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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. So, question is guys, how do we make this less confusing so that we don't have 100 people reporting this same issue once we put the official release out?
  2. Hi Sarge, I believe I sent this to you earlier today, so you should be all set.
  3. Thank you guys; I had another issue in the code that was causing it as well that I looked over with the fix last time. I'll be putting out a new beta shortly with this hopefully fixed all the way.
  4. @Charco Probably not too difficult to implement, but I imagine we'd get a bunch of disagreements on which scanlines to use and how to format them, etc. For what it's worth, it should be relatively easy to copy scanlines out of one theme and paste them into another. Truthfully though I haven't jumped on it mostly because we would probably need a bunch of configuration options for the scanlines to make everyone happy. I agree that we should do it eventually though.
  5. Hi @Wayne100, this is because we added a feature to remember views separately for each platform. I can see how it can be confusing though. You'll need to bind a key or a button to "Switch View" in the Big Box options, and then you can use that key or button to switch the view individually for each platform.
  6. @flores9 That would pretty much completely eliminate the purpose of scanning for new ROMs, since it would basically re-import everything over. Or am I misunderstanding something?
  7. Hmm. In theory, the folders shouldn't be using that format; where are you seeing that?
  8. Also, if you change the default application, it will update the Region on the game to the region of the additional app, which in effect, will make the image that is used match the region of the default application.
  9. No, it doesn't change the additional apps. What it does change is the fields directly on the game, so that that file is launched when you simply double-click the game instead of choosing a particular ROM/app.
  10. Lol. Play with the Make Default button in the Additional Applications tab, and it will start to make sense. What happens when you double-click a game is it runs the default Application Path (or ROM) for that game, from the first tab on the Add/Edit screen. That, along with other fields, are replaced to match the new default additional app when you click the Make Default button.
  11. Thanks @flores9; this is fixed in the new beta that I just put out. Duplicates are typically restricted when the name of the game is the same in the same platform *or* the file name matches a file name that is already in the collection. So checking the box just forces the importer to import them all no matter what.
  12. @cammelspit @Kevin_Flynn That's what I meant by prioritization options in the post. I actually just put out 7.7-beta-6 with those features: @DR9 We'll do something like that eventually. Closing this thread again guys because beta 6 is out.
  13. Hey all, beta 6 is out. I added prioritization features so that the various ROMs are ordered based on region and whether or not the games are "verified". I also changed the way the default applications work; there's no longer a check box on additional applications for default. Instead, you can select one from the list in the Add/Edit dialog and click the button to "Make Default", which will replace the default fields on the game to the same ones from the additional app, if that makes sense. Then, finally, there's this stuff from the change log: - Improvement: Region Priorities have moved to the General section of the Options dialog instead of the Images section, as they are now also used for prioritizing multiple ROM versions on imports - Improvement: Region Priorities are no longer a premium-only feature and are now available for free users as well, in order to support the prioritizing multiple ROM versions features At this point, I'd say that the multiple ROMs stuff is ready for more mainstream use, but of course that depends on whether you guys find any bugs lol. Oh, and I added play count to additional apps as well, and fixed a bunch of bugs.
  14. Wow, that's pretty awesome. I can't imagine how much work must be going into porting it to DOS. Windows 95/98/2000 is probably relatively easy, but DOS. Wow.
  15. Currently only the file names are used, so if the file names differ outside of anything in parenthesis or brackets, then they probably won't be combined. We are going to improve on this method here at some point, yes.
  16. Good find @locvez and @neil9000. I guess we might want to do some fuzzy logic to help out with that kind of stuff.
  17. @OmenBoy For this beta, only imports should be affected, so it should be safe enough to use otherwise. Regular backups are always a good idea though when using the betas.
  18. Thanks @Peridot, all good to know. Yes, we will have an option to manually group games in there at some point, hopefully before the official release.
  19. And a new beta is out already...
  20. And here's beta 5, finally with the start of the combine ROMs features. For this release, I wouldn't yet try to start over on imports for your collections; testing should be done in a separate installation for now. Going forward I'm planning on adding prioritization options for the default ROM to use, as well as possibly a way to migrate your existing games to merged format. I'm not sure if the migration will make it into the next official release or not, however. Anyways, on imports, there's a new option in the wizard to "combine ROMs with matching titles into a single game", and it's selected by default. Let me know how it goes guys.
  21. Odd. I did a bit more research into this. For whatever stupid reason, the support@launchbox-app.com email was only properly forwarding to our inbox half of the time it seems, ugh. I have no idea why, but I better look into it. Sorry for the trouble again @8bitsdeep and thanks for pointing it out.
  22. Sorry for that @8bitsdeep. To be completely honest it wasn't being monitored well like I thought it was, so I thought it best to take it down for now. Support is always available via Contact Us at the bottom of the page, or by email at support@launchbox-app.com. It's odd that we haven't responded; I don't know, maybe it ended up in a spam filter somehow. Very sorry for that. Anyhow, I'm happy to send you a refund. Refund is on its way shortly.
  23. Thanks, @ckp; there's really no possible way that it's affecting LaunchBox performance, but that makes sense. Thanks for the ticket.
  24. I believe I have this fixed @DOS76 for 7.7-beta-5 (which isn't out quite yet but hopefully it'll be out before the end of the day).
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