSoft) (2001) [Slot Machine / Video Slot; ]
    Viewpoint (Sammy / Aicom) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Diagonal; ]
    Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer (Technos Japan) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Waku Waku 7 (Sunsoft) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Windjammers / Flying Power Disc (Data East Corporation) (1994) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    World Heroes (Alpha Denshi Co.) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    World Heroes 2 (ADK) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    World Heroes 2 Jet (ADK / SNK) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    World Heroes Perfect (ADK / SNK) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok (NMK) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Zintrick (bootleg) (1996) [Puzzle; ]
    Zupapa! (SNK) (2001) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    SNK Psycho Soldier System
    Chopper I (SNK) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dogou Souken (SNK) (1986) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Guerrilla War (SNK) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Guevara (SNK) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Koukuu Kihei Monogatari: The Legend of Air Cavalry (SNK) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Psycho Soldier (SNK) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    TouchDown Fever (SNK) (1987) [Sports / Football; ]
    TouchDown Fever 2 (SNK) (1988) [Sports / Football; ]
    Victory Road (SNK) (1986) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    SNK Rock-Ola System
    Fantasy (SNK (Rock-Ola license)) (1981) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Pioneer Balloon (SNK (Rock-Ola license)) (1982) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Sasuke vs. Commander (SNK) (1980) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Satan of Saturn (SNK) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Vanguard (SNK) (1981) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Zarzon (SNK (Taito America license)) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    SNK Triple Z80 System
    Bermuda Triangle (SNK) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Fighting Soccer (SNK) (1988) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    T.A.N.K (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    T.N.K III (SNK) (1985) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    World Wars (SNK) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    SNK Unique
    Baseball Stars: Be a Champ! (SNK (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Genshitou 1930's (SNK) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Gladiator 1984 (SNK) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Joyful Road (SNK) (1983) [Driving / Guide and Collect; ]
    Jumping Cross (SNK) (1984) [Driving / Motorbike (Motocross); ]
    Lasso (SNK) (1982) [Shooter / Misc.; ]
    Meijinsen (SNK) (1986) [Tabletop / Shougi; ]
    Munch Mobile (SNK (Centuri license)) (1983) [Driving / Guide and Collect; ]
    Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (SNK) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]


       (0 reviews)



  9. KONAMI ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Konami Bemani DJ-Main
    beatmania (Konami) (1997) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 2nd MIX (Konami) (1998) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 3rd MIX (Konami) (1998) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 4th MIX (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 5th MIX (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 6th MIX (Konami) (2001) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania 7th MIX (Konami) (2001) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania Club MIX (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania complete MIX (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania complete MIX 2 (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania CORE REMIX (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania featuring Dreams Come True (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    beatmania THE FINAL (Konami) (2002) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Pop'n Music 1 (Konami) (1998) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Pop'n Music 2 (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Pop'n Music 3 (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Pop'n Stage EX (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Dance; ]
    Konami Bemani System 573 Analog
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Dance; ]
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix with beatmaniaIIDX CLUB VERSiON (Konami) (1999) [Music; ]
    Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix: Link Ver (Konami) (1999) [Rhythm / Dance; ]
    Dance Dance Revolution Kids (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Dance; ]
    Dance Dance Revolution USA (Konami) (2000) [Music Game / Dance; ]
    Dancing Stage (Konami) (1999) [Rhythm / Dance; ]
    Dancing Stage featuring TRUE KiSS DESTiNATiON (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Dance; ]
    Guitar Freaks 2nd Mix Ver 1.01 (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Guitar Freaks Ver 1.01 (Konami) (1999) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Konami Bubble System
    Galactic Warriors (Konami) (1985) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gradius (Konami) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hyper Crash (Konami) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Konami RF2: Red Fighter (Konami) (1985) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Twin Bee Yahhoo! (Konami) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Konami Chequered Flag
    '88 Games (Konami) (1988) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Ajax (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Bottom of the Ninth (Konami) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Chequered Flag (Konami) (1988) [Driving / Race; ]
    Hyper Sports Special (Konami) (1988) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Main Stadium (Konami) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Typhoon (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ultraman (Banpresto / Bandai) (1991) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ultraman Club: Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! (Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions) (1992) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Konami Contra
    Akuma-Jou Dracula (Konami) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Boot Camp (Konami) (1987) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Combat School (Konami) (1987) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Contra (Konami) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Fast Lane (Konami) (1987) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Flak Attack (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gryzor (Konami) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Haunted Castle (Konami) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Labyrinth Runner (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    MX5000 (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Trick Trap (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Konami Dual 6809
    Pandora's Palace (Konami / Interlogic) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Time Pilot '84 (Konami) (1984) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Konami Dual 68000
    Hot Chase (Konami) (1988) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    WEC Le Mans 24 (Konami) (1986) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Konami Green Beret
    Green Beret (Konami) (1985) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Jail Break (Konami) (1985) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Manhattan 24 Bunsyo (Konami) (1986) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Mr. Goemon (Konami) (1986) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Rush'n Attack (Konami) (1985) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Konami GV
    Beat the Champ (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Multiplay; ]
    Dead Eye (Konami) (1996) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Hyper Athlete (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Hyper Olympic in Nagano (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96 (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Let's Attack Crazy Cross (Konami) (1996) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Premier Soccer (Konami) (1993) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama (Konami) (1996) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (Konami) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese * Mature *; ]
    Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version (Konami) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese * Mature *; ]
    Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version Plus (Konami) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese * Mature *; ]
    Track & Field (Konami) (1983) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Wedding Rhapsody (Konami) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Konami GX
    Crazy Cross (Konami) (1994) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Daisu-Kiss (Konami) (1996) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Dragoon Might (Konami) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fantastic Journey (Konami) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Gokujyou Parodius (Konami) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Golfing Greats 2 (Konami) (1994) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Konami's Open Golf Championship (Konami) (1994) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters (Konami) (1994) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Racin' Force (Konami) (1994) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Run and Gun 2 (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Rushing Heroes (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Football; ]
    Salamander 2 (Konami) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Sexy Parodius (Konami) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal * Mature *; ]
    Slam Dunk 2 (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Soccer Superstars (Konami) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Taisen Tokkae-dama (Konami) (1996) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle-dama (Konami) (1995) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Twin Bee Yahhoo! (Konami) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Versus Net Soccer (Konami) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Winning Spike (Konami) (1997) [Sports / Volleyball; ]
    Konami GX400
    Black Panther (Konami) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    City Bomber (Konami) (1987) [Action; Racing; Shooter; ]
    Galactic Warriors (Konami) (1985) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gradius (Konami) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hyper Crash (Konami) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Konami GT (Konami) (1985) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Nyan Nyan Panic (Konami) (1988) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Salamander (Konami) (1986) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Twin Bee Yahhoo! (Konami) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Konami Hornet
    Gradius IV: Fukkatsu (Konami) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hang Pilot (Konami) (1997) [Sports / Hang Gliding; ]
    NBA Play By Play (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Silent Scope (Konami) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Silent Scope 2 : Dark Silhouette (Konami) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Silent Scope Fortune Hunter (Konami) (2002) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Teraburst (Konami) (1998) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Konami Mystic Warriors
    Gaiapolis (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / Vertical; ]
    Martial Champion (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Metamorphic Force (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Monster Maulers (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / Versus Co-op; ]
    Mystic Warriors (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Violent Storm (Konami) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Konami Nemesis
    Black Panther (Konami) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    City Bomber (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Galactic Warriors (Konami) (1985) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gradius (Konami) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hyper Crash (Konami) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Kitten Kaboodle (Konami) (1988) [Maze / Blocks; ]
    Konami GT (Konami) (1985) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Konami RF2: Red Fighter (Konami) (1985) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Lifeforce (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Nemesis (Konami) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Nyan Nyan Panic (Konami) (1988) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Salamander (Konami) (1986) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    TwinBee (Konami) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Konami NWK-TR
    Racing Jam (Konami) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Racing Jam: Chapter II (Konami) (1999) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Thrill Drive (Konami) (1998) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Konami Scramble
    600 (Konami) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    800 Fathoms (Amenip (US Billiards Inc. license)) (1981) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Agent Super Bond (Signatron USA) (1985) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Amidar (Konami) (1981) [Maze / Outline; ]
    Amidar (Olympia) (Konami) (1981) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Amidar (Stern) (Konami) (1981) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Amigo (Konami) (1981) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Anteater (Tago Electronics) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Armored Car (Stern Electronics) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Battle of Atlantis (Comsoft) (1981) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Calipso (Tago Electronics) (1982) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Cavelon (Jetsoft) (1983) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Crazy Kong (bootleg) (1981) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Dark Planet (Stern Electronics) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Devil Fish (Artic) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Frog (bootleg) (1981) [Maze / Cross; ]
    Hot Shocker (E.G. Felaco) (1982) [Maze / Outline; ]
    Hunchback (Century Electronics) (1983) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Knock Out!! (bootleg? (KKK)) (1982) [Maze / Outline; ]
    Lost Tomb (Stern Electronics) (1982) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Mariner (Amenip) (1981) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Mars (Artic) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Minefield (Stern Electronics) (1983) [Shooter / Driving Horizontal; ]
    Moon War (Stern Electronics) (1981) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    New Sinbad 7 (ATW USA, Inc.) (1983) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Rescue (Stern Electronics) (1982) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Scramble (Konami) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Scramble (Stern) (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Speed Coin (Stern Electronics) (2019) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Strategy X (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1981) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Strategy X (Konami) (1981) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Super Cobra (bootleg (A.V.G. by Zaccaria)) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Super Cobra (Stern) (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Tazz-Mania (bootleg) (1982) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Tazz-Mania (Stern) (Stern Electronics) (1982) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    The Billiards (bootleg) (1981) [Sports / Pool; ]
    The End (Konami) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    The End (Stern) (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Triple Punch (K.K. International) (1982) [Maze / Outline; ]
    Turpin (Konami (Sega license)) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Turtles (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Video Hustler (Konami) (1981) [Sports / Pool; ]
    Konami System 573
    Anime Champ (Konami) (2000) [MultiGame / Mini-Games; ]
    Dark Horse Legend (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Fighting Mania (Konami) (2000) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Fisherman's Bait 2: A Bass Challenge (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Fisherman's Bait: A Bass Challenge (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Fisherman's Bait: Marlin Challenge (Konami) (1999) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Gachaga Champ (Konami) (1999) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    GunMania (Konami) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Handle Champ (Konami) (1997) [Racing; ]
    Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ (Konami) (1998) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX (Konami) (1998) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Kick & Kick (Konami) (2001) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Konami 80's Gallery (Konami) (1998)
    Punch Mania: Hokuto no Ken (Konami) (2000) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Salary Man Champ (Konami) (2000) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Step Champ (Konami) (1999) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Konami TMNT
    Block Hole (Konami) (1989) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Crazy Cop (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Crime Fighters (Konami) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Devastators (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Gang Busters (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Garuka (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Gradius III (Konami) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    M.I.A.: Missing in Action (Konami) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Punk Shot (Konami) (1990) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Quarth (Konami) (1989) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    S.P.Y.: Special Project Y (Konami) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Super Contra (Konami) (1988) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Konami) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Konami) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    The Main Event (Konami) (1988) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Thunder Cross (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Thunder Cross II (Konami) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Konami TMNT2
    Aliens (Konami) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Bells & Whistles (Konami) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Detana!! Twin Bee (Konami) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Golfing Greats (Konami) (1991) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Lightning Fighters (Konami) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (Konami) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Premier Soccer (Konami) (1993) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Konami) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Rollergames (Konami) (1991) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Sunset Riders (Konami) (1991) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Surprise Attack (Konami) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Turtles in Time (Konami) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Trigon (Konami) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Konami Twin 16
    Cue Brick (Konami) (1989) [Puzzle / Sliding; ]
    Dark Adventure (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Devil World (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Gradius II: GOFER no Yabou (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Gradius III (Konami) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hard Puncher (Konami) (1988) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    M.I.A.: Missing in Action (Konami) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Majuu no Ohkoku (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    The Final Round (Konami) (1988) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Vulcan Venture (Konami) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Konami Viper
    Boxing Mania: Ashita no Joe (Konami) (2001) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Code One Dispatch (Konami) (2000) [Racing; ]
    GTI Club: Corso Italiano (Konami) (2000) [Driving / Race; ]
    Jurassic Park III (Konami) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Keisatsukan Shinjuku 24ji (Konami) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Mocap Boxing (Konami) (2001) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Police 24/7 (Konami) (2001) [Shooter; ]
    Police 911 (Konami) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Police 911 2 (Konami) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Silent Scope EX (Konami) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Silent Scope Fortune Hunter (Konami) (2002) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Thrill Drive 2 (Konami) (2001) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Tsurugi (Konami) (2002) [Fighter / 3D; ]
    World Combat (Konami) (2002) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Xtrial Racing (Konami) (2002) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Konami X-Men
    Crime Fighters 2 (Konami) (1991) [Beat 'em Up; Platform; ]
    Escape Kids (Konami) (1991) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    The Simpsons (Konami) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Vendetta (Konami) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    X-Men (Konami) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Konami Xexex
    Asterix (Konami) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Bucky O'Hare (Konami) (1992) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Dragon Ball Z (Banpresto) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Dragon Ball Z 2: Super Battle (Banpresto) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    G.I. Joe (Konami) (1992) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Lethal Enforcers (Konami) (1992) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Orius (Konami) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Over Drive (Konami) (1990) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Run and Gun (Konami) (1993) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Slam Dunk (Konami) (1993) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (Konami) (1992) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Xexex (Konami) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Konami Z80
    Astro Invader (Leijac Corporation (Stern Electronics license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Black Hole (TDS & MINTS) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Frogger (Konami (Sega license)) (1981) [Maze / Cross; ]
    Hexion (Konami) (1992) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Kamikaze (Leijac Corporation) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Konami's Ping-Pong (Konami) (1985) [Sports / Ping Pong; ]
    Pooyan (Konami (Stern Electronics license)) (1982) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Space Pilot (Konami) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Time Pilot (Konami (Atari license)) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Video Hustler (Konami) (1981) [Sports / Pool; ]
    Konami ZR107
    Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 (Konami) (1996) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Winding Heat (Konami) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]


       (0 reviews)



  10. ATARI ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Atari 6502 Colour Raster
    Agent X (Atari) (1983) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Cloak & Dagger (Atari) (1983) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Cloud 9 (Atari) (1983) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Crystal Castles (Atari) (1983) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Dragon Master (Unico) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Firebeast (Atari) (1983) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Liberator (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Command; ]
    Qwak (Atari) (1982) [Puzzle / Sliding; ]
    Return of the Jedi (Atari) (1984) [Shooter / Driving Diagonal; ]
    Road Runner (Atari Games) (1985) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Runaway (Atari) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Sprint 4 (Atari) (1977) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Tetris (Atari Games) (1988) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Atari 68000
    Bad Lands (Atari Games) (1989) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Batman (Atari Games) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Blasteroids (Atari Games) (1987) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Blasteroids (With Heads) (Atari Games) (1987) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Food Fight (General Computer Corporation (Atari license)) (1982) [Fighter / Field; ]
    Klax (Atari Games) (1989) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Off the Wall (Bally/Sente) (1984) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Rampart (Atari Games) (1990) [Shooter / Command; ]
    Relief Pitcher (Atari Games) (1992) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Shuuz (Atari Games) (1990) [Sports / Horseshoes; ]
    Skull & Crossbones (Atari Games) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Toobin' (Atari Games) (1988) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Vindicators (Atari Games) (1988) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Xybots (Atari Games) (1987) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Atari Centipede
    Centipede (Atari) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Maze Invaders (Atari) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Millipede (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Tunnel Hunt (Atari (Centuri license)) (1979) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Warlords (Atari) (1980) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Atari Cojag
    Area 51 (Atari Games) (1995) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo v2.0 (Atari Games) (1998) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Fishin' Frenzy (Time Warner Interactive) (1995) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Freeze (Atari Games) (1996) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Maximum Force (Atari Games) (1996) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Vicious Circle (Atari Games) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Atari Cyberball
    Cyberball (Atari Games) (1988) [Sports / Football; ]
    Cyberball 2072 (Atari Games) (1989) [Sports / Football; ]
    Tournament Cyberball 2072 (Atari Games) (1989) [Sports / Football; ]
    Atari Discrete Logic
    Anti-Aircraft [TTL] (Atari) (1975) [TTL * Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Breakout [TTL] (Atari) (1976) [TTL * Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Crash 'n Score/Stock Car [TTL] (Atari) (1975) [TTL * Driving / Demolition Derby; ]
    Crossfire (Empire) (1975) [Slot Machine / Reels; ]
    Dodgem (Zaccaria) (1979) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Got-cha Mini Game Festival (Dongsung / Para) (1997) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Gran Trak 20/Trak 20/Twin Racer [TTL] (Atari/Kee) (1974) [TTL * Driving / Race; ]
    Indy 4 [TTL] (Atari/Kee) (1976) [TTL * Driving / Race Track; ]
    Indy 800 [TTL] (Atari/Kee) (1975) [TTL * Driving / Race Track; ]
    Jet Fighter/Jet Fighter Cocktail/Launch Aircraft (Atari) (1975) [TTL * Shooter / Field; ]
    Le Mans [TTL] (Atari) (1976) [TTL * Driving / Race Track; ]
    Outlaw [TTL] (Atari) (1976) [TTL * Shooter / Versus; ]
    Pong (Atari) (1972) [TTL * Ball & Paddle / Pong; ]
    Qwak!/Quack [TTL] (Atari) (1974) [TTL * Shooter / Gun; ]
    Shark JAWS [TTL] (Atari/Horror Games) (1975) [TTL * Shooter / Underwater; ]
    Steeplechase [TTL] (Atari) (1975) [TTL * Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Stunt Cycle [TTL] (Atari) (1976) [TTL * Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Tank/Tank Cocktail [TTL] (Atari/Kee) (1974) [TTL * Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Touch Me (Atari) (1979) [Handheld / Electronic Game; ]
    Atari Dual 68000
    Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (Atari Games) (1989) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    ThunderJaws (Atari Games) (1990) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Atari 6502 Vector
    Asteroids (Atari) (1979) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Asteroids Deluxe (Atari) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Battle Zone (Atari) (1980) [Shooter / Driving 1st Person; ]
    Bradley Trainer (Atari) (1980) [Shooter / 1st Person; ]
    Lunar Lander (Atari) (1979) [Driving / Landing; ]
    Atari Flagstaff
    San Francisco Rush (Atari Games) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Atari Games) (1997) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Atari G1
    Hydra (Atari Games) (1990) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Pit Fighter (Atari Games) (1990) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Atari G42
    Danger Express (Atari Games) (1992) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Guardians of the 'Hood (Atari Games) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Road Riot 4WD (Atari Games) (1991) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Atari Gauntlet
    Gauntlet (Atari Games) (1985) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Gauntlet II (Atari Games) (1986) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Vindicators Part II (Atari Games) (1988) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Atari GT
    Primal Rage (Atari Games) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    T-MEK (Atari Games) (1994) [Shooter / 1st Person; ]
    Atari GX2
    Moto Frenzy (Atari Games) (1992) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Moto Frenzy Deluxe (Atari) (1992) [Racing; ]
    Road Riot's Revenge (Atari Games) (1993) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Space Lords (Atari Games) (1992) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Atari Kangaroo
    Arabian (Sun Electronics (Atari license)) (1983) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Kangaroo (Sun Electronics (Atari license)) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Atari Unique
    BeatHead (Atari Games) (1993) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Fast Freddie (Kaneko (Atari license)) (1982) [Sports / Hang Gliding; ]
    Gauntlet (Atari Games) (1985) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    I, Robot (Atari) (1983) [Shooter / Misc.; ]
    Metal Maniax (Atari Games) (2023) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Primal Rage 2 (Atari) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Quiz Show (Atari (Kee Games)) (1976) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    TomCat (Atari) (1985) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Tournament Table (Atari) (1978) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball (Namco) (1986) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Atari Seattle
    California Speed (Atari Games) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Mace: The Dark Age (Atari Games) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Vapor TRX (Atari Games) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Atari System 1
    Asteroids (Atari) (1979) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Atari Games) (1985) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Marble Madness (Atari Games) (1984) [Maze / Ball Guide; ]
    Peter Pack Rat (Atari Games) (1985) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Relief Pitcher (Atari Games) (1992) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Road Blasters (Atari Games) (1987) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Road Runner (Atari Games) (1985) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Atari System 2
    720 Degrees (Atari Games) (1986) [Sports / Skateboarding; ]
    APB: All Points Bulletin (Atari Games) (1987) [Driving / Misc.; ]
    Championship Sprint (Atari Games) (1986) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Paperboy (Atari Games) (1984) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Super Sprint (Atari Games) (1986) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Atari System IV
    Air Race (Atari Games) (1997) [Driving / Plane; ]
    The Last Starfighter (Atari Games) (1984) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Atari Vector
    Black Widow (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Gravitar (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Lunar Battle (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Major Havoc (Atari) (1983) [Shooter / Misc.; ]
    Quantum (General Computer Corporation (Atari license)) (1982) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Red Baron (Atari) (1980) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Space Duel (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Tempest (Atari) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Tempest Tubes (hack (Duncan Brown)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Atari Vegas
    Gauntlet Legends (Atari Games) (1998) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Road Burners (Atari Games) (1999) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Tenth Degree (Atari Games) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    War: Final Assault (Atari Games) (1999) [Shooter / 1st Person; ]


       (0 reviews)



  11. NAMCO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Namco System 1
    Bakutotsu Kijuutei (Namco) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Blast Off (Namco) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Blazer (Namco) (1987) [Shooter / Driving Diagonal; ]
    Boxy Boy (Namco) (1990) [Maze / Blocks; ]
    Chou Zetsurinjin Berabowman (Namco) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Dangerous Seed (Namco) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dragon Spirit (Namco) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Face Off (Namco) (1988) [Sports / Hockey; ]
    Galaga '88 (Namco) (1987) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Marchen Maze (Namco) (1988) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Pac-Mania (Namco) (1987) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Namco) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Pro Tennis World Court (Namco) (1988) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Namco) (1988) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '89 (Namco) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '90 (Namco) (1990) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Puzzle Club (Yun Sung) (2000) [MultiGame / Compilation * Mature *; ]
    Quester (Namco) (1987) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Quester Special Edition (Namco) (1987) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Rompers (Namco) (1989) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Shadowland (Namco) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Souko Ban Deluxe (Namco) (1990) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Splatter House (Namco) (1988) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Tank Force (Namco) (1991) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Yokai Douchuuki (Namco) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Namco System 2
    Assault (Namco) (1988) [Shooter / Driving; ]
    Bubble Trouble: Golly! Ghost! 2 (Namco) (1992) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Burning Force (Namco) (1989) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Cosmo Gang the Video (Namco) (1992) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Dragon Saber (Namco) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Final Lap (Namco) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Final Lap 2 (Namco) (1990) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Final Lap 3 (Namco) (1992) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Finest Hour (Namco) (1989) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Four Trax (Namco (Atari license?)) (1989) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Golly! Ghost! (Namco) (1990) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Lucky & Wild (Namco) (1992) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Marvel Land (Namco) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Metal Hawk (Namco) (1988) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Mirai Ninja (Namco) (1988) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Ordyne (Namco) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Phelios (Namco) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Rolling Thunder 2 (Namco) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Steel Gunner (Namco) (1990) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Steel Gunner 2 (Namco) (1991) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Super World Stadium (Namco) (1992) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium '92 (Namco) (1992) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium '93 (Namco) (1993) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Suzuka 8 Hours (Namco) (1992) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Suzuka 8 Hours 2 (Namco) (1993) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Valkyrie no Densetsu (Namco) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Namco System 10
    Ball Pom Line (Namco) (2005) [Medal Game / Action; ]
    GAHAHA Ippatsudou (Namco / Metro) (2001) [Misc. / Multiplay; ]
    GAHAHA Ippatsudou 2 (Namco / Metro) (2001) [Misc. / Multiplay; ]
    Gamshara (Mitchell) (2003) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    GekiToride-Jong Space (Namco / Metro) (2001) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Kono e Tako (Mitchell) (2003) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan (Namco) (2001) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Medal no Tatsujin 2 Atsumare! Go! Go! Sugoroku Sentai Don Ranger Five (Namco) (2007) [Medal Game / Timing; ]
    Medal no Tatsujin Doki! Ooatari-Darake no Sugoroku Matsuri (Namco) (2005) [Medal Game / Action; ]
    Mr. Driller 2 (Namco) (2000) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Mr. Driller G (Namco) (2001) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    NFL Classic Football (Namco / Metro) (2003) [Sports / Football; ]
    Panikuru Panekuru (Namco) (2002) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Puzz Ball (Namco) (2002) [Medal Game / Coin Pusher; ]
    Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School (Namco) (2003) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Sekai Kaseki Hakken (Namco) (2004) [Medal Game / Compilation; ]
    Star Trigon (Namco) (2002) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 2 (Namco) (2001) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 3 (Namco) (2002) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 4 (Namco) (2002) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 5 (Namco) (2003) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 6 (Namco) (2004) [Music Game / Instruments; ]
    Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi (Namco / Metro) (2002) [Redemption Game / Action; ]
    Uchuu Daisakusen: Chocovader Contactee (Namco) (2002) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Namco System 11
    Dancing Eyes (Namco) (1996) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Dunk Mania (Namco) (1995) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Family Bowl 2 (Namco) (1997) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Gunbalina (Namco) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Gunbarl (Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Kosodate Quiz My Angel 3 (MOSS / Namco) (1998) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Pocket Racer (Namco) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Point Blank 2 (Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Point Blank 3 (Namco) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Prime Goal EX (Namco) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Soul Edge (Namco) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Soul Edge Ver. II (Namco) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Star Sweep (Axela / Namco) (1997) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Tekken (Namco) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Tekken 2 (Namco) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Tekken 2 Ver.B (Namco) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Xevious 3D/G (Namco) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Namco System 12
    Aqua Rush (Namco) (1999) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Attack Pla Rail (Namco / Tomy) (1998) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Derby Quiz My Dream Horse (MOSS / Namco) (1998) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Ehrgeiz (Square / Namco) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fighting Layer (Arika / Namco) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ghoul Panic (Eighting / Raizing / Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Golgo 13 (Eighting / Raizing / Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Golgo 13 Kiseki no Dandou (Eighting / Raizing / Namco) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem (Eighting / Raizing / Namco) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Gunbalina (Namco) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Gunbarl (Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Kaiun Quiz (Namco) (1999) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Kart Duel (Gaps / Namco) (2000) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Libero Grande (Namco) (1997) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Mr. Driller (Namco) (1999) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Oh! Bakyuuun (Eighting / Raizing / Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Paca Paca Passion (Produce / Namco) (1998) [Rhythm / Misc.; ]
    Paca Paca Passion ( Special Edition) (Produce / Namco) (1999) [Rhythm / Misc.; ]
    Paca Paca Passion 2 (Produce / Namco) (1999) [Rhythm / Misc.; ]
    Point Blank 2 (Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Point Blank 3 (Namco) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Retsuden 3 Arcade Edition (Namco / Tomy) (1997) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Soul Calibur (Namco) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Super World Stadium '98 (Namco) (1998) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium '99 (Namco) (1999) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium 2000 (Namco) (2000) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium 2001 (Namco) (2001) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Techno Drive (Namco) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Tekken 3 (Namco) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Tekken Tag Tournament (Namco) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Tenkomori Shooting (Namco) (1998) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Truck Kyosokyoku (Metro / Namco) (2000) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Um Jammer Lammy NOW! (Namco) (1999) [Music; ]
    Namco System 22
    Ace Driver: Racing Evolution (Namco) (1994) [Racing; ]
    Ace Driver: Victory Lap (Namco) (1995) [Racing; ]
    Cyber Commando (Namco) (1994) [Shooter; ]
    Rave Racer (Namco) (1995) [Racing; ]
    Ridge Racer (Namco) (1993) [Racing; ]
    Ridge Racer 2 (Namco) (1994) [Racing; ]
    Ridge Racer Full Scale (1993) [Racing; ]
    Namco System 23
    Angler King (Namco) (1998) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Downhill Bikers (Namco) (1997) [Driving / Race (chase view) Bike; ]
    Motocross Go! (Namco) (1997) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Panic Park (Namco) (1998) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Time Crisis II (Namco) (1997) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Namco System 86
    Genpei ToumaDen (Namco) (1986) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Hopping Mappy (Namco) (1986) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Rolling Thunder (Namco) (1986) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Sky Kid Deluxe (Namco) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    The Return of Ishtar (Namco) (1986) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Wonder Momo (Namco) (1987) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Namco System 246
    Bloody Roar 3 (bootleg) (2001) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Capcom Fighting Jam (Capcom / Namco) (2004) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Cobra: The Arcade (Namco) (2005) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Dragon Chronicles (Namco) (2002) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Fate: Unlimited Codes (Capcom / Namco) (2008) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gundam Seed: Federation vs. Z.A.F.T. (Capcom / Banpresto) (2005) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Mobile Suit Z-Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs Titans (Capcom / Banpresto) (2003) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Mobile Suit Z-Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs Titans DX (Capcom / Banpresto) (2004) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Pride GP 2003 (Namco) (2003) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Monsenshi (Namco) (2006) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle (Namco) (2001) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Sengoku Basara X Cross (Capcom / Arc System Works) (2008) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Smash Court Pro Tournament (Namco) (2002) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Soul Calibur II (Namco) (2002) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Soul Calibur III (Namco) (2005) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Starblade (Namco) (1991) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 7 (Namco) (2005) [Rhythm / Instruments; ]
    Taiko no Tatsujin 8 (Namco) (2006) [Rhythm / Instruments; ]
    Tekken 4 (Namco) (2001) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Time Crisis 3 (Namco) (2003) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Vampire Night (Sega / Namco) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Wangan Midnight (Namco) (2001) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Wangan Midnight R (Namco) (2002) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Zoids Infinity (Tomy / Taito) (2004) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Zoids Infinity EX Plus (Tomy / Taito) (2006) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Namco System Super 22
    Air Combat 22 (Namco) (1995) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Alpine Racer (Namco) (1994) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Alpine Racer 2 (Namco) (1996) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Alpine Surfer (Namco) (1996) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Aqua Jet (Namco) (1996) [Driving / Boat; ]
    Armadillo Racing (Namco) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Cyber Cycles (Namco) (1995) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Dirt Dash (Namco) (1995) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Prop Cycle (Namco) (1996) [Sports / Hang Gliding; ]
    Time Crisis (Namco) (1995) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Tokyo Wars (Namco) (1996) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Namco System Super 23
    500 GP (Namco) (1998) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Crisis Zone (Namco) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Final Furlong 2 (Namco) (1999) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Gunmen Wars (Namco) (1998) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Race On! (Namco) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Namco 8080
    Bomb Bee (Namco) (1979) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Cutie Q (Namco) (1979) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Gee Bee (Namco (Gremlin license)) (1978) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Kaitei Takara Sagashi (K.K. Tokki (Namco license)) (1980) [Shooter / Misc.; ]
    Navarone (Namco) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    SOS Game (K.K. Tokki (Namco license)) (1979) [Shooter / Flying Vertical * Mature *; ]
    Warp Warp (Namco (Rock-Ola license)) (1981) [Shooter / Misc.; ]
    Namco NA-1
    Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-Q Dai Bouken (Namco) (1992) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (Namco) (1992) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Emeraldia (Namco) (1993) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Exvania (Namco) (1992) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Fighter & Attacker (Namco) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Super World Court (Namco) (1992) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Tinkle Pit (Namco) (1993) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Namco NA-2
    Emeraldia (Namco) (1993) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Knuckle Heads (Namco) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou!! (Namco) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Numan Athletics (Namco) (1993) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    X-Day 2 (Namco) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Namco NB-1
    Great Sluggers (Namco) (1993) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Great Sluggers '94 (Namco) (1994) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Gun Bullet (Namco) (1994) [Action; Shooter; ]
    J-League Soccer V-Shoot (Namco) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Nebulas Ray (Namco) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Point Blank (Namco) (1994) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Super World Stadium '95 (Namco) (1995) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium '96 (Namco) (1996) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super World Stadium '97 (Namco) (1997) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Namco NB-2
    Mach Breakers (Namco) (1994) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    The Outfoxies (Namco) (1994) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Namco ND-1
    Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Namco) (1995) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Namco Classic Collection Vol.2 (Namco) (1996) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Namco ES1
    Dead Heat (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2010) [Racing; ]
    Nirin (Namco) (2009) [Racing; ]
    Tank! Tank! Tank! (Namco Bandai Games) (2009)
    Namco ES3
    Lost Land Adventure (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2014) [Shooter; ]
    Mach Storm (Bandai Namco Games) (2013) [Flight Simulator; Shooter; ]
    Mario Kart Arcade GP DX (Nintendo) (2013) [Racing; ]
    Pokkén Tournament (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    Star Wars: Battle Pod (Bandai Namco Games) (2014) [Flight Simulator; Shooter; ]
    Tekken 7 (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    Tekken 7: Fated Retribution (Namco Bandai) (2016) [Fighting; ]
    Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Round 2 (Namco Bandai) (2019) [Fighting; ]
    Time Crisis 5 (Namco Bandai) (2015) [Action; Shooter; ]
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 (Namco) (2014) [Racing; ]
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX (Namco) (2015) [Racing; ]
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX+ (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2016) [Racing; ]
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2018) [Racing; ]
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 R (Bandai Namco Entertainment) (2020) [Racing; ]
    Namco Galaga
    Bosconian: Star Destroyer (Namco) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Dig Dug (Namco) (1982) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Galaga (Namco) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Super Xevious (Namco) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Xevious (Namco) (1982) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]


       (0 reviews)



  12. ARCADE SYSTEMS OTHER (S-Z) 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Seibu SPI
    Battle Balls (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1995) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    E Jong High School (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1996) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Raiden Fighters (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive (Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license)) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Raiden Fighters Jet (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Senkyu (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1995) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Viper Phase 1 (Seibu Kaihatsu) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sigma Enterprises Inc.
    Battle Cruiser M-12 (Sigma Enterprises Inc.) (1983) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Joker's Wild (Sigma) (1988) [Casino / Misc.; ]
    Lucky Today (Sigma) (1980) [Slot Machine / Video Slot; ]
    New York! New York! (Sigma Enterprises Inc. (Gottlieb license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Ponpoko (Sigma Enterprises Inc. (Venture Line license)) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    R2D Tank (Sigma Enterprises Inc.) (1980) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Spiders (Sigma Enterprises Inc.) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Submarine (Sigma Enterprises Inc.) (1985) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Wanted (Sigma Enterprises Inc.) (1984) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Sun Electronics
    Arabian (Sun Electronics) (1983) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    BanBam (Sun Electronics) (1984) [Maze / Change Surface; ]
    Dai 3 Wakusei (Sun Electronics) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Farmers Rebellion (Sun Electronics) (1985) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Funky Fish (Sun Electronics) (1981) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Hard Head 2 (SunA) (1991) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Ikki (Sun Electronics) (1985) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Kangaroo (Sun Electronics) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Markham (Sun Electronics) (1983) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Pettan Pyuu (Sun Electronics) (1984) [Maze / Change Surface; ]
    Speak & Rescue (Sun Electronics) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Stratovox (Sun Electronics (Taito license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Strength & Skill (Sun Electronics) (1984) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    The Guiness (Sun Electronics) (1984) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Taiyo System
    Chinese Hero (Taiyo System) (1984) [Fighter / Field; ]
    Chinese Heroe (Taiyo System (Taito license)) (1984) [Fighter / Field; ]
    Dynamic Ski (Taiyo System (Nichibutsu license)) (1984) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Enigma II (Zilec Electronics) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Hokuha Syourin Hiryu no Ken (Taiyo System (Taito license)) (1985) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Intruder (Taito (Game Plan license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Kaos (Pacific Polytechnical Corp. (Game Plan license)) (1981) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Megatack (Centuri (Game Plan license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Shanghai Kid (Taiyo System (Data East license)) (1985) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Apache 3 (Tatsumi) (1988) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Big Fight: Big Trouble In The Atlantic Ocean (Tatsumi) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Buggy Boy (Tatsumi) (1985) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Buggy Boy Junior (Tatsumi) (1986) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Cycle Warriors (Tatsumi) (1991) [Fighter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Round Up 5: Super Delta Force (Tatsumi) (1989) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    TX-1 (Tatsumi (Atari/Namco/Taito license)) (1983) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Acrobatic Dog-Fight (Technos Japan (Data East USA, Inc. license)) (1984) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (Technos Japan (Taito license)) (1986) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Block Out (Technos Japan / California Dreams) (1989) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Bogey Manor (Technos Japan) (1985) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    China Gate (Technos Japan (Taito / Romstar license)) (1988) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Dommy (Technos Japan) (1983) [Maze / Move and Sort; ]
    Double Dragon (Technos Japan (Taito America license)) (1987) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (East Technology / Technos Japan) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Technos Japan) (1988) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Eggs (Technos Japan (Universal USA license)) (1983) [Maze / Defeat Enemies; ]
    Exciting Hour (Technos Japan (Taito license)) (1985) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Mania Challenge (Technos Japan (Taito America license)) (1986) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Mat Mania (Technos Japan (Taito America license)) (1985) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Minky Monkey (Technos Japan / Roller Tron) (1982) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Mysterious Stones: Dr. John's Adventure (Technos Japan) (1984) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Mysterious Stones: Dr. Kick in Adventure (Technos Japan) (1984) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun (bootleg) (1986) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu (bootleg) (1987) [Sports / Dodgeball; ]
    Nintendo World Cup (Technos Japan (Nintendo license)) (1990) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Renegade (Technos Japan (Taito America license)) (1986) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Scrambled Egg (Technos Japan) (1983) [Maze / Defeat Enemies; ]
    Shadow Force (Technos Japan) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Solar-Warrior (Technos Japan (Taito / Memetron license)) (1986) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Super Dodge Ball (Technos Japan) (1987) [Sports / Dodgeball; ]
    Syusse Oozumou (Technos Japan) (1984) [Sports / Sumo; ]
    The Big Pro Wrestling! (Technos Japan) (1983) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    The Combatribes (Technos Japan) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    U.S. Championship V'ball (Technos Japan) (1989) [Sports / Volleyball; ]
    Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer (Technos Japan) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    WWF Superstars (Technos Japan) (1989) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    WWF WrestleFest (Technos Japan) (1991) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Xain'd Sleena (EFO SA / Cedar) (1986) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Bomb Jack (Tehkan) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Gridiron Fight (Tehkan) (1985) [Sports / Football; ]
    Guzzler (Tehkan) (1983) [Maze / Defeat Enemies; ]
    Mega Force (Tehkan (Video Ware license)) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Pinball Action (Tehkan) (1985) [Arcade / Pinball; ]
    Pleiads (Tehkan) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Red Clash (Kaneko) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Route 16 (Sun Electronics) (1981) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Senjyo (Tehkan) (1983) [Shooter / 1st Person; ]
    Star Force (Tehkan) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Swimmer (Tehkan) (1982) [Sports / Swimming; ]
    Tehkan World Cup (Tehkan) (1985) [Sports / Soccer; ]


       (0 reviews)



  13. TOAPLAN ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Toaplan Twin Cobra
    Flying Shark (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gulf War II (Comad) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Hishou Zame (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Kyukyoku Tiger (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sky Shark (Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Twin Cobra (Toaplan / Taito America Corporation (Romstar license)) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Toaplan Unique
    Jan Oh (Toaplan) (1984) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Sisters (Toaplan) (1986) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Pyros (Toaplan / Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom (Toaplan) (1990) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Wardner (Toaplan / Taito Corporation Japan) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Wardner no Mori (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Toaplan Version 1
    Demon's World / Horror Story (Toaplan) (1989) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Fire Shark (Toaplan) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Hellfire (Toaplan (Taito license)) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Out Zone (Toaplan) (1990) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Rally Bike / Dash Yarou (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1988) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Same! Same! Same! (Toaplan) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Truxton / Tatsujin (Toaplan / Taito Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Vimana (Toaplan) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Toaplan Version 2
    Armed Police Batrider (Raizing / Eighting) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Batsugun (Toaplan) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Batsugun: Special Version (Toaplan) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Battle Bakraid (Eighting) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Battle Bakraid: Unlimited Version (Eighting) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Battle Garegga (Raizing / Eighting) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Battle Garegga: New Version (Raizing / Eighting) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Battle Garegga: Type 2 (Raizing / Eighting) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dogyuun (Toaplan) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    FixEight (Toaplan) (1992) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Ghox (Toaplan) (1991) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Grind Stormer (Toaplan) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Kingdom Grandprix (Raizing / Eighting) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Knuckle Bash (Toaplan / Taito) (1993) [Fighter / Versus Co-op; ]
    Mahou Daisakusen (Raizing (Able license)) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Pipi & Bibis (Romstar) (1991) [Platform; ]
    Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Raizing / Eighting) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram) (1994) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Sorcer Striker (Raizing) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Teki Paki (Toaplan) (1991) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Truxton II / Tatsujin Oh (Toaplan) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    V-Five (Toaplan) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Zero Wing (Toaplan) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]


       (0 reviews)



  14. TAITO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Taito B System
    Ashura Blaster (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Bubble Buster (Taito America Corporation) (1994) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Crime City (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Hit the Ice (Taito Corporation (Williams license)) (1990) [Sports / Hockey; ]
    Hustler (LTD) (1981) [Electromechanical / Pinball; ]
    Master of Weapon (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Nastar Warrior (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Puzzle Bobble (<unknown>) (1994) [Casino / Misc.; ]
    Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Rambo (Sega) (2008) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Rambo III (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Rastan (Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Real Puncher (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Ryu Jin (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sel Feena (East Technology) (1991) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Silent Dragon (Taito America Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Sonic Blast Man (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Space Invaders DX (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Violence Fight (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Taito Unique
    Ashita no Joe (Taito Corporation / Wave) (1990) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Ben Bero Beh (Taito) (1984) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Colony 7 (Taito) (1981) [Shooter / Command; ]
    Darius (Taito America Corporation) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Field Goal (Taito) (1979) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Halley's Comet (Taito America Corporation (Coin-It license)) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Halley's Comet '87 (Taito America Corporation (Coin-It license)) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Kusayakyuu (Taito Corporation) (1985) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Midnight Landing (Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Driving / Plane; ]
    Panic Road (Seibu Kaihatsu (Taito license)) (1986) [Arcade / Pinball; ]
    Phoenix (Amstar) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Power Blade (Taito (Nintendo of America license)) (1991) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Space Invaders / Qix Silver Anniversary Edition (Taito / Namco) (2003) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Straight Flush (Taito) (1979) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Success Joe (Taito Corporation / Wave) (1990) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Two Minute Drill (Taito America Corporation) (1993) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Wyvern F-0 (Taito Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Taito G-NET System
    Chaos Heat (Taito) (1998) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Flip Maze (MOSS / Taito) (1999) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Kollon (Taito) (2003) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Mahjong Oh (Warashi / Mahjong Kobo / Taito) (1999) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Night Raid (Takumi) (2001) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Otenami Haiken (Success) (1999) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Otenami Haiken Final (Success / Warashi) (2005) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Psyvariar -Medium Unit- (Success) (2000) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Psyvariar -Revision- (Success) (2000) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ray Crisis (Taito) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    RC De Go (Taito) (1999) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi (Warashi / Sunsoft / Taito) (2002) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Shanghai Shoryu Sairin (Warashi) (2000) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Shikigami no Shiro (Alfa System / Taito) (2001) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Shikigami no Shiro II / The Castle of Shikigami II (Alfa System) (2003) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Space Invaders Anniversary (Taito) (2003) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Super Puzzle Bobble (Taito) (1999) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Usagi (Warashi / Mahjong Kobo / Taito) (2001) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    XII Stag (Triangle Service) (2002) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Zoku Otenamihaiken (Success) (2000) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Zooo (Success) (2004) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Taito X System
    Balloon Brothers (East Technology) (1992) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Daisenpu (Taito Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gigandes (East Technology) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker (East Technology) (1989) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Superman (Taito Corporation) (1988) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Twin Hawk (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Taito F3 System
    Arabian Magic (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Arkanoid Returns (Taito Corporation) (1997) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Bubble Bobble II (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Taito Corporation) (1995) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bubble Symphony (bootleg) (1994) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bust-A-Move Again (Taito (SNK license)) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Cleopatra Fortune (Taito Corporation) (1996) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Command War: Super Special Battle & War Game (Taito Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Dan-Ku-Ga (Taito Corporation) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Darius Gaiden: Silver Hawk (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Darius Gaiden: Silver Hawk Extra Version (Taito Corporation) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Dungeon Magic (Taito Corporation Japan) (1993) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Elevator Action II (Taito America Corporation) (1994) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Elevator Action Returns (Taito Corporation Japan) (1993) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Gekirindan (Taito Corporation) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Global Champion (Taito America Corporation) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gunlock (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Hat Trick Hero '93 (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Hat Trick Hero '94 (Taito America Corporation) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Hat Trick Hero '95 (Taito America Corporation) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    International Cup '94 (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Kaiser Knuckle (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Kirameki Star Road (Taito Corporation) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Kyukyoku Tiger II (Taito Corporation) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Land Maker (Taito Corporation) (1998) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Light Bringer (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuu!Hyuu! (Taito Corporation) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Pop'n Pop (Taito Corporation) (1997) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Primetime (Ace) (1993) [Slot Machine / Reels; ]
    Puchi Carat (Taito Corporation) (1997) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Puzzle Bobble 2 (Taito Corporation Japan) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Puzzle Bobble 3 (Taito Corporation) (1996) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Puzzle Bobble 4 (Taito Corporation) (1997) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Quiz Theater: 3tsu no Monogatari (Taito Corporation) (1994) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Ray Force (Taito America Corporation) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Recalhorn (Taito Corporation) (1994) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Riding Fight (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Fighter / Vertical; ]
    Ring Rage (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Taito Corporation Japan) (1995) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Super Cup Finals (Taito Corporation Japan) (1993) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Taito Cup Finals (Taito Corporation Japan) (1993) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Taito Power Goal (Taito Corporation Japan) (1994) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Top Ranking Stars (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Twin Cobra II (Taito Corporation Japan) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Twin Qix (Taito America Corporation) (1995) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Taito NESiCAxLive
    3D Cosplay Mahjong (Tech Arts) (2013) [Casino; ]
    Akai Katana Shin (Cave) (2012) [Shooter; ]
    Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match (Examu) (2012) [Fighting; ]
    Arcana Heart 2 (Examu) (2008) [Fighting; ]
    Arcana Heart 3 (Examu) (2009) [Fighting; ]
    Battle Fantasia for NESiCAxLive (Arc System Works) (2007) [Fighting; ]
    BlazBlue: Central Fiction (Arc System Works) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (Arc System Works) (2012) [Fighting; ]
    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (Aksys Games) (2010) [Fighting; ]
    Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe (Arc System Works) (2013) [Fighting; ]
    Crimzon Clover (2013) [Shooter; ]
    Dark Awake: The King has no name for NESiCAxLive (Taito) (2004) [Fighting; ]
    Do Not Fall: Run for Your Drink (XPEC Entertainment) (2013) [Platform; ]
    Dragon Dance (Success) (2011) [Puzzle; ]
    Elevator Action (Taito) (1983) [Platform; Shooter; Stealth; ]
    En-Eins Perfektewelt (Subtle Style) (2011) [Fighting; ]
    Exception for NESiCAxLive (Success) (2011) [Shooter; ]
    Homura (2005) [Shooter; ]
    Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Capcom) (2003) [Fighting; ]
    Ikaruga (Treasure) (2001) [Shooter; ]
    Magical Beat (Arc System Works) (2012) [Music; Puzzle; ]
    Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (Examu) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena (Atlus) (2012) [Fighting; ]
    Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold (Atlus) (2013) [Fighting; ]
    Power Instinct (Atlus) (1993) [Fighting; ]
    Psychic Force 2012 for NESiCAxLive (Taito) (1997) [Fighting; ]
    Puzzle Bobble (Taito) (1994) [Puzzle; ]
    Raiden III (Taito) (2005) [Shooter; ]
    Raiden IV (Taito) (2007) [Shooter; ]
    Rastan (Taito) (1987) [Platform; ]
    Samurai Spirits Sen for NESiCAxLive (SNK Playmore) (2008) [Fighting; ]
    Senko No Ronde (2005) [Shooter; ]
    Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Matsuri Senzo Kuyou (Atlus) (2009)
    Skullgirls 2nd Encore (M2 Co.) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    Space Invaders for NESiCAxLive (Taito) (2012) [Shooter; ]
    Strania: The Stella Machina (NESiCAxLIVE) (G.Rev) (2011) [Shooter; ]
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom) (1998) [Fighting; ]
    Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Capcom) (1999) [Fighting; ]
    Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2 (Arc System Works) (2008) [Fighting; ]
    The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition for NESiCAxLive (SNK Playmore) (2011) [Fighting; ]
    The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match for NESiCAxLive (New Channel) (2009) [Fighting; ]
    The King of Fighters XIII (SNK Playmore) (2010) [Fighting; ]
    The Rumble Fish 2 (Sammy Studios) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    Tottemo E Mahjong (Arc System Works) (2013) [Board Game; ]
    Trouble Witches AC (Taito) (2008) [Shooter; ]
    Ultra Street Fighter IV (Capcom) (2014) [Fighting; ]
    Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Capcom) (1997) [Fighting; ]
    Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm (Nyu Media) (2015) [Fighting; ]
    Taito Type Zero
    Battle Gear (Taito) (1999) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Battle Gear 2 (Taito) (2000) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Densha de Go! 3: Tsuukinhen (Taito) (2001) [Vehicle Simulation; ]
    Landing High Japan (Taito) (1999) [Driving / Plane; ]
    Power Shovel ni Norou!!: Power Shovel Simulator (Taito) (1999) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Raizin Ping Pong (Taito) (2002) [Sports / Ping Pong; ]
    Stunt Typhoon Plus (Taito) (2000) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Taito Qix
    Black Widow (Atari) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Complex X (Taito America Corporation) (1984) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Kram (Taito America Corporation) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Qix (Taito America Corporation) (1981) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Qix II (Taito America Corporation) (1981) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Space Dungeon (Taito America Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    The Electric Yo-Yo (Taito America Corporation) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Zoo Keeper (Taito America Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Taito 40-0
    Field Day (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Forty-Love (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    The Undoukai (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Taito FX-1B
    Fighters' Impact (Taito) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Fighters' Impact A (Taito) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    G-Darius (Taito) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    G-Darius Ver.2 (Taito) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Ray Storm (Taito) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Taito System SJ
    Alpine Ski (Taito Corporation) (1981) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Bio Attack (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Elevator Action (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Front Line (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    High Way Race (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Driving / Race; ]
    Jungle Boy (bootleg) (1982) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Jungle Hunt (Taito America Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Jungle King (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Kick Start: Wheelie King (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Pirate Pete (Taito America Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Sea Fighter Poseidon (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Space Cruiser (Taito Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Seeker (Taito Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    The Tin Star (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Time Tunnel (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Water Ski (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Wild Western (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Taito JC System Type-C
    Dangerous Curves (Taito) (1995) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Densha de GO! (Taito) (1996) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Densha de GO! 2 Kousoku-hen (Taito) (1998) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Densha de GO! 2 Kousoku-hen 3000-bandai (Taito) (1998) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Densha de GO! EX (Taito) (1996) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Landing Gear (Taito) (1995) [Driving / Plane; ]
    Side by Side (Taito) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Side by Side 2 (Taito) (1997) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Taito Air
    Air Inferno (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Top Landing (Taito Corporation Japan) (1988) [Driving / Plane; ]
    Taito FX-1A
    Magical Date / Magical Date: Dokidoki Kokuhaku Daisakusen (Taito) (1996) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Magical Date EX / Magical Date: Sotsugyou Kokuhaku Daisakusen (Taito) (1997) [Multiplay / Mini-Games; ]
    Psychic Force (Taito) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Psychic Force EX (Taito) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Super Football Champ (Taito) (1995) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Taito 68000
    Operation Wolf (Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Rainbow Islands (Taito Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Rainbow Islands: Extra Version (Taito Corporation) (1988) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Rastan (Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Volfied (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III (Taito Corporation) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Taito Z System
    Aqua Jack (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Battle Shark (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Chase H.Q. (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Continental Circus (Taito America Corporation) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Double Axle (Taito America Corporation) (1991) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Enforce (Taito Corporation Japan) (1988) [Shooter / Driving 1st Person; ]
    Night Striker (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Power Wheels (Taito Corporation) (1991) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Racing Beat (Taito Corporation Japan) (1991) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Space Gun (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Special Criminal Investigation (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Taito H System
    Dynamite League (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Go For The Gold (Taito Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Recordbreaker (Taito Corporation Japan) (1988) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Syvalion (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Taito F2 System
    Ah Eikou no Koshien (Taito Corporation) (1991) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Dino Rex (Taito America Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Final Blow (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Growl (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Gun & Frontier (Taito Corporation Japan) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Liquid Kids (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Mahjong Quest (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Majestic Twelve: The Space Invaders Part IV (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Mega Blast (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Mizubaku Daibouken (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Taito Corporation) (1991) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz H.Q. (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Taito Corporation) (1992) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Quest: Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Taito Corporation) (1991) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Torimonochou (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Runark (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Solitary Fighter (Taito Corporation Japan) (1991) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Ninja Kids (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Yes/No Sinri Tokimeki Chart (Taito Corporation) (1992) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Taito F1 System
    Cameltry (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Puzzle / Maze; ]
    Dead Connection (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Don Doko Don (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Drift Out (Visco) (1991) [Driving / Race; ]
    Drive Out (bootleg) (1991) [Driving / Race; ]
    Euro Champ '92 (Taito Corporation Japan) (1992) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Football Champ / Euro Football Champ (Taito Corporation Japan) (1990) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Hat Trick Hero (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Metal Black (Taito Corporation Japan) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    PuLiRuLa (Taito Corporation Japan) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Thunder Fox (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Taito Z80
    Big Event Golf (Taito America Corporation) (1986) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Bygone (Taito Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Chack'n Pop (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Change Lanes (Taito America Corporation) (1983) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Daikaiju no Gyakushu (Taito) (1986) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Dock Man (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Exerion (Jaleco (Taito America license)) (1983) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Exzisus (Taito Corporation (TAD license)) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Fire Battle (Woodplace Inc. (Taito license)) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Grand Champion (Taito) (1981) [Driving / Race; ]
    Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (Taito) (1986) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Mini Vaders (Taito Corporation) (1990) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Pit & Run: F-1 Race (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Port Man (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Return of the Invaders (Taito Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Ring Fighter (Kaneko (Taito license)) (1984) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Rock Climber (Taito) (2004) [Climbing / Mountain - Wall; ]
    Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (Taito America) (1986) [Shooter; ]
    Stratovox (Sun Electronics (Taito license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Super Speed Race (Taito (Midway license)) (1979) [Driving / Race; ]
    Super Speed Race Junior (Taito Corporation) (1985) [Driving / Race; ]
    The Legend of Kage (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Taito L System
    American Horseshoes (Taito America Corporation) (1990) [Sports / Horseshoes; ]
    Cachat (Taito Corporation) (1993) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Champion Wrestler (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Cuby Bop (Hot-B Co., Ltd.) (1990) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Fighting Hawk (Taito Corporation Japan) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Flipull (Taito Corporation) (1989) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Kuri Kinton (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Palamedes (Hot-B Co., Ltd.) (1990) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Play Girls (Hot-B Co., Ltd.) (1992) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout * Mature *; ]
    Play Girls 2 (Hot-B Co., Ltd.) (1993) [Shooter / Gallery * Mature *; ]
    Plotting (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Puzznic (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Puzzle / Misc. * Mature *; ]
    Raimais (Taito Corporation Japan) (1988) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Tube-It (bootleg) (1993) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Taito Birdie King
    Birdie King (Taito Corporation) (1982) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Birdie King 2 (Taito Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Birdie King 3 (Taito Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Taito Bonze Adventure
    Asuka & Asuka (Taito Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Bonze Adventure (Taito America Corporation) (1988) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Cadash (Taito America Corporation) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Galmedes (Visco) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Jigoku Meguri (Taito Corporation) (1988) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Visco) (1994) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Maze of Flott (Taito Corporation) (1989) [Maze / Driving; ]
    U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Visco) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Taito 68020
    Chase Bombers (Taito Corporation Japan) (1993) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Galactic Storm (Taito Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Taito Corporation) (1992) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Gunbuster (Taito America Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Super Chase: Criminal Termination (Taito America Corporation) (1992) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Under Fire (Taito America Corporation) (1993) [Shooter / Gun; ]


       (0 reviews)




    Incredible Technologies 8-Bit
    Arlington Horse Racing (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1991) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Bowl-O-Rama Rev 1.0 (P&P Marketing) (1991) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Capcom Bowling (Incredible Technologies / Capcom) (1988) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Dyno Bop (Grand Products/Incredible Technologies) (1990) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Golden Par Golf (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1992) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee Golf (JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd) (1990) [Handheld / Plug n' Play TV Game / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee Golf II (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1992) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Hot Shots Tennis (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1990) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Neck-n-Neck (Bundra Games/Incredible Technologies) (1992) [Sports / Horse Racing; ]
    Ninja Clowns (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Peggle (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1991) [Ball & Paddle / Jump and Touch; ]
    Poker Dice (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1991) [Casino / Misc.; ]
    Rim Rockin' Basketball (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1991) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Slick Shot (Grand Products/Incredible Technologies) (1990) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Strata Bowling (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1990) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Super Strike Bowling (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1990) [Electromechanical / Misc.; ]
    Wheel of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd) (1990) [Handheld / Plug n' Play TV Game / TV Show; ]
    Incredible Technologies 32-Bit
    Blood Storm (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Driver's Edge (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1994) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Golden Tee '97 (Incredible Technologies) (1997) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee '97 Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (1997) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee '98 (Incredible Technologies) (1998) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee '98 Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (1998) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee '99 (Incredible Technologies) (1999) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee '99 Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (1999) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee 2K (Incredible Technologies) (2000) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee 2K Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (2000) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee 3D Golf (Incredible Technologies) (1995) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee Classic (Incredible Technologies) (2001) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (1999) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (2002) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Hard Yardage (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1993) [Sports / Football; ]
    Hot Memory (Incredible Technologies (Tuning license)) (1994) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]
    Pairs (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1994) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]
    Pairs Redemption (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1994) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Shuffleshot (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1997) [Sports / Shuffleboard; ]
    Street Fighter: The Movie (Capcom / Incredible Technologies) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Time Killers (Strata/Incredible Technologies) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    World Class Bowling (Incredible Technologies) (1995) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    World Class Bowling Deluxe (Incredible Technologies) (1999) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    World Class Bowling Tournament (Incredible Technologies) (1997) [Sports / Bowling; ]


       (0 reviews)



  16. Arcade Video Themes

    My in-progress collection of 4x3 Arcade Video Themes. 
    NBA Jam
    NBA Jam Tournament Edition
    NFL Blitz
    NBA Hangtime
    TMNT - Turtles in Time
    Gauntlet Legends


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  17. BALLY / MIDWAY / WILLIAMS ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Bally Midway MCR-68K
    Arch Rivals (Bally Midway) (1989) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Blasted (Bally Midway) (1988) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Pigskin 621AD (Midway) (1990) [Sports / Rugby Football; ]
    Spy Hunter II (Bally Midway) (1987) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Tri-Sports (Bally Midway) (1989) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Xenophobe (Bally Midway) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Zwackery (Bally Midway) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bally Sente SAC 2
    Shrike Avenger (Bally/Sente) (1986) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Street Football (Bally/Sente) (1986) [Sports / Football; ]
    Midway 8080
    280-ZZZAP (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1976) [Driving / 1st Person; ]
    Amazing Maze (Midway) (1976) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Blue Shark (Midway) (1978) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Boot Hill (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1977) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Bowling Alley (Midway) (1978) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Checkmate (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1977) [Maze / Surround; ]
    Clowns (Midway) (1978) [Ball & Paddle / Jump and Touch; ]
    Desert Gun (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1977) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Dog Patch (Midway) (1978) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Double Play (Midway) (1977) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Extra Inning / Ball Park II (Midway / Taito) (1978) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Guided Missile (Midway) (1977) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Gun Fight (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1975) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Laguna Racer (Midway) (1977) [Driving / Race; ]
    M-4 (Midway) (1977) [Shooter / Versus; ]
    Phantom II (Midway) (1979) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Road Runner (Atari Games) (1985) [Action; Racing; ]
    Sea Wolf (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway) (1976) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Shuffleboard (Midway) (1978) [Sports / Shuffleboard; ]
    Space Encounters (Midway) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Invaders (Taito / Logitec) (1978) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Invaders Deluxe (Taito (Midway license)) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Invaders II (Midway) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Walk (Midway) (1978) [Ball & Paddle / Jump and Touch; ]
    Tornado Baseball / Ball Park (Dave Nutting Associates / Midway / Taito) (1976) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Midway Killer Instinct
    Killer Instinct (Rare (Midway license)) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Killer Instinct 2 (Rare (Midway license)) (1996) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Midway Seattle
    Bio F.R.E.A.K.S (Midway Games) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    CarnEvil (Midway Games) (1998) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Hyperdrive (Midway Games) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    NFL Blitz (Midway Games) (1997) [Sports / Football; ]
    NFL Blitz '99 (Midway Games) (1998) [Sports / Football; ]
    NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (Midway Games) (1999) [Sports / Football; ]
    Midway Vegas
    CART Fury Championship Racing (Midway Games) (2000) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Midway Games) (1999) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (Midway Games) (1999) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (Midway Games) (1999) [Sports / Football; ]
    Sports Station: NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC / NFL Blitz 2000: Gold Edition (Midway Games) (1999) [Sports; ]
    Midway Unique
    Blue Print (Zilec Electronics / Bally Midway) (1982) [Maze / Collect & Put; ]
    Jr. Pac-Man (Bally Midway) (1983) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Lazarian (Zaccaria (Bally Midway license)) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Moonquake (Sente) (1987) [Maze / Misc.; ]
    Two Tigers (Bally Midway) (1984) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Midway V-Unit
    Cruis'n USA (Midway) (1994) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Cruis'n World (Midway) (1996) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Off Road Challenge (Midway) (1997) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    War Gods (Midway) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Midway Wolf Unit
    2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (Midway) (1995) [Sports / Hockey; ]
    Mortal Kombat 3 (Midway) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    NBA Hangtime (Midway) (1996) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    NBA Maximum Hangtime (Midway) (1996) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Rampage: World Tour (Midway) (1997) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Midway) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    WWF: Wrestlemania (Midway) (1995) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Midway Zeus
    Invasion: The Abductors (Midway) (1999) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Mortal Kombat 4 (Midway) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Mortal Kombat 4 Revision 2 (Midway) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Mortal Kombat 4 Revision 3 (Midway) (1997) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Williams 6809 Rev.1
    Blaster (Williams / Vid Kidz) (1983) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Bubbles (Williams) (1982) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Colony 7 (Taito) (1981) [Shooter / Command; ]
    Defender (Williams) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Joust (Williams) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Lotto Fun (H.A.R. Management) (1987) [Casino / Lottery; ]
    Mayday (Hoei) (1980) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    PlayBall! (Williams) (1983) [Ball & Paddle / Jump and Touch; ]
    Robotron: 2084 (Williams / Vid Kidz) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Sinistar (Williams) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Speed Ball: Contest at Neonworld (Williams) (1985) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Splat! (Williams) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Stargate (Williams / Vid Kidz) (1981) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Williams 6809 Rev.2
    Inferno (Williams) (1984) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest (Williams) (1986) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Mystic Marathon (Williams) (1983) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Turkey Shoot (Williams) (1984) [Shooter / Gun; ]


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  18. PGM ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    PolyGame Master
    Chuugokuryuu 2001 [Dragon World 2001] (IGS) (2001) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Demon Front / Moyu Zhanxian (IGS) (2002) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (Cave) (2010) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Cave (AMI license)) (2002) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Tamashii (IGS / Cave (Tong Li Animation license)) (2010) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi II: Bee Storm (IGS) (2001) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dragon World (IGS) (1997) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]
    Dragon World 3 (International Games System) (1998) [Puzzle; ]
    Dragon World 3 EX (International Games System) (1998) [Puzzle; ]
    Dragon World II (IGS) (1997) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Dragon World Pretty Chance (International Games System) (2001) [Puzzle; ]
    Espgaluda (Cave (AMI license)) (2003) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Huanle Liuhe Yi (IGS) (2004) [MultiGame / Compilation; ]
    Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (Cave (AMI license)) (2003) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Knights of Valour / Sanguo Zhan Ji / Sangoku Senki (IGS) (1999) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Knights of Valour 2 / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (IGS) (2000) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Knights of Valour 2 Plus: Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian / Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (IGS) (2001) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Knights of Valour Plus / Sanguo Zhan Ji Zhengzong Plus / Sangoku Senki Masamune Plus (IGS) (1999) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sanguo Zhan Ji Fengyun Zaiqi / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (IGS) (1999) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Knights of Valour: Super Heroes Plus (International Games System) (2004) [Beat 'em Up; ]
    Martial Masters / Xing Yi Quan (IGS) (1999) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Oriental Legend / Xiyou Shi E Chuan (IGS) (1997) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Oriental Legend Special / Xiyou Shi E Chuan Super (IGS) (1998) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Photo Y2K 2 / Chaoji Bi Yi Bi 2 / Dajia Lai Zhao Cha 2 / Real and Fake 2 Photo Y2K (IGS) (2001) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Photo2K Y / Chaoji Bi Yi Bi / Dajia Lai Zhao Cha / Real and Fake (IGS) (1999) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Puzzle Star (International Games System) (1999) [Puzzle; ]
    Puzzli 2 / Pao Pao Yu (IGS (Metro license)) (1999) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Puzzli 2 Super / Pao Pao Yu Super (IGS (Metro license)) (2001) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    S.V.G.: Spectral vs Generation / Sheng Mo Shiji (IGS / Idea Factory) (2005) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Gladiator / Shen Jian Fu Mo Lu / Shen Jian Fengyun (IGS) (2003) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    The Killing Blade / Ao Jian Kuang Dao (IGS) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Killing Blade Plus / Ao Jian Kuang Dao Jiaqiang Ban (IGS) (2005) [Fighter / Versus; ]


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    1 comment


  19. KANEKO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Kaneko AX
    1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (Kaneko) (1994) [Driving / Race; ]
    B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin (Kaneko) (1994) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    B.Rap Boys Special (Kaneko) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Bakuretsu Breaker (Kaneko) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Blaze On (A.I (Atlus license)) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Blood Warrior (Kaneko) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Explosive Breaker (Kaneko) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Magical Crystals (Kaneko) (1991) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (Kaneko) (1995) [Driving / Race; ]
    Shogun Warriors (Kaneko) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    The Berlin Wall (Kaneko) (1991) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Kaneko Super-Nova System
    Cyvern: The Dragon Weapons (Kaneko) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gals Panic 4 (Kaneko) (1996) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Gals Panic S: Extra Edition (Kaneko) (1997) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Gals Panic S2 (Kaneko) (1999) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Guts'n (Kaneko / Kouyousha) (2000) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Jan Jan Paradise (Electro Design) (1996) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Jan Jan Paradise 2 (Electro Design) (1997) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Panic Street (Kaneko) (1999) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    Sen-Know (Kaneko / Kouyousha) (1999) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Sengeki Striker (Kaneko / Warashi) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Tel Jan (Electro Design) (1999) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    VS Block Breaker (Kaneko / Mediaworks) (1997) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (Electro Design) (1998) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]


       (0 reviews)



  20. NINTENDO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Nintendo Playchoice 10
    1942 (Capcom) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Balloon Fight (Nintendo) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Baseball (Nintendo of America) (1985) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Baseball Stars: Be a Champ! (SNK (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Bases Loaded (Jaleco (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Captain Sky Hawk (Rare (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Castlevania (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license)) (1987) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Contra (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Double Dragon (Technos Japan) (1987) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Double Dribble (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1986) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Dr. Mario (Nintendo) (1990) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Duck Hunt (Nintendo) (1984) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Excite Bike (Nintendo) (1984) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Gauntlet (Atari / Tengen (Nintendo of America license)) (1985) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Golf (Nintendo) (1984) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Gradius (Konami) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hogan's Alley (Nintendo) (1986) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Kung Fu (Irem (Nintendo license)) (1985) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Mario Bros. (Nintendo) (1983) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Mario's Open Golf (Nintendo) (1991) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Mega Man III (Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Metroid (Nintendo) (1987) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Nintendo) (1988) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Ninja Gaiden (Tecmo (Nintendo of America license)) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Ninja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (Tecmo (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Ninja Gaiden Episode III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Tecmo (Nintendo of America license)) (1991) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Nintendo World Cup (Technos Japan (Nintendo license)) (1990) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    PinBot (Rare (Nintendo of America license)) (1988) [Arcade / Pinball; ]
    Power Blade (Taito (Nintendo of America license)) (1991) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Pro Wrestling (Nintendo) (1986) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    R.C. Pro-Am (Rare) (1987) [Driving / Race; ]
    Rad Racer (Square) (1987) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Rad Racer II (Square (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Rockin' Kats (Atlus (Nintendo of America license)) (1991) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Rush'n Attack (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1985) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Rygar (Tecmo (Nintendo of America license)) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Solar Jetman (Rare) (1990) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Super C (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) (1985) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo) (1988) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo) (1988) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Tecmo Bowl (Tecmo (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Sports / Football; ]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Tennis (Nintendo) (1983) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    The Goonies (Konami) (1986) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Track & Field (Konami (Nintendo of America license)) (1983) [Sports / Track & Field; ]
    Trojan (Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license)) (1986) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Uncle Fester's Quest: The Addams Family (Sunsoft (Nintendo of America license)) (1989) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Virus (Nintendo) (1990) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Volley Ball (Nintendo) (1986) [Sports / Volleyball; ]
    Wild Gunman (Nintendo) (1984) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Yo! Noid (Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license)) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Nintendo VS System
    Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball (Namco) (1986) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Vs. Balloon Fight (Nintendo) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Vs. Baseball (Nintendo of America) (1984) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Vs. Battle City (Namco) (1985) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Vs. Castlevania (Konami) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Vs. Clu Clu Land (Nintendo) (1984) [Puzzle / Maze; ]
    Vs. Dr. Mario (Nintendo) (1990) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Vs. Duck Hunt (Nintendo) (1985) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Vs. Excitebike (Nintendo) (1984) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Vs. Freedom Force (Sunsoft) (1988) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Vs. Gradius (Konami) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Vs. Gumshoe (Nintendo) (1986) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Vs. Hogan's Alley (Nintendo) (1985) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Vs. Ice Climber (Nintendo) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Vs. Mach Rider (Nintendo) (1985) [Shooter / Motorbike; ]
    Vs. Mahjong (Nintendo Co., Ltd.) (1984) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Tecmo) (1986) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Vs. Ninja Jajamaru Kun (Jaleco) (1985) [Platform / Shooter; ]
    Vs. Pinball (Nintendo) (1984) [Arcade / Pinball; ]
    Vs. Platoon (Ocean Software Limited) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Vs. Raid on Bungeling Bay (Nintendo / Broderbund Software Inc.) (1985) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Vs. Slalom (Rare Coin-It Inc.) (1986) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Vs. Soccer (Nintendo) (1985) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Vs. Star Luster (Namco) (1985) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Nintendo) (1984) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Vs. Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) (1986) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Vs. Super SkyKid (Namco) (1985) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Vs. Super Xevious (Namco) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Vs. T.K.O. Boxing (Namco / Data East USA) (1987) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Vs. Tennis (Nintendo Co., Ltd.) (1984) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Vs. Tetris (Academysoft-Elorg) (1987) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Vs. The Goonies (Konami) (1986) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Vs. Top Gun (Konami) (1987) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Vs. Wrecking Crew (Nintendo) (1985) [Platform / Run Jump; ]


       (0 reviews)



  21. JALECO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Jaleco Mega System 1
    64th. Street: A Detective Story (Jaleco) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Avenging Spirit (Jaleco) (1991) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Big Striker (Jaleco) (1992) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Chimera Beast (Jaleco) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Cybattler (Jaleco) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (Jaleco) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hachoo! (Jaleco) (1989) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen: The King Of Quiz (Jaleco) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    In Your Face (Jaleco) (1991) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Kick Off: Jaleco Cup (Jaleco) (1988) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Legend of Makai (Jaleco) (1988) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Ninja Kazan (Jaleco) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    P-47: The Phantom Fighter (Jaleco) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Peek-a-Boo! (Jaleco) (1993) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout * Mature *; ]
    Plus Alpha (Jaleco) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Rod-Land (Jaleco) (1990) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Saint Dragon (Jaleco) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Shingen Samurai-Fighter (Jaleco) (1988) [Fighter / Field; ]
    Soldam (Jaleco) (1992) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    The Astyanax (Jaleco) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Jaleco Mega System 32
    Best Bout Boxing (Jaleco) (1994) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Desert War / Wangan Sensou (Jaleco) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    F-1 Super Battle (Jaleco) (1994) [Driving / Race 1st Person; ]
    Gratia: Second Earth (Jaleco) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    P-47 Aces (Jaleco) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Tetris Plus (Jaleco / BPS) (1995) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Tetris Plus 2 (Jaleco) (1997) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    The Game Paradise: Master of Shooting! / Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise (Jaleco) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    World PK Soccer V2 (Jaleco) (1996) [Sports / Soccer; ]


       (0 reviews)



  22. PSIKYO ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Psikyo 1st Generation
    Battle K-Road (Psikyo) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gunbird (Psikyo) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Samurai Aces (Psikyo (Banpresto license)) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sengoku Ace (Psikyo (Banpresto license)) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Psikyo) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Strikers 1945 (Psikyo) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Tengai (Psikyo) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Psikyo SH2
    Dragon Blaze (Psikyo) (2000) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gunbarich (Psikyo) (2001) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Gunbird 2 (Psikyo) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Lode Runner: The Dig Fight (Psikyo) (2000) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Mahjong G-Taste (Psikyo) (2002) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut (MOSS / Psikyo) (2000) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Sol Divide: The Sword Of Darkness (Psikyo) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Space Bomber (Psikyo) (1998) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Strikers 1945 II (Psikyo) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Strikers 1945 III (Psikyo) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Taisen Hot Gimmick (Psikyo) (1997) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing (Psikyo) (1999) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Psikyo) (2000) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten (Psikyo) (1998) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Tetris: The Absolute: The Grand Master 2 (Arika) (2000) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Tetris: The Absolute: The Grand Master 2 Plus (Arika) (2000) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    The Fallen Angels (Psikyo) (1998) [Fighter / Versus; ]


       (0 reviews)



  23. SETA / SAMMY ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Sammy Atomiswave
    Animal Basket (Sammy) (2005) [Sports; ]
    Block Pong Pong (Sammy) (2004) [Puzzle; ]
    Demolish Fist (Sega) (2003) [Beat 'em Up; ]
    Dirty Pigskin Football (Sammy) (2004) [Sports; ]
    Dolphin Blue (Sega) (2003) [Action; Shooter; ]
    Extreme Hunting (Sammy) (2005) [Shooter; Sports; ]
    Extreme Hunting 2 (Sega) (2006) [Shooter; ]
    Faster Than Speed (Sammy) (2004) [Racing; ]
    Fist of the North Star (Sega) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    Force Five (2004)
    Guilty Gear Isuka (Sammy Studios) (2003) [Fighting; ]
    Guilty Gear X Ver. 1.5 (Sammy Studios) (2003) [Fighting; ]
    KenJu (2004) [Fighting; ]
    Knights of Valour: The Seven Spirits (Sammy) (2003) [Beat 'em Up; ]
    Maximum Speed (Sammy) (2003) [Racing; ]
    Metal Slug 6 (Sega) (2006) [Action; Shooter; ]
    NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (SNK Playmore) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    Net Select Horse Racing: Victory Furlong (Sammy) (2005) [Racing; ]
    Ranger Mission (Sammy Studios) (2004) [Action; ]
    Salaryman Kintaro (Sammy) (2004) [Casino; ]
    Samurai Shodown VI (SNK Playmore) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    SEGA Bass Fishing Challenge (Sega) (2009) [Sports; ]
    SEGA Clay Challenge (Sega) (2008) [Shooter; Sports; ]
    Sports Shooting USA (Sammy) (2003) [Shooter; ]
    Sushi Bar (Sammy) (2003) [Puzzle; ]
    The King of Fighters NeoWave (Sammy) (2004) [Fighting; ]
    The King of Fighters XI (Sega) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    The Rumble Fish (Sammy) (2004) [Fighting; ]
    The Rumble Fish 2 (Sammy) (2005) [Fighting; ]
    WaiWai Drive (Sammy) (2005) [Racing; ]
    Sammy Seta Visco
    Change Air Blade (Sammy) (1999) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy (Visco) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Drift Out '94: The Hard Order (Visco) (1994) [Driving / Race; ]
    Dyna Gear (Sammy) (1994) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Eagle Shot Golf (Sammy) (1994) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh CooKing (Visco) (1998) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Joryuu Syougi Kyoushitsu (Visco) (1997) [Tabletop / Shougi; ]
    Koi Koi Shimasho 2: Super Real Hanafuda (Visco) (1997) [Tabletop / Hanafuda * Mature *; ]
    Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho (Visco) (1996) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang Shimasho 2 (Visco) (2000) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Hyper Reaction (Sammy) (1995) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 (Sammy) (1997) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Meosis Magic (Sammy) (1996) [Slot Machine / Video Slot; ]
    Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Banpresto) (1995) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Monster Slider (Visco / Datt Japan) (1997) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Sammy) (1998) [Arcade / Pinball * Mature *; ]
    Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Sammy) (1999) [Arcade / Pinball * Mature *; ]
    Storm Blade (Visco) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Super Real Mahjong P7 (Seta) (1997) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Super Real Mahjong PIV (Seta) (1993) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Survival Arts (American Sammy) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Twin Eagle II: The Rescue Mission (Seta) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai (Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions / Seta) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Vasara (Visco) (2000) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Vasara 2 (Visco) (2001) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Seta 1st Generation
    Arbalester (Jordan I.S. / Seta) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Athena no Hatena? (Athena) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Blandia (Allumer) (1992) [Fighter / Versus * Mature *; ]
    Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 (Visco) (1992) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Caliber 50 (Athena / Seta) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Crazy Fight (Subsino) (1998) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Daioh (Athena) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DownTown / Mokugeki (Seta) (1989) [Fighter / Vertical; ]
    Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon (Athena / Seta) (1989) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Eight Forces (Tecmo) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Extreme Downhill (Sammy Industries Japan) (1995) [Sports / Skiing; ]
    Gundhara (Banpresto) (1995) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    J. J. Squawkers (Athena / Able) (1993) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Krazy Bowl (American Sammy) (1994) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Mad Shark (Allumer) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Magical Speed (Allumer) (1994) [Tabletop / Cards; ]
    Masked Riders Club Battle Race / Kamen Rider Club Battle Racer (Banpresto / Toei) (1993) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Meta Fox (Jordan I.S. / Seta) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mobile Suit Gundam (Banpresto / Allumer) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka (Sunsoft / Atlus) (1993) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Orbs (American Sammy) (1994) [Puzzle / Sliding; ]
    Pairs Love (Athena) (1991) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]
    Pro Mahjong Kiwame (Athena) (1994) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Quiz Kokology (Tecmo) (1992) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Quiz Kokology 2 (Tecmo) (1993) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Rezon (Allumer) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    SD Gundam Neo Battling (Banpresto / Sotsu Agency. Sunrise) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Sokonuke Taisen Game (Sammy Industries) (1995) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Strike Gunner S.T.G (Athena / Tecmo) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Thunder & Lightning (Seta) (1990) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Thundercade / Twin Formation (Seta (Taito license)) (1987) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Twin Eagle: Revenge Joe's Brother (Seta (Taito license)) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    U.S. Classic (Seta) (1989) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Ultraman Club: Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! (Banpresto / Tsuburaya Productions) (1992) [Shooter / Field; ]
    War of Aero: Project MEIOU (Yang Cheng) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Wiggie Waggie (Promat) (1994) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout * Mature *; ]
    Wit's (Athena (Visco license)) (1989) [Maze / Surround; ]
    Zing Zing Zip (Allumer / Tecmo) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Zombie Raid (American Sammy) (1995) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Seta 2nd Generation
    Deer Hunting USA V4.3 (Sammy USA Corporation) (2000) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Guardians / Denjin Makai II (Winkysoft (Banpresto license)) (1996) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Kosodate Quiz My Angel (MOSS / Namco) (1996) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 (MOSS / Namco) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue (Banpresto) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Penguin Brothers (Subsino) (2000) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Puzzle De Bowling (MOSS / Nihon System) (1999) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Reel'N Quake! (<unknown>) (1997) [Slot Machine / Video Slot * Mature *; ]
    Trophy Hunting: Bear & Moose V1.00 (Sammy USA Corporation) (2002) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Turkey Hunting USA V1.00 (Sammy USA Corporation) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Maboroshi Ware) (1996) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Wing Shooting Championship V2.00 (Sammy USA Corporation) (2001) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    SETA Aleck64
    Eleven Beat (1998) [Sports; ]
    Hanabi de Doon!: Don-chan Puzzle (Aruze) (2003) [Puzzle; ]
    Hi Pai Paradise (SETA) (2003) [Casino; ]
    Hi Pai Paradise 2 (Aruze / Seta / Paon) (2004) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Kurukuru Fever (Aruze) (2003) [Puzzle; ]
    Magical Tetris Challenge (Capcom) (1998) [Puzzle; ]
    Mayjinsen 3 (2000)
    Star Soldier Vanishing Earth Arcade
    Super Real Mahjong VS (SETA) (1999) [Casino; Board Game; ]
    Tower & Shaft (2003) [Platform; ]
    Vivid Dolls (1998) [Puzzle; ]


       (0 reviews)



  24. CAVE ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Cave 68000
    Air Gallet (Gazelle (Banpresto license)) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Dangun Feveron (Cave (Nihon System license)) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi (Cave (Atlus license)) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DonPachi (Cave (Atlus license)) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    ESP Ra.De. (Cave (Atlus license)) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Fever SOS (Cave (Nihon System license)) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Gaia Crusaders (Noise Factory) (1999) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Gogetsuji Legends (Atlus) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2: Chottodake Saikyou Densetsu (Atlus) (1995) [Fighting; ]
    Guwange (Cave (Atlus license)) (1999) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Hotdog Storm (Marble (Ace International license)) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Koro Koro Quest (Takumi) (1999) [Misc. / Versus; ]
    Mazinger Z (Banpresto / Dynamic Pl. Toei Animation) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Metamoqester (Banpresto / Pandorabox) (1995) [Fighter / Versus Co-op; ]
    Oni: The Ninja Master (Banpresto / Pandorabox) (1995) [Fighter / Versus Co-op; ]
    Power Instinct 2 (Atlus) (1994) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Gazelle (Banpresto license)) (1995) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Puzzle Uo Poko (Cave (Jaleco license)) (1998) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Thunder Heroes (Primetek Investments) (2001) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    CAVE CV-1000B
    Deathsmiles (Cave (AMI license)) (2007) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Espgaluda II (Cave (AMI license)) (2005) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ibara (Cave (AMI license)) (2005) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ibara Kuro Black Label (Cave (AMI license)) (2006) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Medal Mahjong Moukari Bancho (Cave (AMI license)) (2007) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Muchi Muchi Pork! (Cave (AMI license)) (2007) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mushihime-Sama (Cave (AMI license)) (2004) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label: Another Ver (Cave (AMI license)) (2009) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (Cave (AMI license)) (2006) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (Cave (AMI license)) (2006) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama (Cave (AMI license)) (2005) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    CAVE CV-1000D
    Akai Katana (Cave) (2010) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label (Cave (AMI license)) (2008) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (Cave) (2010) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.0 (Cave (AMI license)) (2008) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.5 (Cave (AMI license)) (2008) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Cave (AMI license)) (2002) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]


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