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Neon Deluxe Arcade - LaunchBox Theme


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In a dark alley lit by black light and neon, an arcade resides; Neon Deluxe Arcade.

Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:

Neon Deluxe Arcade - Badges

Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme

Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme

Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)

Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)

Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)

Mr. RetroLust's - Mame 4K - Lights Out - Realistic Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)

Huge Thanks to @Grila for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his codes for especially the left sidebar and more from his LBPlex Launchbox Theme. Also huge thanks to @Rincewind for the inspiration and his permission and kindness to use his code of the Rincewind Launchbox Theme for full screen background images. I couldn't have made it as it is without you guys! Thanks to @C-Beats for adding the steam achievements to the theme, and the code for clear logos! Thanks to @faeran for the tip about video background transparency and the coding for the play time tracker. @Retro808 for the filters code, thanks man!

More than I can mention, you just have to see it in action, one thing I can mention is that it features a bright green and slightly larger cache progress bar so you can't miss it when it's working to make a smooth experience :)

Extract folder "Neon Deluxe Arcade LB" to Launchbox/LBThemes. Open Launchbox, go to Tools/Options/(Leftside bar) Visuals/Choose the theme in the dropdown bar. 

Tip: Tools/Options/Theme/Colors > Choose "Midnight Blue" for anything that was not possible to color change in Launchbox theming.

Important: This theme does not use fanart or platform backgrounds but a static 4K quality background, there are 7 backgrounds to choose from in the separate download, the image you want to display should be named "Background-01.jpg" and overwritten in \LBThemes\Neon Deluxe Arcade LB\Images. In order to get it working as you see in the screenshots please set your background settings to:


Hope you enjoy, have fun brothers!

Edited by Mr. RetroLust

What's New in Version 2.13   See changelog


- Added separate additional background images download to minimize the theme's file size

- Mouse over color for Badges tab is fixed now 

- Thanks to @faeran for adding the code to make related games possible. In order for this new feature to work you'll need the latest 12.10 beta

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   9 of 10 members found this review helpful 9 / 10 members

I've been using the default theme since I first installed LB quite a while ago. Just never really felt the need to change it. It was clean enough, efficient enough. But then I got the email today showing off some new themes, and I saw this one. And like a child seeing a puppy, I had to have it. I downloaded it immediately and installed it, and I've spent the past afternoon just gawking at how pretty it is. Seriously, as a child of the late 80s/early 90s the style of it is just perfect. It's so vibrant and so colorful, but it's not overpowering. The fonts are stylized and fit the theme, but they aren't overly animated or hard to read. It strikes that delicate balance between functionality and style absolutely flawlessly. I've adjusted the way my library is displayed just to better complement the theme. 

So glad I finally decided to add a new theme, cause let me tell you: feeding my monitor into a CRT with this theme just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Response from the author:

Thank you so much for this really wonderful review, enjoy brother! :)


   6 of 7 members found this review helpful 6 / 7 members

This is retrosexylicious! Highly recommended if you work/play a lot in LB and love this kind of aesthetics.

Makes me use LB in full screen, instead of windowed which is how I had it before this theme.

The vibrant colors, background options and details, transports you; cant wait for its BB counterpart (no pressure Lust).


Response from the author:

Wow bro, thank you so much for this wonderful review! It's really an honor to get such a review, I try to create a world/feeling as I see it in my head, to see this world succeed in coming across in other peoples heads is a real reward :) The Big Box theme is going to take some time as its a real puzzle to make graphics wise as I want every detail fit in one view. The coding part will be even more difficult so I'm a bit torn if I should wait for the PASC editor to come out or go ahead before it's release. Anyway I'm typing too much again haha thanks brother! ;)

  • Thanks 1

· Edited by Rygar

   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

Having just upgraded to premium this instantly attracted me. An arcade neon theme is absolutely required to hit the nostalgia button for me and this did the trick. Choosing which view to use is a happy conundrum! :)


  • Thanks 1

   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

Hell yeah :)  just perfect :) 

Response from the author:

Thanks so much for the review bro! :)

  • Thanks 1
Morris Schaffer

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I agree with all the others this is a really cool theme.  Just one thing I have not succeeded at.  I cannot change the font size of the left sidebar.  The one that shows the platforms and whatnot.  I know where to alter it within Launchbox but changes have no effect.  

Response from the author:

Thanks for the nice review man :) I can't help you with this but perhaps you can get answers by posting your issue on the forums.

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I've been using this for years. Probably since the first build. It's such a great 80s look and vibe, and the author keeps everything up to date with Launchbox's newer features. DEFINITELY USE THIS ONE if you are bored with the original theme!!

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I like the game details section for this theme. It will show 2 pictures at the top of the description. Normally, I have to select the game details box on the right and scroll down to see pictures. With this theme, I see a Start Screen Shot and a Gameplay Screen Shot at the top. It's a nice touch. And, the theme with its colors, font choice, background, and style capture the vibe of an arcade.

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   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I bought premium for this

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I always check out new cool themes, then return to this theme immediately.

  • Thanks 1

· Edited by Dane

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Breathtakingly stunning, absolutely beautiful! Okay, that is enough about me. Neon Deluxe Arcade is seriously gorgeous. I just implemented it for the first time and now cannot imagine going back to anything else. I have been using Viking's Nostalgia theme for BB and have been waiting for the completion of his color set but in the meantime I might have to give this a go on BB too as I am very impressed.

Response from the author:

Thank you so much man! And welcome back btw ;)

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Great theme. Thank you so much!!!

Response from the author:

Glad you like ;)

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Love it. The perfect theme brimming with feels of the classic 80's neon arcade. Great work!

Response from the author:

Thank you bro! :)

  • Thanks 1

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Stylish and simple, yet with a classic retro-style that fits perfect in any game collection setup! ?

Response from the author:

Thanks bro, glad you like :)

  • Thanks 1

   4 of 7 members found this review helpful 4 / 7 members

How do you remove cd\cart bottom right overlaying video?


Response from the author:

Thanks for your review! :)You can go to big box/options and there in key and/or controller mapping set a button to switch views in a theme, there is a view in the theme without the bottom overlay and one without scanlines over the video as well.

  • Thanks 1

   0 of 3 members found this review helpful 0 / 3 members

It's a very iconic theme for launchbox, and it does great job at giving a real unique theme to it. 

I personally never seen retro gaming of my childood as a dark neon atmosphere, and while at first it was also fitting dark room environments, i personally never had it fitting with my idea of retro.

I found text font not very fitting the font used as the logo of your theme, it feels more cybernatic than 80s neon of the logo. 

However it is surely one of the greatest theme for LB, thank you!

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