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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @appollo147, I still have this on my list to allow for different versions of DOSBox and ScummVM. As-is currently, it's not really possible outside of some hack-work. Hopefully I can get to that soon.
  2. Hi @bikeking8, I can assure you that's everything but normal, but I know that doesn't help here. It doesn't really make a lot of sense. I would try uninstalling/re-installing the .NET framework 4.5 to see if that helps. What version of Windows are you running?
  3. Sure, yeah. Sure seems like that should be there.
  4. Hey guys, yes, LaunchBox does take advantage of 64-bit environments. It runs on the .NET framework and is built to be optimized on both x86 and x64.
  5. Hi @bjwest, I do have something like this planned. I know right now it's a bit lacking for large lists of games. The page down/page up helps, but still takes too long in a lot of situations. I'll probably implement something like Hyperspin. :)
  6. Hi Ribbit, that's a great idea. So great, in fact, that it's already on the list. :) Hopefully I can tackle that soon. Big Box is overdue at this point. I'm in the process of adding EmuMovies integration, then hopefully I can get back to Big Box.
  7. Hi @Ribbit King, welcome. I haven't experimented much with Big Picture myself, but I found this thread: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/bigpicture/discussions/2/882960163727915929/ It might help out. It looks like you could create a batch file to run several commands to make it happen (maybe). Worth a shot. ;)
  8. @nathanddrews, that is an oversight that I never went back to add. You're right, there is currently no way to view all your games at once. I do have it on my list but I'll see if I can bump it up. :)
  9. Hi @alexs, welcome. First we'd have to figure out how to make ScummVM do that outside of LaunchBox. Do you know how?
  10. Yes, I mostly agree with @DOS76, but I can see how being able to delete ROMs from Big Box would be useful. I do plan on adding a way to delete ROM files from within LaunchBox, but will probably provide an option to turn it off completely. I may extend this to Big Box as well. :)
  11. Yeah, unfortunately Retroarch is annoying like that. It tries to allow you to configure your controls once and then guesses at how you'd like things configured for each platform automatically. Unfortunately though that never gives me enough control, so I end up having to re-configure it for each platform, and sometimes it's guesswork for what will ultimately be used in-game. It's annoying to say the least. But thankfully a little bit of trial and error isn't a big deal because you only have to do it once on a per-platform basis. Where it gets to *really* be a pain is when it comes to key mapping (instead of controller mapping). Most arcade controllers emulate keyboard keys instead of acting as a true controller, so the only way I've figured out how to do it is directly in the config files. That took me forever for my game cabinet, and I'm still tweaking them.
  12. Hi @bjwest, if the videos are named either by the game title or by the ROM file name, you can simply put them in the proper Videos platform folder and LaunchBox will pick them up automatically.
  13. It actually does. You can skip "unplayable" games.
  14. 5.6-beta-1 is out: - New Feature: MAME ROMs can now be filtered on import to skip clones, prefer certain regions, and/or skip hacks, prototypes, or bootleg games - Fixed: Big Box option to turn off sorting favorited items first wasn't working in some situations
  15. Hi Nathan, the main advantage is the portability. If you keep all of your emulators and ROMs inside of the LaunchBox folder, then in theory you can move the entire folder to any location on your computer or to any other computer and things should "just work". This does work for most emulators, but some use manual hardcoded paths and such and have to be configured to make it work.
  16. Just FYI, I have this fixed for the next beta that should be out later today. :)
  17. Yeah, agreed. Microsoft is getting better at dealing with low resources but of course it's just now becoming a focus for them so they're certainly still playing catch-up in that regard.
  18. Also, it's worth noting, did you try restoring a backup XML file from the Backups folder?
  19. Hi @xwing, thanks for the feedback. In the past this issue has been due to firewall issues, so please try temporarily turning off any third-party firewalls to see if that fixes the issue. The size of your library is definitely not the issue there. Unfortunately the old importer had many, many issues, so though it did work well for a lot of people, it was glitchy and did not work well over all, hence our decision to change to this method.
  20. Thank you @murs101, good to know. This admittedly is going to be very difficult to fix without having the Shield hardware on-hand, but I'll add it to my list to see if there's anything I can do. Any chance you could link me to the hardware products you're using on Amazon or similar? I'm not very familiar with nVidia Shield anything as of yet.
  21. The field will actually disappear if you set them all empty. It must still be populated somewhere. It should work to select all your games and batch edit them, select the custom field and leave the value blank; that should effectively remove the custom field. Let me know if that doesn't work. :)
  22. Thanks @haniobaid. This issue is due to putting so many values into those check box drop down lists. They don't handle it well, so I'm looking to completely revamp that dialog. It's also way to limited for the moment so I'm hoping to kill two birds with one stone.
  23. Hi @myspacee, welcome. That certainly is a challenge; you kind of have to get everything configured initially and then hopefully you should be good to go. It helps that LaunchBox is portable so you can sync between your various machines with Dropbox; this really helps with a game cabinet because you can configure things on your desktop computer and then everything will sync to your game cabinet. Also, Retroarch really helps to make some things uniform, if that's your cup of tea.
  24. That does sound like a fairly easy fix; thanks @haniobaid. I'll see if I can't add that soon, assuming that it really is just as easy as killing and restarting Explorer to fix it.
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