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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @Mute64, I'll take a look and see if there's anything I can do to fix ePSXe. In the mean time, I've had good luck with Retroarch for PS1 games, if you want to give it a shot.
  2. Hi ps4, that's still something I want to solve. Can you send me your LaunchBox.xml file? Send it to jasondavidcarr at gmail dot com. Two things to try...try disabling game controller support completely, and try disabling the image cache, and let me know if you still see high CPU usage. Can't remember if you've already done that before.
  3. Replacementdocs has come up before, I think it'd be great to have. But I don't see an API...so it would probably require scraping. I just sent a note to Sleepy who runs the place; we'll see if he'd be up for it. :)
  4. SentaiBrad said To that extent, I am unclear why the folder doesn't just say ./Console/GameName then the images. This is to support EmuMovies data, which downloads all the images into "Platform\Image Type\Game Name.jpg" paths. So this comes back to whether that format is ideal for everyone. I could provide an option to use "Platform\Game Name\Image Type.jpg" instead.
  5. Per multiple versions of the same game, the LaunchBox-recommended way of handling it is with Additional Applications, so there's only ever one actual game, though I understand the desire for separate box art per source. Unfortunately I think Source is a bit too specialized to use for the media file names.
  6. Kriven said In the other thread I did suggest the "Title (year)" method, as you have proposed above. I think that would generally work out fine, and it's a pretty similar structure to what other programs (like Kodi) already utilize. If I have multiple fanarts, will LaunchBox be able to recognize files named "Super Mario 64 (01)" "Super Mario 64 (02)" as being from the same game? That one's a challenge as well...right now it should recognize "Super Mario 641.jpg" and "Super Mario 642.jpg", though I'm not overly happy with that format. I wanted to make it as compatible as possible with people's existing libraries. How this works is up for discussion.
  7. Great to hear. We do have plans for more different layouts and such, yes, though that's a ways away, for the moment.
  8. Hi @Mute64, welcome. You are able to run a random game via the controller, but it's not exactly obvious. On a 360 controller you can press Y to bring up the top menu, then use the arrows to choose items, and press A to select. You might find Big Box Mode better suited for that, though, if you haven't played with it already. It's currently only available in the beta release, so you'll have to enable beta updates under Options. I do still need to add the random game feature to Big Box, though.
  9. @Kriven, just put out a new beta; I'm hoping this fixes the issue. Please give it a shot and let me know. Do you have a backup of your LaunchBox.xml before you eliminated the platforms? If not, I can send it back to you.
  10. @Kriven, that's good to know that it only happens with custom platforms. I still don't really understand why it's happening, but that really helps. Gonna focus on that until it's fixed. @Maddoc1007, does the file play in Windows Media Player? The Windows engine is used to play the videos, so if it has issues on your machine, or is missing codecs, that's the likely problem.
  11. Okay, hmm. Maybe an invalid image or video or something is blowing it up. Can you send me your LaunchBox.xml file for testing? Send it to jasondavidcarr at gmail dot com.
  12. Alright, the latest beta is a step forward with this. Images should now be parsed automatically from the proper folders, in addition to the previous folder structure: LaunchBox\Images\Nintendo 64\Front\Mario 64.jpg LaunchBox\Images\Arcade\Fanart\polepos2.jpg And similar. Both the title and the name of the ROM/startup file are used to parse. The folders that are used are all customizable in Manage Platforms. One key issue here is what to do with games with the exact same title, for the same platform, such as Tomb Raider (2013) vs. Tomb Raider (1996). It's not common, but in this case they are currently indistinguishable. I may end up just allowing you to override it with the year in parenthesis attached to the end of the file names. Thoughts?
  13. Hi Gordon, welcome. LaunchBox should accept a .bat file, if you put it into an actual .bat file. The other option is to leave the application startup file blank, and then put custom commands in the DOSBox.conf file. You can reduce the size of the box art with the sizer in the button bar at the bottom of the window.
  14. Hi @reely989, welcome, and thanks for the purchase. I actually just added that recently to the game details menu. ;)
  15. Okay, just put out a new beta that should hopefully fix all the lockup issues. Martin, I'm willing to bet that those issues probably all had to do with the lockup issues in the previous version. Let me know if you are still seeing any of those issues. Also included in this beta is a bunch more options in the game details to play/stop the video, play it fullscreen, etc. Finally, I've made manuals and music use the same auto-populating mechanism as the videos (just put it in the right folder with the right file name and it will automatically show up in LaunchBox). See Manage Platforms for all the new folder settings. Furthermore, images placed in the new image folders should show up now as well, though I am not moving any existing images for the moment. This piece is a harder problem to solve so I have more work to do on it to complete it. One challenge is what to do if there are two games with the same name, on the same platform (Tomb Raider 2013 vs. 199x comes to mind).
  16. Sorry, forgot to update last night. I think I've found the lockup bug as well. I'll have a new version out tonight. Sorry for the trouble. @troelsdk I'm actually trying to contact the right people at EmuMovies to make this happen. I hit them up on the forums a couple days ago. Let me know if you have any better way of getting a hold of them.
  17. ...weird. How long does it usually take to BB for you? Mine usually loads in a second or two. There are still some stability issues that I'm trying to resolve, so I guess that explains the lockup. Per the music playing simultaneously, is that happening for anyone else (it's another thing I can't reproduce...working fine on my end)? Yes, the controller settings were reset with a previous beta because we switched from using the LaunchBox controller settings to using special Big Box controller settings (new settings in addition to the LB settings). Yes, the image viewer is part of Big Box itself. Images are easy to display, but PDFs and other types of documents generally aren't as easy. But yes, agreed, that would be good to have, I've wanted that myself. I'll add it to the list and see it would take. :)
  18. Yeah, I can certainly just automatically move them, but I'm torn on whether I should do that. Also whether I should make it automatic or provide a manual process, etc. I'm also curious to know whether people really think the new format will solve the issue...I know some people probably want the images in the game folders, etc.
  19. Hi @MetaKnight, welcome. Thanks for all the feedback; I'll add it to my list. I can see how importing a collection of games for all regions without duplicates could be a real issue. Per the name in the title, I don't typically compromise on that, but if you are planning to use it for recording, I can change it to your YouTube name or whatever. Let me know.
  20. I hear you there. I've been bit by SSD issues several times from power outages. It seems that some SSDs just don't handle pulling the plug very well at all. In the worst case, I had to reinstall my entire OS. Thankfully backups are never an issue for me though, between Dropbox and Crashplan.
  21. Awesome @Kriven. I just put out another new beta; I added that image and a few others I made for Portable, Favorite, and Game Completed. Per Not Rated, I did add that image, but it only shows up for "Not Rated", "NR", or "NR - Not Rated" values. I didn't want to make it show up for blank values, because then you can't tell whether something is "Not Rated" on purpose (really hasn't been rated), or just hasn't been specified in LaunchBox. Still, you can easily batch edit to change them all to Not Rated to show the icon. Per the videos, I've changed it to be much more lenient in the title matching, so that punctuation is pretty much ignored, and it doesn't matter if it's different. I think I've solved the issue with editing the video path as well; let me know if you see any more issues with that. Solve some other issues with the videos as well, like stopping the videos on playing a game, not overlapping music and video, etc. There's plenty more options to add yet for that stuff but for the moment I just focused on making the defaults work properly.
  22. Hi Marcelo, in fact, the Premium version of LaunchBox has a feature that uses AutoHotkey to allow you to exit nearly any emulator with the controller. It's under Tools > Options. Look on the Controller AutoHotkey page.
  23. Yup, vid card and SSD. :) These days the SSDs have really come down in price and can make a huge difference for overall performance. Though, sounds like your video card (and maybe your CPU) are the likely bottlenecks.
  24. Interesting, I gave it a shot but gave up quickly. My eyes these days can't handle that for as long as they used to, it seems.
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