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Everything posted by EgoBizarro

  1. I'm surprised there seems to be no silver ring logo for the Epoch Cassette Vision yet (not speaking of the Super Cassette Vision). Since it's now finally preserved and emulated, it would be great to have.
  2. Oh wow, I had given up on it even being possible to edit game title without the clear logo issue, My only reason to switch to other themes now and again, when it annoyed me too much (only to switch back after a week or so every time ) Great work, you two!
  3. Hi @viking ! These images are soooo good, and there's even quite a lot, even for some of the lesser known systems and arcade machines. Now, I don't know if this can already be found somewhere; what I'm looking for would be those of images, all with a game running on them and with the colorful backgrounds. Basically this, but with a screenshot of a typical game on the screen: Does something like that exist or is it planned? Because it would be perfect for all those frontends especially on handhelds/smartphones that only want an image, not a video. e.g. Daijisho even has a Colorful wallpaper pack, but it's missing a lot of platforms.
  4. Those are pretty awesome! You don't happen to have one of those for Hacks and/or Fan Games?
  5. How are you so beautiful? I could just look at these for hours [Now I just wish they were all in the silver ring format.]
  6. Heya, that's one great big pack! Unfortunately, it seems to be TOO big for what the LB servers allow (at least nowadays). I can only get a file of around 5GB. (up to letter M). I could unzip it with 7zip, but yeah, it's not the whole pack. Could you maybe re-upload this in 4-5 parts or something? That would be great.
  7. Cool, thanks! I had already reported the issue in the discord, btw. But yeah, maybe together you can figure something out. Hm, would be a pity to remove the clear logo, looks great there. I wonder, though... I mean, other pictures, like screenshots are also shown in the game details, right? And they don't seem to have this issue.
  8. Can do but wouldn't you want to see if you're getting it as well? (I don't think it's just me, though, at least one other person is getting it)
  9. Still loving this theme, even more with the new game details sidebar! Unfortunately, though, it has a bug that can be easily replicated (doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I guess at least 75%): With the game details sidebar enabled, click on a game, go into its edit window and change the game's title. When you press ok, you get an error and one image gets lost. I think it's always the clear logo, probably it's kinda still 'locked' from having been shown in the game details and thus cannot be renamed and thus gets deleted or something. LB's default theme doesn't have this issue. Using latest versions of LB and your theme.
  10. Hah, I didn't think I'd actually be able to find it, but I did, in BoxesContentView.xaml and it works and looks fine
  11. Heya, love the theme! However, is there any way to raise the size of the font of the game titles (the game names on the bottom of the box art)? No setting I tried seemed to be able to make it bigger. Thanks!
  12. @drphobus if I don't understand you in a wrong way, you can just import those using 'None of the above' on the first window of the import wizard for bat or exe files.
  13. Hey, that looks better than I would have thought from the rather low quality of that logo. Thanks a lot!
  14. Heya, would be great if someone could make a silver ring logo for the M2 arcade board. This one is kinda weird, there's five games and all of them from Konami; but the hardware design was actually developed by 3DO and sold to Panasonic. Either way, in the end I'd say the arcade board is the "Konami M2", not "Panasonic M2" - since the logo itself doesn't name either, it doesn't matter I guess. [I put the image inside a zip because for some reason I got an error when trying to attach the image file itself.] Konami M2.zip
    Does exactly what it says it does and was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this!
  15. Well, I am still having the issue that randomly the images are taking a long time to load on the sidebar (at least using old default theme), up to half a minute. Up until then it just says "Loading...". And then, even after those have loaded, when in the edit window, clicking on the 'Images' tab, it can take a long time for the tab to open. Up until then LB basically freezes. Just had it happen with Tetris Attack which has only 10 images. It can go immediately with games which have over 15 images, so it seems to be just completely random and doesn't make any sense. If you click around 20 games, it should happen at least once. Not a super-fatal issue, so I guess it doesn't have to be fixed before the next release, but since it seems this started to happen only with 11.3...
  16. Hm, I've never had that issue, but I'm using the old default theme, so maybe it's only an issue in the new default.
  17. It seems, Beta 12 fixed the issues I was having with images freezing and stuff in LB. Good work! However, another little issue came up. In the edit window, I've had it kinda freeze for a few seconds or up to half a minute. Mostly when clicking on the Images tab. I guess it only shows once it has loaded all the images or something, but I don't think it was always like that. EDIT: Images on the sidebar also seem to sometimes need an unusually long time to load. Luckily, though, the rest of the sidebar doesn't seem to care about that and loads very fast (maybe even faster than it used to in the past?)
  18. The crashing seems to have been fixed, good work! However, there still is another issue that beforehand I thought was part of the same problem: When clicking on a lot of games one after another and playing a video in the sidebar (and/or maximizing it) [not sure what exactly triggers it], suddenly all games' images are gone, even though they had all been cached and shown before. Sometimes after a minute or two they suddenly come back. But yeah, there still seems to be something wrong.
  19. Throughout all the 11.3 betas I'm having a stability issue... when clicking on a few games (like 10 in a row), the images kinda freeze and/or I get the following error after which LB closes:
  20. It's emulated in MAME; most of the games are in the MAME set. https://segaretro.org/Sega_VIC_Dual https://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=685
  21. It's great, thank you very much!
  22. Heya, I found one more Arcade system which I'd love to have a clear silver ring logo for. It's the Sega VIC Dual. Not sure which of these two is better usable, so I'll add them both.
  23. Holy shit! I thought you were taking a little summer break or something (dude, you really really should... please don't burn out on us!). And then it looks like 11.0 will have two of my biggest feature wishes for LB: rough image search for media cleanup (I know I once suggested it on the discord server; don't remember it being one of the poll results, but great to see it coming!) and video snap something... I thought it this would be something like a youtube video scraper, but most videos online are not good as snaps. Recording snaps yourself is suuuch a great idea! Best piece of software ever
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