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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. Inside of your \\LaunchBox\Themes\ folder there should be a file called "Documentation.pdf". This has all the information about the controls and their property built into LaunchBox for use with Big Box theming.
  2. When using the new FlowControl/FlowTemplate set up introduced in 11.10 by default it does the above image. You have to set the Endless property to true to get the bottom. So yes the new control in 11.10 supports your request. That being said I don't believe any theme currently uses this set up in the CoverFlow views and so you would have to theme your own to do so.
  3. Yeah I'm not sure what they are called inside of CTC itself, I just know the control it produces to play them. I assume they are label "User Controlled Video" or something similar inside of the editor though.
  4. @G22 Out of curiosity does your theme utilize a UCVideo control made available via the CTC?
  5. Open Steam. In the top right where it says your profile name. Press "View my profile page". Your page will load. Right click on the background and select "Copy Page Url" from the context menu that opens up. Then paste the link into a browser or notepad and you should see the link with the id in it.
  6. There is a Big Box option that controls the visibility of those as well (though what Neil said is usually the cause). In Big Box Options in the Images section there should be a line item called "Show Platform Fanart Images" (or something similar) make sure that box is checked.
  7. Disregard. I'm pretty confident I have found the reason for this behavior. Thanks for the report.
  8. @MazJohn [Mr Arcade] @neil9000 Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the issue you are reporting. Could either of you ensure that your debug log is on and try to use the "Launch With..." like you are describing, let it fail (or not respond) then close Big Box and send me the most recent log in your \\LaunchBox\Logs\ folder?
  9. Right now there is a bug in current build that would make your navigation wonky so would be best to wait until final release which hopefully will be out very early next week. That being said to achieve what you want you would alter PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml (or whichever view you prefer). Look for the coverFlow:Flowcontrol tag. Remove CoverFactory and ImageType properties. Add properties Columns (set to 1) and Endless (set to true). Add a FlowTemplate (see WallGamesView.xaml, or the theme documentation) and make the only control between the FlowContext tags be a single Textblock with the Text property binding of "{Binding Name}". Make sure you set a foreground color that would be visible for your theme as well.
  10. If willing, could you turn on debug logging and try to reproduce it. When it happens then close out of Big Box and PM me the most recent log file in the \\Launchbox\Logs\ folder. I'll see if there anything I can use in there to see what may be happening.
  11. Is it happening consistently for the same game (like does the same game SOMETIMES work when you come back or does it always fail)
  12. You experiencing the need to do this inside of LaunchBox or on the GamesDB website?
  13. When you see this if you don't push anything and wait a few seconds do the images show or no?
  14. Feel free to discuss it, just please do so in another thread.
  15. Another option would be to install a clean version of MAME, then add that clean version as a new emulator in LB and point to that when importing. Then after the ROMs are imported change the Arcade platform default emulator to the one you are using now and it will update the games to use it. Not ideal, but I don't know what it takes to disable the devreorder and how that burden compares.
  16. You can create a Platform Category and place playlists in those, as well as nest them to give you the ability to do what you ultimately want. Then in Big Box instead of opening to Platform view you would use Platform Category view.
  17. At this point I'm not sure the best way to proceed. You could potential create the xml file yourself that we parse and make sure it outputs correctly but I sincerely doubt that the official build has any problems doing so. To dump the XML file simply run the command line: mame -listxml > listdump.xml
  18. @bbweiners I'm not having that problem on my end, but I admit we have had several corrections to the code since the beta 6 release. @Jason Carr plans on releasing another beta today. Would it be possible for you to verify you still have the issue after that is released? Also just so I can confirm, is this happening to you while using WMP or VLC as your video backend (or both)?
  19. @Kiinkyfoxx Believe the executable should be a mame64.exe not mame.exe. Basically we are doing a command line call against that application and it reads like the XML file isn't formatted correctly when it gets it. Only time I've seen that happen is on unofficial MAME executables (though I admit I am not as well versed as most on this forums in regard to MAME).
  20. Do you still have GameDetails turned off when you see this happening?
  21. @RULLUR @Olivia232425 Did the errors you were reporting get resolved in this last push?
  22. @bbweiners Could you elaborate a bit about the animation thing you are reporting? Want to make sure I understand what is going on.
  23. @Hifihedgehog some of the features in that video are possible in this beta. Things like the grid where the video play after mouse over (see Default Theme - Wall View 2) are working in this beta.
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