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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. What do you mean by "proper"? You can alter the rotation of anything in a FlowControl so I'd assume the answer is yes. That being said CTC is a third party app and not one I use so I'm not sure if you'd be able to from there. You referring to something like we have in the unified themes, or you mean more akin to Hyperspin where each logo is also rotated instead of strait?
  2. Not sure how hard it is to correct but you have a translation/spelling error in your video. During the bits where it's displaying the song's lyrics you have the word "through" spelled as "trought". Stands out even more so with that specific word being highlighted. You are consistent in the incorrect spelling I believe I saw the word and this spelling in both places it appears.
  3. If you're referring to the view files in a theme System view is the view that appears when you press back from the Platform view. The view that shows what platforms you have in a wheel is PlatformWheel#FiltersView (where the # is numbered 1-4). And yeah, for any theme not built in CTC you'd need to manually alter the XAML file
  4. Yeah, you can do that, you'd just have to alter the theme view. I'd first check to see if that theme doesn't already have a view that looks like it (or close to it) first and then work from the one that is closest to what you want.
  5. C-Beats

    Saving theme

    Normal backup process saves your setting file. If you want to back up any changes you made to the theme just copy that theme folder to a new folder and rename it. Save it offsite for backup purposes if you want. If you change folder make sure to point LB to that new theme folder.
  6. Not entirely sure what you mean. You just want game videos to from your library to show in platform view? If you could create a little mockup in paint or GIMP that shows what you're trying for that may be beneficial.
  7. In Big Box System Menu > Options > Video > Show Game Background Videos (or something pretty close to that). Turn it on to show videos playing as the background instead of in the forefront image/video view.
  8. Filing an official support request via the Help & Support > Report a Bug link on the top of the forums is far more productive than just hoping we see a forum post and get something we've not seen reported by anyone else fixed. If the app is crashing then you should have error logs in Windows Event Viewer. When you open it you want to look in the Windows Logs > Application folder for error logs. Typically there will be two back to back. The top one have a source of "Application Error" that basically just says LaunchBox closed, the bottom on should have a source of ".NET Runtime Error" and have an error log that is a bit more useful. See if you can find that and post it up in the bug report and we can take a look into the cause and see if there any work arounds for you while you wait for an official resolution. While you're doing that also do your best to give reproduction steps so we can try to walk through them and recreate the issue. It makes fixing it FAR easier when we know how to replicate (even if we can't actually get it to fail on our machines).
  9. To get that specific you'd have to use list view. When you click headers to sort in the grid you can hold shift while doing so to sort by Column A then B, etc
  10. Star rating sort uses your personal star rating, falling back to community if you haven't set one. As you can see you have personally rated all 6 games in that screenshot as a 5 and so they are sorted as such.
  11. Just select the items you want to move to the new platform (can press CTRL while clicking to add to selection) and then press CTRL+E to bring up the bulk edit. Press next, then select Platform in the top most drop down asking what field you're altering. Then in the text box put the name of the platform you want to move them to. Press next until done and then select "I don't want to make more changes"
  12. Yeah, I'll see what I can do about making it a value that can be changed easily in the ThemeValues file
  13. Feature already exists as a premium feature. You can apply custom tags to your game and then use filter them via the quick filter and auto-pop playlists.
  14. Yeah making something that works on such a low resolution isn't an easy task and one that would take a lot of work for a very niche number of users quite frankly. LaunchBox is entirely portable. My suggestion would be just get your build set up on another computer then once done transfer it over to the arcade machine. Be far easier for ya.
  15. This is intentional. To use MAME and it's ROMs correctly your MAME version should match the version of MAME your rom set was built against. It's not like most emulators where the version doesn't matter and you always want the newest one.
  16. So that the way the path looks after pressing browse and selecting a file?
  17. For reports on release year not coming through see here:
  18. I've looked into this and made some adjustments to code internally to correct. Should be in the next beta release. I believe the goal is have that out today.
  19. One you want is "Doesn't Contain Any Value". It's the bottom most option
  20. Version - Doesn't contain any - Beta; Demo; Prototype Just tried it and works as expected.
  21. That makes more sense. Thanks for updating everyone and letting us know, much appreciated.
  22. Zip files are almost never required or of any real help. This is especially true for cart based systems where the ROM files are already extremely small. Zipping them just adds more process overhead before you can use the file. If the emulator has to unzip before reading the file it can also wear out SSDs because you have to write to the disk so much more often. CD based systems all have compressed file types that don't require the entire file be uncompressed to read and should be used to save space. Extensions like CHD, RVZ, CISO, etc.
  23. Pretty sure since this post we've added several new auto-populate rules. May be able to help you find a solution if you post what you're actually trying to accomplish.
  24. Appears to be the 3D model which can use Box - Front, Box - Back, Box - Spine or Box - Full Scan to render appropriately. You can override what model is used on a per platform or per game basis inside of LaunchBox as well
  25. Our application isn't written in something similar to assembly so the likelihood that a change in motherboard is the cause for this is highly unlikely. On the extremely unlikely event the motherboard IS the cause of some compatibility it'd be with one of the runtimes in use by the application, not the application itself. The runtimes in questions would be things like Visual C++ runtimes, Direct X, .NET 3.1, and .NET 9 runtimes. That is the code that is hitting at that level more so than ours and would need corrected. None of which are controlled by us so not something we'd be able to "fix". As I understand support has reached out to you and is willing to work with you regarding the issue. If the meantime if there are any customers of yours with any of these systems I'd suggest doing some of the following to help correct any issues on the OS level that could cause issues that would be perceived as a cause for this. Ensure all drivers/BIOS are up to date for hardware (MOBO, CPU, GPU are the main ones, ensure Direct X is up to date can help as well) Open powershell as admin and run the following: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth (run this first. This checks that the comparison values of the next tool are correct and so ensures it works properly) If any corruption is found you can run the following in that same elevated powershell window to correct: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth (if this step is needed a computer restart should be performed before the following) Open command prompt as admin and run the following: sfc /scannow (this command checks OS system files for corruption and attempts to clean up any issues found, if it finds and repairs anything please restart your computer before attempting to start LaunchBox again) Verify your OS settings and your MOBO settings are playing nice. Win11 adds a lot of hardware level security settings and there being a mismatch in there can cause operation issues, especially when hitting the filesystem like we do. If you do the above and it still doesn't work please perform the following: Navigate to \\LaunchBox\Core and run LaunchBox.exe, allow it to crash Open Task Manager and ensure it's no longer running in the background Open Windows Event Viewer Navigate to your application logs Look for two errors back to back pertaining to the failure of LaunchBox Send us BOTH error logs. One typically is far better use than the other and so having both just makes sure we get the one with more pertinent information. A report of your hardware could also help. If you could run msinfo32 (press Win+R and then type it in run and press enter) and get a screen grab of the first summary screen it opens to that could help us gather more hardware specific information.
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