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Everything posted by shinra358

  1. Noticed another bug. Before unlocking BB, I have nothing set as a button for star rating. I use R3 and L3 to quit an emu. And R3 to switch views in BB. If I don't unlock BB and I press that R3 or L3 while viewing games, itll tell me about star ratings can't be set. But I don't have anything set for star ratings.
  2. Closing the vba-m emulator through bigbox causes vba-m to go to window mode first. Causing it to stay in window mode on next game play. Telling bigbox to close Vba-m with alt-f4 instead will fix this issue.
  3. Wouldnt randomized platform vids be quick and easy at this point since its already been done for startup vids (pretty much copy/paste w small edits)? Think you can smoke bomb that in?
  4. For those of you who want to stretch you gifs: Put this in UserControls before the mc line: xmlns:gif="clr-namespace:WpfAnimatedGif;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf" Then add your gif: <Image gif:ImageBehavior.AnimatedSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/PSP-XE/Images/bbc91a627613e925aea340252646d569.gif" Name="PlatformBG" Stretch="Fill" RenderTransformOrigin="0,0"> RenderTransformOrigin is the point of which your stretching is originated. So in this example, 0,0 means that stretching is coming from the top left corner of your border or whatever your image is being held in. Directly beneath the above code line (no empty lines), place this: <Image.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <ScaleTransform ScaleX="2.34" ScaleY="2.25"/> <SkewTransform/> <RotateTransform/> <TranslateTransform/> </TransformGroup> </Image.RenderTransform> </Image> ScaleX is the value that stretches the image/gif horizontally. ScaleY does the vertical stretching. Tadaaa!
  5. Havent done the background quick change for this view yet like the others but you get the idea.
  6. Gamedetailsview for platforms items?
  7. Excellent my son. Excellent.
  8. Id like if you did that pattern. Thank you.
  9. Screenzone website is dead now and I need this particular resource: See the black background? Simple gradient it isn't for if you look closely, you'll see some netting. Does anyone have this particular black background that they can upload so that I can use to make or improve other platform wheels?
  10. Anybody? Which xaml file controls the details text in-depth on the platform wheel view???
  11. That core plays both in retroarch. That's the only core I use. Edit: I manually added NEC Turbographx-CD to the associated platform and used the same core. It works now. Don't know why it didn't show up on it's own. Thanks.
  12. Same one as turbographx-16 but that one works.
  13. Turbo graphx cd games arent wrking with launchbox box but works fine in retroarch. How do i solve this problem?
  14. <transitions:TransitionPresenter TransitionSelector="{Binding DetailsTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding DetailsView}" TextBlock.FontFamily="{StaticResource FontMain}"> How or where do I change the font color of the listbox in this container? This is the details code for the details in the platform view.
  15. Star rating and add to playlist will still show in game details even when you don't have them checked in this new update.
  16. If that's so, the issue should go to the specific creator's theme page, not the launchbox bitbucket. Chances are, that theme is calling the video file a different way than the default bigbox method in order to bypass some limitations.
  17. Are ya'll sure that you have the option for the music file priority checked in bigbox?
  18. Just gnna do the category view, platform view, game wheel view, and game details view. Might do an extra one for those views that deal with skewing that one could alternate to and may do color variations (bb doesnt have color per month like psp). But thats about it. For the wall view and the like, you can use your other fav views for my missing one (bb has that feature now).
  19. Modern split glass battery juice with Grila's BB Plugin. Put it into 4 slices because of bigger rez unlike the psp one which only has 3. Used an opacity mask for the lines and the juice is still animated. Working on platform view next. Should be much easier from here. After that, the category view and that'll be it. Then one could mix and match other themes for the views that I don't use. Then I'll move on to touch functionality which I can test with my cintiq and later fixing the few parts that don't scale correctly on other rezzes. Lastly, I'll be filling in the special backgrounds and preview videos for the games that I have which will be included in the release.
  20. Yes, I had asked there: " Can you put an option in here for the battery indicator to have the divided battery juice like shown here " which meant to just have the battery juice divided. The vid was to show what the term 'divided battery juice meant'. I didn't mention color or anything else. I thought you were just going to include some opacity mask elements in your current plugin to make the juice look divided as some options. I wanted all the other options of your original. If that was a bit of trouble to your time, I dont mind donating to you for your troubles.
  21. Oh ok, so the exposed properties can also modify the border thickness like your original plugin and thicKness between the separated battery and have you choose from gradual gain/loss to blinks as well? And how do I view all exposed options?
  22. (quick photoshop) pretty much that but not just lines on top. Really segregated so that shadows can be seen underneath. I was thinking you were also going to add it to your bbcontrols plugin where it also has the options for thickness and such. I didn't think you were going to do a separate plugin. Like the ability to chose from gradual smooth drain to the psp blinking type. Or the option for the ability to have the juice separated like the psp or full. I thought you were going to do that. As it is now if I replace the current battery, the outer border is super thick without the ability to control it to make it the same sizes as the original.
  23. Got it. Had to close vs and then restart it for some reason. Now it works. Seems like adding references doesnt take effect until vs restart
  24. Excellent! Thanks Edit: Does the battery juice still have the glass look? I wanted separated battery juice but with the same glass look as default plugin.
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