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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. I've never tried MAME roms in RotroArch because... well MAME works. But if you're using the MAME core in RA, you were really close to answering your own question when talking about BerZerk. "berzerk.zip" works, but "BerZerk (USA).zip" does not. MAME, be it stand alone or through RA uses and looks for it's file naming convention. i.e. berzerk.zip or adventur.zip. So when it see "BerZerk (USA).zip", it doesn't recognize it, so probably doesn't even bother to look inside the zip for the .bin file. I don't know about the 5200 no-intros, but the 2600 set, inside the zip file has a ".a26" file extension. Again, MAME probably wants a ".bin". So kind of a double wammy of using non-MAME roms with the MAME core. But if you have the other [no-intro] sets you could still use RA but with a different core loaded. Couldn't you?
  2. The install that you cancelled should still be in the Updates folder of LaunchBox.
  3. I'm going to defer to "What's needed", item #2. "- MAME Software List hash files (located in the "hash" sub folder of your Mame's main folder)" As for it not Importing on the 1st go-around, I am at a loss. I've looked at the code ad nauseam and discovered my programming/troubleshooting skills-to-date have peaked. So for now, consider the success of Importing as (you so kindly put it) a lottery. BUT, a lottery where the odds are greatly in your favor. It at first it doesn't work, try, try again. "...and thank you for your support." (Bartles & Jaymes [1984 to 1991])
  4. Is your mame.ini file located in MAME's root folder? i.e. D:\Emulators\Mame\mame.ini
  5. Bingo!!!! Thanks for passing that along (to and from, respectively ).
  6. For lounging in your chair playing video games, an xbox controller is pretty universal. But sounds like you "real controls" you can sit in a chair with. I've never experimented with 'portable' ones like that. Hopefully someone who has, can chime in with some advice and pointers on what to look for.
  7. I just tested it. My MAME roms are in 7z and have not been able to see the leader boards on the right-hand pane [LB] (during the betas and now with the official release). I figured I just had to get my game on and make the board before they'd show. I renamed the file ext (in edit game) to zip (even though they're still in 7z format) and they showed up. I was like magic.
  8. I used to have it 'remember' your last location for the hash files folder. I then automated it to look for your MAME emulator in LB, and then navigate down to the hash folder and put that in the textBox. It works great on my computer. lol Obviously it's not foolproof. What, if anything appears in the box when you 1st load it? Do you store your hash files (folder) outside of your MAME folder? It had been quirky in the past about not actually importing on the 1st go-around. I thought that had been resolved. Trusting you downloaded [the latest] v2.0, I'll have my team revisit that. Ya, ya.... OK. I'll look into it. Again. Glad it's working for you otherwise. Glad it's working for you otherwise [the 2nd time].
  9. Then 'background' (bezel) is emulator specific during game play. LaunchBox/BigBox does not control the emulator settings unless you put something specific in the command line to launch it. But I don't think there's a command line for any emulator to add/remove the bezel. So something in your emulator settings got changed.
  10. You best bet to resolving this would probably be to email Andy. https://www.ultimarc.com/contactus/
  11. Tools, Options, Images, 3D Box Priorities. Check the one(s) you want as "backup" and move it [up] to just below "Box - 3D". So here, if it doesn't have a "Box - 3D" image, it'll look for a "Box - Front" image. If that doesn't exist either, it'll look for a "Box - Front - Reconstructed"... and so on.
  12. Ya, you're probably right about the Full Path, Quotes etc.. I just looked at the code the plugin and what it does is... in the plugin [only], you [can] put %1 where you want the game_name to be in the command line, and then when it sees you put that in there, it grabs the game's filename (only, no extension) from LB and replaces %1 with that. Then saves the 'new' ccl with the proper name. I know there's a couple different variables you can put in to pass different things via LB (i.e. %romfile%), but forget what they are and do. But yes! Enough is enough. lol
  13. I haven't tried with other console/computers, but I know with ZX Spectrum you can add in to command line -cfg_directory "d:\MAME\cfg\spectrum_cfg\game_name" (Or where ever you decide to store them.) It's been a while since I tested it and have since deleted my 'tests'. But I think "game_name" will become a folder. And then in that game's folder, it has either 'spectrum.cfg' or 'default.cfg'. But it will apply to that one game. The problem this lead to is you'd have to write [enter in] a custom command line for each game you want to have a 'special' cfg for so that it points to that folder. There is a Bulk Custom Command Line plugin out there somewhere, and where the game_name goes, you just put in %1% (or something like that) and when launched, LB will insert the game_name.
  14. Here's a good installation guide. Just do Step 1.A. though. And (for now) ignore anything about Pinup Popper. http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=install_guide
  15. Did you try checking Override Default Button Layout?
  16. Your Left Flipper on the Keyboard is "A". But there is nothing (none) assigned to your controller. Your Right Flipper on the Keyboard is " ' " (a single quote). It is also assigned to "Button 2" on your controller. This is good. BUT!!!!!!!...... So is your Start Game, Add Credit, Plunger, Exit Game and Lockbar/Fire. Not good.
  17. For MZ-700, from above, replace autoboot_command j""\n with autoboot_command l\r in your mz700.ini file. When you start a game (Bomber Man was my test game) it will send L + Enter. You will see L (short for LOAD) and then PLAY on the monitor. From there, press F2 to Start the tape.
  18. That sounds like a VPX table error. Does that same table work otherwise? i.e. without the controller setup and just the keyboard?
  19. @Moleburt Also glad you figured it out. I'm kind of curious (for future [helping] reference) what files were in your ini folder (other that the "examples" folder and the 9 files located in "presets" and game.ini's).
  20. As long as you got the MAME exe revision that matches the roms (which you did), just copying the exe is good. Sounds like the nn version you got didn't apply the Disable White Border patch. K.... back to digging... Under Edit Emulator for MAME in the Details tab, is the Emulator Application Path pointing to the correct folder/file? Is there anything else in the Default Command-Line Parameters than shown here?In the Associated Platforms tab, is there anything in the Default Command-Line Parameters? Is it checked as the Default Emulator (For "Arcade")?Is there anything in the other 2 'red-dot' tabs? (1st should be blank, 2nd will have 2 lines commented [ ; at the beginning]) Now edit Donkey Kong, in the Emulation tab, is the Choose an Emulator pointing to the same one you looked at a moment ago? Is the Use Custom Command-Line Parameters box unchecked?Lastly, have you ever had RetroArch setup as your MAME emulator?
  21. Nothing like a fresh start.?.?.
  22. Just tested puckman through LB and it saved the high score. Opened in MAME standalone, it was there. Opened again in LB and it was still there. Any chance you have more than 1 copy of MAME on your computer?
  23. This will probably need to be looked at by Jason. But 1st, to be clear, you're just talking about being able to save and see the high scores inside the [MAME] game itself? And not talking about being able to physically see the high scores inside LaunchBox with the new feature that's in the latest beta(s)? If it's the first one, read on. If it's the 2nd... well, the answers to the following will probably help (someone else) too... When you get/save a high score when running MAME in standalone, exit MAME, start LaunchBox (this is important to start LB after the high score was saved and you completely exited MAME), then open the same game through LaunchBox, does the new saved high score show in the game? Which game(s) are you testing with? Look on both your "hi" folder and "nvram" folder, which (if not both) has a file for the game? Actually, in the hi folder it will be a file (rom_name.hi) and in the nvram folder it will be a sub-folder with the same name as rom_name.
  24. Your ini files look good. And I'm sure the version of MAME (no-nag) you have is fine. MAME 0.216 as well should have no issues saving high scores. The hiscore folder inside plugins is fine too with those 4 files (Yes. Put there by default [auto generated]). Oh, a kind of required to save the high scores. In you main MAME folder, is there a folder called "nvram"? Are there files in there? If so, try moving/removing those. Have you play a game to the point where you got a high score? Preferably in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place and you got to enter you initials.
  25. If you have an existing .hi and/or .nvram file for the game, delete (or at least temporarily move somewhere else) those and test it again.
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